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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 63及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. After you have listened once, replay each recording. Conversation One Look at the notes below You will hear a woman

2、 ordering products ORDER FORM Information of Customer Name: Mary Susan from DHA Industries Address: No. 21 (1)_Street Contact No. : (2)_ Information of Computers Type: R51 models (3)_on hard drive Quantity: (4)_ Delivery Date: Friday morning 5 Look at the notes below. You will hear a message about a

3、 man telephoning a travel agent. BOOKING FORM Name: Michael Lee Company: TNG International Flight to: Boston Departure: 17:30, Friday (5)_ Class of ticket: (6)_ Cost (return flight) : (7)_ Booking reference: (8)_ 9 Look at the notes below. You will hear a telephone conversation about ordering comput

4、ers. DISPATCH CONFIRMATION Time and date of message: 8:00 a.m. 6 January, 2008. Customers name: (9)_Wilson Items : (10)_ Time of placing order: December 28, 2007. No. of order: (11)_ Contact telephone number: 021 63678080 extension (12)_ 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five short recordings. For each r

5、ecording, decide what stage of agreement each speaker is talking about. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Stages A revising B clarifying a detail C reviewing D setting up a signing dat

6、e E signing F discussing G implementing H canceling 18 You will hear another five recordings. For each recording, decide where the speaker is. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A at t

7、he airport B at the hotel C in the house D over the telephone E in the office F at the restaurant G in the clothing shop H at the conference room 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear a job applicant talking to the Personnel Manager of a chain store. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C).

8、After you have listened once, relay the recording. 23 The job vacancy is for ( A) an Assistant Manager. ( B) a Shop Assistant. ( C) a Store Manager. 24 Mr. Robinson got his business qualifications at ( A) a university. ( B) a night school. ( C) a training centre. 25 Mr. Robinson disagreed with the M

9、anager about ( A) product promotion. ( B) customer relations. ( C) pricing policy. 26 At Town and City Stores, he deals with ( A) suppliers. ( B) secretaries. ( C) sales staff. 27 Mr. Robinson is attracted to the vacancy because it offers better ( A) career prospects. ( B) wages and bonuses. ( C) wo

10、rking conditions. 28 The American shops are currently run by ( A) American managers in America. ( B) British managers in America. ( C) British managers in Britain. 29 The new job deals with ( A) sales patterns. ( B) suppliers. ( C) customer service. 30 Mr. Robinson could start the new job in ( A) th

11、ree weeks. ( B) six weeks. ( C) eight weeks. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 63答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Man: Hello! Woman: May I speak to Mr. Golden, please? Man: Speaking. Woman: Good morning, Mr. Golden. This is Mary Susan from DHA Industries. Our company is going to buy 50 R51 model laptops. Man: 415 MG on h

12、ard drive models or 415ME optional on base models? Woman: Have you got any suggestions? Man: The kind of 415 MG on hard drive models are suitable for general use. And the 415 ME optional on base models are available upon request. Its a bit more expensive. Woman: I think I will buy the former, 415 MG

13、 hard drive model. Man: OK. When do you want them? We have this computer in stock. Woman: Thats fine. I hope the computers will arrive on Friday morning. Man: Friday morning. Where is your company located? Woman: No. 21. Rose Street, near the Fashion Store. Man: And your telephone number is? Woman:

14、72188155. Thank you. Man: Thank you for your business. 1 【正确答案】 Rose 【试题解析】 本段材料的主要内容是生意订单。根据题目设计,可以推测出听音重点分为两部分:一部分是顾客信息,另一部分则是电脑信息,也就是产品信息。在听音时要留意区分这两方面内容。此题是关于顾客地址的,在听力材料中可能以送货地址形式表现。在听力材料 最后,出现了送货地址,因此此处填Rose。 2 【正确答案】 72188155 【试题解析】 此题是针对电话号码的提问,在听音中要注意一连串数字。此信息出现在听力材料的最后。 3 【正确答案】 415MG 【试题解析

15、】 此题是关于电脑型号的填写。在听力材料中,出现了两种不同型号的电脑: 415MG和 415ME。但是后者在介绍中被客户否定了,因此只需要填入第一种。在听音中,要留心 the former以及 the latter这类词语。 4 【正确答案】 50 【试题解析】 此题是对 数量的提问,要注意听力材料中数字部分。听力原文是50 R51 model laptops,因此需要填入 50。 5 【听力原文】 Woman: Good morning. Sunshine Travel Agency. Can I help you? Man: Hello, this is Michael Lee, from

16、 TNG International. Im looking for a flight to Boston. We have an account with you. Woman: Yes, when would you like to travel? Man: At the end of the week, Thursday or Friday. Woman: Well, I checked for another customer earlier. And the Thursday flight is full, but there is space on the flight at 17

17、:30 this Friday, thats the 25th of February. Man: Friday? Yes, thats fine. Its a direct flight, isnt it? Woman: Yes, it is. Man: And how much is it ? Woman: Will you be flying economy class, sir? Man: No, I will be flying business. I understand we get a small discount for long flight. Woman: Yes, th

18、ats right. Lets see, Hong Kong to Boston, business, return? Man: Yes, return. Woman: That comes out at $1,135. Man: OK, Id like to book that, please. Woman: Certainly. Let me give the booking reference. Man: OK. Woman: Its JL5-16ZL. Man: All right. Got that. Thank you very much. 5 【正确答案】 February 25

19、th 【试题解析】 本段内容是关于订购机票的,而此题是针对飞行日期的提问,听音时需要注意此方面的词汇。但是根据实际生活的情况,对于最后的飞行日期都会反复探讨、修改。因此,要特别留意最后的日期,即为 February 25th。 6 【正确答案】 Business 【试题解析】 此题是针对航班仓位的提问,听音时需要注意此方面的词汇:经济舱: economic class;公务舱: business class;头等舱: first class。听力原文是Hong Kong to Boston, business, return,故此处填入 business。 7 【正确答案】 $1,135 【试

20、题解析】 此题是总金额的提问,听音是要注意金钱这方面的描述。听力原文中出现的是 $1,135。 8 【正确答案】 JL5-16ZL 【试题解析】 此题是对订票号的提问,听音时要注意此方面的描述。原文内容是JL5-16ZL。 9 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning. Dispatch Department. Woman: Good morning. Im Ms. Ambrosia Wilson. That is A-M-B-R-O-S-I-A. Im calling to find out whether the computers I have ordered from you

21、have been dispatched yet. Man: When did you place the order? Woman: December 28, 2007. Man: And the number of your order, please? Woman: SJA 07346. Man: Well, just a moment. Umm, yes, Ms Ambrosia, they havent been sent yet. Woman: Would you please hurry them up? Man: Well, Ill try to make arrangemen

22、ts as soon as possible. Woman: Could you call me back and tell me exactly when I can expect the goods to arrive? Man: Yes, of course. What is your telephone number, please? Woman: 021-6367-8080 extension 1899. Man: All right. Woman: Thank you very much. Goodbye. Man: Youre welcome. Bye. 9 【正确答案】 Amb

23、rosia Wilson 【试题解析】 本段材料的主要内容是生意订单 。此题是关于顾客姓名的,在听音时,要注意留心人物称呼。并记录下名字的拼写。 10 【正确答案】 computers 【试题解析】 此题是对订单内容的提问,听音时要注意是什么物品的订单。原文内容是 computers。 11 【正确答案】 SJA 07346 【试题解析】 此题是对订单号的提问,听音时要注意数字和字母的搭配。原文内容是 SJA07346。 12 【正确答案】 1899 【试题解析】 此题是针对电话号码的提问,在听音中要注意一连串数字,尤其是该题需要听分机号,也就是 extension后面的部分。 二、 PART

24、 TWO 13 【听力原文】 Man: Well, you see Ive looked through the contract several times and I think all the important items have been covered. I dont think my people will have any problem with it. For the time being, it seems that what we need to do is to set up a date to have it signed and then we can go a

25、bout putting it into effect. As far as I am concerned, we can sign the contract in a couple of days. It shouldnt take more than three days max. 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这段听力是关于合同的,原文中也多次出 现 contract一词。核心内容是拟定签合同的日期,在原文中有 what we need to do is to set up a date to have it signed and then we can go about put

26、ting it into effect目前需要做的就是签署合同,并使其生效。故选 D。 14 【听力原文】 Woman: Im satisfied with the contract as it stands. If there are no other changes to be made, lets go ahead and sign the agreement here. Sure enough, to sign it is only the first step. Theres still a long way to go. Im sure both of us wish to gai

27、n from this cooperation, then let us strengthen our ties and see that the contract is faithfully carried out. OK, now let us take the first step. 14 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 这段听力与之前的内容类似,但是相比而言,它更强调: let us take the first step,根据上文理解,第一步即是签署合同。故选 E。 15 【听力原文】 Man: As far as I see it, there are two small trou

28、ble spots in this agreement. One is the wording of our companys involvement in Paragraph Four on Page Twelve. We dont want to be held fully responsible. The other trouble spot is the wording of the last paragraph on Page Fourteen. I would take out this phrase here and replace it with “prior to the d

29、ate of delivery“. 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这段听力材料中一直提 到合同内容方面有两个问题,因此这段材料是有关修改合同的。故选 A。 16 【听力原文】 Woman: Lets go over the details of the contract. Construction will begin on the 5th of February, and we should be finished by the following January. The budget is set at 2.5 million dollars which does not inc

30、lude staff training and recruitment costs. We have $250,000 budget set aside for that. 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 听力原文第一句即是: Lets go over the details of the contract,因此,可得这段材料是关于重申细节的。故选 B。 17 【听力原文】 Man: I just had a glance at the contract drawn up by Ms. Lees office. It looks pretty good. So far I dont se

31、e any reason for any change. But still, I need to look through it once again. After Ive had a chance to review it, well have a talk. Say, I think Ill be ready tomorrow. 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 听力原文中出现: I need to look through it once again,表明这段话的中心意思是需要再次检查整个合同。故选 C。 18 【听力原文】 Woman: About my section of t

32、he marketing report. Its unlikely I can submit it over to you by Monday. Manager Wang just kills me. I think we should just ask him for more time. 18 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 根据这段听力材料的内容来看,材料说的是叙述者希望能够推迟一天时间提交自己那部分报告。由此可得这个情景多发生在办公室。故选 E。 19 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, this is Thomas Johnson. I am calling to confirm

33、my booking at your hotel. Since this time of the year you always get quite busy, I must be assured that I can be accommodated at your hotel from October 10th to October 13th. 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 通过听力原文的开头: this isI am calling to 由此可得这段材料是电话内容。故选 D。 20 【听力原文】 Woman: The dishes are delicious, arent the

34、y? What do you think? Should I accept this exchange program and head off to Japan for 3 months? Everyone I know is lining up to go there. My friend told me that if I gave up this chance, I would regret later. 20 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 虽然听力的内容是关于自己工作计划的,但是在一开头提到了dishes,由此可以推断出这个情景是在餐厅里。故选 F。 21 【听力原文】 Man:

35、I have had this new karaoke set for a week and I still dont know how to work it, even with these instructions. Can you teach me how to operate it? Come here, the karaoke set is in the living room. 21 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 听力原文的最后提到了 in the living room,这表 明此时对话发生地点是家里。故选 C。 22 【听力原文】 Woman: Although those

36、new jeans look smart, I dont want to try on a pair. Even my grandfather wouldnt want to wear a pair of those for fear of looking old. 22 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 听力材料中多次提到 jeans以及 try on (试穿 )这类词语,表明这是在一家服装店。故 选 G。 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 Woman: Er, good morning, Mr. Robinson Thank you for coming. Do have a

37、seat. Man: Oh, thank you. Woman: Right. Ive looked through your letter of application and your curriculum vitae. Uh.interesting! I see youre about thirty-seven.Well, I think Id better tell you generally about the job we have on offer here. Its an important position. Its an assistant managership repo

38、rting directly to the managing director. It covers several of the aspects of our business-supervising the purchasing of goods and deliveries, pricing,special offers and so on. Anyway, I see you have some experience with one of our main rivals. Can you tell me something about that? Man: Yes, well, er

39、, after I left school, I joined Clatons Stores as a trainee. I was twenty-one then. Woman: Yes? Man: Uh, after the initial six months trial period,they sent me to their retail training center for three months. Then I went back to the branch in Little Town. I then went to the night school for 4 years

40、 to get a diploma in commerce. Woman: Uh, yes. Man: And I did a short computer studies course at university last summer as well. Anyway I worked in the Little Town branch for another couple of years. I really enjoyed it there. But then Clatons moved me to the city center branch. And it wasnt Quite s

41、o good, Im afraid. Woman: Mmm, why was that? Man: Well, Im afraid the general manager and I had different opinions. There was a terrific downturn in retail sales six years ago. Shoppers werent spending much. Anyway I thought we ought to advertise our goods more widely to attract more customers. I ha

42、d a few ideas, but we couldnt agree on the policy. It was a pity. I had hoped to move up to the deputy assistant there. But the job was given to someone else. Woman: Mmm. Man: So I thought it was time to move on. Woman: I see. Well, uh, could you tell me what you do in your current job at, uh, ah, T

43、own and City Store, isnt it? Man: Yes, uh, Ive been there for nearly four years now. I help with store displays and promotions. And Ive also been in complete charge from time to time when the proprietors away at trade fairs and so on. But my main job is to do with the shop keepers-there are nearly s

44、ixty, mostly part-time workers. I used to supervise the cleaners and also the typists at one time too, but it became too much. Woman: So why are you looking for another job,Mr. Robinson? Man: Well, I expect you know its family firm.And theres really no chance of getting ahead.The proprietors son wil

45、l take over when Mr. Richards retires in two years. So Id like to get back into a big chain store with a number of stores where therere more opportunities for training and promotion. So I must say the working conditions at Town and City are pretty good. Woman: Right, well, thank you, Mr. Robinson. I

46、 expect you realise that our company moves its staff to different branches just like Clatons. Now how would you feel about that? Man: Sure. Thats all right for me. I was going to ask you something about that if I may? Woman: Yes, of course. Man: Well, I understand from the press that you recently op

47、ened three stores in three Americancities. Is there any possibility., uh. of being moved to one of those, after a while? Woman: Well, uh, not really. All shop staff are recruited locally in America though the stores are being managed at present directly from our head office in Britain. The plan is f

48、or total independence with locally recruited managers within five years. Man: I see. Ah, and another question was to do with this position here again. Does it involve much contact with customers? I really enjoy getting to know whats selling well, how to give the best service and so on. Woman: Yes, well, but not a great deal really.Thats generally dealt with by customer services.Ah, now as I said, its mostly dealing with our producers, checking that orders are delivered on time, checking product quality, and that sort of thing. Now, the general manager is the one who tries to u


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