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1、专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 清晨的街道俨然成为自行车的 “洪流 ”,上班去的人们都穿上了五颜六色的夏服。 8月盛夏,最高气温可达到三十七八度,不少姑娘穿起露肩、低胸、无袖的上衣,有的小伙子把背心捋上肚皮。在还用不起空调的普通人家,人们特别关注电视台的天气预报和日历,不时地埋怨着: “这天真太热啦 !”在惊 呼、叹息中,盛夏似乎走得太慢了。 2 送儿女来上学的以父亲居多,有些是父母同来,父母们本来千差万别的

2、脸,个人化特征在此时得到淡化而呈现出相同的气质:劳碌、疲惫,初到异地的怯懦,和谨慎,以及其情甚殷,唯恐儿女吃亏的心态。 那样长而累人的旅途,那样繁琐耗人的手续,太能磨蚀人的锐气了。 18岁的孩子,少年得志的喜悦与轻狂,自下车起就一点点没了,跟在父母身后,满校园地跑,每办一项手续都得走很多路,问很多人,父母到处陪着笑脸。 3 芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子、几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板 街。 铺子和铺子是那样的紧密,以至一家煮狗肉,满街闻香气;以至谁家娃儿跌跤碰脱牙,扛了碗,街坊邻里心中都有数;以至姐妹家的私房活,年轻夫妻的打情骂俏,都常常被隔壁邻居听了去,传为一镇的的秘闻趣事,笑料谈资。偶尔某户人

3、家弟兄内讧,夫妻斗殴,整条街道便会骚动起来,人们往来奔走,相告相劝,如同一河受惊的鸭群,半天不得平息。 4 不同的人对退休持不同的态度。有些人认为退休后可享受晚年的生活。但真的退了下来,他们则有点失望。看到自己就要被抛到废物堆里,他们不甘认命,设法另找事干来发挥自己的余热 ,以继续得到收入。另一些人则对一生中这样一个重大变动早有准备。他们一生为工作操劳,现在筋疲力尽了,渴望退休后能放松拉紧的弦,好好休息。 5 同时,父母之命媒妁之言的旧式婚姻,却要比嫖妓更高明。这制度之下,男人得到永久的终身的活财产。当新妇人被放到新郎的床上的时候,她只有义务,她连讲价钱的自由都没有,何况恋爱。不管你爱不爱,在

4、周公孔圣人的名义之下,你得从一而终,你得守贞操。男人可以随时使用她,而她却要遵守圣贤的礼教,即使“只在心里动了恶念,也要算犯奸淫 ”的。 专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 14答 案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 【正确答案】 The early-morning streets become rivers of cyclists clad in bright summer garments pedaling off to work. In the he

5、at of August, when the temperature can climb as high as 38 , many a girl put on low-cut sleeveless dresses and some young men roll up their T-shirts to expose their chests. With air-conditioning still being too luxurious in average families, everyone suddenly develops a passionate interest in TV wea

6、ther forecasts and the calendar, while the hot summer days seem to crawl especially slowly away amidst a chorus of sleepy complaints, exclamations and sighs about the scorching heat. 【试题解析】 1、本段为写实性描写,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。原文清新明快,翻译时应尽量保持其风格。 2、本段的中 心内容是人们在炎热夏天的感受,故翻译第 1句时应以 “骑自行车、身着五颜六色的夏服去上班的 人 ”为主要描写对象,将

7、两个分句合二为一,译成rivers ofcyclists clad in bright summer garments pedaling off to work。 3、第 2句的 “达到 ”可译为 climb,形象生动; “不少姑娘 ”可译成 many girls或many agirl,表达出普遍性, “有的小伙子 ”则应译成 some young men,与 “不少姑娘 ”形成对比; “低胸 ”为 low-cut; “露肩 ”、 “无袖 ”意思相仿,即为 sleeveless; “捋上肚皮 ”意指把背心卷起来露出肚皮,故译为 roll upto expose their chests 。 【

8、知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 In most cases it is male parents who perform this duty of escorting their children to college on the first day. With some families, both parents come. The highly individualized faces which normally should be different from any other faces in a thousand and one ways on this occasio

9、n typically lose their uniqueness; all faces display the same expressions: fatigue, exhaustion, the timidity and cautiousness of a new comer, and concern and fear that their children might be treated unfairly. What long and exhausting journeys! So many confusing and time-consuming procedures! They w

10、ear out peoples elan. All the gleefulness and conceit usually exhibit in “those eighteen-year-old youngsters whove just made it“ disappear altogether. Following closely on the heels of their parents, they shuffle from place to place on the campus. The completion of each formality requires running hi

11、ther and thither and asking this person and that, with their parents having to put on humble smiling faces all the time. 【试题解析】 1、本段描述一种带有普遍性的社会现象,故宜采用一般现在时为总体时态。 2、第 2句前两个分句可译为感叹句表示强调。 “繁琐耗人 ”其实指复杂耗时,根据下文的意思,可将其译为 confusing and timeconsuming,突出当事人的感受与难堪。 “锐气 ”可用法语单词 elan翻译,保留原文侃侃而谈,略带风雅的文体 特点,也可用 h

12、igh spirit代替。 “磨蚀 ”可译成 corrode,也可译成 wear out,两种译法均贴近原文的意思,同时保留其形象化特征,不过前者的重心在 “蚀 ”,后者的重心在 “磨 ”。 3、第 3句较长,翻译为英语可分成几个简单句。 “少年得志 ”是中文习语,可采取意译法;此处 “跑 ”为突出其累的精神状态,可译为 shuffle: “手续 ”可译为formality或 procedure。 4、 “走很多路,问很多人 ”可译成 running hither and thither and asking this personand that; “陪着笑脸 ”意为勉强装出的谦恭的笑容,故

13、可译成 put on humble smilingfaces all the time。 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 These shops were so packed together that if one of them stewed dogmeat, the aroma filled the whole street; if some child fell and knocked out a tooth or smashed a bowl, the whole street knew of it; neighbours often overheard secret wor

14、ds girls confided to each other and amorous jokes between young married couples, then regaled the whole town with these titbits. If brothers fell out or husband and wife came to blows, the whole place got in a turmoil as all rushed to intercede and it would be quite some time before they calmed down

15、, just like a startled flock of wild ducks. 【试题解析】 1、本段选自文学作品,叙述某一历史时期所发生的事情,故宜选用一般过去时为总体时态。 2、对于几个四字结构,翻译时不应拘泥于原文的形式,可以采用意译法。 “弟兄内讧,夫妻斗殴 ”可译成 fights between brothers and brawls between married couple “骚动起来 ”可译 get tremulous或 get in a turmoil, “往来奔走,相告相劝 ”可译成 rush to helpmake peace或 to intercede。 【知

16、识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 Attitudes toward retirement vary from person to person. Some people, before they retire, may think that they will be able to relax and enjoy their old age, but when they actually retire, disappointment sets in. Unwilling to resign themselves to the circumstance of being deemed “spe

17、nt“, being thrown onto the scrap heap, so to speak, they try to seek alternative employment so as to continue making use of their energy, skill, and knowledge in return for extra income. Others have already prepared themselves for this significant change in their lives. After working hard for a majo

18、r part of their life, they feel exhausted and are eager to relax in retirement with all the strains relieved. 【试题解析】 1、本段以平铺直叙的方法对当代社会生活发表议论,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。 2、原文第 2句和第 3句衔接紧密,带有转折关系,说明有些人退休前与退休后的不同心态,翻译时应采用 “增补 ”的翻译手法,补充出 before they retire和 when they actuallyretire,增强译文的逻辑性。 “认为退休后可享受 ”译成 may think

19、that they will beable to relax and enjoy,通过一般现在 时和一般将来时的组合来明确时间关系,省略 “退休后 ”,避免 retirement一词的过度重复。 3、 “这样一个重大变动 ”应译成 this significant change,比 the significant change指代更明确。 4、第 6句的 “一生为工作操劳 ”兼有时间与因果两层逻辑关系,可译成 After workinghard for a major part of their life; “一生 ”译成 a major part of their life比alltheir

20、 life更为准确,尤其是随着生活 条件的不断改善,中国人的平均寿命不断增加,若译成 all their life则含有 “死之将近 ”的含义,略带悲观色彩,与全文整体风格略有出入。 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 At the same time, the old-style marriage made “at the behest of the parents and after consultation between matchmakers“ was superior even to whoring. Under this system, the man came into a

21、 piece of live property that was his to hold forever. From the time the bride was deposited on the bed of the bridegroom she had only duties and obligations to perform; even the freedom to haggle over a price was denied her, let alone love. Love or without love, in the name of Duke of Zhou and the S

22、age Confucius, she had to cleave to one man for all her days, and she had to preserve her chastity. The man could use her whenever he pleased, yet she had to abide by the morale teachings of the saintly fathers: even “to conceive an unclean thought is to be guilty of adultery“. 【试题解析】 1、本段讲述封建婚姻制度下妇

23、女的悲惨命运,为历史性叙述,故采用一般过去时为总体时态。 2、第 1句 “父母之命媒妁之言 ”为中国俗语,可采用意译法译成 at the behest of the parents and after consultation between matchmakers,或可译 成 at the parentsdecree(order)and matchmakersadvice。 3、 “嫖妓 ”可译成 whoring,简洁明了,符合英文的表达方式,也可根据意思译成visiting(frequenting)brothels,或 taking prostitutes。 4、第 3句 “讲价钱 ”可译为 haggle或 bargain,突出封建婚姻制度的商业化本质。 5、第 5句 “圣贤 ”可译为 saintly fathers。 “犯奸淫 ”可译为 be guilty of adultery或commit adultery。 【知识模块】 汉译英


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