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1、专业英语四级(句子成分、结构与反义疑问句)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1 _, he is always modest. ( A) Wi

2、th all his profound knowledge ( B) Because of all his profound knowledge ( C) With his all profound knowledge ( D) For his profound knowledge 2 _he was aware of the real meaning of life. ( A) That was from that book ( B) It was that book which ( C) It was from that book that ( D) It was that book th

3、at 3 _in an atmosphere of simple living was what his parents wished for. ( A) He was educated ( B) He educated ( C) His being educated ( D) He to be educated 4 Even when stranded in an isolated village by snow,_. ( A) it seemed my journey was still exciting ( B) my journey still seemed exciting ( C)

4、 I still thought my journey exciting ( D) my journey was still thought to be exciting 5 In the sentence “Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred Wschools of thought contend is the policy for promoting the progress of the arts and the sciences in our land.“, the underlined part is_. ( A) subj

5、ect complement ( B) object complement ( C) attribute ( D) adverbial 6 Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence? ( A) The rich soil of river-made favoured the growth of a thickly settled farming population and this farming population had been united into a highly civilized kingdom. ( B

6、) Of course, they could not see with their eyes, but they thought that by touching him they could learn just what kind of animal he was. ( C) The idea of Harrys getting a job as a travelling salesman doesnt appeal to his wife. ( D) The bird which the fox was looking at hungrily was a cock. 7 In “He

7、would often discuss things with me, asking my opinion and disagreeing when he saw matters differently.“ asking my opinion is the_of the sentence. ( A) direct object ( B) object complement ( C) adverbial ( D) indirect object 8 Which of the following sentences doesnt have an object complement? ( A) A

8、tenant generally gave his land lord, as a condition of tenancy, a deposit in cash or kind, often amounting to a considerable part of the value of the land. ( B) I find smoking bad for health. ( C) He asked me to think about the problem. ( D) I saw the kite up and down. 9 _is no reason for dischargin

9、g her. ( A) Because she was a few minutes late ( B) Owing to a few minutes being late ( C) The fact that she was a few minutes late ( D) Being a few minutes late 10 _that is found is valuable. ( A) Not every pearl ( B) Every pearl that is not ( C) It is not every pearl ( D) When not every pearl 11 F

10、rank almost never received any education,_? ( A) would he ( B) did he ( C) didnt he ( D) wouldnt he 12 I wish to go home with you, ? ( A) may I ( B) shall I ( C) would I ( D) can I 13 Dont smoke in the meeting-room,_? ( A) do you ( B) will you ( C) can you ( D) could you 14 Lucy, you clean the black

11、board today,_? ( A) do you ( B) did you ( C) will you ( D) can you 15 There is little water in that bottle,_? ( A) is there ( B) is it ( C) isnt that ( D) is that 16 You wont follow his example, will you ? _, I dont think he is right. ( A) No, I wont ( B) Yes, I will ( C) No, I will ( D) Yes, I wont

12、 17 We think that English is very useful,_? ( A) dont we ( B) isnt it ( C) do we ( D) is it 18 We dont believe that the news is true,_? ( A) is it ( B) do we ( C) isnt it ( D) dont we 19 He didnt think that the news was true, _? ( A) was it ( B) wasnt it ( C) did he ( D) didnt he 20 I am a very hone

13、st man,_? ( A) arent I ( B) aint I ( C) am I ( D) isnt it 专业英语四级(句子成分、结构与反义疑问句)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best

14、completes the sentence. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 句型 “for all+ones+名词 ”以及 “with an(ones+名词 )”为习惯性用语,常用来表示让步状语, for all或 with all相当于 in spite of all,意为 “尽管,虽然 ”。 B、 D答案为原因状语,不合句意。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为强调句,强调句的常用形式之一为 “it+is was+强调成分+that分句 ”。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句是主系表结构。系动词是 was,

15、表语是 what his parents wished for;故 was前是主语;而主语是一个带有逻辑主语的动名词短语,即 C。 【知识模块】 句子成分、 结构 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 when引导的状语从句省略了 I was。主句的主语和分句的逻辑主语要做到语法一致,所以选 C。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为主系表结构, Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend是主语, is是谓语,名词短语 the policy是表语中心语;画

16、线部分是后置定语,修饰 the policy。 【 知识模块】 句子成分、结构 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A是由并列连接词 and连接而成,是正确答案;其他类似连接词还有 but, so, or, for, yet, or else等。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句中现在分词短语是谓语 would often discuss 的伴随状语。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A选项 (译文 “作为租田的条件,佃农一般要用现金或实物向地主缴相当于土地价值的相 当一部分的押金 ”)中, gave sb sth结构是典

17、型的动词 +双宾结构,只不过 sb和 sth之间被状语 as a condition of tenancy隔开了。 B选项是形容词短语 bad for health做宾补; C选项是不定式短语 to think about the problem做宾补; D是副词短语 up and down做宾补。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 A、 B均不能充当句子主语, C选项 The fact后跟 that引出的同位语从句, D选项 being是动名词。但 D中的 being没有行为主体 her,未说明谁迟到,所以排除。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 10 【正确答案

18、】 A 【试题解析】 本句是主系表结构,谓语是 (第二个 )is,表语是 valuable。句中的that所引导的句子是作定语从句的,其前部分是主语中心语,需要的是名词短语。 【知识模块】 句子成分、结构 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这是一句含有否定副词 never的一般过去时的句子,由于主句为否定形式,所以反意问句用肯定形式。 【知识模块】 反 义疑问句 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此处反意问句应用表示 “能不能够 ”的情态动词, B、 C两项无此意,可排除; can表示客观上的能力,如用 D项,则表示 “我有没有这个能力和你一起回家 ”,这不正确。而 may表示 “主观

19、上有无此可能性 ”,符合句意。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 陈述部分为否定的第二人称祈使句时,疑问部分使用 will you。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句陈述部分为强调的第二人 称祈使句,保留了主语 you,所以疑问部分为 will you或 wont you。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 陈述部分为 there be时,疑问部分用 there代替主语代词;本题中陈述部分有否定词 little,故答案选择肯定结构 is there。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 16 【正确答案】 A

20、 【试题解析】 反意疑问句的回答,不能以回答 “是 ”或 “不是 ”来判断使用 yes或no,而应该结合对反意疑问句中陈述部分的应答情况来决定选择 yes还是 no。仍以此句为例,如果回答是 “不是,我会向他学习的;因为他很棒啊 !”我们就要将答案调整为: “Yes, I will(follow his example) ” 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 反意疑问句的陈述部分为 I We think(believe, suppose,consider)+that从句时,问句部分的动词及主语与 that从句内的动词和主语保持一致,而不能使用 dont I we。

21、 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 18 【正确答案】 A 【试 题解析】 虽然此类反意疑问句中疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成完整结构,但是其中的肯定、否定的选择,是与陈述部分中主句 I We(dont)think 相对应的。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 反意疑问句的陈述部分为非第一人称主语 +think(believe,suppose, consider)+that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语,与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 陈述部分的主语是 I,疑问部分要用 arent I。 【知识模块】 反义疑问句


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