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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 75及答案与解析 一、 PART V WRITING 1 In China, there is a special social mentality called “resentment towards the rich“, meaning the general public is, to a lesser or greater extent, holding grudge against those rich people. This resentment has been growing for the past years. The following a

2、rticle provides detailed information about this issue. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the publics resentment toward the rich; 2. give your comment, especially on the major causes that lead to this mentality. Rich Getting Richer, But Poor Becomin

3、g Resentful Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich. The latest survey, released by the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, also shows that 70 percent of 1,159 respondents said they feel “a big g

4、ap“ between the rich and poor in China now, with more than half of the people saying the gap will become bigger. The survey, launched in the first half of the year, was based on questionnaires handed out to 10 social groups including public servants, entrepreneurs and farmers. “I believe that the we

5、alth gap is a much more serious problem nationwide,“ said Qiu Liping, a professor of social stratification at Shanghai University. “Our society is in dire need of a platform for dialogue between the rich and poor,“ he said. Such a platform, he said, will minimize the resentment against the rich. “Pe

6、ople do not always hate the rich. People hate those who are immorally rich,“ he said. But most of time, people do not make that distinction. Cherry Chang, an editor of a luxury magazine in Shanghai, said her car, a red Porsche, has been vandalized three times in the past two weeks. Her friends Lambo

7、rghini fared no better. “I think there are many people in this city who harbor a deep resentment against the rich,“ she said. The wrath aimed at the wealthy has been a hot-button issue recently, and can go past vandalism to include kidnapping and even murder. Yi Zhao, a civil servant from Guangdong

8、province, admitted that he dislikes the rich. “Most of them collect wealth at the expense of the poor. Take those real-estate manipulators for example. They control the property market aiming for a higher price and a considerable profit,“ he said. “On the other hand, I simply cant accept the skyrock

9、eting prices. Isnt it unfair to the majority who are unable to afford an apartment, even if we squeeze together the savings of three generations?“ However, Xiao Xiaowei, a 24-year-old self-employed from Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, said she actually respects the rich, especially billionaires. “

10、Its true that some of them get rich illegally or at the expense of the poor, but getting rich surely requires some other qualities, such as excellent interpersonal skills. They have the capabilities that others dont have,“ Xiao said. Chang also said she worked hard to buy herself an apartment and a

11、car. “If those people have the time to hate us and envy us, why dont they spend the time working, using diligence and intelligence?“ asked Chang. Zhang Qi, a 28-year-old professional in Beijing, said getting rich and making money are not just about working hard. “I havent thought much about making a

12、 lot of money. Life is hard for me and I am privileged with a decent job. For those who are less privileged, life must be even harder,“ Zhang said. 2 Is online gambling legal? It all depends on where you live. Last September, several U.S. lawmakers are trying to crack down on the industry by clarify

13、ing existing U.S. laws and making it easier to go after offenders. Actually, opinions vary on whether the online gambling should be banned. The following are some of the typical opinions on the issue. Read them carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summ

14、arize briefly the opinions; 2. give your comment Earl L. Grinols, professor of Baylor University It is impossible to stop online gambling. When it has been banned, people have just used sites based in other countries. It is better to legalize and regulate online gambling than to drive gamblers to po

15、orly-regulated foreign operators. Regulation can reduce the problems identified by the proposition. For example, online gamblers can be required to give personal details when registering (e.g. occupation, income). If this information suggests they are spending more than they can afford, the company

16、can block their credit card. In any case, most online gamblers do not get addicted. Why should they be denied an activity that they enjoy? Jimmy Doherty, dean of the Faculty of Economy at Princeton University Internet gambling is especially dangerous. Someone can become addicted very easily they don

17、t even need to leave their home. This also means that they are gambling in private. They may therefore be less reluctant to wager very large sums they cannot afford. It is very hard to know the identity of an online gambler there have been several cases of people (including children) using stolen cr

18、edit cards to gamble online. Online gambling may be hard to control but that is not a reason to try making an activity more difficult to pursue will still reduce the number of those who take it up. It is not impossible to put effective deterrent steps in place, such as the recent US ban on American

19、banks processing credit card payments to internet gambling sites. Brad DeLong, professor of politics at U.C. Berkeley Prohibition doesnt work. Weve tried it before. As our history books show, the Volstead Act, which prohibited the sale of alcohol in the 1920s, closed the doors of legal, regulated bu

20、sinesses. In their place, it opened a Pandoras box with unintended consequences. These consequences criminal activity, illegal manufacturing and distribution, and more took years and significant resources to fully combat. All for the act to later be repealed. Lets not let history repeat itself. Amer

21、icans enjoy entertainment, especially gambling. Gambling is woven into American history, having existed in some form since our nations establishment. Lets rely on common-sense safeguards and consumer protections. Lets extend well-established and effective gaming regulations to the newest form, onlin

22、e gaming. Rick Perry, governor of Texas Internet gambling is particularly worrisome. Evidence overwhelmingly shows that compulsive gambling is three to four times more common among online gamblers than non-Internet gamblers. Online gambling is fundamentally more dangerous than other forms of gamblin

23、g. The 24/7 ease of access, speed of the game, solitary nature of play and ability to play multiple games at once make it so. Its also possible to lose more money than you have on hand. Legalizing online gambling may seem like an attractive solution to a states budget woes. Evidence, however, sugges

24、ts the contrary. Gambling disproportionately impacts the poor. It diverts money away from local businesses and displaces existing sales tax revenue while fueling societal ills. Both sides of this debate agree a state-by-state patchwork of online gambling regimes will not work. Congress needs to act

25、in the interest of families and communities. It should update the Wire Act to ensure enforcement of federal law prohibiting Internet gambling. 3 Not long before, the national government issued a new regulation on the management of lost items which encourages giving rewards for returning lost items.

26、The following article provides detailed information about this issue. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly both articles; 2. give your comment. Giving Rewards for Returning Lost Property? In the middle of July, the Standing Committee of the National P

27、eoples Congress released the Property Rights Law, seeking feedback from the general public. One of the most contentious matters in the draft is whether a reward should be paid for recovered property. The draft clearly stipulates lost property should be returned to its rightful owner. After the draft

28、 law was made public, it sparked extensive debate. Some say the clause encouraging the payment of rewards must be changed, as it goes against the traditional Chinese virtue of “returning the money found without payment.“ The law should encourage these sound values and call on society to carry on thi

29、s tradition, many think. But others argue the terms of the draft do not contradict traditional virtues. Judging from foreign legislation, the attitude appears to be that if lost property is of little value and is not State-owned, finders can be keepers. Zhao Chenguang, an official from the Wenfeng D

30、istrict Peoples Procuratorate in Anyang, Henan Province, said: “From a very young age, people are educated about returning money found. However, does the new trend make this traditional virtue seem old-fashioned?“ A young security guard from the countryside, who earned only 1,300 yuan a month, found

31、 a wallet containing 80,000 yuan in cash and other valuables whilst on duty, and took the trouble to return the wallet to its owner. The young man refused to accept the 5,000-yuan reward offered by the owner. The media praised the young man for his righteous act, especially in light of the fact that

32、 his father is a poor farmer and his mother has been ill in bed for a long time. The reward money would have been a huge help for him and his family. Many were inspired by the unselfish security guards actions. But others took pity on him. Some say the man was right not to take the reward, as he bec

33、ame a righteous hero. On the other hand, some believe he could have accepted the money with a clear conscience as it would have been proper, reasonable and lawful to do so. Indeed it would have been right for the young guard to take the money. He should be rewarded not only for returning the lost wa

34、llet, but also for his honesty and integrity. So why did the young man refuse to accept the money? He was obviously influenced by traditional values, and of course his action was his personal choice. But in terms of encouraging people to act morally and rationally, the young man should have accepted

35、 the reward. As for owners, it is up to them to show their gratitude whether materially or not If the giving of rewards is forcibly stipulated by law, owners may be upset and violate it. As for lost property keepers, if the law says it is acceptable for them to claim a reward, things may turn sour.

36、We should not encourage good deeds by way of offering legal rewards. We may try to preserve morality by law but will actually destroy it in doing so. 4 As quoted in Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, what is wrong with being number two? Nevertheless, under the competitive conditions that many of u

37、s face, being number two is not, generally, the result of trying to come in second. The following is an article presenting comments of being number two. Read it carefully and write your response of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the authors opinion; 2. give your co

38、mment When we think about it honestly, trying to be “number one“ in a competition is not so healthy for ones character. If I can only succeed by putting you down, doesnt that make me wish for you to fail, more than drive me to succeed? You have to wonder about professional sports leagues. Every team

39、 begins the season thinking and hoping that they will win the championship. Yet everyone knows that only one team will be smiling at the end of the season. Every other team will look back at the season as having been a failure. Why? Because we have created a society which preaches that if you are no

40、t the best, then you are not worth much. No one really believes the old sports saying, “Its not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game.“ The other often-quoted saying is everyones real philosophy, “Winning isnt everything; its the only thing.“ We live in an environment that motivates thr

41、ough rivalry. And this is a tragedy. As E.R. Holman said, “The desire to win must be wedded to an ideal, an ethical way of life. It must never become so strong that it dwarfs every other aspect of the game of life.“ Even our schools have student-comparison charts on the bulletin board to determine w

42、ho knows the material best. The focus has shifted from “who knows things well“ to “who knows things best.“ If all I have to do to be successful is to beat you, its a whole lot easier to cause you to do worse than me, rather than to get myself to do better than you. The result students will not push

43、themselves to truly reach their personal maximum if all they have to do to flourish is defeat someone else. And what happens to the weaker students who know that they cannot actually win the competition? What is their drive to do their best? Does it really make sense to reward the brightest students

44、 more for easily winning than the slower ones who are doing their best? It is true that “The envy of scholars increases wisdom“, but this does not mean we should compete with someone else. We are supposed to observe the accomplishments of those around us, learning from them in motivating ourselves t

45、o excel as best as we can. We dont rival others; we learn from their example. Yes, we should be competitive, but only with ourselves. If I ran the track in 10 minutes last week, let me try to run it in 9 minutes today. Winning does not have to mean defeating someone else. It can be accomplished by s

46、truggling against ourselves, trying to improve upon our personal past performance. We dont have to be Number One. We can be Number Two or even Seventy-three, as long as we are striving to attain personal greatness. May God grant us life and prosperity in both the spiritual and physical realms and ma

47、y He guide us to become all that we can be. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 75答案与解析 一、 PART V WRITING 1 【正确答案】 On Resentment Towards the Rich In recent years in China, resentment towards the rich is popular among the public. According to a survey referred in the above article, 96 percent of the public said they feel

48、 resentful toward the rich. As for the target of the resentment, both those who are immorally rich and those law-abiding ones are hated. What people do not like about the wealthy ones is their collecting money immorally or illegally and the main driving factor mentioned for peoples resentment is the

49、 widening wealth gap between rich and poor. In my opinion, the resentment towards the rich is understandable and can be attributed to two main factors. Firstly, the hatred against the rich is principally caused by the increasingly widening wealth gap. With the reform and opening-up policy as well as the market-based economy, China has achieved great economic growth. However, while some people have profited from such growth, others are still struggling for basic necessities. The rich and poor are gradually polarized in Chinese society a


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