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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 733及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Time Management for College Students Time you spent in high school is totally different from that in coll

3、ege. It is a critical transition and is important for you to recognize that you are alone【 B1】 _【 B1】 _ how you spend your time. I. Differences of time spent from high school 1.【 B2】 _ time by yourself rather than others【 B2】 _ 2. having heavier workloads 3. focusing on true【 B3】 _ of a subject【 B3】

4、 _ 4. filling with conflicting【 B4】 _【 B4】 _ II. Tips of time management 1. using a【 B5】 _【 B5】 _ benefits: a)add additional structures to your schedule b)【 B6】 _ your schedule【 B6】 _ 2. planning your time a)reason: may not have enough time to accomplish all tasks b)give【 B7】 _ for each assignment【

5、B7】 _ c)reserve some time for study breaks 3.【 B8】 _ tasks: avoid over-committing your time【 B8】 _ 4. avoiding procrastinations and【 B9】 _【 B9】 _ 5. taking responsibility for time management a)take【 B10】 _and be organized .【 B10】 _ b)do not budge from the schedule 1 【 B1】 2 【 B2】 3 【 B3】 4 【 B4】 5 【

6、 B5】 6 【 B6】 7 【 B7】 8 【 B8】 9 【 B9】 10 【 B10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answe

7、r each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 What is the librarians first suggestion? ( A) To find articles on ecology. ( B) To look into some of the specilialized indexes. ( C) To look for articles published in 297 periodicals. ( D) To look for articles published from Nov

8、ember 10th, 1990 to December 28th,2000. 12 Where can Li Hua find those articles? ( A) In the Reading Room. ( B) In the Reception Room. ( C) In the Reference Room. ( D) In the Periodical Reading Room. 13 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) Current issues are kept on the shelves. ( B)

9、Back issues are bound together in volumes. ( C) The procedure of borrowing a back issue is slightly different from that of a book. ( D) Current issues of periodicals are put on microfilm. 14 Which of the following statements is fight? ( A) Microfilm is a tiny square film no bigger than your thumbnai

10、l. ( B) To borrow a microfilm you do not need to find out the call slip. ( C) You can read the materials on a microfilm directly. ( D) You must use a machine to read the material on a microfilm. 15 Where did the conversation take place? ( A) In the Reading Room. ( B) In the Reference Room. ( C) In t

11、he Reception Room. ( D) In the Periodical Room. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Richard Causey h

12、as turned on his former colleagues in hope of _. ( A) the exemption from penalty. ( B) the cooperation with prosecutors. ( C) revealing the truth about the bankruptcy. ( D) the abatement of penalty. 16 Tattoos didnt spring up with the dawn of biker gangs and rock n roll bands. Theyve been around for

13、 a long time and had many different meanings over the course of history. For years, scientists believed that Egyptians and Nubians were the first people to tattoo their bodies. Then, in 1991, a mummy was discovered, dating back to the Bronze Age of about 3,300 B.C “The Iceman,“ as the specimen was d

14、ubbed, had several markings on his body, including a cross on the inside of his knee and lines on his ankle and back. It is believed these tattoos were made in a curative effort. Being so advance, the Egyptians reportedly spread the practice of tattooing throughout the world. The pyramid-building th

15、ird and fourth dynasties of Egypt developed international nations with Crete, Greece, Persia and Arabia. The art tattooing stretched out all the way to Southeast Asia by 2,000 B.C Around the same time, the Japanese became interested in the art but only for its decorative attributes, as opposed to ma

16、gical ones. The Japanese tattoo artists were the undisputed masters. Their use of colors, perspective, and imaginative designs gave the practice a whole new angle. During the first millennium A.D., Japan adopted Chinese culture in many aspects and confined tattooing to branding wrongdoers. In the Ba

17、lkans, the Thraoians had a different use for the craft. Aristocrats, according to Herodotus, used it to show the world their social status. Although early Europeans dabbled with tattooing, they truly rediscovered the art from when the world exploration of the post-Renaissance made them seek out new

18、cultures. It was their meeting with Polynesian that introduced them to tattooing. The word, in fact is derived from the Polynesian word tattau, which means “to mark“. Most of the early uses of tattoos were ornamental. However, a number of civilizations had practical applications for this craft. The

19、Goths, a tribe of Germanic barbarians famous for pillaging Roman settlements, used tattoos to mark their slaves. Romans did the same with slaves and criminals. In Tahiti, tattoos were a rite of passage and told the history of the persons life. Reaching adulthood, boys got one tattoo to commemorate t

20、he event. Men were marked with another style when they got married. Later, tattoos became the souvenir of choice for globetrotting sailors. Whenever they would reach an exotic locale, they would get a new tattoo to mark the occasion. A dragon was a famous style that meant the sailor had reached a “C

21、hina station.“ At first, sailors would spend their free time on the ship tattooing themselves and their mates. Soon after, tattoo parlors were set up in the area, surrounding ports worldwide. In the middle of the 19th century, police officials believed that half of the criminal underworld in New Yor

22、k City had tattoos. Port areas were renowned for being rough places full of sailors that were guilty of some crime or another. This is most likely how tattoos got such a bad reputation and became associated with rebels and delinquents. 17 According to the passage, tattoos were adopted for all of the

23、 following purposes EXCEPT_. ( A) To treat the disease ( B) To challenge social mores ( C) To record the footprints of ones life ( D) To adorn oneself 18 Tattoo was believed to be created_. ( A) together with biker gangs and rock “n“ roll bands ( B) in 1991 when a mummy was discovered ( C) firstly i

24、n Southeast Asia by 2,000 B.C. ( D) by Egyptians and Nubians 19 In Japan, tattoos were accepted as_. ( A) a means of ornament ( B) a symbol of magical power ( C) a way of communication ( D) a sign of success 20 Which of the following statement is true according to the passage? ( A) Both China and Ja

25、pan confined tattooing to marking criminals. ( B) Romans used tattoos for decoration. ( C) Sailors took tattoos as the gift for their friends and relatives. ( D) Tattoo parlors were usually found in downtown areas. 21 Why did tattoos become associated with rebels and delinquents in New York? ( A) Be

26、cause in the middle of the 19th century, criminals were usually tattooed by the government. ( B) Because sailors had tattoos and some of the sailors were guilty of some crime or another. ( C) Because tattoos were the marks for the members of certain organizations. ( D) Because Port authorities requi

27、red the sailors to wear tattoos. 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 What factors influence the climate in Britain? ( A) A warm current which passes through Britain. ( B) The Westerlie

28、s which blow over the country. ( C) The surrounding waters. ( D) All of the above. 23 What were the causes of the War of Independence? ( A) The development of colonial economy led to demand for more power to determine their own business. ( B) The cruel exploitation of the colonies by the British gov

29、ernment. ( C) The sale of tea in the colonies. ( D) Both A and B 24 Which is the largest freshwater lake in the United States? ( A) Lake Huron. ( B) Lake Erie. ( C) Lake Ontario. ( D) Lake Superior. 25 The capital of New Zealand is_. ( A) Auckland ( B) Canberra ( C) Melbourne ( D) Wellington 26 Aust

30、ralia is the worlds largest exporter of ( A) wheat. ( B) wool. ( C) meat. ( D) dairy products. 27 _ is the largest city and one of the chief ports of the United States. ( A) Chicago ( B) New York City ( C) Detroit ( D) San Francisco 28 Chinese is a _ language. ( A) intonation ( B) tone ( C) stress (

31、 D) pitch 29 The pair of words “buy“ and “sell“ are _. ( A) gradable opposites ( B) relational opposites ( C) complementary opposites ( D) contradictory opposites 30 Though rather young in comparison with some others, _ is the biggest university in England. ( A) The University of Manchester ( B) The

32、 University of Wales ( C) The University of Edinburgh ( D) The University of London 31 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was written by_. ( A) T. S. Eliot ( B) W.B. Yeats ( C) D. H. Lawrence ( D) Wystan Hugh Aden 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING the morals of the military class-absence of all independence,

33、 that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, and drunkenness. And in spite of all that, it is the highest class, respected by every one. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 44 Some Chinese athletes have been awarde

34、d a lot of money for their huge success at the Athens Olympic Games and they have become the focus of the media. However, some people hold that too much money and public attention would spoil these successful athletes. Write an essay of about 400 words on the topic given below to support this view w

35、ith your own ideas. TOO MUCH MONEY AND PUBLIC ATTENTION WOULD SPOIL A SUCCESSFUL ATHLETE In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you hav

36、e written to a natural conclusion-or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 733答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In thi

37、s section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to ch

38、eck your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Time Management for College Students Good morning, everyone. Today Im going to talk about time management in college for you. In college, as with life in genera

39、l, there never seems to be enough time to go around. One of the most difficult challenges you will face as you make the transition from high school to college is to recognize and deal constructively with the fact that you, and you alone, are now in charge of determining how your valuable time is spe

40、nt. One of the reasons that high school seems so easy in comparison to college is that others manage time for you. In high school, both your teachers and your parents actively involved themselves in making sure your day was full, that you got where you needed to go, and that all your work was done o

41、n schedule. Moreover, your high school workloads were generally lighter than those you will encounter in college, and also because more of the work in high school involved simple memorization as opposed to true understanding of a subject, it was probably easy for you to “cram“ the night before a tes

42、t and still get a good grade. In college, the responsibility for scheduling your time and making room for all you have to do rests squarely on your shoulders. It is one of the most important study skills that you need to master, but its also one of the most difficult. When youre in college, conflict

43、ing responsibilities pile up quicklymultiple classes, work, campus activities, social obligations, and so forth. Learning how to best use your time and to avoid a semester filled with all night study sessions is a challenge. One of the most serious mistakes you may make is to commit the error of thi

44、nking that you have “plenty of time“ to get things done. College is not like high school in this regard. You simply cannot get by in college with only last-minute efforts on assignments, and thus you must learn to manage your time wisely. Here are some time management tips for you. First, use a time

45、 chart. Its almost impossible to remember everything you need to do in your head. You need a system to keep track of all your deadlines and obligations. A time chart is a tool that you can use to find the best time for different types of activities. College students have a unique time management cha

46、llenge in that portions of their schedule are fixed classes with lots of “free“ time in between, while the rest is pretty much wide open. As a student, time charts help you add some additional structures to your schedule based on the best times for different types of activities. For example, you may

47、 find your peak times for mental concentration and studying, and schedule study blocks for your most difficult classes during these periods. Time charts can also help you add more balance to your schedule. Some college students focus too much on studying, and not e-nough on other types of activities

48、 like sports, recreation, and social events. Second, plan out your time. Its not a good idea to pick up your books and start working until youre finishedbecause you may not have enough time to accomplish all your tasks. Figure out how much time you have for each assignment, and plot this out in your

49、 calendar. Try to give yourself some extra time for each assignment in case one takes longer than you expected. When you plot out your time, be sure to schedule in study breaks. Working straight through without a break can make you less efficient and somewhat insane. Third, prioritize. If you have a long list of tasks to complete, you may need to prioritize and spend more time with some tasks than


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