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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 653及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Food and Fitness: the American Obsession Americans seem to be always in a hurry, which has become one 【 1

3、】 【 1】_ _as national impatience. This impatience is not only obvious in the streets, but also evident in American eating habits. The 【 2】 _ 【 2】_ fast food chains like McDonalds and Kentucky, which can offer fast serv- ice, can best express this impatience. As for the popularity of these fast food c

4、hains; “fast“ and“ instant“ are the very reasons. The salad bar fulfils the first 【 3】 _very well 【 3】_ and is thus welcomed. “Take Out“ food as an instant meal can be taken wherever you like, so it is very popular in American and have actually be- come an American way of life. To heat the instant f

5、ood, another invention to 【 4】 _the speed is the microwave oven. 【 4】 _ Americans eat abundant food in such an instant way that they tend to be 【 5】 _. As a result, Americans become 【 6】 _in an- 【 5】_ other problem-keeping beautiful and fit. Thus business to meet these 【 6】_ needs, like-books on die

6、ts and fitness, and Weight Watchers, develops very quickly and has made very great profits. Apart from being 【 7】 _, people would also like a firm body 【 7】_ and a young appearance, therefore, exercise has become another fixation in the last10 years. Many people, young or old, take exercises very se

7、rious-ly. And both outdoor exercise and indoor exercise are very popular, and to meet the 【 8】 _need of exercise a full line of exercise equipment 【 8】_ is invented and offered. It seems that Americans have spent no little time on diets and fitness, but how is it so many Americans 【 9】 _fat? That s

8、perhaps one of 【 9】_ the 【 10】 _of American society. However, facing to all kinds of 【 10】_ temptations, the optimistic Americans are slowly adapting the way they eat and live for a longer and healthier life. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW

9、 Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the intervie

10、w. 11 Simon Fanshawe presents different peoples opinions on British manners because_. ( A) he wants to let the audience know how people think of manners ( B) he proves that the issue of manners is a question of individual taste ( C) he thinks how people think of social manners should be diversified

11、( D) he hopes to bring the attention of the audience to the public opinion 12 According to Simon, what is the truth concerning numerous rules of dos and donts? ( A) They indicate class and status. ( B) They are trip-wires for everybody. ( C) They should be known by all. ( D) They are complicated and

12、 dull. 13 According to Simon, which of the following is NOT the purpose in keeping table manners? ( A) To share food. ( B) To reduce violence. ( C) To bring about comfort. ( D) To show off cultivation. 14 According to Simon, what is the influence of bad manners on people? ( A) People do not feel a b

13、ig deal. ( B) People feel rather humiliated. ( C) People feel shocked and hurt. ( D) People feel angry and exasperated. 15 According to Simon, when anybody is to stay in any other culture, he should do the following EXCEPT_. ( A) make clear all the detailed customs ( B) be curious and asking questio

14、ns ( C) remember the fundamentals ( D) seek ways to defuse conflict SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

15、 16 Which of the following is NOT the top country receiving foreign investment is 1991 ? ( A) Mexico. ( B) Urugray. ( C) China. ( D) Venezuela. 17 The discovery by American researchers might help them understand _. ( A) human being8 ( B) the mystery ( C) the sense of smell ( D) the space 18 Humans c

16、an distinguish about _. ( A) 10,000 different odors ( B) 10 different odors ( C) 1,000 different odors ( D) 100 different odors 18 In sixteenth-century Italy and eighteenth-century France, waning prosperity and increasing social unrest led the ruling families to try to preserve their superiority by

17、withdrawing from the lower and middle classes behind barriers of etiquette. In a prosperous community, on the other hand, polite society soon absorbs the newly rich, and in England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for leaching them the manners appropriate to their new way of l

18、ife. Every code of etiquette has contained three elements; basic moral duties; practical rules which promote efficiency; and artificial, optional graces such as formal compliments to, say, women on their beauty or superiors on their generosity and importance. In the first category are considerations

19、 for the weak and respect for age. Among the ancient Egyptians the young always stood in the presence of older people. Among the Mponguwe of Tanzania, the young men bow as they pass the huts of the elders. In England, until about a century ago, young children did not sit in their parents presence wi

20、thout asking permission. Practical rules arc helpful in such ordinary occurrences of social life as making proper introductions at parties or other functions so that people can be brought to know each other. Before the invention of the fork, etiquette directed that the fingers should be kept as clea

21、n as possible; before the handkerchief came into common use, etiquette suggested that after spitting, a person should rob the spit inconspicuously underfoot. Extremely refined behavior, however, cultivated as an art of gracious living, has been characteristic only of societies with wealth and leisur

22、e, which admitted Women as the social equals of men. After the fall of Rome, the first European society to regulate behavior in private life in accordance with a complicated code of etiquette was twelfth-century Provence, in France. Provence had become wealthy. The lords had returned to their castle

23、 from the crusades, and there the ideals of chivalry grew up, which emphasized the virtue and gentleness of women and demanded that a knight should profess a pure and dedicated love to a lady who would be his inspiration, and to whom he would dedicate his valiant deeds, though he would never come ph

24、ysically close to her. This was the introduction of the concept of romantic love, which was to influence literature for many hundreds of years and which still lives on in a debased form in simple popular songs and cheap novels today In Renaissance Italy too, in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

25、, a wealthy and leisured society developed an extremely complex code of manners, but the rules of behavior of fashionable society had little influence on the daily life of the lower classes. Indeed many of the rules, such as how to enter a banquet room, or how to use a sword or handkerchief for cere

26、monial purposes, were irrelevant to the way of life of the average working man, who spent most of his life outdoors or in his own poor hut and most probably did trot have a handkerchief, certainly not a sword, to his name. Yet the essential basis of all good manners does not vary. Consideration for

27、the old and weak and the avoidance of harming or giving unnecessary offence to others is a feature of all societies everywhere and at all levels from the highest to the lowest. 19 One characteristic of the rich classes of a declining society is their tendency to _. ( A) be more prosperous and incite

28、 community riot ( B) absorb the newly rich in order to reinforce their ruling ( C) refuse etiquette because it is a form of barrier ( D) adopt a set of etiquette which belongs to themselves exclusively 20 Which is NOT considered as an element in etiquette? ( A) ethics. ( B) pragmatism. ( C) efficien

29、cy. ( D) elegance. 21 According to the writer, part of chivalry is that _. ( A) the knight should return to his castle and live there ( B) the knight should be valiant enough to marry the lady ( C) the knight should keep his love for the lady in secret fill his death ( D) the knight should only have

30、 a courtly love with the lady 22 Handkerchief was not used by ordinary people in Renaissance Italy because _. ( A) they can spit and rub it inconspicuously underfoot ( B) it is not fashionable ( C) it is irrelevant to ceremonial purposes ( D) it is luxurious 23 The common etiquette observed by ail c

31、ommunities is to _. ( A) pay a compliment to beautiful women ( B) respect senior citizens ( C) keep fingers as clean as possible ( D) foster romantic love for a lady 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to

32、each question. 24 The Chartist Movement, though failed, was the first nationwide_and drew attention to serious problems. ( A) working class movement ( B) middle class movement ( C) upper class movement ( D) peasant movement 25 Australia has always been a continent with few people mainly because _ (

33、A) Australia is too far away from Europe. ( B) most of the continent is hot and dry. ( C) Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas. ( D) Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the worlds continents. 26 The continental United States lies in central North America with Ca

34、nada to its _, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its_. ( A) north; west ( B) south; east ( C) north; south ( D) south; north 27 The name “Canada“ is thought to be derived from “kanata“, an Indian word meaning ( A) a guitar ( B) a meeting place ( C) a settlement ( D) apiece of land 28 Australia ranks

35、first in the world export of_. ( A) wool ( B) lumber ( C) mineral ( D) wheat 29 _, written by David Herbert Lawrence, is regarded as a typical example and lively manifestation of Oedipus Complex in fiction. ( A) The White Peacock ( B) Lady Chatterleys Lover ( C) The Rainbow ( D) Sons and Lovers 30 G

36、eorge W. Bush was re-elected President of the United States as candidate of_. ( A) the Democratic Party ( B) the Republic Party ( C) the Labor Party ( D) the Conservative Party 31 The maxim of _ requires that a participant in a conversation should not say what he/she believes to be false. ( A) quant

37、ity ( B) quality ( C) manner ( D) relation 32 The famous poem A Red, Red Rose was written by _. ( A) Wordsworth ( B) Byron ( C) Burns ( D) Keats 33 The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrases, and sentencesis called_. ( A) phonology ( B) morphology ( C) syntax ( D) semantics 二、 PART IV PRO

38、OFREADING nothing the same, save the sound of running water and the songs of the cuckoos. He lay there a long time, watching the sunlight wheel till the crab - trees threw shadows over the bluebells, his only companions a few wild bees. He was not quite sane, thinking of that mornings kiss, and of t

39、onight under the apple tree. In such a spot as this fauns and dryads surely live; nymphs, white as the crab -apple blossom, retired within those trees; fauns, brown as the dead bracken, with pointed ears. lay in wait for them. The cuckoos were still calling when he woke, there was tile sound of runn

40、ing- water; but the sun had couched behind the for, the hillside was cool, and some rabbits had come out. Tonight, he thought. Just as from the earth everything was pushing up, unfolding under the soft insistent fingers of an unseen hand, so were his heart and senses being pushed, unfolded. He got u

41、p and broke off a spray from a crab-apple tree.The buds were beautiful, rose pink, wild, and fresh; and so, too, the opening flowers, white, and wild, and touching. He put the spray into his coat. And all the rush of the spring within him escaped in a triumphant sigh. But the rabbits scurried away.

42、But he had no mind for them. He was looking forward to the exciting hour. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 46 Nowadays, many people use computers to handle ordinary issues such as banking and office working, and to spend their spa

43、re time on multiple means of entertainment. Some people argue that it will make people isolated and decrease our social skills. What do you think of this ideal Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Do Computers Make People Isolated? In the first part of your essay you should slat

44、e clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to

45、follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 653答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need

46、 them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Food and Fitness: the American Obsessi

47、on The most obvious and striking trait is that Americans, especially New Yorkers, always seem to be going somewhere and always seem to be in a hurry. In New York, where the streets are usually choked with traffic, drivers try in every way to get ahead of each other, while pedestrians run through the

48、 streets often disregarding traffic signals. The longer I was in America the more I began to see this characteristic as a national impatience. Nowhere is this impatience more evident than in American eating habits. Sitting down to a leisurely meal seems to be a luxury. The rest of the time, it is quicker to serve oneself in a fast food restaurant like this one called McDonalds. McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy s are found everywhere in America. They are nationwide food chains specializing in the most popular of all foods, the hamburger. With French fries and a Coke, the meal is complete. Othe


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