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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 156及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 About Wetlands in the U.S.A. People enjoy a famous soup (SHE-CRAB SOUP) in North Carolina because the day

3、s of the regional soup may be getting fewer and fewer: “no wetlands, no seafood“. . The current situation of wetlands: 1) California has lost【 1】 _ of wetlands -91 percent, 【 1】 _ and the rate of loss of wetlands is an acre per minute. 2) 21 other states have losted at least half of their【 2】 _. 【 2

4、】 _ . The key value of wetlands: 1) Each acre of wetland is worth【 3】 _ more money than 【 3】_ an acre of ocean in the benefits; 2) Wetlands act like sponges and【 4】 _ like our kidney: 【 4】 _ A. filtering out hazardous materials like dirt, chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers; B. serving as large【 5

5、】 _ areas. 【 5】 _ 3) More important than ocean【 6】 _ in the diversity of species supported.【 6】 _ . The possible measures to protect wetlands: 1) Convince people to stop【 7】 _ or doing business in former wetlands;【 7】_ 2) Encourage developers and businesses to stay in【 8】 _ cities; 【 8】_ 3) Get the

6、government to stop developers from building in wetlands; 4) Raise【 9】 _ of this serious issue; 【 9】 _ 5) Protest the destruction of wetlands when we see it. . The only solution: An increase in【 10】 _ in favor of protecting wetlands, 【 10】 _ which both the builders and the government will listen. 1 【

7、 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be giv

8、en 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Paul Ray said they discovered that a clear cultural change was happening in many areas except_. ( A) peoples lives ( B) environmental issues ( C) consumption patterns ( D) media advertisements 12 According

9、to Ray, the official culture is featured by _. ( A) small government ( B) dynamic media ( C) materialism ( D) the massive support from most Americans 13 Why do cultural creatives regard themselves alone in the society? ( A) They are seldom mentioned by mass media. ( B) They dont express themselves.

10、( C) They have to sacrifice many things which are parts of their old lives. ( D) All of the above. 14 Why are there so many women among Cultural Creatives, according to Ray? ( A) Because they are not burdened so much as men. ( B) Because they are more sensitive and feel more. ( C) Because they will

11、push for change and for a better world because of their husbands. ( D) Because they have more intelligence and skills. 15 Ray said he had been an activist, involved in_. ( A) anti-discrimination movement ( B) environmental movement ( C) non-violence movement ( D) human rights movement SECTION C NEWS

12、 BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 How many people have lost their sight? ( A) 400. ( B) 137. ( C) 8. ( D) More t

13、han 20. 17 Why Chang aa is popular in poor areas? ( A) It is very cheap. ( B) It can make people highly dizzy. ( C) It provides way for poor people to escape from the misery of slum living. ( D) People who sell it can get great profit. 18 Israel threatened to carry out a military strike if_. ( A) Pa

14、lestinian declared independence ( B) Palestinian authority did not curb the militants ( C) Palestinian authority support the military activities ( D) Palestinian authority refused to join negotiation 19 Isreali troop near border with Gaza has _. ( A) entered the Gaza Strip ( B) received order to att

15、ack Palestinian militants ( C) been ordered to make preparation for possible military activities ( D) been fighting Palestinian militants fiercely 20 What happened in early Sunday? ( A) An Israeli sniper killed a Palestinian militant. ( B) Israeli troop has received order for further military activi

16、tes. ( C) Rice visited Israel. ( D) Some militants has been arrested by Israeli army. 20 According to reports in major news outlets, a study published last week included a startling discovery: the nations Jewish population is in shrinking. The study, the National Jewish Population Survey, found 5.2

17、million Jews living in the United States in 2000, a drop of 5 percent, or 300,000 people, since a similar study in 1990. Whats truly startling is that the reported decline is not tree. Worse still, the sponsor of the $6 million study, United Jewish Communities, knows it. Both it and the authors have

18、 openly admitted their doubts. They have acknowledged in interviews that the population totals for 2000 and 1990 were reached by different methods and are not directly comparable. The survey itself also cautions readers, in a dauntingly technical appendix, that judgment calls by the researchers may

19、have led to an undercount. When the research director and project director were asked whether the data should be construed to indicate a declining Jewish population, they flatly answered no. In addition, other survey researchers interviewed pointed to other studies with population estimates as high

20、as 6.7 million. Despite all this, the two figures -5.2 million now, 5.5 million then -are listed by side in the survey, leaving the impression that the population has shrunk. The result, predictably, has been a rash of headlines trumpeting the illusionary decline, in turn touching off jeremiads by r

21、abbis and moralists condemning the religious laxity behind it. Whether out of ideology, ego, incompetence or a combination of all three, the respected charity has invented a crisis. United Jewish Communities is the coordinating body for a national network of Jewish philanthropies with combined budge

22、ts of $2 billion. Its population surveys carry huge weight in shaping community policy. This is not the first time the survey has set off a false alarm. The last one, conducted by a predecessor organization, found that 52 percent of American Jews who married between 1985 and 1990 did so outside the

23、faith. That number was a fabrication produced by including marriages in which neither party was Jewish by anyones definition, including the researchers. Its publication created a huge stir, inspiring anguished sermons, books and conferences. It put liberals on the defensive, emboldened conservatives

24、 who reject full integration into society and alienated ordinary folks by the increasingly xenophobic tone of Jewish communal culture. The new survey, to its credit, retracts that figure and offers the latest survey has spawned a panic created by the last one. So why did the organization flawed figu

25、res once again? Some scholars who have studied the. survey believe the motivation then came partly out of a desire to shock straying Jews into greater observance. It s too early to tell if that s the case this time around. What is clear is the researchers did their job with little regard to how thei

26、r data could be misconstrued. They used statistical models and question formats that, while internally sound, made the new survey incompatible with the previous one. For example, this time the researchers divided the population of 5.2 million into two groups-“highly involved“ Jews and “people of Jew

27、ish background“- and posed most questions only to the first group. As a result, most findings about belief and observance refer only to a subgroup of American Jews, making comparisons to the past impossible. We can t afford to wait a decade before these figures are revised. The false population decl

28、ine must be corrected before it further sours communal discourse. The United Jewish Communities owes it to itself and its public to step forward and state plainly what it knows to be true: American Jews are not disappearing. 21 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true

29、about the National Jewish Population Survey? ( A) It found a decline of 300,000 Jews in ten years. ( B) It was carded out by United Jewish Communities. ( C) This is the first time United Jewish Communities has made mistakes in the population survey. ( D) The reported decline is not reliable. 22 How

30、does the population survey get it wrong in 2000? ( A) The population total in 2000 was reached by different method from that in 1990. ( B) There might be some problems with the judgment calls by the researchers. ( C) United Jewish Communities offered not enough financial support to the survey. ( D)

31、It is the result of the rash of headlines leaving the impression that the population has declined. 23 Rabbis and moralists consider the Jewish population decline as the result of_. ( A) Jewish negligence of their religious belief ( B) Jewish incompetence in America ( C) Jewish self-esteem ( D) the c

32、ombination of all the three above 24 It can be inferred from the passage that_. ( A) United Jewish Communities is sponsored by a single company ( B) population surveys by United Jewish Communities are important in shaping community policy of the Jewish in America ( C) the researchers did their job w

33、ith high responsibility ( D) American Jewish reject full integration into society 25 When the author is talking about the Jewish Population Survey, he seems _. ( A) to believe the shrinking of the Jews in America ( B) to support the rejection of full integration into society ( C) to blame United Jew

34、ish Communities ( D) to be willing to tolerate the fault of United Jewish Communities 25 It is difficult for an agency as old as J. Walter Thompson, which will mm 140 next year, to record some firsts at so venerable an age. But it will do just that with a rare changing of the guard. Thompson, which

35、works for blue-chip advertisers like Diageo, Ford Motor, Kellogg, Merrill Lynch, Nestl6, Pfizer and Reckitt Benckiser, will announce today that Bob Jeffrey, president for its North American operations, will be promoted to chief executive, effective Jan. 1. Mr. Jeffrey, in being named the ninth chief

36、 executive of Thompson since 1864, succeeds Peter A. Schweitzer, who will become chairman, a post that is now vacant. Mr. Schweitzer, 64, will also relinquish his duties as worldwide president to Michael Madel, now president for the Thompson operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Mr. Jeff

37、rey, 50, will become the first Thompson chief executive to have spent most of his advertising career outside the agency. He joined Thompson five years ago as president of the flagship New York office; he came from the agency now known as Lowe it was hard to be sure which gear the car was about to en

38、gage. Several times I hit fifth gear when aiming for third. Chrysler apparently anticipated this problem, as a brief warning chimes to let you know when youre in reverse. Neither the PT Cruiser convertible nor the New Beetle is perfect. But for fun in the sun or even the fall - what could be better?

39、 Both cars brought constant waves, smiles, and stories from passersby. Whats a convertible about if it isnt looking good on the road and brightening your day? 36 Those who choose Volkswagens New Beetle or Chryslers PT Cruiser are mainly interested in their_. ( A) practicality ( B) fun to drive ( C)

40、prices ( D) style 37 Which of the following statements is right? ( A) The New Beetle Convertible and the New Beetle hatchback are practically of the same model. ( B) More fun to drive means more horsepower. ( C) The New Beetle Convertible leaves people with the impression that its only a car made fo

41、r a lady. ( D) The New Beetle Convertible was uncomfortable to use in winter. 38 Which of the following is NOT among the shortcomings of Volkswagens New Beetle named by the author? ( A) Its reputation as a “chick car“. ( B) Its folded top sits above a tiny trunk, with only five cubic feet of capacit

42、y and accessible through a smaller porthole. ( C) Crank the steering into a turn and the car follows like an eager puppy. ( D) As with the New Beetle hatchback, the windshield is far away, and the wipers clear only a small slit of a view in front. 39 The PT Cruiser excels the New Beetle Convertible

43、with all the following qualities EXCEPT that_. ( A) its cutesy look ( B) the back seat is comfortable for two people, and the trunk is roomy ( C) the back seats fold forward in case you need to carry some long cargo ( D) the 220-horsepower turbocharged engine in the GT model makes the Cruiser seriou

44、sly quick, which backs up its hot-rod looks. But after that, the driving experience falls apart 40 “It was hard to be sure which gear the car was about to engage. Several times I hit fifth gear when aiming for third. Chrysler apparently anticipated this problem, as a brief warning chimes to let you

45、know when youre in reverse.“ In the last 3rd paragrap ( A) the design of the car deserves applauding ( B) the designer really cares about the drivers practical needs ( C) this problem of the PT Cruiser is quite noteworthy ( D) none of the above 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: Ther

46、e are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 41 Where is Belfast? ( A) In Ireland. ( B) In Wales. ( C) In Northern Ireland. ( D) In Scotland. 42 The capital of New Zealand is _. ( A) Canberra ( B) Ottawa ( C) Wellington ( D) Washington 43 Which of the

47、 following is NOT a U.K. newspaper? ( A) The Guardian. ( B) Christian Science Monitor. ( C) The Daily Telegraph. ( D) The Times. 44 The community college is a kind of _ colleges popular in _ to satisfy the needs of both the individual and the society. ( A) five-year; U.K. ( B) four-year; U. K. ( C)

48、three-year; U. S. ( D) two-year; U. S. 45 James Joyce was a famous _ whose masterpiece Ulysses has been highly eulogized in the Western literary world as one of the greatest works in the 20th century. ( A) essayist ( B) novelist ( C) poet ( D) playwright 46 George Gordon Byron was famous for the fol

49、lowing works except _. ( A) Child Harolds Pilgrimage ( B) Queen Mab ( C) Hours of Idleness ( D) Don Juan 47 Which of the following is Nathaniel Hawthornes most noteworthy novel in the world? ( A) Gone with the Wind. ( B) For Whom the Bell Tolls. ( C) American Tragedy. ( D) The Scarlet Letter. 48 The study o


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