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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 17及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 “Left-over girls“ are increasingly visible in todays China. They are the ladies who are above 30 years old and still remain single. To their parents surprise, many of the

2、“left-over girls“ are not particularly eager to get married, which is in great contrast to the traditional Chinese belief. In your opinion, what are the major reasons leading to this phenomenon? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2 It is a commo

3、n practice for us to go Dutch, or pay our own bills, when we hang out. Some people think that going Dutch might be workable for friends, but disastrous for college lovers. What is your opinion? Do you encourage college lovers to go Dutch? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appro

4、priate title for your essay. 3 We live in an age of information explosion and with a few clicks we can get access to an incredibly rich store of information. But some people frown upon this convenience. They argue that the Internet is setting us apart, because we now tend to communicate with each ot

5、her digitally, instead of meeting in person. Do you agree that people are set apart by the Internet? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 4 According to some experts and employers, many young employees with a single-child background have a hard ti

6、me adapting to the society after their graduation. They are mocked as the “strawberry generation“, too fragile to stand the test of hardship. In your opinion, what are the major causes leading to the “strawberry generation“? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title f

7、or your essay. 5 As the English proverb goes, “Honesty is the best policy“. But is this true? More often than not, people tell white lies to ease social or personal tensions. As a college student, do you agree or disagree with the statement that “honesty is the best policy“? Write an essay of about

8、400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 17答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 On “Left-over Girls“ A handsome salary, complete confidence and self-reliance are all the typical e

9、lements of “left-over girls“, a derogatory term to describe those single ladies above 30 years old in China The group is increasing its size by each passing day, as more and more white-collar ladies join the rank. As I see it, the emergence of this social rank is attributed to the improved status of

10、 women and the social progress regarding the marriage concept. First and foremost, with the hard-won gender equality in China, females are now better exposed to job opportunities than ever before. People are no longer surprised by a female judge, doctor, policewoman, and many other professions occup

11、ied by women. They and their male counterparts enjoy equal pay in the same job. This has empowered females to be independent, without relying on their boyfriends or husbands to support them financially. With a decent income, ladies are able to buy whatever they desire and lead a life on their own te

12、rms. In this regard, ladies have more say in a relationship, which might hurt the macho feelings harbored by many Chinese men. That is why they tend to avoid ladies who are earning the same money, if not more, as they do. Furthermore, the changes of marriage concept also allow more tolerance and fre

13、edom to women when it comes to marriage choices. In ancient China, most of marriages were notoriously arranged by parents who had no regard for their children, especially daughters. As the society evolves itself, China is now more tolerant of when and how people get married. Ladies may choose to get

14、 rid of all the trivial rituals and have a western style wedding. Similarly, they can also choose not to get married even when they come of age. It is true that some of the “leftover girls“ are constantly subject to the nagging of their parents. But the good news is that if you really want to stay o

15、ut of the wedlock, your parents cannot tie the knot for you, which is invariably the norm in the old society of China The outdated concepts of arranged marriage and “marry sooner than later“ have been eliminated by the social progress. In conclusion, we should not cry for “left-over girls“, because

16、they are not the abandoned girls, but loaded ladies, loaded in two senses financially and spiritually. Instead, we should celebrate for leftover girls“, because they are symbolic of the gender equality and tolerant attitude towards marriage choices. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Clearer Bills, Clearer Budgetin

17、g As a common practice between friends, going Dutch is popular among college students since it is a workable and fair way of splitting the bills. However, when it comes to going Dutch between lovers, some people consider it unacceptable and even disastrous, worrying that it may even destroy a relati

18、onship. As far as I am concerned, those against going Dutch between lovers worry too much. Personally, I believe that going Dutch should be encouraged among college lovers since most of them are economically dependent and going Dutch can give them a better sense of budgeting. First of all, it is bet

19、ter for college lovers to split their bills due to their economic dependence. As students, college lovers usually do not have much money except for the pocket money they get from their parents and a small amount of salary earned from part-time jobs. Dating, however, can be very expensive for student

20、s especially when it involves romantic restaurants and decent cinemas. It is highly likely that whoever shouldering the responsibility of financing the dates would be under great economic, pressure. And since relationships in college are not usually supported by parents, college students. will have

21、to face the pressure all by themselves. This not only may cause great anxieties in both life and study for the students involved, but also would make the relationship more vulnerable because quarrels may arise, revolving economic issues. Things would be much easier if the couples simply split their

22、bills and call it even. Secondly, going Dutch can give college lovers a better sense of budgeting. By splitting their bills, college lovers would be able to keep clearer track of how much money they are spending individually instead of leaving their budget in a chaotic status, which might happen if

23、the bills are always treated carelessly and paid randomly. When they are more aware of where their money is going, they would naturally have a better plan of spending different amount of money on different purposes. In this way, college lovers would solve the problem of wasting money and avoid unnec

24、essary personal financial crises. They may even save more money to spend on books and extracurricular activities. In this regard, going Dutch is apparently beneficial to cultivating the students sense of budgeting. As a conclusion, I believe that going Dutch should be encouraged among college lovers

25、 for the sake of their economic status and budgeting skill. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 The Internet: Connecting People The information age has been an irreversible trend that sweeps across the globe. Thanks to the Internet, people are linked with each other in an unprecedentedly epic scale. Despite the legi

26、timate concern that people might be set apart by the Internet, I am convinced that interpersonal relationship is able to be enhanced by the Internet. First of all, the Internet enables people, despite different localities, to communicate as if they were sitting next to each other. Imagine a scenario

27、 where a son is studying in America, while his parents are living in China. A century ago, they would endure months for the exchange of information via posts. A quarter of century ago, they would wait anxiously for the phone call to get through. Now, however, with the help of online chatting tools,

28、they can ease themselves into a comfortable position and enjoy chitchat to the fullest without time limitation. Because of the Internet, the family bond is strengthened, without the fear of the missed letters or high fee of international calls. What is more, the availability of the Internet allows u

29、s to express and share our feelings, thoughts and ideas instantaneously. On online social networks, such as Facebook and Sina micro blog, we are connected to more friends than ever before. If you are angry with the bad service in a restaurant or overjoyed by an amusing film, you simply tweet your fe

30、elings and your friends can immediately share the anger or the fun with you. You dont have to reserve your emotion and save it until the tea party scheduled on a Saturday afternoon. Such instant interaction is surely very convenient and helps to strengthen the friendship. Last but not least, the Int

31、ernet not only ties friends closer, but also promotes communication between people of differing cultures and beliefs. With the advent of online communities, users can exchange their thought with a particular group of people, meet like-minded people, and make new friends. Through conversing with peop

32、le from various geographic locations, users become more tolerant of different ideologies, which helps to reduce friction in social occasions. To conclude, the Internet does bring people closer together as it bridges distance in a stronger way than the previous mail and phone call, provides an effect

33、ive instant communicative platform and narrows the gaps between our hearts. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 On “Strawberry Generation“ The enactment of “One Child“ policy was meant to curb the soaring population in China. It is a pity that the by-product of this policy was a generation of spoiled children, or so

34、metimes mocked as the “strawberry generation“. In my opinion, it is the overmuch affection of parents and the relationship vacuum that cause this fragile generation. First of all, parents are inclined to put all their love on the only child they have in the family. Unlike the generations before the

35、“One Child“ policy, many parents now take care of only one child. Naturally, they devote all their time and energy to the “Prince“ or “Princess“ in the family. The much beloved child gradually tends to regard parents as his/her servants, who do the sons biddings or run errands for the daughter. Ther

36、e is a satirical saying in China which goes like this, “those single children have only to open their mouths to be fed and hold out their hands to be dressed“. If a child grows up in a family where everything is done and prepared by parents, it will be very difficult for him to cope with the challen

37、ges and pressures by himself. What a sad picture it is! No matter how considerate parents are, a child still has to stand on his own feet one day. Therefore, parents should spare more room for their child to learn to be independent instead of spoiling him. Furthermore, children from a “one-child“ fa

38、mily are usually over protected by their parents, and are stuck in a relationship vacuum. Decades ago, kids in the neighborhood roamed in the streets, played football, and teased each other. But nowadays, children are locked in the house for fear that they would be kidnapped by human traffickers or

39、hurt by a violent Jack from next-door. Whilst the parents concerns are understandable to a certain extent, children are deprived of their rights and joys to play with buddies. Their ability to communicate with people is suppressed by the overprotection of their parents. That is the reason why these

40、children are so weak in their ability to communicate and cooperate with others in team work and social occasions. They are invariably labeled as outsiders or “the odd one out“. In short, the strawberry generation has resulted from too much love and too little anneal. If both parents and their childr

41、en take no measures to improve the situation, this generation will be too weak to cope with the challenges in their life. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Honesty Is Not Always the Best Policy Lie to Me, an American TV series, has been well received among viewers. The popularity of this drama tells us that people

42、 are interested in learning how to detect a lie from micro expressions. We are all fearful of being cheated but we all tell lies, for good or bad reasons. It is, therefore, my belief that honesty is not always the best policy. To begin with, total honesty is strongly applauded in morality but occasi

43、onally avoided in person-to-person relationship. As social beings, getting along well with others is pretty important. It is common that we are frequently asked: “Do you like my new hairdo?“ “What do you think of my decoration?“ and “Is my pink dress beautiful?“ In these cases, we had better come up

44、 with some answers with euphemisms, even if we hate the hairstyle, the refurnishing or the pink color. Occasions that honest answers kill a persons passion and pride when he merrily presents something happen frequently in interpersonal communication. Some even lead to an unpleasant relationship. Thu

45、s I believe that interpersonal relationship will be more intimate, if we sprinkle our conversations with well-meant dishonesty to avoid hurting someones feelings. Even though I acknowledge the function of dishonesty as a social lubricant, I am not recommending that we could tell lies to our hearts c

46、ontent We should all refrain ourselves from lying with malicious intents. For instance, job candidates should not lie about their achievements in their CVs; pharmaceutical companies shall not exaggerate certain effects of pills; and governments must not invent excuses to interfere with other nations

47、 affairs. As human beings, when in danger, we usually trigger our defense system. Telling lies is one of the repeated tricks in this defense system. We harbor the hope that by lying about something, the issue will be gone and we will not be held accountable. However, when it comes to moral decision,

48、 honesty is the best policy. Bill Clinton, for example, denied having an affair with Monica Lewinsky to save himself from a potential scandal at the very beginning. But with evidence accumulated and exposed, he had to admit that he had lied and apologized to the public. Because of his subsequent hon

49、esty, American citizens forgave him and his supportive rating rebounded. In this case, and as a rule, honesty is the best defense mechanism you might activate, especially in a moral crisis. To conclude, honesty should not necessarily be practiced all the time. To save the embarrassment of others, we are justified not to wear our hearts on our sleeves. Nonetheless, we shall never deceive others for our personal benefits. 【知识模块】 作文


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