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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 476及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 When Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Then the U.S (l) _ in debate. 【

3、1】 _. Roosevelt asked congress to amend the【 2】 _ Act 【 2】 _. in order to help the “non-aggressive【 3】 _.“ 【 3】 _. Most Americans now saw Hitler as a great danger to the world. Before the Hitler-Stalin pact in August, the U.S. Communist Party had favored changing the Act. Now they joined the 【 4】 _

4、and others railing against U.S. involvement in Europes war.【 4】_. The Party【 5】 _ newspaper, the Daily Worker, 【 5】 _. editorialized that the people of the world wanted peace, and the Daily Worker was suggesting that atrocities by Germanys National Socialists were no worse than British atrocities in

5、 India.In the spring of 1940, Churchill was complaining in【 6】 _ that the United States was giving Britain too little help, and isolationists in the U.S. were continuing their campaign against involvement abroad. 【 6】 _. Americans were surprised by Hitlers move westward, especially against peaceful

6、Norway. In responding to Hitlers new invasions, Roosevelt spoke of Americas anger and【 7】 _ isolationism again. 【 7】 _. In July, 1940, the Battle of Britain began. In the United States an aroused public rushed to buy【 8】 _. 【 8】 _. “God Bless America“ began being sung at sporting events, school meet

7、ings and at gatherings for bingo. In late October the U.S. began【 9】 _ men into the military. 【 9】 _. But Charles Lindbergh believed that if the United States defeated Germany, it would result in the【 10】 _ of all European civilization. 【 10】 _. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8

8、】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five

9、questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Which of the following about BBC in NOT correct? ( A) The initials BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation. ( B) Its a public corporation. ( C) The government cant control it. ( D) There are some advertising on it. 12 ITV gets its money from _. ( A)

10、investments ( B) the TV licenses ( C) advertisements ( D) the government 13 According to the conversation, what does the Open University refer to? ( A) The university broadcasts on both BBC and ITV. ( B) The university for people whove never been to university. ( C) The university for people who hav

11、e got a chance to go to university. ( D) The university run in the open fields. 14 Which of the following is not a reason for the mans not going to the cinema? ( A) It costs money. ( B) He watches only news programmes. ( C) Its a lot more trouble going out than staying at home. ( D) He only likes ol

12、d films. 15 According to the man if you watch football on TV rather than go to the match, _. ( A) you feel tile importance of tile occasion ( B) you dont lose any of the atmosphere ( C) you get a better view of the game ( D) you feel as good as in real life SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In th

13、is section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the following is NOT correct according to the news item? ( A) The seven submariners have been res

14、cued. ( B) The submarine has been trapped for five days. ( C) The Russian is grateful for British rescue efforts. ( D) The submarine has been entangled by nets and cables. 17 What is Mr Ivanov now asking President Putin to do? ( A) To give state honours to the British team. ( B) To give state honour

15、s to the submariners. ( C) To investigate into why the submarine became trapped. ( D) To investigate into why Russias Navy couldnt rescue its own men. 17 He was an old man with a white beard and huge nose and hands. Long before the time during which we will know him, he was a doctor and drove a jade

16、d white horse from house to house through the streets of Winesburg. Later he married a girl who had money. She had been left a large fertile farm when her father died. The girl was quiet, tall, and dark, and to many people she seemed very beautiful. Everyone in Winesburg wondered why she married the

17、 doctor. Within a year after the marriage she died. The knuckles of the doctors hands were extraordinarily large. When the hands were closed they looked like clusters of unpainted wooden balls as large as walnuts fastened together by steel rods.He smoked a cob pipe and after his wifes death sat all

18、day in his empty office close by a window that was covered with cobwebs. He never opened the window. Once on a hot day in August he tried but found it stuck fast and after that he forgot all about it. Winesburg had forgotten the old man, but in Doctor Reefy there were the seeds of something very fin

19、e. Alone in his musty office in the Heffner Block above the Paris Dry Goods Companys store, he worked ceaselessly, building up something that he himself destroyed. Little pyramids of truth he erected and after erecting knocked them down again that he might have the truths to erect other pyramids. Do

20、ctor Reefy was a tall man who had worn one suit of clothes for ten years. It was frayed at the sleeves and little holes had appeared at the knees and elbows. In the office he wore also a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of paper. After some weeks the scraps of

21、paper became little hard round balls, and when the pockets were filled he dumped them out upon the floor. For ten years he had but one friend, another old man named John Spaniard who owned a tree nursery. Sometimes, in a playful mood, old Doctor Reefy took from his pockets a handful of the paper bal

22、ls and threw them at the nursery man. “That is to confound you, you blithering old sentimentalist,“ he cried, shaking with laughter. The story of Doctor Reefy and his courtship of the tall dark girl who became his wife and left her money to him is a very curious story. It is delicious, like the twis

23、ted little apples that grow in the orchards of Winesburg. In the fall one walks in the orchards and the ground is hard with frost under foot. The apples have been taken from the trees by the pickers. They have been put in barrels and shipped to the cities where they will be eaten in apartments that

24、are filled with books, magazines, furniture, and people. On the trees are only a few gnarled apples that the pickers have rejected. They look like the knuckles of Doctor Reefys hands. One nibbles at them and they are delicious. Into a little round place at the side of the apple has been gathered all

25、 of its sweetness. One runs from tree to tree over the frosted ground picking the gnarled, twisted apples and filling his pockets with them. Only the few know the sweetness of the twisted apples. The girl and Doctor Reefy began their courtship on a summer afternoon. He was forty-five then and alread

26、y he had begun the practice of filling his pockets with the scraps of paper that became hard balls and were thrown away. The habit had been formed as he sat in his buggy behind the jaded grey horse and went slowly along country roads. On the papers were written thoughts, ends of thoughts, beginnings

27、 of thoughts. One by one the mind of Doctor Reefy had made the thoughts. Out of many of them he formed a truth that arose gigantic in his mind. The truth clouded the world. It became terrible and then faded away and the little thoughts began again. The tall dark girl came to see Doctor Reefy because

28、 she was in the family way and had become frightened. She was in that condition because of a series of circumstances also curious. The death of her father and mother and the rich acres of land that had come down to her had set a train of suitors on her heels. For two years she saw suitors almost eve

29、ry evening. Except two they were all alike. They talked to her of passion and there was a strained eager quality in their voices and in their eyes when they looked at her. The two who were different were much unlike each other. One of them, a slender young man with white hands, the son of a jeweler

30、in Winesburg, talked continually of virginity. When he was with her he was never off the subject. The other, a black-haired boy with large ears, said nothing at all but always managed to get her into the darkness, where he began to kiss her. For a time the tall dark girl thought she would marry the

31、jewelers son. For hours she sat in silence listening as he talked to her and then she began to be afraid of something. Beneath his talk of virginity she began to think there was a lust greater than in all the others. At times it seemed to her that as he talked he was holding her body in his hands. S

32、he imagined him turning it slowly about in the white hands and staring at it. At night she dreamed that he had bitten into her body and that his jaws were dripping. She had the dream three times, then she became in the family way to the one who said nothing at all but who in the moment of his passio

33、n actually did bite her shoulder so that for days the marks of his teeth showed. After the tall dark girl came to know Doctor Reefy it seemed to her that she never wanted to leave him again. She went into his office one morning and without her saying anything he seemed to know what had happened to h

34、er. In the office of the doctor there was a woman, the wife of the man who kept the bookstore in Winesburg. Like all old-fashioned country practitioners, Doctor Reefy pulled teeth, and the woman who waited held a handkerchief to her teeth and groaned. Her husband was with her and when the tooth was

35、taken out they both screamed and blood ran down on the womans white dress.The tall dark girl did not pay any attention. When the woman and the man had gone the doctor smiled. “I will take you driving into the country with me,“ he said. For several weeks the tall dark girl and the doctor were togethe

36、r almost every day. The condition that had brought her to him passed in an illness, but she was like one who has discovered the sweetness of the twisted apples, she could not get her mind fixed again upon the round perfect fruit that is eaten in the city apartments. In the fall after the beginning o

37、f her acquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy and in the following spring she died. During the winter he read to her all of the odds and ends of thoughts he had scribbled on the bits of paper. After he had read them he laughed and stuffed them away in his pockets to become round hard ball

38、s. 18 According to the story Doctor Reefys life seems very_. ( A) eccentric ( B) normal ( C) enjoyable ( D) optimistic 19 The story of Doctor Reefy and the girl is likened to be the twisted little apples because _. ( A) the apples have been taken from the trees by the pickers ( B) the apples grow in

39、 the orchards ( C) their story is uneasy and bumpy (困难重重的、崎岖不平的 ) just like the twisted apples ( D) only a few understand the sweetness of their story 20 The story tells us that the tall dark girl was in the family way. The phrase “in the family way“means_. ( A) troubled ( B) twisted ( C) pregnant (

40、 D) cheated 21 It can be inferred from the passage that_. ( A) the girl had known Doctor Reefy for a long time before she fell in love with him ( B) the girl and Doctor Reefy fell in love with each other at the first sight ( C) the woman and the man in the doctors office were friendly to the girl (

41、D) the woman and the man in the doctors office were unfriendly to the girl 22 The best title of the passage could be _. ( A) Doctor Reefy ( B) Doctor Reefys Miserable Life ( C) Doctor Reefys Love Story ( D) Twisted Apples 23 Doctor Reefs paper balls probably symbolize his _. ( A) eagerness to shut h

42、imself away from society ( B) suppressed desire to communicate with people ( C) optimism about life ( D) cynical attitude towards life 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 24 It is general

43、ly agreed that U.S. higher education began with the_. ( A) Civil War ( B) Independence War ( C) founding of Harvard College ( D) founding of Princeton University 25 The United States declared war on Germany on April 6,1917 because_. ( A) Germany refused to give up its submarine warfare ( B) Britain

44、and France were exhausted by the war ( C) Germany was trying to get Mexico into the war against the United States ( D) all of the above 26 William Wordsworth worshiped_most. ( A) humanity ( B) nature ( C) science ( D) politics 27 D.H. Lawrence employs _ in his masterpiece The Sons and Lovers. ( A) S

45、tream of Consciousness ( B) Oedipus Complex ( C) Existentialism ( D) Dramatic Monologue 28 Which of the following verbs is NOT formed by “back-formation“? ( A) Burgle. ( B) Peddle. ( C) Destroy. ( D) Edit. 29 studies the mathematical features of language, often employing models and concepts of mathe

46、matics. ( A) Anthropological linguistics ( B) Applied linguistics ( C) Mathematical linguistics ( D) Computational linguistics 30 Utopia is the work of _ ( A) Spenser ( B) Donne ( C) Blake ( D) More 31 The capital city of Wales is _. ( A) Cardiff ( B) Edinburgh ( C) Glasgow ( D) Manchester 32 Which

47、two speeches made Emerson famous? ( A) Nature and Essays. ( B) Representative Men and English Traits. ( C) Nature and English Traits. ( D) The American Scholar and The Divinity School Address. 33 Ireland is divided into two political parts as ( A) Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. ( B) Southern

48、 Ireland and the Repubiic of Ireland. ( C) The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. ( D) Northern Ireand and Britain. 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING they actually create more of whatever it is they seek to reduce in the first place. The boomerang effect has been achieved many times in recent years by

49、men and women of goodwill. State legislatures around the nation have recently raised the drinking age back to 21 in an effort to reduce the prevalence of violent deaths among our young people. But such policies seem instead to have created the conditions for even more campus violence. Some college st


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