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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 727 及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture

2、. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Information Superhighway at Work The changes in how we communicate make it necessary to change how we th

3、ink about communication. The Information Superhighway is a new way of looking at【 1】communication. It can be broken down into four components. People are the travelers and【 2】 of the Superhighway. Many people plan, design, establish, maintain, and develop the appliances of the Superhighway. Others i

4、nvestigate the news, do the programming, and produce ideas. 【 3】 is the information on the Superhighway. It travels over the Superhighway and remains as varied as the people who send and receive it. Networks are the roadways that carry information between appliances. They are used to【 4】 data, graph

5、ics, and video across neighborhoods, states and countries. Right now, we become familiar with television, radio, telephone,【 5】 and wireless networks. Appliances are the【 6】 of the Information Superhighway. They are the devices people use to【 7】 , send, and receive information. Many appliances, such

6、 as telephones, fax machines, computers and modems, are popular nowadays. The Information Superhighway is the combination and【 8】 of all four components, and it wll connect us all and【 9】 everyone. Now, the Information Superhighway is under【 10】 , and very soon more lanes are to be added in an ever-

7、growing network of communications information, innovation, and opportunity. SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will

8、 be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 When did Post office in Britain employ cats? ( A) In 1868. ( B) In 1886. ( C) In 1898. ( D) In 1889. 12 Why were female cats usually employed by the Post Office? ( A) They could work for 24 hours a d

9、ay. ( B) They were worse hunters. ( C) They were more persistent hunters. ( D) They worked the whole night. 13 What happened to the cats if the number of mice in a post office didnt decline within 6 months? ( A) They were killed. ( B) They were punished by not to be given food. ( C) They had to chan

10、ge job. ( D) They were dismissed. 14 Why was Lucky awarded the DFC certificate? ( A) Because of the great amount of rats she caught. ( B) Because of her good manner. ( C) Because of her sudden attack on the burglars. ( D) She served for 16 years. 15 Does the Post Office still employ cats? ( A) Yes,

11、as fewer than before. ( B) Yes, but fewer than before. ( C) Yes, they are not needed any more. ( D) No, their services are discontinued. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of

12、each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 The audio-tape was shown on TV on _. ( A) Tuesday ( B) Wednesday ( C) Thursday ( D) Friday 17 The purpose of the taped message was assumed to be any of the following EXCEPT _. ( A) offering a truce to European nations ( B) estr

13、anging the European nations from the US ( C) bolstering al-Qaeda supporters ( D) condemning the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin 17 President Bush has proposed adding optional personal accounts as one of the central elements of a major Social Security reform proposal. Although many details remai

14、n to be worked out, the proposal would allow individuals who choose to do so to divert part of the money they currently pay in Social Security taxes into individual investment accounts. Individuals would have a choice of fund managers, and the return that they earn from those accounts would then par

15、tially determine the Social Security benefit they receive when they retire. Individual accounts pose a number of important and complex design and implementation issues, including how to lower the cost of administering accounts so that they do not erode the value of pensions that individuals receive

16、when they retire, how many and what kinds of fund choices should be offered, and how to engage workers in choosing funds. In the late 1990s, Sweden added a mandatory individual accounts tier to its public pension system. This policy brief examines the Swedish experience and lessons it suggests for t

17、he United States about the design and implementation challenges of individual accounts. Sweden has one of the oldest and most comprehensive public pension systems in the world. But by the 1980s, several problems with the system were becoming evident, including current funding deficits and a very lar

18、ge projected funding shortfall as Swedens population, which is among the oldest in the world, continued to age. Between 1991 and 1998, Sweden adopted a new pension system built on three fundamental elements. A new “income pension“ is intended to tie pension benefits more closely to contributions mad

19、e over the entire course of an individuals working life, while lowering the overall cost of the system; it is financed entirely by a 16 percent payroll tax. A “guarantee pension“ provides minimum income support for workers with low lifetime earnings, It is financed entirely by general government rev

20、enues and is income-tested against other public pension income. The third element is a “premium pension“ financed by a 2.5 percent payroll tax. These funds are placed in an individual investment account. Individuals have a wide variety of fund choices. To lower administrative costs, and the administ

21、rative burden on employers, collection of premium pension contributions and fund choices are centrally administered by a new government agency, the Premium Pension Authority. Deposits into pension funds are made only once a year, after complete wage records for a calendar year are available from the

22、 state tax authorities. Employees choose up to five funds from a list of funds approved by the PPA. Swedes can change their fund allocations as often as they want without charge, but the system is not designed to facilitate “day trading“switching funds often takes several days. The new pension syste

23、ms planners recognized that many workers might not make an active pension fund choice. They created a Seventh Swedish National Pension Fund to offer a default fund, called the Premium Savings Fund, for those who do not choose a fund or simply prefer to have the government invest for them. 18 What ca

24、n you learn about Bushs proposal of adding optional personal accounts? ( A) People can transfer some money from their investment accounts to the Social Security taxes. ( B) The return people earn from their accounts can decide their social benefit decisively. ( C) People can spent more on investment

25、 and meanwhile receive more benefit in the future. ( D) These accounts will determine how much people can receive in their lives. 19 Which one is not the fundamental element of the Swedish new pension system? ( A) A new income pension. ( B) Workers with low lifetime earnings can receive minimum inco

26、me support. ( C) A premium pension financed by personal income tax. ( D) A premium pension which is administered by a government agency. 20 The Premium Pension Authority _. ( A) provides several funds for employees to choose ( B) is a non-governmental agency ( C) pays the pension for people ( D) cen

27、trally administers premium pension contributions and fund choices 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 21 Which of the following novels is not written by Charlotte Bronte? ( A) Jane Eyre (

28、 B) Mary Barton ( C) Shirley ( D) Professor 22 Which of the following is considered an American masterpiece? ( A) The Last of the Mohicans. ( B) The Legand of the Sleepy Hollow. ( C) The Masque of the Red Death. ( D) Moby Dick. 23 Which of the following is an example of acronym ? ( A) UNESCO. ( B) V

29、OA. ( C) UN. ( D) VIP. 24 _ is William Shakespeare s hometown. ( A) Canterbury ( B) Stratford-on-Avon ( C) Liverpool ( D) London 25 The notion Signified vs. Signified is _ contribution. ( A) Chomskys ( B) Saussures ( C) Bloomfields ( D) Hallidays 26 In Hardys novel, Tess of the DUrbervilles, it was

30、_ that led to the heroines tragic ending. ( A) the hostile society ( B) her weakness ( C) Angel Clares selfishness ( D) her misunderstanding 27 The famous spy story books about the hero James Bond (007) are written by _. ( A) Agatha Christie ( B) Dorothy Sayers ( C) Ian Fleming ( D) Conan Doyle 28 A

31、 group of lines which are set off and form a division in a poem is called a_. ( A) verse ( B) stanza ( C) chapter ( D) line 29 The majority of poem in Lyrical Ballads were written by _. ( A) William Wordsworth ( B) John Keats ( C) S.T. Coleridge ( D) Percy Bysshe Shelley 30 The United Kingdom is loc

32、ated in ( A) northern Europe. ( B) western Europe. ( C) northwestern Europe. ( D) southeastern Europe. 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.“ What is happiness to you? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: HAPPINESS 专业英语八级模拟试卷 727 答案与解析 SE

33、CTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is ov

34、er, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Information Superhighway At Work The Information Superhighway is a new way of looking at electronic Communication. It can

35、 be broken down into four components : people, content, networks, and appliances. People are the travelers and builders of the superhighway. We travel the superhighway every time we make a phone call, receive a fax , watch TV, or search the World Wide Web. Today, in many American communities, teache

36、rs, school administators, and librarians use the Information Superhighway to find new information and materials, share ideas and lesson plans with colleagues, and bring guests and experts to their classrooms. Communities use it to relay local information and to reach out the world beyond them. Famil

37、ies send e-mail to each other, research vacation destinations, and share informations on child nutrition via the information Superhighway. The Information Superhighway also create jobs. Many people plan, design, build, maintain, and develop the networks and appliances of the superhighway. Others inv

38、estigate the news, create the programming, and come up with the ideas that make our journeys on the superhighway informative and entertaining. Content is the information on the superhighway. People created the Information Superhighway to share ideas, entertainment, and data quickly, easily, and over

39、 great distances. The content that travels over the superhighway is as varied as the people who send and receive it. It can be a comedy show transmitted over broadcast or cable television networks, or it can be an e-mail message between old friends. It can also be the voice mail of a school principa

40、l, or the online database of a small business. Today, every kind of information can be transmitted to anywhere at anytime. The content carried over the superhighway is immense and growing constantly. Are you looking for a play or a poem by Shakespeare? It s out there. You need not worry if you have

41、no time to visit a library during work hours. The Library of Congress and hundreds of other public libraries around the world are electronically open for everybody, at any time of the day or night. You can even download country profiles from the CLAs world fact book. And newspapers are making their

42、archives available on the Information Superhighway to allow readers to compile an individual collection of stories or receive a personalized copy of the paper. Networks are the roadways that carry content between appliances. When you make a phone call to a friend, it is a network that connects you.

43、Today, phone, cable, fiber-optic, and satellite networks are used to carry many different forms of information in addition to voice communication. They are used to transmit data, graphics, and video across neighborhoods, states, and countries. And these networks are connected to each other thanks to

44、 the National Information Infrastructure. The Internet includes computer networks connected by satellites, cables, and telephone wires. The Information Superhighway includes many different networks that can connect at various junctions, just as streets, state roads, and interstate highways all conne

45、ct. Right now, we are now familiar with television, radio, and telephone networks. However, fiber-optic and wireless networks are increasingly providing us with faster and more far-reaching communications. Appliances are the on-ramps of the Information Superhighway. They are the devices people use t

46、o access, send, and receive content. Many appliances, such as telephones and fax machines, are already used in homes and work places. Others, like computers and modems, are becoming increasingly more common. The Information Superhighway is the combination and interaction of all four components. Peop

47、le create content and use appliances to send and receive it over networks. And it has influenced us a lot. Beepers and cellular telephones connect doctors with their offices and patients anywhere and anytime. Cable TV brings a wealth of educational and entertainment channels into our homes. Teleconf

48、erencing allows us to talk face-to-face with colleagues and teachers across the country. In education, in business, and in private life, the Information Superhighway benefits everyone. The education community benefits from access to new and exciting resources on the information Superhighway. Teacher

49、s go online to discuss issues with colleagues and to download lesson plans. Students access information, visit places of interest around the country and the world, and use university libraries to do research. Administrators exchange ideas across the country. Parents contact teachers by voice mail or e-mail. The Information Superhighway is an excellent forum for debate, as well as a place for like-minded individuals to come together. The way we work is changing profoundly. Technology already enables networked


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