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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 166及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 In these days, lots of popular historical TV dramas, including some famous time-travel TV dramas, are being criticized for seriously distorting history. Chinese regulators have imposed tough new regulation on the production of such TV dramas because thes

2、e time-travel TV dramas lack “ positive thoughts and meaning“. The regulation arouses debates among people. Should TV dramas strictly adhere to true history? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinio

3、ns from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES There should be a clear bottom line for the historical TV dramas, as th

4、ey should not go so far as to insult the intelligence of the audience. Some periods in Chinese history are worth remembering as important pieces of history, not something to be spoofed. When it comes to some famous historical figures who have made great contributions to our nation, the drama should

5、tell the truth. If the drama just makes up stories and is tempered with historical facts, then it will mislead the audience, especially the young students. Entertainment doesnt mean that the directors can add any funny elements to the drama without considering the facts of history. TV dramas, as an

6、important way for entertainment, must also be educative and meaningful. It is irritating that some screenplays distort the history intentionally just to draw peoples attention. NO TV dramas are different from documentaries. Dramas are meant to be entertaining, not necessarily educative. When the aud

7、ience watch TV dramas, they simply want to relax themselves, not to learn history from them. Even if the historical drama is based on history, there are some fictional components in it. After all, the TV drama is a form of art and literature that is mainly composed of fiction and supplemented by his

8、torical facts. The plot of the story is the core of a drama, and the building of characters and the thoughts behind the story are what the audience care about. Whether it adheres to the history or not is not the main concern of the audience. It is impossible for TV dramas to be totally in accordance

9、 with the history. No one can tell exactly what was said or done at a point in history. 2 A resignation letter written by a middle school teacher from Henan Province says, “ The world is so large that I want to travel around. “ Quitting ones job to take a trip seems to be a popular trend for todays

10、young people, but many people question this irrational behavior. Do you support the behavior of quitting ones job to travel? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your

11、view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES For those who love traveling, touring around the world is their dream. The true traveling is not spendin

12、g 4 or 5 days visiting some scenic spots, but staying for one or two months or even longer in a place. In this case, one cannot still hold his or her job while going out to travel. Traveling can be regarded as a break for many who struggle to earn a living in cities. Yearning to see the outside worl

13、d is the nature of all human beings. Taking a break and traveling in exotic countries will not only bring you new knowledge but also shape your ideas and perspectives about how you see yourself and the world. NO For most ordinary people, working and supporting the family are their basic responsibili

14、ties, while other hobbies, like traveling, can only serve as a supplementary part of their life. Quitting the job to travel is an unreasonable and irresponsible act. Traveling will cost a large sum of money. Once an individual quits his job, without the salary, it will be difficult for him to contin

15、ue his life. Some people are simply using traveling as an excuse to escape from their life and responsibilities. They have the illusion that leaving their jobs for traveling outside can solve all the problems. However, when they return from their traveling, they will find that the problems are still

16、 there. 3 New standards of filial piety released by the Chinese government specifying 24 requirements for dutiful children have triggered a heated discussion. The new standards include spending holidays with parents, visiting them regularly, calling them once a week, and cooking for them. Should fil

17、ial piety be regulated? Whats your opinion? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficien

18、cy, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES Putting forward the filial piety standards aims to promote the traditional Chinese virtue of respecting the elderly. China has a long history of valuing filial piety, which forms the co

19、re of family values. Compared with the traditional filial devotion, the new standards are more up to date and relevant to modern society. The new standards are an innovative way of inheriting the essence of filial culture. The modern society lays great stress on the legal regulation, while filial pi

20、ety which depends on peoples moral sense and inner discipline seems unable to prevail. What we need now is a code of conduct that helps to persuade people to practice filial piety. These standards do not intend to force people to obey filial principles by law, but provide them with a guideline. NO A

21、s a moral requirement for human beings, filial piety is unlikely to have perfect standards. Real filial piety is not something to be shown off to others, but something buried deeply in ones heart. Due to different living and working environment, the ways of practicing filial piety may be different.

22、It is unwise to require every child to follow the same standards. Besides, the new standards are not feasible in modern days as many people live far away from their parents and have little time outside of work. The implementation of these new filial standards is not the right solution to the problem

23、 of Chinas aging population. As for the government, it is more effective to build up more state-run nursing homes rather than issue filial standards in order to solve the problem. 4 There have been many news reports about the inappropriate behavior of Chinese tourists overseas, such as spitting, lit

24、tering, jumping the queue, talking loudly in public, and carving characters in scenic spots. The Chinese National Tourism Administration recently announced that in order to improve the image of Chinese holidaymakers overseas, it will establish a “ blacklist“ for individuals engaging in uncivilized b

25、ehavior, and the record will be kept for up to two years. Do you think the government should adopt this measure to prevent tourists uncivilized behavior? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions f

26、rom both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES As an old saying goes, “ Old habits die hard. “ It would be difficult for s

27、ome people to change their bad behavior. But if such behavior is outlawed and the law is strictly enforced, such as in Singapore, it is possible to change peoples bad behavior. The regulation of establishing a “blacklist“ is a wise try to solve the problem. Some Chinese tourists uncivilized behavior

28、 when traveling overseas has, to some extent, already affected the image of Chinese people. When tourists travel in a foreign country, what they say and do can represent the image of our whole country. With the policy of establishing a “blacklist“ , people will better shoulder their responsibilities

29、 as a Chinese when traveling overseas. NO Establishing a “blacklist“ may be a good plan, but it is difficult to be implemented. What kind of behavior will be regarded as severe? Who will monitor the tourists behavior? These all need specific and detailed regulations. To monitor and evaluate tourists

30、 behavior will cost much investment and energy. So the new policy is unlikely to yield concrete results. Setting up the “ blacklist“ cannot solve the problem thoroughly. With the “ blacklist“ , people will be afraid of behaving improperly in foreign countries, but they still do not know how they can

31、 behave properly. Education is what people really need. The government should enhance peoples awareness of proper behavior. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 166答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Time-travel TV Dramas Are Misleading Recent restrictions on time-travel TV dramas have aroused a heated debate among people.

32、 Some believe that the historical TV dramas should be faithful to the history and should not cross the bottom line. However, others argue that the audience should not be too serious about the historical facts laid out in TV dramas. After all, unlike documentaries, TV dramas are only for the purpose

33、of entertainment. As far as I am concerned, TV dramas should respect the history. First of all, the distortion of reality in TV dramas may exert an adverse impact on teenagers. There have been news reports about some teenage girls who imitate the scenes in TV dramas in the hope of traveling through

34、time, but only ending up paying price with their lives. Directors should be aware of the influence historical TV plays may exert on the audience, especially young fans. Secondly, fabrication of stories of prominent historical figures may be misleading. Some filmmakers make up stories of some promine

35、nt figures, severely distorting their images. Fictional characters and events in historical TV dramas are so deeply rooted in the minds of the audience that they cannot distinguish true stories from the fascinating plots. This explains why the younger generation are more ignorant of our history. All

36、 in all, we should be cautious about the content of TV dramas. Its our duty to pass down positive energy while avoiding negative influence. In the era of entertainment, TV dramas should still be meaningful and educational. 【试题解析】 本题讨论当下热门的历史题材电视剧 (如穿越剧 )是否应该符合史实。在具体行文方面,考生应该首先总结材料,简要概述正反方观点。然后给出自己的观

37、点:历史题材的电视剧应该忠于历史。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Quitting Ones Job to Travel Is Unreasonable With the rapid development of society, people are improving their living standards while suffering from heavy work stress. Thus, some are eager to widen their vision by means of traveling so as to escape from the

38、 exhausting tempo of city life. However, some argue that its irrational and irresponsible to quit the job in order to travel around the world. As far as I am concerned, people should not travel at the cost of losing their jobs. It is impractical and may finally end up in vain. On the one hand, trave

39、ling requires high expenditure. The transport, whether it is by train or by plane, needs a large amount of money. The belongings one brings will cost a lot. Thus one can hardly go anywhere without a stable source of income. On the other hand, using traveling as an excuse to escape from normal social

40、 life is useless. People are social animals in other words, one can hardly get any support without others contribution and cooperation. As a member of society, everyone has to shoulder his or her social responsibility. If one chooses to leave everything behind and travels whenever something dissatis

41、fying happens in his life or work, it only proves that he lacks the courage to face the reality as well as the ability to master his life. In conclusion, traveling around the world is a wonderful experience, but it does not necessarily mean that we have to give up our normal life to realize this dre

42、am. What we need to do is to strike a balance between ideality and reality, and achieve our goals by taking concrete steps. 【试题解析】 本题讨论是否应该辞职去旅游。在具体行文方面,考生应该首先概述正方观点:辞职去旅游是正确的选择;随后概述反方观点:辞职去旅游有很多弊端。然后给出自己的观点:辞职旅游有很多弊端,既不现实,也是逃避社会责任的一种表现,并详细阐述理由。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Filial Piety Should Not Be R

43、egulated Filial piety, as a traditional Chinese virtue, has always been advocated by the public. But should it be regulated for people to carry out? Some people deem it as an effective way to preach the traditional virtue of respecting the elderly in the new era. However, some others hold that filia

44、l piety should be instilled into people rather than be regulated. Each individual has his own understanding of filial piety and may practice it in different ways. From my personal angle, filial piety, as the legacy of our traditional culture, should be inherited but not be regulated. We tend to have

45、 blind faith in the omnipotence of regulation. But most often, the greatest talkers are always the least doers. The sense of filial obedience is supposed to be inculcated in us. What is essential for us is to form good morality in our society. In addition, the government should also play an importan

46、t role in providing health and retirement insurance for the senior citizens. The construction of the community for old people is conducive to the problem. On the whole, filial piety is an inseparable part of Chinese culture. It is our duty to pass it on to the next generation. 【试题解析】 本题讨论政府颁布的新版 “二十

47、四孝 ”规定是否应该实行。在具体行文方面,考生应首先概述正方观点,政府应该颁布此类行为准则来要求人们尽孝,随后概述反方观点,孝顺不应该被 “规定 ”。接着给出自己的观点:不应采用规定的方式要求人们尽孝。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Becoming Civilized Tourists With the rapid development of Chinas economy, more and more Chinese people now choose to travel abroad as a way to relax. However, the improper

48、behavior of some tourists has aroused anger among the public, and the Chinese government has proposed the policy of “blacklist“ to punish them. Many people hold a positive view toward this policy, for they think that only strict regulations can curb the tourists improper behavior and save Chinas int

49、ernational image. In contrast, some question the effectiveness of this policy and maintain that education is a more preferable solution. As far as I am concerned, the policy of establishing the “ blacklist“ is in good intention, but it is only curing the symptoms rather than the disease. Admittedly, the uncivilized behavior of some Chinese tourists tarnish the reputation of all Chinese. But enacting a set of rules to force them to correct their bad manners during traveling can only result in their behaving properly out of t


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