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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 658及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 1. One-to-one interview: one interviewer and one candidate 2. Board interview: a group of interviewers an

3、d a single candidate 3. Group interview: a single interviewer and a group of candidates One-to-one Interview Advantages: 1. provide the most【 1】 situation 2. help the interviewer to build up a【 2】 with the candidate 3. enable the interviewer to learn more about the【 3】 and make right decisions Disad

4、vantages: 1. interviewers assessment may be affected by his positive or negative【 4】 . 2. interview may be so relaxed that the interviewer forgets to【 5】 certain questions 3. assessment by one person is not【 6】 . Board Interview Advantages: 1.【 7】 is fairer he will feel at ease and will answer quest

5、ions more fully and more naturally. In this way the interviewer is likely to find out a good deal about the candidate. In particular he will be in a good position to find out whether he would want the candidate to work with him or under him. These advantages carry with them certain disadvantages. Th

6、e interviewer may be so strongly affected by his own positive or negative feelings that he is unable to assess the candidate fairly. The interview may be so relaxed that the interviewer “forgets“ to explore certain areas: it may turn into a conversation about topics of mutual interest. The candidate

7、 himself or the interviewers organization may feel that the procedure is somewhat unfair; a prospective employee ought not to be accepted or rejected on the basis of an interview with just one person. And, of course, unless the interviewer is highly skilled, the candidate and the organization are ri

8、ght-because the best people are not necessarily going to be selected. The procedure might then be altered to include additional one-to-one interviews. The next most common type of interview is the board interview. This is usually adopted by larger bureaucratic organizations in order that the selecti

9、on procedure shall be seen to be fairer to candidates and so that people who are selected reach some kind of common standard, It also has some other advantages. A board may be more conscientious in covering all relevant areas simply because members keep a critical eye on one another. They may also b

10、e more careful in reaching a decision based on all available evidence. Often the questioning in a board interview is crisper and more relevant-partly because of the critical presence of other board member and partly because when any particular board member loses inspiration another can take over. Al

11、so an inexperienced member can learn from others about questions to ask and the standards to use. The third type of interview is what we call group interview. FADE 1 【正确答案】 natural 2 【正确答案】 relationship 3 【正确答案】 candidate 4 【正确答案】 feelings 5 【正确答案】 explore 6 【正确答案】 fair 7 【正确答案】 procedure 8 【正确答案】 r

12、elevant 9 【正确答案】 careful 10 【正确答案】 crisper SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer ea

13、ch of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 10 【听力原文】 Dr Simons: Well; as I said, there were three areas of interest, so perhaps we should take each in turn. Presenter: Fine. Lets take the medical and physical evidence first. Dr Simons: Mm. Well first of all, life expectancy. Al

14、though some very old individuals were encountered, and Rameses is a case in point-he was probably over 90 ! (Good Lord! ) It seemed tile average Egyptian died rather young. From about 30 to 35 years old on the whole, although the nobility, as might be expected, tended to live longer-some of them hav

15、e been found to be 50 or 60 years old. Well, naturally, the older they got the more medical problems were encountered, but some modern disorders have se far not been found. There is no evidence yet of any malignant tumours, for example, although the fact that most of the people studied were comparat

16、ively young could account for this. Another modern problem dental decay-was also absent, probably due to the plain diet and absence of sugar, though there was another problem with the teeth caused by the same diet. The stones on which their flour was ground caused a lot of grit to get into the break

17、 and this eroded the teeth-so much that many older people must have suffered greatly and could have been confined to a liquid diet. An abscess on the jaw caused by this kind of erosion may in fact have contributed to the death of Rameses the Second. Analysis of the internal organs of several mummies

18、 has revealed that intestinal parasites were common, even among the upper classes (Really) evidence of a generally low standard of public hygiene. And another widespread disorder was a form of anemia. Naturally, the Ancient Egyptians didnt smoke, but er lesions of the lungs were widespread. These, h

19、owever, are the sort that we associate today with workers in mines and quarries, and must be due in the case of the Egyptians, to living in sandy desert conditions. (Hm) Actually-on the smoking issue-there was a temporary sensation when traces of what appeared to be tobacco were found in Rameses, sa

20、rcophagus! But, er botanists later confirmed that it was not in fact tobacco itself, but a related plant which is native to Egypt. In the meantime, the cynics were commenting that it probably had come from the cigarette of some careless Egyptologist or museum attendant of the past! Presenter: Hah, h

21、ah and what about their physical appearance? Dr Simons: Well, very much what you would expect from seeing Egyptian art. They were light and slight in build. The average height for both men and women was about 1 metre 60-and er studies of the skeletons from which the covering of flesh can be extrapol

22、ated suggest that they weighed much less in relation to their height than most modern people-from about 10 to 15 kilograms less than someone of a similar height today is the estimate. Presenter: And what about mummification? Dr Simons: Ah well, the first thing to be said is that it wasnt always done

23、 in the same way and it was by no means infallible, as many people tend to think. Many bodies, including that of the famous king Tukanhamun, were almost entirely destroyed by overuse of one or other of the substances generally employed. The basic procedure was much the same however-most of the inter

24、nal organs, including the brain, were removed and preserved separately in a jar. The brain was got out through the nose (uh) using a sort of hook. Presenter: Oh dear! Dr Simons: Yes. It used to be thought that the heart was always removed too, but in the case of Rameses it was found in place. The bo

25、dy was then immersed in a substance called natron-thats a form of sodium carbonate-which occurred naturally in Egypt- for 40 to 70 days. It was then washed, made up and wrapped in linen bandages and placed in its coffin or sarcophagus. Then it was soaked in oils, resins and perfumes to help preserve

26、 it further. Presenter: You said the body was made up. Do you mean its face was painted? Dr Simons: Yes. Yes. Rameses was not only made up, they bad to restructure his nose, which was damaged when they took out his brain (uh). The investigators found that it had been stuffed with small animal bones-

27、and er peppercorns of all things! His hair had been dyed too. Presenter: You said that Rameses had suffered other adventures after his death? Dr Simons: Ah, well, yes, poor chap. Well, for a start, he was found in a much later tomb than his real date, along with a lot of other Pharaohs and it looks

28、very much as if the priests of later times had moved and reburied him to save him from the tomb robbers. His body was transported along with the other Pharaohs found in the same tomb, to the Cairo museum-that was in 1871 and it was put on display. Well naturally, removed from the dry desert atmosphe

29、re, his body started to deteriorate and by the 1970s was in a very poor state. That was part of the reason why the Egyptian authorities gave their consent for its temporary removal to Paris for the study-yet another upheaval! (Yes). The French experts aimed not only to carry out an investigation, bu

30、t were also able to apply the latest techniques of restoration and conservation, so that at the end of the study Rameses was specially treated and then rewrapped in new bandages well they werent exactly new since they were of ancient Egyptian date given a “new“ sarcophagus and carefully transported

31、back to Cairo where he is now kept in a controlled environment which should slow down the deterioration process. Presenter: So, as I said at the beginning, not only was science served, but a proper respect was paid to the remains in the end. Dr Simons: Exactly. 11 【正确答案】 A 12 【正确答案】 C 13 【正确答案】 D 14

32、 【正确答案】 B 15 【正确答案】 C SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 15 【听力原文】 Luxembourg goes to the polls on Sun

33、day in the last referendum on the draft of EU constitution of 2005. Luxembourgs Prime Minster Jean Claude Juncker vows to resign if the country says “no“ to the treaty, which is aimed at streamlining decision-making in Europe after the trading bloc enlarged from 15 to 25 member states. French and Du

34、tch voters have already sent a resounding “no“ to European leaders that they do not want the 448-article treaty. Opinion polls taken in July last month indicate that the poll could go either way. Opinion polls are banned during the month prior to the election. Luxembourgs parliament ratified the tre

35、aty in its first reading on June 28th, but a second reading will be axed if the voters say no. 16 【正确答案】 D 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 见第三段,原文意思是指 Ceren的建筑、手工品和农业的复杂和多样化让人吃惊,意思是文明程度相当高,由此推论,可知选 A。 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 第五段讲了,由于内战爆发,他不得不暂时离开那个地方。故选B。 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由于文章讲的是一个消失了的古文明,所以选择 A更具韵味,也更为详尽。 一、 PART

36、III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 20 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 英国国家概况 21 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 人文知识 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 呼啸山庄是艾米丽 勃朗特的作品。 夏洛特 勃朗特的代表作是Jane Eyre简 爱和 Shirley雪丽。简 奥斯汀 (Jane Austen)的代表作品有:理智与情感、傲慢与偏见

37、、爱玛、劝导。查尔斯 狄更斯是 19世纪英国批判现实主义小说家,主要作品有匹克威克外传、雾都孤儿、老古玩店、艰难时世、我们共同的朋友。萨克雷,英国作家,长篇小说名利场是萨克雷的成名作和代表作。 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查语音学知识。在美式英语和英式英语中最明显的语音区别是 “r”在单词中的不同发 音。 24 【正确答案】 C 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 英国地理。询问 Big Ben(大笨钟 )在哪个城市,答案是伦敦。 26 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 美国历史。考查卷入水门事件的美国总统。 27 【正确答案】 B 28 【正确答案】 B 29 【正确答案】

38、C 【试题解析】 名词、动词和形容词是典型的开放同类 (open class words),指可以通过合成、派生、借词和造词等产生新同的同类。 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN) Directions: Proofread the given passage. The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You shou

39、ld proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: (1)For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. (2)For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “ “ sign and write t 30 【正确答案】 将 being改为 been。 【试题解析

40、】 “have been+现在分词 ”为现在完成进行时,例如: I have been puzzling my brains about this question for weeks now对这个问题我已经苦苦思索了几个星期。 As we have been practicing regularly, we are certain of winning the game this time我们一直在练习,这次有把握一定能取胜。 31 【正确答案】 将 their改为 its。 【试题解析】 此处 its的先行词为 population,是单数,例如: Population,when unch

41、ecked, increases in a geometrical ratio Subsistence only increases in an arithmetical ratio 人口不控制会以几何级数递增,生活资料则以算术级数增加。 32 【正确答案】 将 relative改为 relatively。 【试题解析】 我们需要一个副词来修饰形容词,此处为 isolated,例如:Everything taken into account, the proposal is relatively practical通盘考虑,这个建议相对实用些。 33 【正确答案】 将 good改为 poor或

42、 bad。 【试题解析】 根据句子结构,我们可以肯定这里要表达的是 “偶尔有些年份收成不好 ”,因此要用 poor或 bad,例如: The poor harvest made wheat scarce歉收使小麦严重匮乏。 It happened that the harvest was bad in 1788碰巧在 1788年收成很差。 34 【正确答案】 删除 even as if中的 as。 【试题解析】 短语 even if作 “即使 ”讲,引导让步状语从句,例如: If the step-mother holds the spoon, what use even if the oce

43、an turns to be gruel勺子掌握在后娘手,海大的粥碗也无用。而 as if意为 “仿佛 ”,例如: It would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow把每一天都当做生命的最后一天来过,也许这是一种极好的生活准则。 35 【正确答案】 将 politics改为 political。 【试题解析】 根据结构,这里 and连接的是三个并列的形容词,因此 politics要用形容词,例如: Liberty is not a means to a higher political end

44、It is itself the highest political end自由并不是达到更高政治目标的手段,其本身就是最高政治目标。 36 【正确答案】 将 by改为 for。 【试题解析】 固定短语 for instance用来举例,例如: East is a relative term; for instance, Chicago is east of California but west of New York东表达的是一个 相对概念。比如说,芝加哥在加利福尼亚以东,而在纽约以西。 37 【正确答案】 将 double改为 doubled。 【试题解析】 此处应为现在完成时,只不过在

45、谓语动词和助动词中间加了短语more than,例如: The current had more than trebled and all the fuses had burnt电流增加了两倍,所有的保险丝都烧坏了。 38 【正确答案】 将 few改为 fewer。 【试题解析】 根据后面的并列连词 and和 more seeds,就可断定 few也应该使用比较级,例如: The probability of accidents is the greater, the smaller and more mobile tile conveyance运输工具体积越小就越机动,发生故障的可能性就越大

46、。Many people desired better working conditions and more education for their children很多人渴望孩子的工作条件更好些,受到的教育更多些。 39 【正确答案】 将 crop改为 crops。 【试题解析】 crop作 “作物,庄稼,农作物 ”讲时,是单数,例如: The farm yielded only a slender crop this year今年农场的收成很少。 The heavy rain had killed our crops大雨毁坏了我们的庄稼。 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENG

47、LISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 40 【正确答案】 The fiver was bustling with activity just then. Most boats were lying at anchor, while the rest were pulling to and fro, the former on the city side, ours naturally among them. The crowd on our side made the other side look desert

48、ed, and we could make SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 41 【正确答案】 当前,我们正在从事一次伟大的内战,我们在考验,究竟这个国家,或任何一个有这种主张和这种信仰的国家,是否能长久存在。我们在那次战争的一个伟大的战场上集合。我们来到这里,奉献那个战场上的一部分土地,作为在此地为那个国家的生存而牺牲了自己生命的人永久眠息之所。我们这样做,是十分合情 合理的。 可是,就更深一层意义而言,我们是无从奉献这片土地的 无从使它成为圣地 也不可能把

49、它变为人们景仰之所。那些在这里战斗的勇土,活着的和死去的,已使这块土地神圣化了,远非我们的菲薄能力所能左右。世人会不大注意,更不会长久记得我们在此地所说的话,然而他们将永远忘不了这些人在这里所做的事。相反,我们活着的人应该献身于那些曾在此作战的人们所英勇推动而尚未完成的工作。 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 42 【正确答案】 Brand Consciousness Nowadays some people are crazy about branded items. Why do they need or want those branded items? Do they really love the items or they just want people to love what they have? I think those who are extremely brand c


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