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1、BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 113及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the statements below and at the definitions of five frequently-talked terms in most recent years, which have reflected the current global concerns.Which definition(A, B, Cj, D or E)does each statement(1-8)refer to?For each statement(1-8), mark one le

2、tter(A, B, C, D or E)on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.There is an example at the beginning(0).Example:0 This company has sold off some of its brands. AGlobalisation is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social, technological, cultural and

3、 political changes seen as increasing interdependence, integration and interaction between people and companies in disparate locations. As a term, “globalisation“ has been used as early as 1944 but economists began applying it around 1982. Theodore Levitt is usually credited with its coining through

4、 the article he wrote in 1983 for the Harvard Business Review entitled “Globalisation of Markets“. The more encompassing phenomenon has been perceived in the context of sociological study on a worldwide scale.BInflation risk is whether a rate of return or an investment keeps up with the rate of infl

5、ation. For example, if there is 4 percent inflation over the year, you must have 4 percent more money at the end of the year than at the beginning of the year to buy the same amount of goods and services. That means your stock need to go up in value more than 4 percent to earn a return on your inves

6、tment. Stocks have generally done very well in this category.CA Low-Carbon Economy(LCE)is an economy which has a minimal output of greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions into the biosphere, but specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Recently, most of scientific and public opinion has come t

7、o the conclusion that there is such an accumulation of GHGs(especially CO2)in the atmosphere due to anthropogenic causes, that the climate is changing. The over-concentrations of these gases is producing global warming that affects long-term climate, with negative impacts on humanity in the foreseea

8、ble future. Gobally implemented LCEs therefore, are proposed as a means to avoid catastrophic climate change, and as a precursor to the more advanced, zero-carbon society and renewable-energy economy.DA web search engine, which is commonly named as “a search engine“, is designed to search for inform

9、ation on the World Wide Web. The search results are usually presented in a list of results and are commonly called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike Web d

10、irectories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.ECultural tourism(also called culture tourism or cultural heritage tourism)is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or regions culture, specifically the

11、lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those peoples, their art, architecture, religion, and other elements that help shape their way of life. Cultural tourism includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as mu

12、seums and theatres. It can also include tourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous cultural communities(i.e. festivals, rituals), and their values and lifestyle. 1 This term is sometimes used to describe the pursuit of free market policies in the world economy. 2 This term reflec

13、ts a stocks sensibility to unexpected changes in the inflation rate. 3 This term is also referred to as Low-Fossil-Fuel Economy which is proposed to cope with climate change. 4 This term was first used in economic field 38 years later than it had been first presented. 5 This term refers to a tool us

14、ed for searching on the Internet. 6 This term has been presented to describe a popular form of entertainment for the global public. 7 This term has been presented with the purpose of protecting the global environment. 8 This term has been used in a limited sphere, and people who dont use or have nev

15、er used the Internet dont benefit from it. 二、 PART TWO 8 Read this text about the job creation cutting by private employers. Choose the best sentence form the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap(9-14), mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. T

16、here is an example at theibeginning(0). Private Employers Drastically Cut Job Creation Private employers drastically cut job creation during May 2010, according to a government report released on Friday. Initially, the report appeared to show positive trends in the job market, with 431, 000 job; bei

17、ng added across the US the highest figure since March 2000.(0)_B_ Within the private sector, only 41, 000 jobs were created. 【 P1】_ Although the 411, 000 people hired by the Census did help to boost the economy and drive down unemployment rates, these jobs will no longer exist after the Census has b

18、een completed.【 P2】 _ The survey also revealed that the number of persons employed part-time for economic reasons declined by 343, 000 in May to 8. 8 million. 【 P3】 _And now that private employers have cut job creation so severely, it seems this trend is set to continue for some time. Statistics als

19、o reinforced the lasting effects of the recession and the long road to recovery that the US labour market is still slowly travailing. 【 P4】 _And there are still approximately 15 million people who want to be working but cannot find a job. 【 P5】 _ Construction employers, for example, added 41,000 job

20、s in March and April after months of decline, but then eliminated 35,000 of these jobs in May. Wall Street viewed the latest figures as extremely disappointing.【 P6】 _ In fact, industry analysts believe that unemployment will remain high for at least two years and, according to an Associated Press-G

21、FK Poll, only one in five members of the American public considers the economy in good condition.Example: A Some sectors that were growing are now shrinking again.B On the surface the employment figures lock great, but that beauty was only skin-deep.C Therefore 431,000 jobs being added do nothing to

22、 improve the nations economy in the long run.D However, all of these jobs were in fact created merely for the purpose of the nationwide census that takes place once every 10 years.E The national unemployment rate, which is calculated using a separate household survey, fell only moderately, to 9. 7 p

23、ercent in May from 9.9 percent in April.F It is far less than the 218, 000 added in April, and the 180,000 jobs private sector employers had anticipated.G These individuals were working part-time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.H It is a poss

24、ible indicator that recovery from the recession has come to a standstill. 9 【 P1】 10 【 P2】 11 【 P3】 12 【 P4】 13 【 P5】 14 【 P6】 三、 PART THREE 14 Read the following article about team building in negotiation and the questions on the opposite page. For each question(15-20), mark one letter(A, B, C or D

25、)on your Answer Sheet. Build Your Team in Negotiation You are leading a negotiating team for your company, facing off with a major client to work out a price increase. You think youre on solid footing youve done your homework, and you know the terms youre looking for. But after some opening niceties

26、, one of your team members blurts out: “Just tell us what do we need to do to get more of your business?“ And at that moment, you know youve lost the upper hand. Gaffes like this are more common than most businesspeople would care to admit. Team members, often unwittingly, routinely undermine one an

27、other and thus their teams across-the-table strategies. We studied 45 negotiating teams from a wide array of organisations, including ones in the finance, health care, publishing, manufacturing, telecom, and nonprofit sectors. And they told us their biggest challenges came from their own side of the

28、 table. Drawing on the lessons learned from the experiences of these teams, we offer advice on how to manage the two major obstacles to a negotiating teams success: aligning the conflicting interests held by members of your own team and implementing a disciplined strategy at the bargaining table. Al

29、ign Your Own Teams Interests Its not surprising that negotiating teams wrestle with internal conflicts. After all, companies send teams to the negotiating table only when issues are political or complex and require input from various technical experts, functional groups, or geographic regions. Even

30、though team members are all technically on the same side, they often have different priorities and imagine different ideal outcomes: Business development just wants to close the deal. Finance is most concerned about costs. The legal department focuses on patents and intellectual property. Teams that

31、 ignore or fail to resolve their differences over negotiation targets, tradeoffs, concessions, and tactics will not come to the table with a coherent negotiation strategy. They risk ending up with an agreement thats good for one part of the company but bad for another. On the basis of cur research,

32、we recommend four techniques for managing conflicts of interest within the team, internal tradeoffs they must make before they can coalesce around the highest-margin proposal. Work with constituents Underlying many conflicts of interest is the simple fact that members represent different constituenc

33、ies within the organisation. People dont want to let their departments down, so they dig in on an issue important to their constituents that might not be in the best interest of the whole company. If constituents are presented with all the facts, however, they might be willing to concede more ground

34、 because theyll also see the bigger picture. To help get everyone on board with a single negotiation strategy, some leaders deliberately assemble teams that contain only individuals good at forming relationships across constituencies. Managers who dont have the luxury of choosing their team members,

35、 though, might have to go an extra mile to engage those constituencies themselves. One way is to invite important opinion leaders or decision makers to attend team planning sessions. Alternatively, team managers might have to embark on multiple rounds of bargaining with constituent departments. One

36、manager described many times he went back and forth between the customer service department, the programme managers, and the engineers. Hed say, “OK, we need you to move a little bit more and get your number down a little bit more. We are close just come this little extra bit.“ 15 What does the exam

37、ple of the first paragraph mainly want to express? ( A) People should get well-prepared before the negotiation. ( B) It is essential to form a united strategy to ensure a negotiation teams success. ( C) The negotiation teams members shouldnt talk without permission. ( D) A negotiating team needs a s

38、killed leader who can keep disagreements inside the team. 16 What are the two major obstacles for the negotiation team according to paragraph three? ( A) a unified negotiation strategy and conflicts of interests among members ( B) bad emotion and ineffective communication among team members ( C) mut

39、ual distrust and ill preparation ( D) ineffective planning and lack tactics 17 Why are there conflicts of interests among negotiation members? ( A) They dont agree with each other. ( B) They stand for different departments in the company. ( C) They have different salaries. ( D) They dont get on well

40、 with each other. 18 What does the author say about the internal conflicts of the negotiating teams? ( A) Its unusual for the negotiating teams to have internal conflicts. ( B) The internal conflicts of the negotiating teams cannot be solved. ( C) Measures should be taken to resolve the differences

41、among the team members. ( D) There is no need to tackle the differences among the team members. 19 Which of the following would be the best title for the article? ( A) How to manage your negotiating team ( B) Negotiating techniques ( C) Conflicts of interests among negotiation members ( D) The way t

42、o settle disputes among employees 20 What will be discussed in the following paragraph? ( A) The third technique for managing conflicts of interest within the negotiating team ( B) How to implement a displined strategy at the bargaining table ( C) How to avoid gaffes at the bargaining table ( D) How

43、 to be a good negotiating leader 四、 PART FOUR 20 Read the article below about corporate culture. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. For each question(21-30), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning(0). Comp

44、orate Culture A corporate culture or company s culture is its (0).D.It tells people how to do their work. It takes its signals from leaders. It 【 C1】 _ motivation, morale, creativity, and marketplace success. How do you manage it? Company culture is the【 C2】 _ personality of the organisation. It det

45、ermines how members act, how energetically they【 C3】 _ to teamwork, problem solving, innovation, customer service, productivity, and quality. It is a companys culture that makes it safe or not safe for a person, division or the whole company to 【 C4】 _ issues and solve problems, to act 【 C5】 _ new o

46、pportunities, or to move in new, creative directions. A companys culture is often at the root of difficult people-related problems such as motivation, morale, absenteeism, communications, teamwork, retention, injuries, and insurance claims. Because a companys culture affects everything in it includi

47、ng profits culture is the real bottom line. A company with a well-developed culture, open to all that its members want to bring, easily 【 C6】 _ competitors. Culture and personality are similar. When people describe a national, regional, or organisational culture they use words that can 【 C7】 _a pers

48、on. For example we might say that a culture is “friendly“ or “tough“. It might be “driven and aggressive“. It might be “active“, “analytic“, or “open“. 【 C8】 _a culture is created every time a group of people come together to form a team, a company will have many sub-cultures that exist within its m

49、ain culture. For example, the marketing and technology teams may have different worldviews, jargon, work hours, and ways to do things. A big【 C9】 _for todays company is to create a strong,【 C10】 _corporate culture that pulls all of the sub-cultures together and ensures that they can work as a unified team.Example:A quality B disposition C identity D personality 21 【 C1】 ( A) undermines ( B) emphasises ( C) underlines ( D) underlies 22 【 C2】 ( A) common ( B) distinctive ( C) i


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