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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 546及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conver

3、sations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 The financial analysis project has to be finished by ( A) Friday afternoon. ( B) the weekend. ( C) Monday. ( D) the end of the month. 3 Why did the woman suggest not giving everyone an extra day off so quickl

4、y? ( A) There will still be much work. ( B) They dont deserve it. ( C) A new project could appear. ( D) The financial analysis project cant wait. 4 According to the conversation, the meeting the man attends ( A) has just started. ( B) will start in a minute. ( C) wont last long. ( D) has been on for

5、 hours. 5 What kind of room does the customer want to reserve? ( A) A single room. ( B) A twin room. ( C) A beautiful room. ( D) A warm room. 6 How much he should pay for the room with bathroom per night? ( A) $ 100. ( B) $ 110. ( C) $ 120. ( D) $ 130. 7 How many nights will the customer be staying?

6、 ( A) One night. ( B) Two nights. ( C) Three nights. ( D) Four nights. 8 The mans effort to find a position does not include_. ( A) putting up ads on newspapers ( B) calling various employers ( C) going through interviews ( D) reading thousands of want ads 9 Which of the following best describes the

7、 man at the beginning of the conversation? ( A) Frustrated. ( B) Despairing. ( C) Optimistic. ( D) Nostalgic. 10 What does the job requirement say? ( A) The applicant should speak two languages. ( B) The applicant will work as tour guides in Eastern China. ( C) Relevant experience is a must. ( D) Th

8、e working schedule is tight. 11 The man promises that he will_. ( A) call Explore Tours immediately ( B) go for the wonderful evening dinner ( C) treat the woman to a fine dinner ( D) not give up easily until he finds a job SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passag

9、es. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 What questions were included in the mid-term exam and will not be included in the final exam ? ( A) Essay questions. ( B) Multiple choice questions. ( C) Filling the blank questions. ( D) Error correction questions. 1

10、3 What did NOT the teacher suggest the students to review? ( A) The textbook. ( B) The calls notes. ( C) The mid-term questions. ( D) The reference books. 14 On which day will be the teacher in his office all day? ( A) Monday. ( B) Tuesday. ( C) Wednesday. ( D) Thursday. 15 Why do most students buy

11、meal contracts? ( A) They are free to have their meals any time for their convenience in the dorm kitchens. ( B) They have more choices of eating at any cafeterias rather than being limited in the small dorm kitchens. ( C) They can eat in Darney dining-hall during the vacation time. ( D) They can ea

12、t as much food as they want with the meal contracts. 16 What is the open time in Darney dining-hall? ( A) It is open for 24 hours every day except Sundays. ( B) It is open during dinner time every weekday except vacation breaks. ( C) It is open every day except .Sundays and vacation breaks. ( D) It

13、is open every day except Sunday evenings and vacation breaks. 17 Which of the following statement is INCORRECT as to the description of Darney dining-hall? ( A) It provides students with nutritious and balanced diet. ( B) It is desirable to enjoy a variety of delicious food in Darney. ( C) During Th

14、anksgiving and Christmas, special seasonal foods are prepared for the students. ( D) It is a good place to meet people and have assembly with friends. 18 Which of the following about cola in the past is CORRECT? ( A) It started out as a soft drink. ( B) It was first a cure for headaches. ( C) It tas

15、ted bitter and no one liked it. ( D) It was only sold to patients. 19 What should customers do before drinking the syrup? ( A) Heat it. ( B) Add oil in it. ( C) Shake it gently. ( D) Mix it with water. 20 Cola became a carbonated drink ( A) by sheer accident. ( B) by careful studying. ( C) by compli

16、cated experiments. ( D) by the clerks careless work. 21 According to the passage, todays cola ( A) tastes the same as the past. ( B) is not refreshing. ( C) can not cure headaches. ( D) is much cheaper than before. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news item

17、s. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 What is the cause of the extreme weather in the country? ( A) the strong wind. ( B) Global warming. ( C) Industrial pollution. ( D) Environmental damage. 23 Why did the WHO suspend its operation? ( A) Its vehicles were attacke

18、d in Angola. ( B) Because 14 medical staff has died of the disease. ( C) The local residents refused the WHOs aid. ( D) Because the working conditions are very poor. 24 The International Rice Research Institutes plan would NOT cover ( A) Bangladesh. ( B) Pakistan ( C) Vietnam. ( D) Nepal. 25 Accordi

19、ng to the Cereal Systems Initiative, the grain yields will increase_by each year. ( A) six million tons ( B) thirty million tons ( C) five million tons ( D) ten million tons 26 According to the police, who were involved in the bombing last week? ( A) Satisfied businessmen, opposition figures. ( B) S

20、atisfied businessmen and military officers as well as the Tamil separatist rebels. ( C) Wealthy businessmen. ( D) Dissatisfied businessmen, opposition figures and military officers as well as the Tamil separatist rebels. 27 What had wealthy businessmen been doing? ( A) They had been financing the Un

21、ited National Party. ( B) They had been fighting the Tamil Tiger rebels and the United National Party. ( C) They had been financing the Tamil Tiger rebels and the opposition United National Party. ( D) They had been financing a military regime. 28 “Tintin in the Congo“ is a_. ( A) beggar ( B) materi

22、al ( C) book ( D) racist slogan 29 “Tintin in the Congo“ is accused of being _. ( A) hideous ( B) offensive ( C) savage ( D) controverial 30 When did the Vice President begin to suffer his heart attack? ( A) Last year. ( B) 1978. ( C) This week. ( D) Not mentioned in this report. 31 When does the Vi

23、ce President expect to return home? ( A) Monday morning. ( B) Monday afternoon. ( C) Saturday morning. ( D) Saturday afternoon. 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in

24、the corresponding blanks. 31 The Victorians had become addicted to speed and they wanted to go ever faster. Time was money and efficiency became【 C1】 _ important. Although division of labour had been【 C2】 _ by Adam Smith and illustrated by a pin factory in The Wealth of Nations in 1776,【 C3】 _ could

25、 now become fully realised. This specialisation of labour was in【 C4】 _ contrast to the rural means of production, in【 C5】 _ the family was the means of production, consumption and socialisation.【 C6】 _ greater speed came a greater need for industries and businesses to make more and make it quicker.

26、 Steam made this【 C7】 _ and changed working life forever.【 C8】 _ were the days when work was【 C9】 _ by natural forces: steam engines were servant【 C10】 _ neither season nor sunshine. Factories had foremen and life became correspondingly more【 C11】 _ . The clocking-on machine was【 C12】 _ in 1885 and

27、time and motion studies to increase efficiency would be introduced only【 C13】 _ twenty years later.【 C14】 _ it was not all bad news. Agricultural incomes depended on variable harvests and weather. Factories provided【 C15】 _ and predictable income, but long hours. Working life was becoming increasing

28、ly regulated, and the working【 C16】 _ was reorganised to promote ever greater efficiency. The old【 C17】 _ of St. Mondaywhen no work was donewas gradually phased out and to【 C18】 _ , work stopped around midday on Saturday and did not resume【 C19】 _ Monday morning. A new division between “work“ and “l

29、eisure“ emerged, and this new block of weekend leisure time coincided with the development of spectator sports like cricket and football, and the【 C20】 _ of music hall entertainment for the new working classes. 32 【 C1】 ( A) surprisingly ( B) increasingly ( C) slowly ( D) obviously 33 【 C2】 ( A) con

30、tributed ( B) informed ( C) spread ( D) conceived 34 【 C3】 ( A) it ( B) he ( C) these ( D) those 35 【 C4】 ( A) clear ( B) marked ( C) apparent ( D) firm 36 【 C5】 ( A) that ( B) what ( C) where ( D) which 37 【 C6】 ( A) Upon ( B) Over ( C) With ( D) For 38 【 C7】 ( A) possible ( B) practical ( C) worth

31、while ( D) useful 39 【 C8】 ( A) Passed ( B) Lost ( C) Gone ( D) Missed 40 【 C9】 ( A) defined ( B) dictated ( C) limited ( D) controlled 41 【 C10】 ( A) over ( B) on ( C) by ( D) to 42 【 C11】 ( A) controlled ( B) standard ( C) difficult ( D) dreadful 43 【 C12】 ( A) designed ( B) created ( C) invented

32、( D) bought 44 【 C13】 ( A) certain ( B) some ( C) these ( D) those 45 【 C14】 ( A) For ( B) But ( C) Consequently ( D) Accordingly 46 【 C15】 ( A) safe ( B) good ( C) continuous ( D) secure 47 【 C16】 ( A) week ( B) period ( C) pattern ( D) practice 48 【 C17】 ( A) culture ( B) behaviour ( C) custom ( D

33、) habit 49 【 C18】 ( A) repair ( B) compensate ( C) mend ( D) moderate 50 【 C19】 ( A) before ( B) after ( C) on ( D) until 51 【 C20】 ( A) rise ( B) increase ( C) trend ( D) presence 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR now_ is left to them is utter poverty. ( A) all that ( B) all what ( C) all which ( D) that all 74 M

34、rs. Nancy was wakened midnight by the ringing of the phone several hours after the ship that her husband was on had been _. ( A) fired ( B) decayed ( C) wrecked ( D) collapsed 75 I look in through the window of the kindergarten at my daughter and my son, and I am very glad to find that all _ well. (

35、 A) has been ( B) have been ( C) is ( D) are 76 The electric fan does not work because of the _ of service. ( A) pause ( B) break ( C) interruption ( D) breakdown 77 In no case _ ever betray your better nature. ( A) should you ( B) you should ( C) shall you ( D) you shall 78 Of the two talented boys

36、, Harry is _ smart. ( A) the most ( B) more ( C) most ( D) the more 79 Whose _ was it to make up such a seemingly careful plan? ( A) idea ( B) thought ( C) purpose ( D) dream 80 If I hadnt given you a hand in time of crisis, you _ on air now. ( A) couldnt have put ( B) wouldnt be putting ( C) didnt

37、put ( D) wont put 81 As it turns out, the easiest way _ money for a British Bank to a French Bank is by bank transfer. ( A) transfers ( B) transferred ( C) transferring ( D) to transfer 81 Insiders “Insiders,“ rated “R“ and with a running time of about two hours and forty minutes is an intelligent t

38、hriller about big .business versus the little guy. Al Pacino stars as Lowell Bergman, producer of the CBS show “60 Minutes“ and Russell Crowe plays Jeffrey Wyegand, a recently fired executive with the Brown and Williamson tobacco company. Bergman knows Wyegand has a major news story to reveal about

39、the corruption in the tobacco business. Wyegand is scared for his safety and the safety of his family, but feels compelled to talk to Bergman and get the whole truth out on 60 Minutes. Bergman, a man of high integrity, insures complete confidentiality to Wyegand. Wyegand slowly and very cautiously o

40、pens up to Bergman, only to find his anonymity compromised and his life rapidly falling apart. The movie begins with a heavily guarded truck driving a blindfolded reporter to a secret hideout for an exclusive interview with the leader of a well known terrorist group. Youll never figure this scene ou

41、t unless you get lots of descriptions. I think they began the movie with this scene to show how far the 60 Minutes crew would go to get an important story. Although there are lots of other characters in this film, the movie focuses around Bergman and Wyegand and their voices are very distinct and ea

42、sy to pick up. This was good. There was lots of dialogue, which was also good, although lots of the dialogue was rapid fire so youll need to stay sharply focused. As most thrillers, even though this one is based on true facts, many of the scenes are fast paced. Lots of scenes quickly jump from one t

43、hing to another. From the visually impaired point of view, on a couple of occasions my sighted assistant had difficulty understanding what was happening and obviously had a hard time describing those scenes to me. You could feel the tension growing as the story unfolded which was good, but there wer

44、e numerous scenes with just music that continued to build the tension for those who could see. For me however, those scenes were only an interruption of the tension and took away from my enjoyment of the picture. There were definitely things I missed in this film but going out to this movie was stil

45、l well worth it. Ill advise you to check it out yourself. Its an interesting one. 82 According to the passage, the film “Insiders“ is mainly about all of the following EXCEPT ( A) the CBS show “60 Minutes“. ( B) Jeffrey Wyegand. ( C) the Brown and Williamson tobacco company. ( D) the corruption of t

46、he company. 83 What happens to Jeffrey Wyegand, when he reveals the big news to Lowell Bergman? ( A) His former company compromises with him. ( B) He is still able to keep himself anonymous. ( C) He has eventually got his life into great trouble. ( D) Lowell Bergman conceals his identity as promised

47、. 84 The movie is ( A) an action movie. ( B) an intelligence movie. ( C) an intelligent thriller. ( D) a detective movie. 85 From the introduction of the movie, what do we know about the author of this passage? ( A) He is intelligent. ( B) He is visually impaired. ( C) He is a serious critic ( D) He

48、 is keen on observation. 85 Which Vitamin Boosts Brain Power? Vitamin E has been touted for its anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits because, as an antioxidant, it counters the destructive action of molecules called free radicals. Now a study has shown vitamin E may also help the memory loss and impa

49、ired thinking that occurs in the elderly. Researchers at the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging in Chicago conducted a three-year study involving nearly 3,000 people older than 65 to investigate the cognitive effects of vitamin E in food and supplements. By comparing the average scores of four different tests of memory and perception, the researchers were able to tr


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