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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 563及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conver

3、sations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 Why does the woman tell the man the story? ( A) To inform him about a class he missed. ( B) Because he is eating fish sticks. ( C) Because she tutors him. ( D) To encourage him to eat a healthier lunch. 3 Why

4、 is it important to quick freeze fresh food? ( A) The cells of plants and animals are damaged by slow freezing. ( B) It saves time in the food production process. ( C) It reduces the amount of energy required to freeze the food. ( D) The food defrosts more quickly. 4 What was Clarence Birdseye surpr

5、ised to learn? ( A) A fish could survive being frozen. ( B) The fish were easier to catch in the winter. ( C) Food can be kept frozen indefinitely. ( D) Solutions that freeze slowly form large crystals. 5 What does the man intend to do? ( A) To organize a sports team. ( B) To join a sports team. ( C

6、) To go to a fitness center. ( D) To set up a company of his own. 6 What does the woman suggest the man do? ( A) He should become a member in the new organization. ( B) He should have some chips and a bowl of ice cream. ( C) He should stay at home and watch TV at night. ( D) He should watch his diet

7、 and do proper exercises. 7 Which of the following is NOT true about the man? ( A) He used to be the star player in high school. ( B) He has put on much weight now. ( C) He likes fresh fruits and vegetables. ( D) He stopped playing basketball five years ago. 8 Why did the woman go to Hong Kong? ( A)

8、 On business. ( B) On holiday. ( C) Visiting friends. ( D) Taking pictures. 9 Who did the woman go to Hong Kong with? ( A) Her boss. ( B) Her brother. ( C) Her boyfriend. ( D) Nobody. 10 What is not mentioned when Maggie is talking about her experience in Ocean Park? ( A) Shark. ( B) Dolphins. ( C)

9、Tropical fishes. ( D) Crocodiles 11 How did Maggie go to the Peak? ( A) By Peak Tram. ( B) By cable. ( C) On foot. ( D) Not mentioned SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 Bicycli

10、ng, according to the speaker, is mainly a form of_. ( A) recreation ( B) challenge ( C) efficiency ( D) transportation 13 The speaker makes the comparison with Japan to show_. ( A) the different use of bicycling ( B) the important use of bicycling ( C) the influence of bicycling on economy ( D) the

11、part bicycling can play in economy 14 Which of the following do you think is true, according to the speaker? ( A) The speaker believes bicycling can solve the problem of traffic completely. ( B) The speaker thinks that bicycling can solve the problem of economy entirely. ( C) The speaker assumes bic

12、ycling can solve the problem of pollution completely. ( D) The speaker doesnt believe bicycling can solve the problem of traffic entirely. 15 What is this news mainly about? ( A) The change in the policy of insurance. ( B) The independent insurance agency market. ( C) The development of an insurance

13、 company. ( D) The worries of an insurance customer. 16 What does IA stand for? ( A) Independent agent. ( B) Insurance agency. ( C) Insurance agent. ( D) Independent agency. 17 What is the authors attitude toward the single agent service? ( A) Critical. ( B) Doubtful. ( C) Positive. ( D) Indifferent

14、. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 18 How was one of the U. S. soldiers found alive in North Korea? ( A) He made a public appearance. ( B) He published a book telling the truth.

15、 ( C) He was found in a picture of a film. ( D) He received an interview by a TV reporter. 19 Lebanons new leader is visiting Syria in order to ( A) discuss border issues ( B) improve bilateral relations ( C) sign a ceasefire treaty ( D) form allies 20 The Dow closed down at _. ( A) 180 point 2 ( B)

16、 3,805 ( C) 5,549 ( D) 50 point 1 21 Which statement is true about the financial markets in the news? ( A) The news is about the happenings on the share and currency markets. ( B) The news tells us the relations between US, Germany and Japan. ( C) The news is about the Londons share index. ( D) The

17、news tells us about the Asian and Western relation. 22 Where did the hostage-taking happen? ( A) The first floor of an engineering building. ( B) The second floor of an engineering building. ( C) The third floor of an office building. ( D) The fourth floor of an office building. 23 What did SWAT tea

18、m find after entering the building? ( A) Three people were found dead in this event. ( B) A male hostage had been killed by a shot in the head. ( C) The gunman killed himself with the gun. ( D) An injured woman hostage had been restrained with duck tape for hours. 24 Which one is the sign of the Pop

19、es authority? ( A) The white cap. ( B) The stick. ( C) The woolen strip. ( D) The white woolen stole. 25 The Pope called for all the following EXCEFF _. ( A) Christian renewal ( B) Christian unity ( C) poverty reduction and corruption elimination ( D) the churchs leading the way to Christ 26 North K

20、orea did not release its denouncement against the joint U. S. -South Korea maneuvers ( A) on Monday. ( B) on Tuesday. ( C) till Tuesday. ( D) by Monday. 27 The U. S. -South Korea maneuvers will be conducted ( A) this week. ( B) next Monday. ( C) next week. ( D) next month. 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)

21、 Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 27 Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: what personal qualities are【 C1】 _ in a teacher? Probably no two pe

22、ople would【 C2】 _ exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generally【 C3】 _ First, the teachers personality should be pleasantly【 C4】 _ and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically【 C5】 _ , or even ugly, because many such have great personal【 C6】 _ But it does ru

23、le out such types as the【 C7】 _ , melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, frustrated, and over bearing: I would say too, that it【 C8】_ all of dull or purely negative personality. Secondly, it is not merely desirable 【 C9】 _ essential for a teacher to have a genuine【 C10】 _ for sympathy a capacity to tune 【 C

24、11】 _ to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, to the minds and feelings of children.【 C12】 _ related with this is the capacity to be【 C13】 _ not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which【 C14】 _ people, and again especially children, to make mi

25、stakes. Thirdly, I【 C15】 _ it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strength and【 C16】 _ , and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be

26、【 C17】 _ . There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a【 C18】 _ of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to 【 C19】 _ an act-to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or【 C20】 _ praise. Children, e

27、specially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life. 28 【 C1】 ( A) substantial ( B) adorable ( C) desirable ( D) valuable 29 【 C2】 ( A) draw up ( B) put down ( C) make out ( D) hand in 30 【 C3】 ( A) agreed ( B) approved ( C) recognized ( D) accepted 31 【 C4】 ( A) live ( B) livi

28、ng ( C) lifelike ( D) alive 32 【 C5】 ( A) strong ( B) plain ( C) simple ( D) sound 33 【 C6】 ( A) appreciation ( B) enjoyment ( C) charm ( D) identity 34 【 C7】 ( A) over-exciting ( B) over-excitable ( C) over-irritable ( D) over-sensitive 35 【 C8】 ( A) includes ( B) erases ( C) involves ( D) excludes

29、 36 【 C9】 ( A) yet ( B) nevertheless ( C) but ( D) or 37 【 C10】 ( A) capacity ( B) strength ( C) power ( D) ability 38 【 C11】 ( A) out ( B) about ( C) in ( D) up 39 【 C12】 ( A) Significantly ( B) Closely ( C) Consequently ( D) Particularly 40 【 C13】 ( A) tolerable ( B) patient ( C) popular ( D) tole

30、rant 41 【 C14】 ( A) help ( B) induce ( C) arouse ( D) agitate 42 【 C15】 ( A) regard ( B) estimate ( C) hold ( D) perceive 43 【 C16】 ( A) shortcomings ( B) limitations ( C) defects ( D) drawbacks 44 【 C17】 ( A) presided ( B) managed ( C) oriented ( D) guided 45 【 C18】 ( A) bit ( B) little ( C) lot (

31、D) couple 46 【 C19】 ( A) put across ( B) put on ( C) put up ( D) put in for 47 【 C20】 ( A) allot ( B) assign ( C) award ( D) reward 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR consequently, these officers_ to resign from office. ( A) have asked ( B) were asked ( C) had asked ( D) had been asked 54 If you _ change your mind,

32、 please let us know. ( A) shall ( B) should ( C) will ( D) would 55 The coach didnt just want to win the match, but wanted his team to_their opponents by at least three to nil. ( A) win ( B) strike ( C) repel ( D) overwhelm 56 _ plants, which manufacture their own food, animals obtain nourishment by

33、 acquiring and ingesting their food. ( A) As ( B) Different ( C) Unlike ( D) As many 57 Before the bottle was a third _, he began to tell me the story. ( A) vacant ( B) hollow ( C) finish ( D) empty 58 Gettysburg was the_of the most important battle in American Civil War. ( A) scene ( B) view ( C) s

34、ight ( D) landscape 59 Failure to follow the club rules _ him from the volleyball team. ( A) disfavoured ( B) dispelled ( C) disqualified ( D) dismissed 60 Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would _ be able to walk. ( A) in no way ( B) on any account ( C) by all means ( D

35、) in no time 61 My mother cant _ because she has rheumatism. ( A) get on ( B) get about ( C) get through ( D) get by 62 In the present .economic _ we can safely invest our money into the stock and bond .market. ( A) air ( B) mood ( C) condition ( D) climate 63 _ he is appointed as general manager of

36、 the company. ( A) Be a man ever so young ( B) So young as a man ever is ( C) No matter he is young ( D) A man ever so young 64 Fred has _ kind of humour that can only be appreciated by those willing to search beneath the surface. ( A) an obvious ( B) a hidden ( C) a subtle ( D) a controlled 65 Very

37、 few scientists _ completely new answers to the worlds problems. ( A) come up with ( B) come out ( C) come round ( D) come up to 66 Danny left this _ message on my answering machine: “I must see you. Meet me at twelve o clock. “Did he mean noon or midnight? ( A) ambiguous ( B) responsible ( C) impli

38、cit ( D) thoughtful 67 Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested _ at the next town. ( A) to stop ( B) stopping ( C) stop ( D) having stopped 68 A complete investigation into the cause of the accident should lead to im proved standards and should _ new operating procedures. ( A) result in ( B)

39、match with ( C) subject to ( D) proceed with 69 BIRD-X offers pest bird control products to _ , control and get rid of birds. ( A) compel ( B) propel ( C) repel ( D) dispel 70 They claimed that they did not arrange the demonstration. It was absolutely _. ( A) spontaneous ( B) simultaneous ( C) synth

40、etic ( D) substantial 71 _ everything taken into consideration, the solution offered by the Dean is relatively feasible. ( A) Since ( B) For ( C) As ( D) With 72 No one can be _ calm when facing with a great danger. ( A) very ( B) so ( C) too ( D) enough 73 I purposely _ from extending these observa

41、tions to any length. ( A) abstain ( B) sustain ( C) retain ( D) detain 74 The staff, having finished work for the day, _ going home now. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) was ( D) were 75 The tone of the article _ the writers mood at the time.2006 ( A) reproduced ( B) reflected ( C) imagined ( D) imitated 76 Ri

42、te of Passage is a good novel by any standards;_, it should rank high on any list of science fiction. ( A) consistently ( B) consequently ( C) invariably ( D) fortunately 77 Your ideas, _ , seem unusual to me. ( A) like her ( B) like hers ( C) similar to her ( D) similar to herself 77 Surprisingly,

43、no one knows how many children receive education, in English hospitals, still less the content or quality of that education. Proper records are just not kept. We know that more than 850,000 children go through hospital each year, and that every child of school age has a legal right to continue to re

44、ceive education while in hospital. We also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1,000 children in hospital. Little wonder the latest survey concludes that the extent and type of hospital teaching available differ a great deal across the country, h is found that half the hospitals in Engl

45、and which admit children have no teacher. A further quarter have only a part-time teacher. The special childrens hospitals in major cities do best; general hospitals in the country and holiday areas are worst off. From this survey, one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some cont

46、act with a hospital teacher - and that contact may be as little as two hours a day. Most children interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at all. They had not been prepared for it by parents or their own school, ff there was a teacher they were much more likely to read books and do

47、math or number work; without a teacher they would only play games. Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling be hind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do. The position and influence of many teachers

48、was summed up when parents referred to them as “the library lady“ or just “the helper“. Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school work. Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or re fused by the school. Once back at school, children rarely get ex

49、tra teaching, and are told to catch up as best they can. Many short-stay child-patients catch up quickly. But schools do very little to ease the anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed. 78 The author points out at the beginning that _. ( A) every child in hospital receives


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