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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 A couple of years ago, Chinese media covered a feature story about William Lindesay, a Briton, who has never failed to pick up garbage littered on the Great Wall for 13 yea

2、rs. For Chinese, littering in scenic spots is quite common, which is a shame to us. In your opinion, what kinds of measures could be taken in order to prevent people from littering in places of interest? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2 As m

3、any education reforms are taking place throughout China, Beijing University went one step further and established the Confucian value of “filial piety“ as a new standard. The university has the right to reject the admission of students who are found falling short of this standard. What is your opini

4、on? Should we include “filial piety“ into the set of standards to decide whether students should be admitted into colleges? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 3 The (grand)parent-child relation is no longer as intimate as decades ago. In news re

5、port, we are no longer strangers to those headlines such as “Mother Stabbed by Her Own Son“ and “Grandma Bunged to Death over 10 Yuan“. The cold-blood killers are none other than their own (grand)children. As for a nation which advocates filial piety, what do you think are the causes leading to the

6、ungrateful children? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 4 It is our Chinese tradition to be frugal. Since we were a child, we were educated of the virtue of frugality. As a college student, what benefits can you see from being frugal. Write an e

7、ssay of about 400 words on the following topic: The Benefits of Frugality 5 According to All-Chinas Women Federation (ACWF), almost 25% of women have experienced various levels of domestic violence within their marriages in China, and more than 40,000 cases of domestic violence against women are fil

8、ed every year. “The domestic violence has grown into a potential threat to the social stability,“ said the head of the ACWF. What do you think are the major causes that may result in the increasing domestic violence against women in China? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appr

9、opriate title for your essay. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 8答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Measures to Curb Tourists Who Litter On the week-long national holidays in various scenic spots across China, tickets sales are busy; se

10、curity guards are preoccupied. Above all, sanitation workers are hectic. Wherever Chinese tourists go, they leave a long trail of garbage behind. That is why the feature story of William Lindesay, a Briton who devoted himself to picking up trash on the Great Wall for 13 years, has paled us by compar

11、ison. In my opinion, preventative and penalty measures could be taken to train civic-minded tourists. In the first place, preventative measures could be initiated by governments or administrative authorities in the scenic spots. Stationing garbage bins every few miles and putting up signs to warn ag

12、ainst littering are helpful in this regard. Usually, tourists want to keep the environment intact, but they just could not locate a near-by trash bin, so they have to throw away the redundant plastic bags in their hands. Besides, education campaign could be launched to remind people of the harms bro

13、ught by littering. The beauty of the scenery might be spoiled by the thrown-away bottles. The unattended garbage might attract bugs or flies, which pose a threat to our health. In other words, we should send the message to people that keeping the scenery clean and tidy is the best way to honor the n

14、atural or historical scenes, with the help of the trash bins scattering across the scenic spot. In the second place, fines could be imposed upon those who litter. For example, in Hong Kong, those who litter on the street are fined up to HK$ 1,500. Similar penalty is also enforced in Singapore, where

15、 2nd time offenders are required of court attendance and judges may order “Corrective Work Order“ (CWO). In Chinese mainland, we have litter penalty, but the fine is sometimes too insignificant to be taken seriously. Local governments can drastically increase the fine and impose CWO to require offen

16、ders to clean up dirty streets or beaches, wearing luminous jackets. This “public humiliation“ will evoke the sense of shame in the offenders and prevent them from repeated offence. Aggressive as these measures may seem, they are immediately effective to rectify the inherent wrong-doings. In short,

17、we can resort to both chronic and acute remedies to cure the age-old problem of throwing away garbage at will. The civility of the tourists can be nurtured with the help of sufficient facilities and enforcement of severe penalty. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Importance of Filial Piety While different univ

18、ersities and various experts may hold divergent opinions concerning what admission standards would be like, it cannot be argued that filial piety, as one of the most valued virtues and one of the basic moral qualities in Chinese culture, should be listed in the standards to judge whether a student c

19、an be admitted to a college. Firstly, it should be noted that as a national moral standard, filial piety lies in the heart of the judgment of a person in China. Filial piety is not just some fancy idea from ancient books. In fact, it is so significant for Chinese people that it is not only frequentl

20、y mentioned and referred to, but also set as a crucial standard to tell whether a person is virtuous or not. An old Chinese saying goes: “among all the good deeds, filial piety comes first.“ Since childhood, every Chinese person is educated under such notion. We are told that if we want to be a good

21、 person, we should always start with treating our parents well. In this cultural context, it is clear that if one fails to live up to filial piety, he is not qualified as a moral person, let alone a moral student. It is hence not difficult to see that giving emphasis on filial piety is both sensible

22、 and fair. Additionally, filial piety is even more significant for elites-to-be college students. College students nowadays are typically more ambitious than before. They hope to become lawyers, doctors or government officials after they graduate. And these positions require greater sense of respons

23、ibility and moral integrity. As is known, great accomplishments start with tiny things. How can ordinary people be convinced that our nation is in harmony and stability when people with important duties are not even willing to look after their own parents? How can they treat people around them well

24、without the sense of taking good care of their own parents first? Consequently, filial piety requirement of prospective college students is a reasonable act that is beneficial to the society. From what have been discussed above, it can be concluded that Beijing Universitys decision of taking filial

25、piety as the requirement of college admission is a rational and wise one. In a society which regards filial piety as a criterion of deciding whether a person is good enough, it is natural that college students with great expectations should live up to this basic standard. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On the U

26、ngrateful Children The shocking news that a college student stabbed his mother to death because of her inability to remit the tuition fee has urged the society to reflect upon the moral decline of some children in China. Sadly, this is not an isolated case, because similar pieces of news are reporte

27、d now and then in recent years. As I see it, both children and parents are to blame for the ungratefulness of children. First of all, its unfilial for the children to take their parents care for granted. In modern China, this is a prevalent phenomenon among many youngsters which results in ungratefu

28、lness for their parents. As an old saying goes, “Gratitude and greed go not together.“ When childrens gratitude towards their parents is absent, greed will fill the void. Increasingly, children will be asking more from their parents, without being thankful. The more they ask, the less they will be a

29、ppreciative. The vicious cycle is thus set in motion. Secondly, the lack of communication between parents and children is attributed to the problem. Parents would usually spare no effort to love their children, especially the only child in a family. This love, however, has become a one-way street wh

30、ere some childrens love for their parents has weakened due to a lack of communication. Kids are more often than not con-fined to themselves, unwilling to reach out for their parents. It is, therefore, necessary for children to take a first step to bridge the generation gap by talking to their parent

31、s, instead of simply taking whatever their parents offer. More communication will enable kids to understand the efforts parents made to bring them up and the sense of gratitude would be nurtured. Thirdly, excessively permissive parenting also spoils the kids, which results in the absolute dependence

32、 on their parents. Since many parents would go to full length to save troubles from their kids, children usually develop an unhealthy reliance on their moms and dads. The habit of taking, not giving, has been formed and internalized in their mindsets. That is why parents should be a bit strict with

33、their children, for the good of their personality and character-building. To conclude, parents and children must make concerted efforts to develop a healthy and close relation. As the saying goes, “Gratitude is the least of the virtues; ingratitude the worst of vices.“ Without the least of the virtu

34、es, children would be left with the worst of evils. This is what we should avoid in our household. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Benefits of Frugality When Gary Locke, the new US ambassador, took office in Beijing, many Chinese people were actually taken aback by the ambassadors frugal acts a plain black s

35、uit, a black backpack and a rejected coupon in hand. People had never thought that the government official from the rich country would be so “stingy with money“. In light of this story, it is my belief that Chinese people, though relatively richer than before, should remain frugal, because frugality

36、 helps us with budgeting skills and a sense of gratitude. First of all, being thrifty is a way of managing our personal finance. We are all familiar with the “from rags to rich“ stories. Li Kashing is a case in point. When Li was young, he was poor and extremely mindful of his expense, bordering on

37、the verge of stinginess. As a matter of fact, it is because he was so careful with his every penny earned and spent that he developed his keen insights into finance. He even urged his sons to practice frugality when they were pursuing studies abroad. He gave them just enough money to cover basic nec

38、essities, thus encouraging them to develop a skill of saving money and take good care of their personal finance. It is not an accidental coincidence that now his sons are experts in finance and investment. In other words, thrifty lifestyle is a stepping stone, on which we can climb to the apex of bu

39、dgeting skills. Furthermore, leading an economical life is beneficial to cultivating a strong sense of gratitude. As is known to many people born in the mid-20th century, “Clothes can go for three-year new, three-year old and another three-year in patches“. In the old times, materials were scarce an

40、d people were forced to live economically. Now, even though our living standard has been improved, it is still necessary to remain frugal, because prudent spending would remind us of the hard times and urge us to appreciate what our ancestors scarified to ensure a better-off life we enjoy today. If

41、we are wasteful and take everything we have for granted, it is a cruel and heartless reaction to all the sufferings which our past generations have endured. In conclusion, even in good years, we are obligated to remain reasonable in spending. This would develop us into a grateful person with excelle

42、nt financing skills. “A penny saved is a penny earned“ the old saying is still valid in modern times. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 On Domestic Violence Li Yangs scandal of beating his American wife draws the publics attention once again to domestic violence, a repeatedly discussed yet constantly unsolved issu

43、e in contemporary Chinese society. Typically, women fall into victims of men who appear nice or even respectable in public. As the number of incidents of domestic violence increases, people begin to wonder: why domestic violence is prevalent in Chinese families? In my eyes, the causes of increasing

44、domestic violence in China mainly lie in the negative influence of Chinese feudalist mindset and the disadvantaged economic status of Chinese women. To start with, the defects of Chinese traditional culture play a key role in the rising number of domestic violence in China. Chinese feudal culture is

45、 a patriarchal one, in which the husband is granted absolute authority while the wife is regarded as subordinate. And men consider themselves as the family masters. They assume the right to maintain order at home by using violence. Under this circumstance, men become increasingly dominant, treating

46、women as possessions and objects which are disposable. What makes matters worse is the fact that Chinese people are taught to believe that domestic shame should not be made public, which is the main reason that some women are reluctant to denounce the violence. As a result, more and more women choos

47、e to submit to years of physical and mental torture. Additionally, womens economic disadvantages also lead to domestic violence. Although contemporary Chinese society becomes more and more liberal, and men and women are supposed to enjoy equal rights in the market-based economy, it should be noted t

48、hat over the last three decades of reform, power, represented by economic advantage, is still within the grasp of men. Traditional roles of men and women in a family remain untouched. For those women who have not succeeded in gaining e-conomic independence, they are in fact still to some extent unde

49、r mens control. As men are usually house-owner and bread-earner, life would prove very difficult for a woman if she leaves her husband. Thus women do not have as much say in the domestic arena as men do, which might further result in the abuse of women by men. To conclude, the epidemic of domestic violence is brought both by Chinese feudalist mindset and by differences in economic status. To solve the problem of domestic violence, there is still a long way to go before we can eradicate the prejudice and bridge t


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