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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 834及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you

2、 fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 How to Be Fluent Today, we will talk about the ways of being fluent when speaking a second language. I . An important step thinkin

3、g in【 T1】 _【 T1】 _ many learners tend to【 T2】 _【 T2】 _ not necessarily easy something you can【 T3】 _anytime【 T3】 _ II . Why would I do it? A. for starters review the vocabulary and【 T4】 _【 T4】 _ help【 T5】 _the newly-acquired information【 T5】 _ speed up the passive-to-active【 T6】 _【 T6】 _ B. how lang

4、uage affects reasoning a foreign language provides【 T7】 _【 T7】 _ improve your skills in that language make【 T8】 _decisions【 T8】 _ III. How do I do it? A. the first thing create【 T9】 _around yourself【 T9】 _ especially for an intermediate level or anything above B. the second step a. at the beginning

5、describe things around you in your【 T10】 _language【 T10】 _ mentally label whatever you can use those【 T11】 _tools【 T11】 _ b. as vocabulary increases little by little increase the【 T12】 _of your thoughts【 T12】 _ by making phrases by【 T13】 _whats going on around you【 T13】 _ c. as youre a bit more adva

6、nced think through some【 T14】 _【 T14】 _ quickly gain useful vocabulary C. the last tip speak to yourself or to a【 T15】 _【 T15】 _ talk to yourself when no people nearby make videos to track your progress 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 11 【 T11】 12 【

7、T12】 13 【 T13】 14 【 T14】 15 【 T15】 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each quest

8、ion there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) The absence of any building codes. ( B) The fragility of dwelling units.

9、 ( C) A story on dangerous building. ( D) The absence of seismic-resistant building codes. ( A) The building codes dont suit the development. ( B) The big earthquakes take place where people live. ( C) The population of that area is too dense. ( D) The frequency of earthquakes is getting higher. ( A

10、) On dry land. ( B) In an ocean. ( C) On a seaside. ( D) On plate boundaries. ( A) About 10,000,000. ( B) About 1,000,000. ( C) About 5,000. ( D) About 50,000. ( A) Iran. ( B) India. ( C) Indonesia. ( D) Burma. ( A) Registering the earthquake calculating the details of the earthquake predicting the

11、loss of life and money. ( B) Gathering information about the building calculating the details of the earthquake predicting the loss of life and money. ( C) Calculating the details of the earthquake gathering information about the building predicting the loss of life and money. ( D) Reporting the ear

12、thquake gathering the information predicting the loss o f life and money. ( A) It is the fault of seismologists. ( B) The frequent occurrence of earthquakes. ( C) The low technology of earthquake prediction. ( D) It has something to do with the construction practice. ( A) Science. ( B) Finance. ( C)

13、 Politics. ( D) Culture. ( A) Improving the technology of earthquake prediction. ( B) Analyzing the cause of the large number of deaths. ( C) Tearing down the old and fragile buildings. ( D) Adjusting the building codes to the right level. ( A) An earthquake killed many people. ( B) Strong wind blew

14、 down many buildings. ( C) A factory collapsed for no reason. ( D) Many buildings are just constructed. SECTION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS In this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple-choice questions. For each multiple-choice question, there are four suggested answers m

15、arked A , B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 25 Think that little plastic castle in your goldfish tank is just decoration? Not so, say scientists. Having such obstacles and spatial variety might be making Goldie smarter. When humans first started keeping animals in captivi

16、ty, we kind of sucked at it. Even when we met an animals every obvious need nutrition, water, shelter, etc some just didnt do well. As we learned more about the minds of animals, we realized that they needed more than sustenance, and the concept of enrichment was born. Since the 1980s, captive anima

17、l facilities have been required to provide an adequate physical environment to promote the psychological well-being of species like primates and marine mammals. Most zoos and aquariums go above and beyond the mandate, insisting that the animals emotional and mental health is paramount. The Associati

18、on of Zoos and Aquariums even goes as far as to state that enrichment is “as critical to an animals well-being as having the right food and medical care. “ Usually, the focus is on the smarter animals, with enrichment entailing activities like giving monkeys toys to play with, or placing an octopus

19、dinner in a sealed jar for it to open. Fish arent exactly known for their smarts, but that doesnt mean they wont benefit from an enriched environment, too. New research has found that fish brains are boosted when humans add a little variety and diversity to their life, and this knowledge may help co

20、nserve key species. The international team of researchers led by Penn States Victoria Braithwaite studied how the brains of juvenile Atlantic Salmon developed based on the environment they are raised in. Some of the fish they raised in your classic aquaculture tanks boring, simple, and unadorned. Ot

21、hers they enriched with rocks and plants to create a three-dimensional environment much more akin to what these fish would experience in their native habitat. They then tested the fishs smarts by seeing how quickly they could escape from a maze. They reported their results in this weeks issue of the

22、 Proceedings of The Royal Society B. The fish raised in the enriched tanks made fewer errors and escaped the maze much faster than their counterparts. “That enriched fish made fewer mistakes suggests that they were better at learning and then improving their performance through a trial-and-error pro

23、cess during the 7 days of testing,“ explain the authors. This cognitive improvement correlated to increased expression of NeuroDl in their forebrains, a transcription factor associated with neurogenesis(神经生成 )and memory in a number of vertebrate(有脊椎的 )species. This is the first time an effect of enr

24、ichment has been found to positively facilitate both neural plasticity and spatial learning in fish. The team hopes that their research and the growing body of literature on fish will help hatcheries(孵卵处 )and aquariums raise smarter, healthier fish. For wild restocking programs, such increased intel

25、ligence could make the difference between success and failure. The United States rears millions of fish every year in an attempt to boost popular fisheries species and restore depleted populations. In New York State alone, roughly 1 million pounds of captive-raised fish are released every year. But

26、there is a problem with populating wild stocks from captive-bred fish: the ones raised in tanks dont fare well in the real world. “Animals that are reared in captivity and subsequently released are at a considerable disadvantage because they are behaviorally ill-equipped to deal with the novel envir

27、onment,“ explain the authors. “The philosophy of most fish hatcheries is to rear a large number of fish and hope some survive,“ said Braithwaite. But if the fish were smarter, you might not need so many of them. “What this study is suggesting is that you could raise fewer, but smarter fish, and you

28、will still have higher survivability once you release them. “ This study also suggests that proper enrichment may help keep aquarium fish happy and healthy, from the largest sharks to the smallest guppies. Hobby aquarists take note: a few new ornaments or moving around things in a tank will keep you

29、r pet fishs brain engaged. Of course, you might not want your fish to be too much smarter if theyre anything like mine, a little brain boost might be a bit of a mess. 26 Victoria Braithwaites study has found out that_. ( A) smarter animals benefit more from enriched circumstance ( B) fish is better

30、at learning and improving performance ( C) diversified environment improves fishs cognitive level ( D) NeuroDl is correlated with neurogenesis and memory 27 What can we learn from the new research? ( A) Hatcheries and aquariums should raise smarter and healthier fish. ( B) The disadvantage of captiv

31、e-reared fish is caused by ill-equipped habitat. ( C) Enriched habitat can raise survivability of released captive-bred fish. ( D) More intelligent fish may be too hard for hobby aquarists to rear. 28 What is the best title for the passage? ( A) School Fish by Enriching Their Habitat. ( B) How to Cu

32、ltivate Intelligent Creature. ( C) Researches on Enriched Environment. ( D) Approaches to Enhance Mental Health. 28 Illegal public art is in the news. The most notorious instance this summer was the switch of flags on the Brooklyn Bridge, by two German artists, from the Stars and Stripes to all-whit

33、e versions of the same. Others include a Canadian artists scrawls, partly in blood, on a wall in the Jeff Koons retrospective at the Whitney Museum and, in Moscow, the painting of a star ornament atop a Stalin-era tower, in Ukrainian national colors. Internationally, the British midnight muralist(壁画

34、家 )Banksy continues his waggish depredations(掠夺 ), rivalled of late by a female upstart called Bambi, who likewise stencils images, only with a sexy-feminist spin. The over-all phenomenon could use a name I propose Stunt art and some analysis, starting with distinctions. As a category of volunteer a

35、rt, Stunt art borders the genres of spray-can graffiti and spectacular illegal sport, such as scaling or parachuting from tall buildings. I would set both apart as pursuits undertaken rather strictly for the personal satisfaction or the in-group competition of the performers, although each presents

36、hard cases: glorious graffiti murals like the ones that now, deplorably, are being demolished along with the famed 5 Pointz warehouse building in Long Island City and return with me to the New York dark age of 1974 Philippe Petits breathtaking stroll on a rope between the Twin Towers. Any illicit wo

37、rk or action bids to be Stuntist if its beholders pause in unwilled wonderment. Stuntists may have explicit political aims, like those of the pro-Ukrainian Muscovites, or the protesters who recently hung a Palestinian flag from the Manhattan Bridge. But all Stunt art at least impinges on politics by

38、 exposing the fragility of certain rules and customs that govern civic order. And all Stuntists are say it vandals, in no matter how benign descent from the sackers of Rome, in the year 455.(One account of that occasion tells that Pope Leo the Great, modelling official flexibility in face of unruly

39、expression, persuaded the Vandal chief to forbear destroying the city and, instead, to be content with mere pillage.)Stuntists usurp physical sites that they dont own, as well as the time of people police, cleanup workers whom they dont employ. Are we mad yet? Common reactions range from citizenly u

40、mbrage(愤怒 )to anarchic empathy, at alternate effects of disruption and charm. We may be of both minds at once, as Ive been about the Brooklyn Bridge flag team of Matthias Wermke and Mischa Leinkauf, who fled to Berlin after savoring the immediate aftermath of their feat. Our indelible post-9/11 drea

41、d, often centered on bridges and tunnels, doesnt conduce to indulgent humor, and the fillip(刺激 )of an infraction(侵害 )in full view of N. Y. P. D. headquarters doesnt purely thrill.(Let them vex their own cops.)But, then, the thing was so neatly done, a balm to the eye and delicately ambiguous in the

42、mind. Wermke and Leinkauf told a Guardian reporter, Philip Oltermann, of regretting that they may never again be admitted to the United States. They are consoled by their memories of the dawn hours of July 22nd, a Tuesday. Leinkauf poetically recalls, “Everything was really peaceful. Life in the str

43、eets slowly awoke: people walked their dogs, the first tourists popped up, people made their way to work. “ They spoke with passers-by. Says Leinkauf, “A burly American with a cowboy hat“ remarked, “ Did Brooklyn surrender to Manhattan? I mean what else do white flags mean? “ The artist continues, “

44、 I dont know, I answered, White also means peace. He laughed and said: Oh yes, New York surrendered and America is the most peaceful country in the world. Thats a little acrid and a lot fun. The prospect of a direct response, rippling through a populace, inspires Stunt art, which pointedly evades th

45、e commercial and institutional rat mazes that channel careers in art today. Imagine that youre an artist driven by the primal will to make a mark on the world. You have the phone numbers and e-addresses of dealers and curators. What they represent depresses you. Rejecting it, might you start to sche

46、me? Stuntism is to art as weeds are to horticulture: plants in the wrong place. Authorities, social or botanical, define the wrongness, which becomes more arbitrary the more you think about it. Some weeds are as lovely as tulips. A superb gardener I know welcomes the sceptered majesty of common mull

47、ein(distinct from the mannerly hybrid varieties)wherever it opts to sprout. So may it be with Stunt art, in a time given to fanatical constraints on human-natural cussedness. 29 The author illustrates the_of Stunt art in the second paragraph. ( A) motive ( B) origin ( C) influence ( D) definition 30

48、 Which can best summarize the relation of “But all Stunt art at least impinges on politics“ with the previous statement in the third paragraph? ( A) Progressive. ( B) Disjunctive. ( C) Contractive. ( D) Illustrative. 31 According to the sixth paragraph, which of the following statements BEST reflects the authors opinion? ( A) It is a lot of fun that America is the most peaceful country in the world. ( B) Stunt artists pointedly evade commercial and institutional careers. ( C) The primal motive of Stunt art is to attract public attention. ( D) Artists should reject the attraction of th


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