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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 246及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there

2、will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) What to encounter in the US. ( B) How to play sports in the US. ( C) How to avoid

3、psychological shock. ( D) How to handle cultural differences. ( A) The bowling style. ( B) The rugby style. ( C) The basketball style. ( D) The football style. ( A) Take turns to speak. ( B) Interrupt other people. ( C) Remain silent unless spoken to. ( D) Get offended when interrupted. ( A) Souther

4、n Europe. ( B) Northern Europe. ( C) Russia. ( D) Latin America. ( A) Changing topics frequently. ( B) Waiting politely for the turn to speak. ( C) Interrupting others regardless of the circumstances. ( D) Grasping available opportunities to jump in. ( A) Consideration. ( B) Courage. ( C) Fairness.

5、( D) Awareness. ( A) Because most people may not reflect on them. ( B) Because most people could not understand them. ( C) Because they can help improve speaking skills. ( D) Because they can help improve writing skills. ( A) To show that students have to do a lot of project work. ( B) To show that

6、the basketball style is not always apparent. ( C) To show that it is difficult for students to take notes. ( D) To show that MBA classes are mostly teacher-led classes. ( A) They tend to be more goal-oriented. ( B) There is likely to be more work. ( C) They tend to be more dynamic. ( D) Teachers may

7、 lose control of the class. ( A) To make sure the letter is “T“ instead of “D“. ( B) To tell the physician he needs a table. ( C) To indicate that the physician is like a table. ( D) To make fun of the physician. ( A) Online education in China. ( B) Digital gap in China. ( C) Good courseware in Chin

8、a. ( D) Credible exams in China. ( A) It is easy for parents to oversee their childrens study. ( B) It is easy for teachers to monitor the learning process of students. ( C) It is easy for students to obtain the optimized educational resources. ( D) It is easy for students to make great progress in

9、study. ( A) Students can overcome barriers of space and time. ( B) Students can get much easier access to the Internet. ( C) Students can obtain the optimized educational resources. ( D) The Internet technology makes mass education possible. ( A) Nine years ago. ( B) Eight years ago. ( C) Seven year

10、s ago. ( D) Six years ago. ( A) It will bring a quick return of money at a rather low cost. ( B) It will take a long time to develop good courseware. ( C) It is likely to see something in return after one or two years. ( D) It is a bad target compared with a supermarket. ( A) Establishing online edu

11、cation project is something like building a supermarket. ( B) Internet technology can broaden digital gap between the poor and the rich. ( C) The biggest problem of online education in China is the human mind. ( D) We have to humanize technology in online courseware development. ( A) They do not hav

12、e enough money. ( B) They do not have the technology. ( C) They do not make good use of the money. ( D) They do not make good use of the technologies. ( A) Writing computer codes. ( B) Integrating various materials. ( C) Humanizing technology. ( D) Computerizing concepts of education. ( A) Because t

13、he technology is not mature enough. ( B) Because it is difficult to develop an online testing program. ( C) Because it costs too much to develop and implement such a program. ( D) Because it is difficult to check the identity of an examinee. ( A) It is easy to implement. ( B) Results of it are unbel

14、ievable. ( C) Safe monitoring testing is available. ( D) It is quite widely used in China. ( A) In 2012. ( B) In 2003. ( C) In 1961. ( D) In 1954. ( A) An explanation. ( B) A novel. ( C) An interpretation. ( D) A textbook. ( A) 9. ( B) 38. ( C) 73. ( D) 76. ( A) By focusing on Hemingways family. ( B

15、) By focusing on Hemingways works. ( C) By focusing on Hemingways cruiser. ( D) By focusing on Hemingways awards. ( A) To tell readers how to catch big fish in the Caribbean. ( B) To concentrate on fishing, friendship and fatherhood. ( C) To lavish pages on cordial relationship between wives. ( D) T

16、o seek advice to be a crewman from anonymous characters. ( A) The bad relationship with his son. ( B) The memoirs unpublished and unknown. ( C) The scene of time spent with families. ( D) The good reputation for being kind. ( A) A trembling soul. ( B) Emphasis on masculinity. ( C) A mask of anxiety.

17、 ( D) The American Dream. ( A) Scorn. ( B) Criticism. ( C) Compliment. ( D) Admiration. ( A) By focusing on Hemingways literary awards. ( B) By unveiling Hemingways relationship with his son. ( C) By recording Hemingways image as a patient. ( D) By analyzing Hemingways secrets and fantasies. ( A) It

18、 became a museum piece. ( B) It was wrecked by a whale. ( C) It became a nice garden. ( D) It was restored by Hemingways descendants. 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 246答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five q

19、uestions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You

20、have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 M: Im Will Arditti, and (1) this week were going to talk about what students coming to study in the US can do to avoid culture shock in the classroom. We have invited Susan Iannuzzi. Shes an international consultant in English language teaching

21、from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hi, Susan. Welcome. W: Thanks. M: So tell me what you did about it. W: Well, actually, one of the things that we did at the University of Pittsburgh was that we used the sports equivalence, which, you know, is not something we came up with. Its the three conversational

22、 styles of, say, bowling, rugby and basketball. So, for example, (2) the bowling style. That would be considered something perhaps highly considerate, which means that people from those countries would use a style where they would take turns and they would hold back if theyre a junior person and all

23、ow the older person or the more senior person to speak first. And then when they are asked for their opinion they would jump in. M: Just like you would take turns in a bowling game. W: Exactly. You go and roll and Ill wait for you, and now its my turn, and everybody knows that there are going to be

24、turns. M: So thats the high-considerate model. W: Yes. Then theres the rugby style, which might be the other end. And this is high-involvement. (3) And in this style youre expected to interrupt other people and the other people are fine with that they expect to be interrupted. So theres a sort of ra

25、pid changing of topics, changing of speakers and overlapping of speeches. (4) This is a style thats common in southern Europe, in African cultures, in cultures of Latin America, many voices happening at one time. Its also a style in Russia and Greece. M: And then the basketball model? W: (5) Well, t

26、he basketball model is a little bit closer to what we have here. So think about it as if youre playing basketball. Youre carrying out the conversation. Youre just going along. And when you hesitate, other people see that as an opportunity to jump in and steal the ball, to steal the conversation away

27、. Not in a bad way, just as “Oh, its my turn now. “ This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard. 1. What is the interview mainly about? 2. In what kind of conversation style do people take turns to give opinions? 3. What are you likely to do w

28、hen you are engaged in a rugby-style conversation? 4. Which of the following does NOT often use the rugby style of conversation? 5. According to Susan Iannuzzi, what may be the conversation style in the US? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据句 (1)可知,本次采访的内容是到美国学习的学生怎样避免课堂上的文化冲击,因此答案为 D。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】

29、 根据句 (2)可知,在保龄球式风格的讨论中,人们会轮流发言,因此答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (3)可知,在橄榄球式的讨论风格中,一个人会打断他人的谈话是预料之中的事,而他人也不会介意,他们预料到自己的话会被打断,话题和说话人转换迅速, 谈话会发生交叉,因此答案为 B。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (4)可知,橄榄球式的讨论风格在欧洲南部、非洲和拉丁美洲的文化中都很常见,它也是俄罗斯和希腊的讨论风格,所以答案为 B。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据句 (5)可知,篮球式的讨论风格

30、和美国的讨论风格有点相近。当讲话者犹豫的时候,其他人就会将此视为插言的机会。因此答案为 D。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: So what practical things would you recommend for someone whos coming into this country and who really knows nothing about these styles that youre talking about? W: Well, if theyre in an English language learning situation, I think

31、its really helpful for them to realize that the other people that are there learning with them may come from different styles, so not to make judgments about them as “Oh, youre rude. “ or “Youre inconsiderate. “ or “Youre just very quiet and you never say anything.“ Because these things may not be s

32、omeones true personality. They may just be the conversation style that theyre accustomed to. M: Yeah. W: (6) So, awareness, I think, is the number one thing. (7) It also helps if the instructors point these things out to people, because its not something that most of us are going to reflect on in ou

33、r own lives, thinking about, well, how do I interact in a conversation? I dont know what I do; I just do it. M: Youre saying that the basketball model tends to be maybe more the traditional style in the US classroom. But is that always the case? W: (8) You know, the dynamic of each class is differen

34、t. For example, in the MBA schools, the students are expected to do a lot of project work, so the professors may not be as involved in directing classroom interaction. There may be a lot of times when the students are working amongst themselves. (9)I would imagine in teacher-led classes that this dy

35、namic is much more apparent. I personally remember an instructor. I cant remember where this professor was from, but the topic of the class just seemed to change constantly, as if, you know, “And now were going to talk about something completely different. “ It made for a challenging time in taking

36、notes. M: And then there are the challenges of everyday language. Even a common way that Americans avoid confusion when spelling a name out loud can be confusing if youre not familiar with it. W: I remember a physician who had very good written English. He was used to writing papers and he could eve

37、n present them very well because he had presented them at international conferences. But when he went to set up phone service, and (10) he was telling them “My last name starts with T.“ and they would say “T like table?“ he said “No, Im not a table. I dont need a table. Its T.“ And he didnt understa

38、nd that they were using this strategy, this device of associating, you know, the first letter of your name with a common object so that we make sure that we write a T instead of a D. M: OK, thats all for our interview. Thanks for coming, Susan. Goodbye. W: My pleasure. Goodbye. This is the end of Pa

39、rt Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard. 6. What does Susan think is the number one thing for someone in an English language learning situation? 7. According to Susan, why should the instructors point out the differences between conversation styles? 8. Why do

40、es Susan mention the MBA schools? 9. What can we know about Susans opinion of teacher-led classes? 10. What do Americans mean by saying “T like table?“ in the example? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据句 (6)可知,当主持人问苏珊对于那些要来美国但是并不知道她所说的那些讨论风格的人有什么实际的建议时,苏珊认为意识到讨论风格的不同是最重要的,因此答案为 D。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据句

41、(7)可知,讲师向学生指出这些不同的讨论风格也是有帮助的,因为在我们的日常生活中,大多数人并不会思考这些事情,因此答案为 A。 【知识模块 】 听力 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (8)可知,当主持人问篮球式的风格在美国的课堂中是否一直都是更传统的风格时,苏珊回答说每个课程的互动方式都是不同的,并举例说MBA学校的学生被要求做很多课题研究工作,所以教授可能并不像指导课堂交流那样参与进来,然后指出,在教师主导的课堂上,这种篮球式的风格会更加明显。因此,苏珊举 MBA学校的例子是为了说明篮球式风格并不总是很明显。因此答案为 B。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】

42、 根据句 (9)可知,由教师主 导的课堂讨论篮球式风格更加明显,话题会不断改变,因此答案为 C。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据句 (10)可知,他们说 “T like table?”的目的是将名字的第一个字母与一个常见物体相关联,以明确所说的字母是 T而不是 D,因此答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【听力原文】 W: What are the advantages of (1) E-education, Professor Gu? M: (2-1) There are at least four advantages. First, with acce

43、ss to the Internet, students can overcome barriers of space and time. For example, we can make educational resources in Beijing available to students in Xinjiang. (2-2) Second, easy access. For example, we can put libraries of multimedia resources on the Internet and students can have access to thes

44、e libraries just by clicking the mouse. (2-3) The third advantage is the optimization of resources. For example, we can tape the lectures given by very prominent professors and broadcast them live in China and even in the entire world through the Internet. (2-4/3-1) Because of these three advantages

45、, there is another big advantage, that is, the Internet technology makes mass education possible. As you know, it is simply impossible for the whole population to receive education on campus. It is impossible economically or otherwise. (3-2) And this is where the greatest advantage of E-education li

46、es. It offers mass education and education for a lifetime. W: Can you briefly tell us the history of Chinas E-education, Professor Gu? M: (4) E-education in China started eight years ago when the Internet technology began to prevail. People realized that the Internet technology was more powerful tha

47、n TV, because it really created the opportunities for students to interact with teachers and among themselves. In 1996 or later than that, the Ministry of Education initiated a piloting project using the Internet technology to promote education. W: My understanding is that an online education projec

48、t may involve a large amount of money and yet most investors would expect a quick return for their investment, so how did you solve that problem? M: This is the lesson that lots of investors have to learn from this initial investment into online education programs. (5-1) Initially, they thought it m

49、ight be possible to have a quick return of cash after the investment for one or two years. It is a misconception of online education. Sometimes, I use a metaphor of building a supermarket. If you want to build a supermarket, first of all, you have to have these infrastructures. On top of the building, you have to develop various goods that people like. (5-2) Its the same with education. You must realize you have to develop courseware that people really love. And it takes quite a long time to develop really


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