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1、GMAT( VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 0 In an attempt to improve the overall performance of clerical workers, many companies have introduced computerized performance monitoring and control systems(CPMCS)that record and report a worker s computer-driven activities. However, at least one study has shown that su

2、ch monitoring may not be having the desired effect. In the study, researchers asked monitored clerical workers and their supervisors how assessments of productivity affected supervisors ratings of workers performance. In contrast to unmonitored workers doing the same work, who without exception iden

3、tified the most important element in their jobs as customer service, the monitored workers and their supervisors all responded that productivity was the critical factor in assigning ratings. This finding suggested that there should have been a strong correlation between a monitored workers productiv

4、ity and the overall rating the worker received. However, measures of the relationship between overall rating and individual elements of performance clearly supported the conclusion that supervisors gave considerable weight to criteria such as attendance,accuracy, and indications of customer satisfac

5、tion. It is possible that productivity may be a “hygiene factor, “that is, if it is too low, it will hurt the overall rating. But the evidence suggests that beyond the point at which productivity becomes “good enough“ higher productivity perhaps is unlikely to improve a rating. 1 According to the pa

6、ssage, before the final results of the study were known, which of the following seemed likely? ( A) That workers with the highest productivity would also be the most accurate. ( B) That workers who initially achieved high productivity ratings would continue to do so consistently. ( C) That the highe

7、st performance ratings would be achieved by workers with the highest productivity. ( D) That the most productive workers would be those whose supervisors claimed to value productivity. ( E) That supervisors who claimed to value productivity would place equal value on customer satisfaction. 2 It can

8、be inferred that the author of the passage discusses “unmonitored workers“(lines 14 - 15)primarily in order to ( A) compare the ratings of these workers with the ratings of monitored workers. ( B) provide an example of a case in which monitoring might be effective. ( C) provide evidence of an inappr

9、opriate use of CPMCS. ( D) emphasize the effect that CPMCS may have on workers perceptions of their jobs. ( E) illustrate the effect that CPMCS may have on workers ratings. 3 Which of the following, if true, would most clearly have supported the conclusion referred to in lines 29 32? ( A) Ratings of

10、 productivity correlated highly with ratings of both accuracy and attendance. ( B) Electronic monitoring greatly increased productivity. ( C) Most supervisors based overall ratings of performance on measures of productivity alone. ( D) Overall ratings of performance correlated more highly with measu

11、res of productivity than the researchers expected. ( E) Overall ratings of performance correlated more highly with measures of accuracy than with measures of productivity. 4 According to the passage, a “hygiene factor“(line 34)is an aspect of a workers performance that ( A) has no effect on the rati

12、ng of a workers performance. ( B) is so basic to performance that it is assumed to be adequate for all workers. ( C) is given less importance than it deserves in rating a worker s performance. ( D) if not likely to affect a workers rating unless it is judged to be inadequate. ( E) is important prima

13、rily because of the effect it has on a workers rating. 5 The primary purpose of the passage is to ( A) explain the need for the introduction of an innovative strategy. ( B) discuss a study of the use of a particular method. ( C) recommend a course of action. ( D) resolved a difference of opinion. (

14、E) suggest an alternative approach. 5 Schools expect textbooks to be a valuable source of information for students. My research suggests, however, that textbooks that address the place of Native Americans within the history of the United States distort history to suit a particular cultural value sys

15、tem. In some textbooks, for example, settlers are pictured as more humane, complex, skillful, and wise than Native American. In essence, textbooks stereotype and deprecate the numerous Native American cultures while reinforcing the attitude that the European conquest of the New World denotes the sup

16、eriority of European cultures. Although textbooks evaluate Native American architecture, political systems, and home-making, I contend that they do it from an ethnocentric, European perspective without recognizing that other perspectives are possible. One argument against my contention asserts that,

17、 by nature, text- books are culturally biased and that I am simply underestimating childrens ability to see through these biases. Some researchers even claim that by the time students are in high school, they know they cannot take textbooks literally. Yet substantial evidence exists to the contrary.

18、 Two researchers, for example, have conducted studies that suggest that childrens attitudes about particular culture are strongly influenced by the textbooks used in schools. Given this, an ongoing, careful review of how school textbooks depict Native American is certainly warranted. 6 Which of the

19、following would most logically be the topic of the paragraph immediately following the passage? ( A) Specific ways to evaluate the biases of United States history textbooks. ( B) The centrality of the teachers role in United States history courses. ( C) Nontraditional methods of teaching United Stat

20、es history. ( D) The contributions of European immigrants to the development of the United States. ( E) Ways in which parents influence childrens political attitudes. 7 The primary purpose of the passage is to ( A) describe in detail one research study regarding the impact of history textbooks on ch

21、ildren s attitudes and beliefs about certain cultures. ( B) describe revisions that should be made to United States history textbooks. ( C) discuss the difficulty of presenting an accurate history of the United States. ( D) argue that textbooks used in schools stereotype Native Americans and influen

22、ce childrens attitudes. ( E) summarize ways in which some textbooks give distorted pictures of the political systems developed by various Native American groups. 8 The author mentions two researchers studies(lines 32 36)most likely in order to ( A) suggest that childrens political attitudes are form

23、ed primarily through textbooks. ( B) counter the claim that children are able to see through stereotypes in textbooks. ( C) suggest that younger children tend to interpret the messages in textbooks more literally than do older children. ( D) demonstrate that textbooks carry political messages meant

24、to influence their readers. ( E) prove that textbooks are not biased in terms of their political presentations. 9 The authors attitude toward the content of the history textbooks discussed in the passage is best described as one of ( A) indifference. ( B) hesitance. ( C) neutrality. ( D) amusement.

25、( E) disapproval. 10 It can be inferred from the passage that the researchers mentioned in line 28 would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements? ( A) Students form attitudes about cultures other than their own primarily inside the school environment. ( B) For the most part, s

26、eniors in high school know that textbooks can be biased. ( C) Textbooks play a crucial role in shaping the attitudes and beliefs of students. ( D) Elementary school students are as likely to recognize biases in textbooks as are high school students. ( E) Students are less likely to give credence to

27、history textbooks than to mathematics textbooks. 11 The author implies that which of the following will occur if textbooks are not carefully reviewed? ( A) Children will remain ignorant of the European settlers conquest of the New World. ( B) Children will lose their ability to recognize biases in t

28、extbooks. ( C) Children will form negative stereotypes of Native Americans. ( D) Children will develop an understanding of ethnocentrism. ( E) Children will stop taking textbooks seriously. 11 Until recently, scientists did not know of a close vertebrate analogue to the extreme form of altruism obse

29、rved in eusocial insects like ants and bees, whereby individuals cooperate, sometimes even sacrificing their own opportunities to survive and reproduce, for the good of others. However, such a vertebrate society may exist among un- der ground colonies of the highly social rodent Heterocephalus glabe

30、r, the naked mole rat. A naked mole rat colony, like a beehive, wasp s nest, or termite mound, is ruled by its queen, or reproducing female. Other adult female mole rats neither ovulate nor breed. The queen is the largest member of the colony, and she maintains her breeding status through a mixture

31、of behavioral and, presumably, chemical control. Queens have been long-lived in captivity, and when they die or are removed from a colony one sees violent fighting for breeding status among the larger remaining females, leading to a takeover by a new queen. Eusocial insect societies have rigid caste

32、 systems, each insects s role being defined by its behavior, body shape, and physiology. In naked mole rat societies, on the other hand, differences in behavior are related primarily to reproductive status(reproduction being limit- ed to the queen and a few males), body size, and perhaps age. Smalle

33、r non-breeding members, both male and female, seem to participate primarily in gathering food, transporting nest mate- rial, and tunneling. Larger nonreaders are active in defending the colony and perhaps in removing dirt from the tunnels. Jarvis work has suggested that differences in growth rates m

34、ay influ- ence the length of time that an individual performs a task, regardless of its age. Cooperative breeding has evolved many times in vertebrates, but unlike naked mole rats, most cooperatively breeding vertebrates(except the wild dog, Lycaon pictus)are dominated by a pair of breeders rather t

35、han by a single breeding female. The division of labor within social groups is leas pronounced among other vertebrates than among naked mole rats, colony size is much smaller, and mating by subordinate females may not be totally suppressed, whereas in naked mole rat colonies sub- ordinate females ar

36、e not sexually active, and many never breed. 12 Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage? ( A) Naked mole rat colonies are the only known examples of cooperatively breeding vertebrate societies. ( B) Naked mole rat colonies exhibit social organization based on a rig

37、id caste system. ( C) Behavior in naked mole rat colonies may well be a close vertebrate analogue to behavior in eusocial insect societies. ( D) The mating habits of naked mole rats differ from those of any other vertebrate species. ( E) The basis for the division of labor among naked mole rats is t

38、he same as that among eusocial insects. 13 The passage suggests that Jarvis work has called into question which of the following explanatory variables for naked mole rat behavior? ( A) Size. ( B) Age. ( C) Reproductive status. ( D) Rate of growth. ( E) Previously exhibited behavior. 14 It can be inf

39、erred from the passage that the performance of tasks in naked mole rat colonies differs from task performance in eusocial insect societies in which of the following ways? ( A) In naked mole rat colonies, all tasks are performed cooperatively. ( B) In naked mole rat colonies, the performance of tasks

40、 is less rigidly determined by body shape. ( C) In naked mole rat colonies, breeding is limited to the largest animals. ( D) In eusocial insect societies, reproduction is limited to a single female. ( E) In eusocial insect societies, the distribution of tasks is based on body size. 15 According to t

41、he passage, which of the following is a supposition rather than a fact concerning the queen in a naked mole rat colony? ( A) She is the largest member of the colony. ( B) She exerts chemical control over the colony. ( C) She mates with more than one male. ( D) She attains her status through aggressi

42、on. ( E) She is the only breeding female. 16 The passage supports which of the following inferences about breeding among Lycaon pictus? ( A) The largest female in the social group does not maintain reproductive status by means of behavioral control. ( B) An individual s ability to breed is related p

43、rimarily to its rate of growth. ( C) Breeding is the only task performed by the breeding female. ( D) Breeding in the social group is not cooperative. ( E) Breeding is not dominated by a single pair of dogs. 17 According to the passage, naked mole rat colonies may differ from all other known vertebr

44、ate groups in which of the following ways? ( A) Naked mole rats exhibit an extreme form of altruism. ( B) Naked mole rats are cooperative breeders. ( C) Among naked mole rats, many males are permitted to breed with a single dominant female. ( D) Among naked mole rats, different tasks are performed a

45、t different times in an individuals life. ( E) Among naked mole rats, fighting results in the selection of a breeding female. 18 One function of the third paragraph of the passage is to ( A) state a conclusion about facts presented in an earlier paragraph. ( B) introduce information that is contradi

46、cted by information in the fourth paragraph. ( C) qualify the extent to which two previously mentioned groups might be similar. ( D) show the chain of reasoning that led to the conclusions of a specific study. ( E) demonstrate that, of three explanatory factors offered, two may be of equal significa

47、nce. GMAT( VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷 7答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中推出,在研究最终结果知晓以前,哪一点看起来正确 ?研究的最终结果在文章最后,即:生产能力若不足,会影响整 体评价;但超过 “足够 ”水平后,不能再提高评定级别。取非得: C正确,工人在生产能力最高时获得最好的表现评价。 A、 B、 D、 E皆不符上述推理。 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中推出,作者为何在 L14一 15讨论 “未受监督工人 ”?A比较两类工人评判等级。无。 B给出一个例子,说明监控的有效。不合作者目的,他在这里只是想说明两种工人的差异。 C为 CPMCS不正确的

48、应用提供证据。“inappropriate use”并不能从原文推出。 D正确。强调 CPMCS的效力可能基于工人们对其工作的理解。文章 L1421。对比了被监控和未被监控的工人把不同种因素作为工作中最重要的因素。 E描述 CPMCS的结果对工人评级有影响。无。 3 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 以下哪一个支持了 L2932的结论 ?总结这个结论:雇主看重工人的因素有很多,如出勤率、正确率、顾客满意程度。 E正确。总体表现评级与其说和生产能力,不如说和正确率尺度更相关。有效支持上述结论。 A、 B、 C、 D不合上述论述。 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 L34指出的 “健康因素 ”是指

49、工人什么样的表现 ?这种说法之后,文章马上给出 了解释。 “太低会有影响,但高出一定水平之后,就不会再有影响。 ” D正确。除非不合适,否则不会影响工人的评级。 A “no effect”太过。B “basic”, “to be adequate for all workers”与作者说法相反。 C比应得的重视程度低。不符作者态度,相反作者认为有些人高估了其作用。 E主要由于对工人评级影响才重要。无。 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 主题题型: A解释引进一新策略的必要性。无。 B正确。讨论一特殊方式应用的研究,即文中所讲 (CPMCS)这一方法,作 者对其得失给出意见。 C推荐一行动。 D解决分歧。 E给出一替代方法。均无。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 哪一个从逻辑上讲,最应是文章接下去的论述 ?文章一开始讲现在的教科书对印第安文化有偏见,后面对此观点进行具体论述,结尾说:应对当前课本如何贬低印第安人文化进行详细检查。后面肯定是继续此论题。 A正确。评判美国历史教科书的偏见的途径。 B、 C、 E全文无。 D欧洲移民对美国历史贡献。和作者态度正相反。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主题题型: A描述一研究细节。无。本文只给出研 究成果。B


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