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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 152及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s)

2、 you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 The Complexities of Reading This lecture is the first of six of “ The Mysteries of Reading and Writing“. We tend to think that

3、 reading competence increases with practice. Actually, it is a complex and mysterious process. I.【 T1】 _: A story of two Greek boys【 T1】 _ Dimitris has learnt to read but doesnt know the【 T2】 _in which the【 T2】_ letter is written. Gregoris is【 T3】 _, but is familiar with the local vernacular.【 T3】 _

4、 The result is that the reading process【 T4】 _the two boys efforts.【 T4】_ II. The different process of learning speaking and reading both specific to human species talking or speaking can be learnt【 T5】 _【 T5】 _ exposed to a linguistic environment engaged in linguistic exchanges following【 T6】 _【 T6

5、】 _ reading, to be learnt “formally“ cant be acquired by spending time with written material must be “taught“ and【 T7】 _, either in ones childhood or later【 T7】 _ tragedy: roughly 20% of the global【 T8】 _being illiterate【 T8】 _ some exceptions in【 T9】 _: Marcel Pagnols La Gloire de mon pere【 T9】_ (M

6、y Fathers Glory) III. Reading is the result of a patient【 T10】 _【 T10】 _ learning to make sense of words, then sentences, finally the “【 T11】 _“ of a text【 T11】 _ learning to understand the【 T12】 _of the text: “befores“ and【 T12】 _ “afters“ , cause and effect, or finality learning to understand the

7、usage of pronouns and【 T13】 _【 T13】 _ being fortunate for us to have learnt the reading skill IV. About the next lecture:【 T14】 _【 T14】 _ explore a range of images of readers ask them about【 T15】 _of reading【 T15】 _ 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 11

8、 【 T11】 12 【 T12】 13 【 T13】 14 【 T14】 15 【 T15】 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. Aft

9、er each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) What to encounter in the US. ( B) How to play sports in the

10、 US. ( C) How to avoid psychological shock. ( D) How to handle cultural differences. ( A) Bowling style. ( B) Rugby style. ( C) Basketball style. ( D) NBA style. ( A) Take turns to speak. ( B) Interrupt other people. ( C) Remain silent unless spoken to. ( D) Get offended when interrupted. ( A) South

11、ern Europe. ( B) Northern Europe. ( C) African cultures. ( D) Latin America. ( A) Very casual style. ( B) Politely wait for ones turn to speak. ( C) Interrupt other people regardless of the circumstances. ( D) Grasp available opportunities to jump in conversation. ( A) Because it is rude to do so. (

12、 B) Because it may cause trouble. ( C) Because it is inconsiderate to do so. ( D) Because their conversation style may not reflect their personalities. ( A) It may help enhance ones awareness of cultural differences. ( B) It may help one gain a command of language use. ( C) It may help one improve h

13、is speaking skills. ( D) It may help one get along well with his fellow students. ( A) To show that students have to do a lot of project work. ( B) To show that the basketball style is not always apparent. ( C) To show that it is difficult for students to take notes. ( D) To show MBA classes are mos

14、tly teacher-led classes. ( A) They tend to be more goal-oriented. ( B) There is likely to be more work. ( C) They tend to be more dynamic in conversation. ( D) Teachers may lose control of the class. ( A) To make sure the letter is “T“ instead of “D“. ( B) To tell the physician he needs a table. ( C

15、) To indicate the physician is like a table. ( D) To make fun of the physician. 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 152答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER S

16、HEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文】 The Complexities of Reading Good morning

17、, everyone, welcome to my lecture. This is the first of six lectures which Ive entitled “The Mysteries of Reading and Writing“. Tonight Id like to open the subject up by asking a series of questions and suggesting possible answers to some of them. The answers to other questions will emerge during th

18、e course of later lectures. Or at least thats the plan. We take reading for granted. Once weve gained basic literacy, our competence increases with practice and we dont think much about it until we attempt to help someone else to learn to read. Then were struck by what a long and difficult process l

19、earning to read is. And indeed how difficult it is to define. In France, in Burgundy, this summer I was struck by a sign directing people to a “ Station de lecture du paysage“ A Post for Reading the Landscape. Reading is also a very complex and in some way mysterious business. (1)Id like to tell a l

20、ittle story to illustrate this. Imagine two young Greek boys, playing in the attic of a house in rural Greece. They come across an old chest, and in it, a letter. They persuade each other that it includes instructions as to where to find valuables hidden during the Second World War.(2)One, lets say

21、Dimitris, has learnt to read but doesnt know the local dialect in which the letter is written.(3)The other, lets say Gregoris, is illiterate, but is familiar with the local dialect. Dimitris gazes frustratedly at the words on the page while Gregoris asks impatiently what the letter says. Dimitris st

22、arts to “ sound out“ the words and Gregoris encourages him occasionally correcting a slight mispronunciation.(4 - 1)When Dimitris reaches the end of the letter, Gregoris is able to translate its contents into Modern Greek and they are then both aware of what the letter says. Now, who has “read“ the

23、letter? It cant be Gregoris, as he is illiterate. Nor can it be Dimitris as he doesnt know the local dialect.(4-2)So we have to conclude that the reading process has been shared and collaborative. Reading isnt simply about “ sounding out the letters“. Nor can we do it without a certain oral competen

24、ce in the language were reading. (5)Reading is specific to the human species, like speech, but reading doesnt follow, or at least not directly, from innate capabilities which are activated simply by spending time with written material. With rare exceptions children learn to speak by being exposed to

25、 a linguistic environment and being encouraged into linguistic exchanges.(6)They learn to talk according to a developmental scheme, which is both genetically programmed and geared to the properties of each particular mother tongue. (7)But reading, as opposed to speaking, has to be learnt “formally“.

26、 It has to be “taught“ and assimilated, either in childhood or later. Without the pedagogy, children remain illiterate.(8)It is a tragedy that there are some 774 million, roughly 20% of the global adult population, illiterate people in the world. I say “a tragedy“ because I believe that reading grea

27、tly extends our understanding of the world and of ourselves. (9)That reading has to be taught formally has sometimes been denied, at least in fiction. Edgar Rice Burroughs, in Tarzan, King of the Jungle tells of the young savage child finding a reading primer in the cabin abandoned by an explorer hi

28、s father. He does his utmost to make sense of what he calls the “ little insects“ , the letters, recognising their recurrences and the combinations in which they appear. He teaches himself to read. In Marcel Pagnols La Gloire de mon pere(My Fathers Glory)Pagnol explains how he taught himself, aged j

29、ust four, to read. He was often left by his mother at the back of the classroom when his mother went shopping. Hed play with a toy and watch his father admiringly. His father assumed that he was amusing himself quietly and paying no attention to his lessons. (10)Reading is the result of a patient ap

30、prenticeship guided by patient teachers. And its a complex process.(11)It begins with learning how to make sense of words, then sentences, and finally what we might call the “ global meaning“ of a text.(12)The apprentice reader has to understand that a text is not simply sentences placed together. R

31、ather there are “befores“ and “afters“ , and there are relations of cause and effect, or finality, between two events.(13)Without necessarily learning formal grammar, the learner-reader of fiction has to understand that a character first introduced as Catherine, is the same character referred to lat

32、er on by the pronoun “ she“ , or the character who reappears as a definite article, followed by a noun, qualified by adjectives, “ the pretty little girl“ : “Catherine“, “she“ , and “the pretty little girl“ are all the same “character“. The more one thinks about reading, the more remarkable it is th

33、at its a skill that most of us are fortunate enough to have learnt. Because language is a tricky and slippery business. This evening we considered complexities of reading.(14)In my next lecture, Id like to consider the reader, as opposed to reading.(15)Well be exploring a range of images of readers

34、and asking what they tell us about perceptions of reading. Thanks for your attention. 【知识模块】 讲座 1 【正确答案】 Illustration 【试题解析】 本题考查对重要细节的概括。根据句 (1)可知,演讲者通过讲述两个希腊男孩的故事来阐明自己的看法,即阅读是一件复杂而神秘的过程。原文中用的是动词 illustrate,但空格处是对这一故事作用的说明,应该使用名词形式,同时注意首字母大写,所以答案为 Illustration。 【知识模块】 讲座 2 【正确答案】 local dialect 【试题解

35、析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (2)可知, Dimitris会 阅读,但是不懂写这封信所用的当地方言,所以答案为 local dialect。 【知识模块】 讲座 3 【正确答案】 illiterate 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (3)The other, lets say Gregoris, is illiterate, but is familiar with the local dialect可知, Gregoris虽然不识字,但却很了解当地的方言,因此本题答案为 illiterate。 【知识模块】 讲座 4 【正确答案】 combines 【试题解析】 本题考查对举例

36、处的概括推理。根据句 (41)可知,目不识丁的Gregoris和不懂当地方言的 Dimitris通力合作,读懂了这封信。根据句 (42)可知,阅读是一个共享和协作的过程,根据空白处前后的提示可知,阅读过程结合了这两个小男孩的努力,所以可推知答案为 combines。 【知识模块】 讲座 5 【正确答案】 naturally 【试题解析】 本题考查对重要细节的概括。根据句 (5)可知,阅读和语言都是人类特有的能力,但阅读能力并不是人类与生俱来的。绝大多数儿 童可以通过置身于特定的语言环境当中来习得语言,而阅读能力则与之相反,需要通过 “正规的 ”学习来习得。综合来看可知,交谈或者语言可以 “自然

37、地 ”习得,故答案为naturally。 【知识模块】 讲座 6 【正确答案】 a developmental scheme 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (6)可知,对于语言能力,人类有其自身的发展时间表,而这种发展过程与遗传有关,同时也会根据特定母语的特性有所变化,所以答案为 a developmental scheme。 【知识模块】 讲座 7 【正确答案】 assimilated 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (7)可知,阅读能力不同于语言能力,必须通过 “正规的 ”学习来习得,必须在儿童时期或成人时期进行教授和同化才能习得,所以答案为 assimilated。 【

38、知识模块】 讲座 8 【正确答案】 adult population 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (8)It is a tragedy thatroughly 20 of the global adult population, illiterate people in the world可知,本题答案为adult population。 【知识模块】 讲座 9 【正确答案】 fiction 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。演讲者在上文提到阅读能力必须通过正规的学习来习得,根据句 (9)可知,有些小说会故意违反这一常规,以便获得某种效果。结合空格前面的提示内容 some excep

39、tions可知,此处答案应为 fiction。 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【正确答案】 apprenticeship 【试题解析】 本题考查 重要细节。根据句 (10)可知,阅读就是有耐心的学徒在有耐心的老师的指导下学习的结果,而且这一过程非常复杂,所以答案为apprenticeship。 【知识模块】 讲座 11 【正确答案】 global meaning 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (11)可知,演讲者认为阅读的过程首先应了解词的意思,其次是句子的意思,最后是这篇文章的整体意思,所以本题答案为 global meaning。 【知识模块】 讲座 12 【正确答案】 logic

40、relations 【试题解 析】 本题考查对重要细节的概括。根据句 (12)可知,阅读者必须知道文本不仅仅是句子的叠加,其中有 “前 ”、有 “后 ”,有因、有果,而且有结局。换句话说,文本内容都是按照一定的逻辑关系展开的,所以归纳得出答案为 logic relations。 【知识模块】 讲座 13 【正确答案】 the definite article 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (13)可知,演讲者认为虽然系统学习语法不那么必要,但是学习者必须掌握代词和定冠词等的用法,所以本题答案为 the definite article。 【知识模块】 讲座 14 【正确答案】 the

41、 reader 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。这篇讲座的主要内容是阅读的复杂性,根据句(14)可知,下一次讲座的主题是与阅读相对应的读者,探讨读者的不同类型以及探寻他们对阅读的理解,所以答案为 the reader。 【知识模块】 讲座 15 【正确答案】 perceptions 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (15)Well be exploring a range of images of readers and asking what they tell us about perceptions of reading可知,演讲者接下来将会研究一系列不同类型的读者,并要求他们讲

42、述对阅读的理解,所以本题答案为 perceptions。 【知识模块】 讲座 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each q

43、uestion there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. 16 【听力原文】 Will Arditti(M) Susan Iannuzzi(W) Now, listen to Part One of th

44、e interview. M: Im Will Arditti, and(1)this week were going to talk about what students coming to study in the US can do to avoid culture shock in the classroom. We invite Susan Iannuzzi. Shes an international consultant in English language teaching who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hi, Susan.

45、Welcome. W: Thanks. M: So tell me what you did about it. W: Well, actually, one of the things that we did at the University of Pittsburgh was that we used the sports equivalence, which, you know, is not something we came up with. Its the three conversational styles of, say, bowling, rugby and basket

46、ball. So, for example,(2)the bowling style. That would be considered something perhaps highly considerate, which means that people from those countries would use a style where they would take turns and they would, you know, hold back if theyre a junior person and allow the older person or the more s

47、enior person to speak first. And then when they are asked for their opinion they would jump in. M: Just like you would take turns in a bowling game. W: Exactly. You go and roll and Ill wait for you, and now its my turn, and everybody knows that there are going to be turns. M: So thats the high-consi

48、derate model. W: Yes. Then theres, you know, the rugby style, which might be the other end. And this is high-involvement.(3)And in this style youre expected to interrupt other people and the other people are fine with that, they expect to be interrupted. So theres a sort of rapid changing of topic,

49、changing of speakers and overlapping of speech.(4)This is a style thats common in southern Europe, in African cultures, in cultures of Latin America, many voices happening at one time. Its also a style in Russia and Greece. M: And then the basketball model? W:(5)Well, the basketball model is a little bit closer t

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