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1、专业英语四级(动词、名词、形容词、副词辨析)模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1 To my great surprise, the truc

2、k raced past, leaving a_of dust. ( A) trace ( B) trail ( C) track ( D) touch 2 Liu Xiang produced the_of the 2004 Olympic Games by wining the gold medal in the 110-metre hurdles. ( A) sensibility ( B) sensitivity ( C) sense ( D) sensation 3 After the government has implemented the proactive fiscal p

3、olicy and the prudent monetary policy, the economy is showing every_of improvement. ( A) sign ( B) signal ( C) symptom ( D) mark 4 For the purposes of_you may prefer to use half the recommended number of eggs in this recipe. ( A) economy ( B) economies ( C) economics ( D) economist 5 “This is a real

4、ly generous_. See, how big the steak is! We are in the right restaurant!“ ( A) portion ( B) part ( C) parcel ( D) proportion 6 He wore a large hat and sunglasses as a_and hoped that no one would recognize him in the street. ( A) disgust ( B) disgrace ( C) disguise ( D) dishonor 7 Coal was formed out

5、 of dead forests by a long slow_of chemical change. ( A) procedure ( B) proceedings ( C) process ( D) procession 8 Traffic_will be kept to a minimum throughout the National Day. ( A) departures ( B) deviations ( C) diversions ( D) digressions 9 Its good he enjoys his own_because he has a very lonely

6、 job. ( A) companion ( B) company ( C) accompaniment ( D) companionship 10 There will be an interim government to oversee the_to democracy. ( A) transmission ( B) transplantation ( C) transportation ( D) transition 11 The crowd began chanting anti-government_. ( A) slogans ( B) symbols ( C) signs (

7、D) signals 12 I dont feel Im achieving my full_in my present job. ( A) ability ( B) potential ( C) capacity ( D) capability 13 The body had been badly burned so_was difficult. ( A) certification ( B) identification ( C) justification ( D) verification 14 Mass_of poverty-stricken fanners into the cit

8、ies has brought yet more problems for the authorities. ( A) immigration ( B) emigration ( C) migration ( D) motion 15 Its a (n)_that Ive got to work at weekends. ( A) nuisance ( B) annoyance ( C) disturbance ( D) disruption 16 How violent must the rioting become before the government declares a stat

9、e of_? ( A) emergency ( B) emergence ( C) generation ( D) generosity 17 She has an air of_as if nothing that happens around her could ever touch her. ( A) attachment ( B) detachment ( C) detriment ( D) attraction 18 To my great surprise, my daughter is showing a(n)_for math. ( A) latitude ( B) altit

10、ude ( C) attitude ( D) aptitude 19 It will be impossible to repair the school buildings without substantial_on them. ( A) expectation ( B) expedition ( C) expenditure ( D) experiment 20 Businessmen often think that fluency and communication take_over grammar when speaking. ( A) precedence ( B) prece

11、dent ( C) president ( D) presidency 21 He came to visit me on the_of asking for my advice when he really wanted to borrow money. ( A) context ( B) pretext ( C) content ( D) contest 22 The_should improve next year, as the economy emerges from the recession. ( A) lookout ( B) onlooker ( C) looker ( D)

12、 outlook 23 Some people hold that the best_for grief is hard work. ( A) recipe ( B) remedy ( C) regime ( D) receipt 24 In_of any better alternative, well have to proceed with our original plan. ( A) fault ( B) default ( C) defeat ( D) defiance 25 She exerted her_on him for abandoning her by smashing

13、 up his car. ( A) revenue ( B) revelation ( C) revision ( D) revenge 26 His eyes blazed with a passion of such_that she was quite alarmed. ( A) intensity ( B) density ( C) necessity ( D) falsity 27 The salaries of most federal workers are set by_. ( A) status ( B) statue ( C) statute ( D) stature 28

14、 Many burglaries are carried out on homes whose owners have failed to take the basic_ of locking doors and windows. ( A) precaution ( B) caution ( C) auction ( D) prediction 29 Some of us feel that the union is in_with the management against us. ( A) alley ( B) alloy ( C) ally ( D) alliance 30 He ar

15、rived to carry out a health and safety_of the building. ( A) inspiration ( B) aspiration ( C) inspection ( D) installation 专业英语四级(动词、名词、形容词、副词辨析)模拟试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or

16、phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 trace, trail和 track三个名词均有 “足迹,踪迹;小路,小径 ”的意思,非常容易混淆。此题考点为 trail表示 “(追随某一移动物体 )一缕 (烟,尘 )。一股 (人流,车流等 )”,如: thin trails of smoke缕缕青烟。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 sensation和 sense均表示 “感觉,知觉 ”

17、,而 sensibility和 sensitivity均表示 “敏感性,灵敏度 ”。词性和含义上都容易混淆考生。但是 sensation有 “轰动,激动 ”的意思,如: The scandal created sensation in London那件丑闻在伦敦引起了轰动。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 sign表示 “迹象,痕迹,征兆,表现,标志 ”,一般后接 of+n或that+从句,也可指 “(疾病的 )症候,症状 ”,如: Bruises and cuts may be a sign of child abuse瘀伤和划伤可能是儿童遭受虐待的一种迹

18、象。再如: Swollen ankles can be a sign of heart disease脚踝肿可能是心脏病的征兆。 sign是一般用语,表示 “某事物的表现、标志 ”。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 economy在此处解释为 “节约,节省 ”,且作为不可数名词用。如:economy of language言语简清。请注意: economy还可表示 “(某一国家或地区的 )经济,经济制度,经济情况 ”,此外,该词可用作形容词,意为 “便宜的,经济的,二等的 ”,如: economy class经济舱。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 5 【正

19、确答案】 A 【试题解析】 portion可以指 “(食物的 )一份,一客 ”,如: We ordered five portions of chips我们点 了 5份炸土豆。 portion也可指 “部分,一部分 ”,相当于part,如: The last portion of this book is fantastic这本书的结尾非常精彩。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 disguise表示 “伪装,假扮,伪装物 ”,如: He crossed the border in disguise他化了装穿过边境。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 7 【正确

20、答案】 C 【试题解析】 四个单词词形上相似,词义上 也较易引起混淆。 process表示 “(变化 )过程,进程 ”,如: Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow and painful process增加高层管理中的女性人数将是一个缓慢且艰难的过程。请考生注意, process也可表示 “步骤,程序;制作加工疗法 ”的意思,如: the process of making a cake制作蛋糕的步骤。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 8 【正确答案】 C 【 试题解析】 四个名词都可表示 “偏

21、离 ”的意思。 diversion指 “转向,转移,改道 ”,通常表示 “方向的改变 ”,这里指交通线路的改变,即车辆行驶方向的改变,其近义词为 detour。如: the diversion of a river to supply water to the farms河流改道以灌溉农田。此词还可表示 “消遣,娱乐 ”,如: Metropolitan cities have a great number of cinemas and other diversions大都市有许多电影院和其他娱乐 活动。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 company表示 “

22、陪同,陪伴 ”,是不可数名词,此处是指他自己陪伴自己,即独处。如: It was a longjourney and I was grateful for your company旅途漫漫,感谢你的陪伴。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 四个名词均以 “trans”开头,表示 “转移的过程,从一边到另一边 ”,唯有 transition表示 “转变,过渡, 过渡时期 ”,后可跟 from或 to,如: a smooth transition from a palnned economy to a market economy由计划经济向市场经济的平稳过渡。

23、 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 slogan表示 “标语,口号,简单醒目的口号语 ”,如: The demonstrators were chanting antinuclear slogans示威者高喊反核口号。 chant shout a slogan表示 “喊口 号 ”。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 四个名词都具有 “能力 ”的含义。 potential表示 “潜力,潜能 ”,后一般接 for,如: The region has enormous potential for economic develop

24、ment该地区经济发展有很大的潜力。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 identification指 “验明,鉴别,识别;身份证明 (略作 ID)”,如:The identifycation of the murdered woman took place last Saturday上周六对被谋杀妇女的身份进行了识别。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 migration指 “移居,迁徙 ”,是指在一定期限内从一地迁到另一地。如: Scientists have studied the migration of fish

25、 over long distances科学家们研究了鱼类的远距离洄游现象。此句指农民在一个国家内部从一个地 区移居到另一个地区。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 nuisance表示 “讨厌的东西 (或状况、行为等 ),恼人的事情 ”,主要句型为 Its a nuisance that+从句, Its a nuisance doing sth,如: It was a nuisance having to go back home to get my keys还得回家拿钥匙,真是件麻烦事。再如: What a nuisance!Ive forgotten

26、my wallet真讨厌 !我忘了带皮夹子。此外,该词还可指 “讨厌的人,讨厌鬼 ”,如: The child was too much of a nuisance这孩子实在太惹人厌了。 【知识模块】 名词形似义近辨析 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 emergency表示 “紧急情况,突然事件 ”, a state of emergency是固定用法,意为 “紧急状态 ”。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 detachment表示 “独立超然,坦然,不偏不倚 ”,如: He answered with an air of detachment他以超

27、然的神态回答。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 aptitude表示 “天资,才能,禀赋 ”,通常后接 for,如: He has an aptitude for languages他有语言才能。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 expenditure表示 “经费,支出,耗费 ”,可以指 “花费时间、精力、金钱等 ”,后接 on,表示 “在 方面花费 ”,如: the expenditure of time and energy on taking care of children照顾孩子所花费的时间和精力。 【知识模

28、块】 名词形似义异辨析 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 precedence表示 “(顺序、时间、重要程度等的 )居前,领先 ”,如:Precedence must be given to the injured in the evacuation plan撤退计划中应让伤者优先。题干中 take precedence over是固定用法,如: The hospital building program usually takes precedence over the road building program通常医院建造计划比公路建造计划优先考虑。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 2

29、1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 pretext指 “借口,托词 ”,和 excuse意思相近,一般后接 for,如:I found a pretext for not attending the meeting 我找了个借口不去参加会议。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 22 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 outlook表示 “前景,前途,展望 ”,如: Overall the outlook for the company seems fairly rosy总的来说,这个公司的前景相当美好。该词还指 “观点,看法 ”,通常后接 on,如: Hes a man with a pessim

30、istic outlook on life他是个对生活悲观的人。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 23 【正确 答案】 B 【试题解析】 remedy一般后接 for,表示 “(问题或困难的 )解决方法,治疗方法 ”,如: There is no remedy for this kind of trouble没办法解决这种麻烦事儿。该词还指 “治疗疾病的方法,治疗,药品 ”,如: a good remedy for a cold治感冒的良药。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 default表示 “欠缺,缺乏 ”,词组为 in default of (由于缺

31、乏 ,因没有 ),如: In default of convincing economic arguments, the proposals are likely to be rejected由于缺乏令人信服的经济数据,这些建议可能会遭到拒绝。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 25 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 revenge意为 “报仇,报复 ”,如: I took revenge on him for what he did我对他所作之事进行了报复。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 26 【正确 答案】 A 【试题解析】 intensity指 “(思想、感情、活动、冷热、光等的 )强烈,

32、激烈; (声音、震动等的 )强度 ”,此句指 passion的程度强烈,如: I was frightened by the intensity of his anger.他大发雷霆的样子把我吓坏了。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 27 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 statute表示 “法令,法规 ”,一般由政府制定,并成文,如:Working hours were limited by statute劳 动时间是由法令限定的。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 28 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 precaution表示 “预防,预防措施 ”,一般后接 against,如: take

33、all the precautions against accident采取一切措施预防意外事故。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 29 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 alliance表示 “(国家等相互间的 )同盟,联盟,结盟 ”,如: form an alliance with the United States与美国结盟。 in alliance with sb sth表示“与 结盟、联盟 ”,如: We are working in alliance with our foreign partners我们与外国合伙人联合一道儿工作。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨析 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 inspection表示 “检查,检验;视察,检阅 ”,如: He made an inspection of the factory他对工厂进行了视察。 【知识模块】 名词形似义异辨 析


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