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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 148及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 By some estimates, there are as many as 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, toiling in fa

3、rm fields, restaurant kitchens and construction sites. Theyre in the country illegally, but the employers who hire them are also breaking the law. But the presence of illegal workers on a home renovation crew, and the contractors insistence on payment in cash dont dissuade【 1】 _ clients. 【 1】 _ Plen

4、ty of employers even pay taxes and【 2】 _ on illegal workers. 【 2】_ Many workers carry fake Social Security and green cards, and when theyre hired, employers【 3】 _ those fake numbers with the federal government. 【 3】_ There is a way the employer can tell if those numbers are fake. As Chris Bentley of

5、 the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services explains, all it takes is a toll free phone call, which “allows them to. in a matter of seconds, take the information and【 4】 _ it against 450 million social security administration files, 【 4】 _ and an additional 65 million Department of Homeland Secur

6、ity files.“ But few employers make the call. The program is【 5】 _ 【 5】 _ Companies cant be held responsible for failing to spot【 6】 _ documents. 【 6】_ And although federal law【 7】 _ employing illegal workers, 【 7】 _ it is rarely enforced. Some agents oversee a huge district that includes most of Sou

7、thern California and parts of Nevada. They deal with port security, airport security, money laundering, narcotics, financial fraud, and organized crime, as well as trade in counterfeit goods, state secrets, and human beings.【 8】 _ out illegal workers is just not a major concern, 【 8】 _ unless youre

8、talking about a work site with national security implications, like Los Angeles International Airport or a nuclear plant. That situation【 9】 _ those 【 9】 _ who feel that American citizens are losing out to a black market system that lowers wages and cuts into the【 10】 _ base. 【 10】_ 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3

9、【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds

10、 to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 What was most important, according to Kofi Annan ( A) Getting the WHO work ( B) Looking at the figures and statistics and the devastation ( C) Getting the leaders speaking up ( D) Discussing the issue with the WHO and t

11、he UNAIDS 12 How did Annan see the individuals struggle through the course of the illness? ( A) He was concerned with the statistics ( B) He was concerned with the suffering and the pain ( C) He was concerned with the medication ( D) He was concerned with the UNs activities there 13 Annan hoped that

12、 the governments could increase assistance in the areas of_ ( A) treatment, funds, prevention and getting organizations involved ( B) prevention, education, treatment and getting organizations involved ( C) education, leadership, prevention and treatment ( D) treatment, education, prevention and lea

13、rdership 14 Annan was pleased with Dr. Lees approach of lying to get the AIDS medication to_ ( A) three billion people in four years ( B) three million people in four years ( C) four million people in three years ( D) three million people in five years 15 Why did Annan meet the seven top pharmaceuti

14、cal companies? ( A) He urged them to provide more medications for these countries ( B) He urged them to reduce the production of the medications ( C) He urged them to lower the prices of the medications ( D) He urged them to produce more effective medications SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In

15、this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 At first, the Queens attitude towards the mobile phones was that she felt _. ( A) annoyed ( B) angry ( C

16、) a bit of laugh ( D) somewhat confused 17 At last the Queen decided to _. ( A) hold a more splendid royal ball ( B) admit the staff to use of the mobile phones when they are on duty ( C) follow the ban of mobile phones at royal dinners ( D) get rid of the old budgie 18 In the new wave of suicide bo

17、mbings, _ have been injured and _ have been killed. ( A) more than 80; at least 180 ( B) more than 118; at least 18 ( C) more than 180; at least 80 ( D) more than 118; at least 80 19 Which place was not attacked in Saturday? ( A) Police headquarter. ( B) Hospital. ( C) Gas station. ( D) Power statio

18、n. 20 Which statement is not tree? ( A) The police said they still couldnt isolate the casualties form each site. ( B) The tanker wasnt searched by police. ( C) The tanker s driver was probably an accomplice. ( D) The tanker was parked in the center of the city. 20 The music industry, hurt by a decl

19、ine in CD sales and the continued free swapping of files on the Internet, took the drastic action last week filing more than 250 lawsuits against consumers. But whatever catharsis record executives and their lawyers may feel, the courts cannot solve the music industry s fundamental problem. Nor does

20、 the answer lie in getting people to pay for each music file they download from the Internet. Instead of clinging to late-20th-century distribution technologies, like the digital disk and the down loaded file, the music business should move into the 21st century with a revamped business model using

21、innovative technology, several industrys experts say. They want the music industry to do unto the file swapping services what the services did unto the music companies eclipse them with better technology and superior customer convenience. Their vision might be called “everywhere Internet audio“. Mus

22、ic fans instead of downloading files on KaZaA whether they were using computers, home stereos, radios or handheld devices would have access to all music the record companies hold in their vaults. Listeners could request that any song be immediately streamed to them via the Internet. If consumers cou

23、ld do this, the argument goes, they would have no interest in amassing thousands of songs on their hard drives. There would be no “theft“ of music, because no one would bother to take possession of the song. To clinch music fans loyalty to the new system, and make them willing to pay for it, the mus

24、ic companies and the supporting industry would need to provide attractively priced, easy-to-use services to give consumers full access to the hundreds of thousands of songs available to them. Consumers could still ask for song titles or artists, as they do now on KaZaA. But they could also, for exam

25、ple request rock n roll tunes like Hat that appeared for more than three weeks in Billboards Top 10 during the 1960s. Or they could ask for early 1990s guitarists that sound like Eric Clapton, or new artists similar in style to Alanis Morissette. Requests could be intricate, like asking for music su

26、bsequently recorded by the original members of the Lovins Spoonful. Or they could be simple, like requesting light jazz for dinner-party background music. The system would be interactive and could learn each users tastes. As listeners voted thumbs up or down to tunes (should they choose to), the ser

27、vice would amend their personal libraries accordingly. If it worked, it would be as if we each had our own private satellite radio channelscustomizable collection of tunes for hundreds of millions of audiences of one. It is a compelling business model, and the current music companies, as the owners

28、of the content, could be at the fore of the system. A tiny taste of such an approach is available on Internet radio networks like . On such services, listeners can essentially customize a radio station to their individual tastes. But crucial to the future of everywhere Internet audio, many believe,

29、lies in widespread wireless Internet access, because wireless means portability. “Wireless gives the record companies a chance to do it all over again, and this time get it right,“ said Jim Griffin, the former head of technology at Geffen Records and now the chief executive of the music publisher Ch

30、erry Lane Digital. Mr. Griffin is also a founder of pholist. org, home of an active online discussion of music s future on the Internet. Many of the brightest industry insiders, academies, lawyers, musicians, industry critics, broadcasters and venture capitalists assemble at pholist.org daily to deb

31、ate the music business beyond downloading. Many say wireless holds the key. Myriad portable devices already offer Internet access. Some, like the BlackBerry, maintain an always-on wireless Internet connection. Some business-oriented devices, like the Palm Tungsten, now play high-fidelity music in th

32、e MP3 format. Newer cellphones also offer MP3 functions, and include extra features like digital cameras and FM radios. The seers once thought portable devices would connect to the Internet via cellphone technology. But it now appears that Hi-Fi hotspots wireless Internet access hubs may eventually

33、provide blanket cover age in urban areas and became the dominant means of connection. But there are big obstacles to overcome. To make “everywhere Internet audio“ profitable, the music industry must develop a system to collect money from users and divide it fairly among performers, song-writers and

34、others involved in creating music. How this would work is already causing hot debate. Mr. Griffin and many others in the pholist.org discussion advocate an Internet fee that would create a revenue pool to be distributed according to song popularity. Current recording industry sales in the United Sta

35、tes work out to about $2.50 a month per person. As CDs sales declined, a digital musical surcharge, or something similar, could be assessed by Internet providers. At regular intervals, the industry could sample what music is being streamed to users, to determine the distribution of money to the resp

36、onsible parties. By using sampling, as opposed to detailed census techniques, listeners would not have to worry about invasions of their privacy. This idea would turn the recording industrys business model upside down. Institutions are genetically averse to massive change. But the payoff could be hu

37、ge. Right now, for example, the industry incurs large costs from its CD distribution model. The industry also has many intermediaries, including distributors and promoters. To take a band from obscurity to popularity is expensive, but that is what music labels must do if they want shelf space at the

38、 record store. Recording companies are in constant quest of superstars, because fewer than 10 percent of CDs released make a profit. Revenues generated by the best sellers must try to cover the losses incurred by less popular releases. In this context, the Internet could be a godsend to musicians as

39、 well. It can distribute a digital copy of a song to a few or to millions of listeners with virtually no cost difference. Music companies would have more incentive to nurture minor artists. As a society and culture, many argue, we would be much better served by such an approach. Market forces alone

40、would not produce such a system. It would take enormous industry cooperation, which could only occur with government approval, lest it be deemed a violation of antitrust laws. The need for cooperation and leadership is clear. Children should not wind up in court because they are fanatical about thei

41、r favorite pop stars. If the music industry devised an affordable, equitable, and convenient alternative to file sharing, the fans would come, money in hand. 21 According to the passage, music industry should _. ( A) continue free swapping of files on the Internet ( B) continue to use late-20th-cent

42、ury distribution technologies ( C) use more advanced technology and provide convenience to customers ( D) bring lawsuits against consumers for the music files they download from the Internet 22 It is suggested that to make fans willing to pay for the music they get from the internet, the music compa

43、nies and the related industry should do the following EXCEPT _. ( A) give them full access to the music they like ( B) provide acceptable prices ( C) satisfy their needs immediately ( D) permit them to possess the music in their own way 23 _ has tried such an approach as “everywhere Internet audio“.

44、 ( A) KaZaA ( B) ( C) pholist.org ( D) BlackBerry 24 Which of the following statements best explains “wireless holds the key“? ( A) Wireless Internet access is crucial to the development of music industry. ( B) Wireless telephone should be used universally. ( C) Wireless Internet connection is appl

45、icable without question. ( D) Wireless Internet connection will be the most profitable means of connection. 25 It can be inferred from the passage that _. ( A) CD sales are on the increase ( B) for big profits music companies would not employ minor artists if they use “everywhere Internet audio“ sys

46、tem ( C) many people assemble at pholist.org daily only to discuss downloading music on Internet ( D) the new system is applicable with government approval and industry cooperation 25 If there was one thing Americans had a right to expect from Congress, it was a federal plan to help the elderly pay

47、for prescription drugs. It is a promise that has been made again and again in particularly high decibels during the last presidential election. The House and Senate have passed bills, and although both are flawed, this page has urged Congress to finish work on them as a first step toward fulfilling

48、this longstanding commitment. Unfortunately, things have changed. The government cannot afford the program now. That is the fault of President Bush and the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. They broke the bank with their enormous tax cuts. The country is facing the largest budget deficit in history, and there is no realistic plan for getting it under control. The limited version of a prescription drug benefit now being considered in Congress would cost about $400 billion over 10 years. Older Americans had a right to expect th


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