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1、专业英语八级(人物类新闻听力)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 Which of the following statements is

2、INCORRECT? ( A) Four girls died and two others were imprisoned. ( B) All the Belgians believe that Dutroux is an evil man. ( C) The prosecutors will argue that Dutroux is an evil man. ( D) Its impossible for Dutroux to get a fair trial. 2 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a crime that Dutro

3、ux has committed? ( A) Rape. ( B) Abduction. ( C) Smuggling. ( D) Imprisonment. 3 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT according to the news item? ( A) The bridegroom did not join the wedding in person. ( B) The wedding went on in a traditional way except for the absence of the bride. ( C)

4、 The bride thought the physical distance has caused many problems for her wedding. ( D) Both the NASA and the Russian Aerospace Agency tried to persuade the couple to wait. 4 How old is the groom? ( A) 27 ( B) 47 ( C) 41 ( D) 21 5 Which of the following can be the best title for the news item? ( A)

5、Separate Brains but a Shared Web of Blood Vessels. ( B) Separated Twins in an Intensive Care Unit. ( C) Twins Successfully Separated. ( D) Twins from Egypt in Dallas. 6 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) The boys will be taken to an intensive care unit. ( B) The boys will soon be a

6、ble to stand face to face. ( C) The boys need additional reconstructive surgery. ( D) The boys will need months of therapy. 7 Which of the following is TRUE according to the news item? ( A) The identities of the three arrested men are still unknown. ( B) The arms dealer had specific plans to down Ai

7、r Force 1. ( C) One of the suspects was a gem dealer in New York. ( D) The first man to be held was a British arms dealer. 8 The undercover FBI agents arrested the first man_. ( A) by posing as terrorists ( B) by posing as gem dealers ( C) by posing as arms dealers ( D) with the help of the Russian

8、secret service 9 The example in the news item is cited mainly to show_. ( A) the cameras are labor-savers ( B) the cameras are crime-fighters ( C) the cameras are money makers ( D) the cameras are speeding finders 10 According to Cathy Lanier, traffic deaths in the city have been cut in half_. ( A)

9、in five years ( B) in four years ( C) in three years ( D) in six years 11 According to Steve Forbes, the majority of the new billionaires this year are from . ( A) Brazil, Russia, India and China ( B) Brazil, Mexico, India and China ( C) America, Russia, India and China ( D) Brazil, Russia, Germany

10、and China 12 What does the news item say about Yuri Milner? ( A) He is Mexican media mogul. ( B) He is the new billionaire in Brazil. ( C) He donates half of his money to charity. ( D) He takes the front cover of Forbes magazine. 13 Which of the following has made a William eight years since four gi

11、rls died and two others were rescued from a basement cell. In court today, the defendant sat behind bullet-proof glass as the court prepared to swear in a jury. Defence lawyers will argue that its impossible for Marc Dutroux to get a fair trial in a country which has, in effect, already declared him

12、 guilty. He was just a pawn in the game, part of a much broader conspiracy. Many Belgians believe him. They point to police and judicial blunders as evidence that theres been a campaign to cover up the truth. But the prosecution says Dutroux and his accomplices worked on their own. They will argue t

13、hat he is an evil man, responsible for the most horrific of crimes. 1 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 人物类 2 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 人物类 3 【听力原文】 The bride wore a traditional white dress and arrived in a sleek car, but thats where normality ended as twenty-seven year-old Yekaterina Dmitriyeva married her sweetheart Yuri Mal

14、enchenko. Since the groom was unable to be there in person, guests were greeted by a cardboard cut-out of the forty-one year-old cosmonaut. Hes due back from an extended mission on the International Space Station in October, but the couple decided they couldnt wait that long to tie the knot. The gro

15、oms tailcoat and wedding ring were flown out on a cargo ship, a fellow astronaut agreed to be the best man, and the scene was set for the first-ever cosmic wedding, which went ahead via video-link at NASAs Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. The bride says the physical distance in the run-up to

16、the big day has not been a problem. But the wedding wasnt without controversy. Both NASA and the Russian Aerospace Agency tried to get the couple to wait until Yuri returned to Earth. 3 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 人物类 4 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类 5 【听力原文】 Ahmed and Mohamed Ibrahim were brought to the US from Egypt a y

17、ear ago to prepare for this complex and high risk operation. Though they have separate brains, the two-year-olds shared an intricate web of blood vessels. After months of preparation, doctors in Dallas spent hours separating them and carrying out restorative surgery. So far all has gone to plan. Whe

18、n their father was told we have two boys, he fainted on the spot. Their mother, like much of the team, was in tears. Although the procedure appears to have been a success, much remains to be done. The boys will be taken to an intensive care unit where they will remain in a drug-induced-coma for up t

19、o five days to prevent brain damage. They will then need months of therapy and additional reconstructive surgery in the coming years to help them recover. But doctors hope that soon Ahmed and Mohamed will be able to stand face to face for the first time. 5 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 人物类 6 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 人物类 7

20、 【听力原文】 The identities of the three arrested men and the precise charges they will face are still not known but all three are due to appear in court in Newark, New Jersey, and all three appear to be linked to an alleged plot to sell a Russian surface-to-air missile to terrorists. The first man to be

21、 held said to be a British arms dealer was reportedly arrested when he met undercover FBI agents posing as terrorists wanting to buy the weapon. The other two suspects were picked up at a New York gem dealership. The weapon itself was said by FBI sources to have been supplied by the Russian secret s

22、ervice, which co-operated in the sting operation. The missile they shipped to America had been modified so that it couldnt work. FBI officials also stressed that, although the arms dealer might have boasted that he could supply a weapon capable of downing Air Force One, they were aware of no specifi

23、c plot to attack that or any other aircraft. 7 【正 确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类 8 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类 9 【听力原文】 Nowadays in towns and cities across America, patrol cars are deployed elsewhere because unattended, fixed cameras are nabbing speeders in record numbers. The cameras record the speed limit in the area,

24、 how fast the vehicle is going, and the date and time of. the offense. And they snap a close-up digital image of the vehicles license plate as it whizzes past. And these cameras are lucrative sources of revenue for cash-strapped communities. For example, last year alone, fines paid by drivers caught

25、 by speed cameras in a county outside Washington, D. C., brought in more than 13 million dollars. Police chiefs laud the cameras as life-savers. According to Washingtons chief, Cathy Lanier, traffic deaths in the city have been cut in half in four years. “We see fewer high-speed crashes,“ she said.

26、“And because of speed enforcement, when people do crash, its at a slower speed, so there are less likely to be fatalities.“ But opposition to speed cameras is fierce and loud. People across the country argue that the devices are just money makers and that time spent processing images, sending out ti

27、ckets, and collecting fines pulls police away from crime-fighting. Besides, the critics argue, habitual speeders quickly learn where cameras are mounted. They slow to the speed limit when passing them, then resume their reckless ways. 9 【正确答案】 C 【 知识模块】 人物类 10 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 人物类 11 【听力原文】 Forbes ma

28、gazines list of the worlds richest people mirrors the remarkable changes in the global economy. Magazine chairman Steve Forbes says of the 200 new billionaires this year, the majority are from the BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China. The top of the list remained unchanged. Mexican media

29、mogul Carlos Slim retains the top spot with a net worth of $ 74 billion. Microsoft founder Bill Gates is second with $ 53 billion, after giving away $ 28 billion to charity. And investor Warren Buffet retains third place with $ 50 billion, up from $47 billion last year. But Russian social media bill

30、ionaire Yuri Milner takes the front cover. His hometown Moscow has 79 billionaires, the most of any major city. The US still has more billionaires than any other country, but the wealth gap is narrowing. The number of new billionaires in China has doubled. Robin Li, the CEO of search engine Baidu, i

31、s one of Chinas richest men, with more than $9 billion. Forbes editor Russell Flannery says Lis success symbolizes the changes going on in China. 11 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类 12 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 人物类 13 【听力原文】 American TV morning shows and 24-hour news channels make it seem as though Americans can t get eno

32、ugh of the royal affair. But Americans in the capital, Washington, seem to have mixed feelings. But American media outlets will give them a front row seat, anyway. Leading American television anchors from networks, like ABC and CNN, will be in London to catch the first glimpse of Kate Middletons dre

33、ss. Even The Weather Channel will deliver special royal wedding forecasts, and the American cable network, Lifetime, has made a William & Kate movie. Media studies professor Andrea Press says American enthusiasm for this months royal wedding is not unique. Thirty years ago, 750 million people tuned

34、in for the wedding of Prince Williams parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Press says Americans are mesmerized by the fact that Kate, born a commoner, could become the Queen of England. Americans are not the only ones talking about the royal occasion. The Irish have searched the term “Kate Mi

35、ddleton“ on Google more than the British. And people in Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines have searched the future princesss name more than Americans. Royal expert and blogger Cheryl Anderson Brown says Queen Elizabeth IIs leadership of the Commonwealth of Nations gives the monarchy global pop

36、ularity. 13 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 人物类 14 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类 15 【听力原文】 Analysts at the US Census Bureau have a provocative forecast for Americas population in 2050, when todays 25-olds will be knocking on the door of age 65. If projections hold, not only will there be more than TWICE as many people 65-and

37、-over in sheer numbers as there are now, but their percentage of the population will jump from 12 percent today to 21 percent. That means more than one in five Americans at mid-century will be what we call “senior citizens.“ And if current demographic trends continue, a much greater proportion of th

38、e nations elderly will be Hispanic, African-American and Asian-American. Linda Jacobsen at the Population Reference Bureau helped us sort out the implications: Primarily, she says, in 2050 a whole lot more people 65 and older will be on the job outside the home. In part, thats because many more than

39、 today will be well educated and in rosy health, and will simply WANT to keep working. Others wont have a choice, since they wont be able to get Social Security benefits as the eligibility age keeps rising, quite possibly to 70 or beyond by 2050. And as private companies cut costs, generous pension

40、and company-paid retirement accounts will be harder to find as well. 15 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 人物类 16 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 人物类 17 【听力原文】 Darrell Stevenson, an American cowboy and cattle rancher, is not riding the black earth country of Russia to film a western movie. He is bringing American-bred beef cattle, Am

41、erican ranching technology, and American cowboy knowhow to Russia. After the Soviet Union collapsed, beef production in Russia also collapsed. People just ate the herds as the system of sustaining the cattle broke down. Today, Russia, the worlds largest nation, imports most of its beef. Right now, R

42、ussias beef herd is less than one percent the size of the American herd, despite, as Stevenson points out, the countrys abundant land and water. Last year, Stevenson imported by ship and by air cargo jet 1,400 black Angus cows from Montana, in Americas west. A few months ago, they had their first ca

43、lves, born in the black earth country of Russia. Stevenson, along with two Russian businessmen, has set up a ranch with the goal of establishing a commercial beef herd in southern Russia. Stevenson says Russias long term goal is to achieve self sufficiency in meat production, pork, chicken and beef.

44、 17 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 人物类 18 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 人物类 19 【听力原文】 The United Nations estimates that at any given time 2 1/2 million people find themselves in situations that are defined as forced labor or sexual exploitation. Fifty-six percent, 1.4 million, are in Asia and the Pacific. The global organizatio

45、n says human trafficking affects more than 160 nations that serve either as a source, a transit point or a destination. According to figures from the International Labor Organization, the majority of trafficking victims are between the ages of 18 and 24. The United Nations Children Funds, UNICEF, es

46、timates that 1. 2 million children are trafficked each year. Another recent study says that 95 percent of trafficked people experience physical or sexual violence. UN studies show that the estimated annual global profit from trafficked people is almost $ 32 billion. Almost half of that is generated

47、in industrialized economies. So far, 116 nations have ratified a UN protocol against trafficking, the only international agreement that addresses human trafficking as a crime. The Trafficking Protocol requires ratifying nations to criminalize human trafficking and help victims. 19 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类 20 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 人物类


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