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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 84及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Should Universities Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female Students? Some experts believe that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following to

2、pic: Should Universities Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female Students? You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural c

3、onclusion or make a summary. 2 Competition/Cooperation Is More Important Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of

4、about 200 words on the following topic: Competition/Cooperation Is More Important You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a na

5、tural conclusion or make a summary. 3 The Old Age/The Youth Is Highly Valued Some cultures highly value the old age, while other cultures value the youth. Which is true in your culture? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Old Age/The Youth Is Highly Valued You are to w

6、rite in three parts. In the first part, you should clearly present your view. In the second part, you should support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. 4 The Advantages/Disadvantages of Having a G

7、ap Year In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Advantages/Disadvantages of Having a Gap Year You are to write in three parts. In the f

8、irst part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. 5 Wed Better Read for Pleasure/Watch TV It has been believed that people who read for p

9、leasure have developed imagination and languages better than people who prefer to watch TV. Do you agree or disagree with it? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Wed Better Read for Pleasure/ Watch TV You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically w

10、hat your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 84答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Should Universities Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female Student

11、s? I study in a university specialized in language majors and I am often envied that I am surrounded by beautiful girls. “You have an eyes feast! “ My friend would say. Actually, despite the predominant presence of female students in my university, I still think that universities should not accept e

12、qual number of boys and girls. First of all, a forced equal ratio of boys and girls will lead to greater inequality. For example, as we expect it, girls tend to have better linguistic skills than boys. If universities for language studies are required to enroll e-qual number of male and female stude

13、nts, many girls who are actually good at languages will be replaced by mediocre male language learners. This is virtually a more serious unfair treatment for female students. Secondly, we should educate our students according to their potentials, not their genders. When we place students into differ

14、ent classes or majors, we should consider their motivation, aptitude and possibilities. Enforcing an equal ratio policy is actually focusing on a trivial gender issue and forgetting the bigger picture of the education principle. In conclusion, when male and female students present their talents to u

15、niversities, they should be embraced, regardless of their sex. 【试题解析】 本题属于 “立场选择型 ”作文,涉及的题材是 “文化教育 ”。该题要求考生对 “大学应否接收同等数目的男生和女生 ”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下: 开头:从本人就读的大学入题,指出大学不应该接收同等数目的男生和女生。 主体:阐述原因。 1强行保证男女生数目相等会引致更大的不平 等。以语言类专业为例。 2我们应该因材施教,而不是因性施教。 结尾:重申观点,大学不应该接收同等数目的男生和女生。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Coope

16、ration Is More Important We are living in a society where competition seems to be everywhere. That is why some people think that we should teach our children to survive in competition. However, I think it is more important to teach children to be cooperative. First of all, cooperation is usually a g

17、ood way to keep us ahead of competition. Human beings are social animals, which implies that many of the undertakings are completed through concerted efforts. If children know how to collaborate with each other, they actually have a better chance to survive and excel. As the saying goes, “individual

18、s add; team work multiplies“. Children should be aware of the fact that the strength of a whole team is greater than the individual sums. Secondly, cooperation somehow teaches children to be helpful and caring for others. When children are in competition, they are usually aggressive and hostile. Coo

19、peration, on the contrary, subtly influences the way they treat each other and look after each other. When they understand the importance of cooperation, children in their adulthood would spare no effort to offer a helping hand for those in need. In conclusion, it is more important to teach our kids

20、 to be cooperative than competitive, because cooperation can increase our chance of success and make us less self-centered. 【试题解析】 本题属于 “立场选择型 ”作文,涉及的题材是 “文化教育 ”。该题要求考生对 “竞争还是合作更重要 ”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下: 开头:从社会竞争激烈入题 ,指出教导孩子学会合作更重要。 主体:阐述原因。 1合作能让我们在竞争中先拔头筹。 “个人做加法;团队做乘法。 ” 2合作使孩子学会互相帮助、关爱他人。 结尾:

21、重申观点,合作能提高我们成功的几率,也让我们不那么以自我为中心。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 The Old Age Is Highly Valued In Chinese culture, old age means experience and insight. Young people are taught to respect the elderly and even revere them. That is why I think the old age is highly valued in Chinese society. First of all, in workin

22、g places, promotion is usually based on seniority. In many government positions, we could notice the hierarchy where aged people are on the top while young people are usually at the bottom. This hierarchy is always respected and few people are willing to upset it. Secondly, aged practitioners are us

23、ually seen as authorities in their own fields. For instance, many patients prefer to visit a 70-year-old Traditional-Chinese-Medicine doctor with no formal education, instead of a 35-year-old one with a PhD degree, because they think the older the doctor is, the better medicine he will prescribe. Th

24、is belief is also true in selecting a surgeon. People tend to choose aged surgeon to perform operations, because they are deemed as the best in the field. Why no one worry that aged surgeon, with potential trembling hands, could mess up an operation? Because deep down in their mind, old age is more

25、valuable. In conclusion, Chinese people value the old age more than the youth Even though youth means possibilities and potentials, Chinese people recognize old age more. 【试题解析】 本题属于 “立场选择型 ”作文,涉及的题材是 “文化教育 ”。该题要求考生对 “年长者还是年轻人受到重视 ”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下: 开头:从中国文化背景人题,指出中国的社会比较重视年纪大的人。 主体:阐述原因。 1在工

26、作场合,晋升通常与年资挂钩。举公务员为例。 2年长的执业人士被认为是该领域的权威。举中医师和外科医生为例。 结尾:尽管年轻意味着机会多、潜力无限,但是中国人还是服老多一些。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Advantages of Having a Gap Year Many high-school leavers are now willing to take a gap year before they enter a university to pursue their study. This option is quite popular among students

27、in the West. I think we should encourage students to do the same in China. First of all, a gap year will help students gain valuable knowledge that is not taught in textbooks. By traveling to exotic countries, students learn about the diversity of cultures and customs. By working in local businesses

28、, they learn how to deal with different people and work under pressure. These experiences are seldom taught in high school but are naturally accumulated in the gap year. Secondly, a gap year gives students an alternative perspective to decide if they should continue learning in college. Many high sc

29、hool students are actually “forced“ or “coaxed“ to pursue college learning. By taking a gap year, students would be able to experience what it is like to be working or surviving on their own. They would know whether they are ready to work, ready to support themselves. Chances are that many of them r

30、ealize the lack of professional knowledge and decide to enter a university to acquire more knowledge, willingly. In conclusion, a gap year is beneficial to gain a wealth of experience and a unique insight of whether to continue with college education. 【试题解析】 本题属于 “立场选择型 ”作文,涉及的题材是 “文化教育 ”。该题要求考生对 “间

31、隔年的好处或坏处 ”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下: 开头:从间隔年盛行人题,指出可以鼓励中国学生效仿。 主体:阐述原因。 1间隔年能让学生获得书本上没有的知识。举例旅游和工作的收获。 2间隔年能让学生换个角度思考读大学是否必要,知道自己能否自食其力。 结尾:间隔年有助于学生获得丰富的人生经验,能让他们明白读大学是否必要。 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Wed Better Read for Pleasure Ever since TV came into our life in 1930s, the majority of our family hours have

32、been spent in front of it. Watching TV is always an easy decision to make when we want to kill time. But what if we want to improve ourselves? I think reading for pleasure is better than watching TV in this regards. First of all, reading for pleasure can enhance our linguistic skills. When we read,

33、we learn new words, pick up some smart sayings and shape our rhetoric ability. Unlike watching TV, we can pause and savor a beautifully written sentence before resuming the fiction. We could acquire linguistic knowledge at our own pace, instead of following the rushed speed of TV programs. Secondly,

34、 reading for pleasure can develop our cognitive skills. When reading, we have to focus on the materials at hand and use our imagination to put ourselves in the shoes of authors. Watching TV, however, is a mechanical task, which requires few processing efforts That is why “couch potatoes“ are usually

35、 slow in response and weak in imagination. In conclusion, reading for fun is more helpful in sharpening our linguistic and cognitive abilities, while watching TV blunts our tongues and minds. 【试题解析】 本题属于 “立场选择型 ”作文,涉及的题材是 “文化教育 ”。该题要求考生对 “我们更应该悦读还是看电视 ”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,可谋篇布局如下: 开头:从电视是消磨时光的权宜之计入题,指出悦读 (即为了娱乐而阅读 )比看电视更能提升自我。 主体:阐述原因。 1悦读能提高我们的语言能力,学会新单词、巧言妙语、提升修辞能力。 2悦读能提升我们的认知能力。举注意力和想象力为例。 结尾:重申观点,悦读能有助于我们锻炼语言能力和认知能力。 【知识 模块】 作文


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