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1、BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 15及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the sentences below and the five paragraphs. Which paragraph (A,B,C,D or E) does each sentence 1-8 refer to? For each sentence 1-8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E)on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. A Wor

2、kshop Workshop originally meals a room or building which contains tools or machinery for making or repairing things, especially by using wood or metal. Regarding meeting, it refers to a period of discussion or practical work or a particular subject in which a group of people learn about the abject b

3、y sharing their knowledge or experience. The distinctive feature of workshop lies in its emphasis on practical performance, he- sides the professional and academic discussions. Therefore arranged in a workshop may be many relevant activities demonstrations, displays and operations during the course

4、of presentation. For example, we can say: “Dr. Linda chaired a workshop on artificial intelligence and software development. I saw there were lots of computers and software developers gathered in that lecture hall this morning.“ B Symposium Symposium (pl, symposia/symposiums) is also a kind of meeti

5、ng, but it refers exclusively to the meeting for specialized academic discussion. At a symposium, experts, scholars, and other participants of a particular field discuss a particular subject. For instance, we may say “They are going to participate in file Second International Symposium on Teaching E

6、nglish at Tertiary Level in Hong Kong next May. The teaching of language skills, language learners styles and strategies, new technology and methodology as well as otter relevant issues will be discussed there.“ In terms of scale, a symposium may be smaller than a conference, because sometimes a con

7、ference may include several symposiums held simultaneously (as satellite symposiums). Furthermore, some meetings held by the government for political consultation can be called “political conference“ but not symposium. C Seminar Seminar is usually a class-like meeting, where participants discuss a p

8、articular topic or subject that is presented by several major speakers. Different from the general situation of a meeting, the presentations are mainly given by speakers, while other people first listen and then join them. For example, we can say “This afternoon well have a seminar on the topics pre

9、sented this morning.“ D Colloquium is sometimes a formal word for seminar. It is usually a large academic seminar like panel discussion. Colloquium is usually attended by certain invited experts or professionals in a particular field. Participants of the meeting will express their ideas and opinions

10、 around a specific topic. E Meeting Meeting is a general and summary term of various kinds of assembly of people for a particular purpose. If there are more than two persons coming together, talking and discussing, the event can be called a meeting. So we often say or hear “Lets have a meeting.“ Sin

11、ce the definition of meeting is rather extended and not clearly demarcated, it can mean any kind of gathering, pre-arranged or non arranged, formal or informal; the time can be tong or short; the scale, large or small; the participants, many or a few, and so on. To specifically clarify a meeting, th

12、erefore, the names of meeting should be further demarcated. 1 Its original meaning is to “meet with each other“, or to “put heads together.“ 2 Compared with conference, It is usually narrower and more specific in the range of topic. 3 Its emphasis on practical performance is its feature. 4 It is mor

13、e formaler than seminar. 5 It can be taken as lecturing plus discussion the discussion being a follow-up of the lecturing. 6 The attendances are certain invited professionals. 7 If you want to repair something, please go there. 8 It can be called “working conference.“ 二、 PART TWO 8 Read this text ab

14、out information-oriented society. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap g- 14, mark one fetter (A- H) on your Answer Sheet. De not use any letter more than once. New Developments for an Information-Oriented Society The astounding technological progres

15、s that is being achieved recently with electronics as the centerpiece is providing our society with sophisticated means for information processing and distribution. Information channeling technology is undergoing rapid progress and has, in reality, become a decisive factor determining the very futur

16、e of our society and economy. in our society, “information“ is gaining relatively greater significance compared with material resources. Backed by civilian factors such as diversification of philosophies of value and sophistication of needs and preferences in concert with the nations rising living s

17、tandard, Japanese society is presently undergoing changes in the extension of economic services and in the industrial structure. Meanwhile, newly coined words such as “information channeling, “ “software-based operations“ and “de-industrialization“ have come into use to make these changes tangible,

18、and whet can be said commonly in connection with these words in that. (9) . The trend toward and information-oriented society is becoming apparent even in industry, with personnel engaged in information channeling professions increasing at a fast pace recently in all sectors of industry. These trend

19、s in both society and industry have been made possible primarily through poplar acceptance of the computer, communications equipment and data processing equipment, but further reliance on sophisticated computerized systems can be seen not only in the sector of industry but also in our daily lives. (

20、10) . Information channeling is undergoing remarkable progress an various sectors of society-in industrial activities, public services and, more recently, in daily living. In the sector of industrial activities, automations is continuing with the aim of increasing productivity-introduction of comput

21、ers for process control by the manufacturing industry, end introduction of NC machine tools, industrial robots, CAD/CAM systems and, more recently, FMS by the processing and assembling industries. Meanwhile, in offices, rapid office automation is presently in progress, stimulated by the popular acce

22、ptance of computerized systems, expansion of communications networks and the remarkable technological progress achieved in related equipment such as Japanese word processors. (11) Information channeling is being utilized actively in the field of public services. For example, large-capacity computers

23、 were introduced from an early stage for the control of railway trains and for extending seat reservation services, and more recently diagnostic systems utilizing computers have become commonplace in medical care to cope with the steady an aging society, research is in progress to develop technologi

24、es related to medical information systems with the aim of improving efficiency in medical services. (12) . In the sector of administration, efficiency of clerical work is being improved through the introduction of computers, and huge volumes of administrative data are more recently being stored in d

25、ata base systems. “In the wore of these, computers have become indispensable for advancing large-scale R&D projects as in connection with space development and atomic power development, and also in the field of basic research in life sciences. (13) . To cope with civilian needs for more convenience

26、in home living and in order to meet the needs raised by growing diversification of lifestyles, active research is presently in progress to develop and commercialize new media incorporating sophisticated data processing functions for use in addition to existing media involving the television, radio a

27、nd telephone. In concert, research is being directed at developing technologies related to automation in the home. Progress of Science and Technology Supporting Information Channeling Electronic element technology, the foundation for progress of the computer as well as communications equipment, has

28、undergone a steady transition form the vacuum tube, followed with the transistor and IC, to the current LSI. Progress has been so dramatic in integration rates that, today, super LSIs integrating more than 100. 00 elements on a single circuit are being developed one after another elements on a singl

29、e circuit are being developed one after another. (14) . A The Current State of Information Channeling in Japan. B In our society, “information“ is gaining relatively greater significance compared with material re- sources. C Rapid automation and efficiency improvement are also being achieved in the

30、sector of commodity distribution through the introduction of advanced POS systems. D Dally living is also a sector in which information channeling is taking firm root. E This progress has led to remarkable improvements in system economy and reliability, leading to the successive development of micro

31、computers and elements designed for the widest range of applications. F Introduction of Information Systems in Various Sectors Sectors of Society. G This has resulted in computers today that feature performances that were unimaginable in the early days of the computer. H Regarding education, compute

32、rized systems including the CAI system and CMI system are presently being put to trial operation. 三、 PART THREE 14 Road the article about the European Monetary Union and the questions below. For each question 15 20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) for the answer you choose. With euro bills and coins

33、now circulating across much of Europe, the European Monetary Union is fully in place. The post-World War European leaders dream of an economically and politically unified continent is one large step closer to realization, and membership in the monetary union could easily grow to 20 or more countries

34、 from the current 12 as the large European Union expands to the east. A fully operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of success. There is one enormous problem: This union creates a single monetary policy for group of quite different national economies that often

35、 experience divergent business-cycle patterns. As long as business-cycle conditions differ significantly among European Monetary Union countries, there is no way for the central banks policies to avoid creating serious problems for some members. The patterns of economic ups and downs remain far more

36、 diverse in the European Monetary Union countries, and it is not clear that this will change soon. The designers of the monetary union thought that the demand of a single monetary policy, combined with free trade a mong the members, would cause cyclical conditions to converge quickly, producing a un

37、ified group of economies. A 1997 agreement also limits the power of the individual nations in the European Monetary Union to use government spending or tax cuts to ease national downturns. They can be fined if they run budget deficits of more than 3 percent of their gross domestic products. No fines

38、 have been levied yet, but the threat is there. Even if the economies of the original European Monetary Union members become more similar in their cyclical behavior, it will take far longer for the convergence to include the new member nations expected to come in within the next 10 or 15 years. The

39、chances for consensus on the Governing Council, however thin now, will become far more distant with more members representing divergent national economies. And the larger nations, like Germany, France and Italy, might well resent the power of representatives from much smaller nations to outvote them

40、 on monetary policy. All of this does not mean that the European Monetary Union is likely to fail. But clearly the arrival of the euro as the standard currency does net guarantee the unions success. 15 According to Para 1, which of the following is true? ( A) The euro has become exclusively universa

41、l currency now. ( B) The dream of a unified European union has become a reality. ( C) The European Monetary Union is affiliated to the European Onion. ( D) There are 20 member nations in the European Monetary Union. 16 The dilemma facing the European Monetary Union is the contradiction between _. (

42、A) universal policy and different economies ( B) monetary consensus and different opinions among member nations ( C) member nations serious budget deficits with the Unions restriction ( D) original member nations and new member nations 17 Which of the words below can replace the word “levied“? ( A)

43、Collected ( B) Fined ( C) Forced ( D) Asked 18 What is the main idea of Para 4? ( A) Original European Monetary Union members have become more similar in their cyclical behavior. ( B) New member nations will challenge the originals authority. ( C) Germany, France and Italy resent the joining of new

44、nations into the European Monetary Union. ( D) There are lots of difficulties to reach consensus in monetary policy. 19 From the passage, we can infer that _. ( A) all European nations are eager to become members of the European Monetary Union ( B) there is much uncertainty for the success of the eu

45、ro ( C) the euro will make critical contributions to a unified European ( D) it is not a wise idea to have the euro as a standard currency in such a hurry 20 Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? ( A) The Importance of the European Monetary Union. ( B) The Present Situation o

46、f-the European Monetary Union. ( C) The Introduction of the European Monetary Union. ( D) What is the European Monetary Union? 四、 PART FOUR 20 Read the article below about success in the business world. Choose the best word to fill in each gap. For each question 21-30, mark one letter A, B, C or D.

47、According to certain beer commercials, the contemporary version of success consists in moving up to a premium brand that costs a dime or so more per bottle. Credit-card companies would have you (21) success inheres in owning their particular piece of plastic. Under the flag of success, modern-style,

48、 liberal arts colleges are withering (22) business schools are burgeoning. and yet even business schools are having an increasingly hard time finding faculty members, because teaching isnt (23) “successful“ enough. Amid a broad consensus that there is a glut of lawyers and an epidemic of strangling

49、litigation, record numbers of young people continue to flock to law school (24) , for the individual practitioner, a law degree is still considered a safe ticket. Many, by external standards, will be “successes“. Yet there is a deadening and dangerous flaw in their philosophy: It has little room, little sympathy and less respect for the noble failure, for the person who (25) past the limits, who aims gloriously high and falls unashamedly (26) . That sort of ambition doesnt have much place in a world where success is proved by worldly reward (27)


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