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1、专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 115及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wi

2、ll be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 115答案与 解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage

3、will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done a

4、t normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1 【正确答案】 Social Networking Social networking and blogs have now become more popular than sending personal emails. / The idea behind these sites is that of global online communities. / To join a community you need to create a perso

5、nal profile. / Then you can connect with your friends, / share pictures, music and your thoughts. / Social networks are not new but they are evolving. / Almost all the networks can now be accessed from a mobile phone. / Sites seem popular with a broad audience largely thanks to bolt-on applications

6、/ which allow everything from photo-sharing to online gaming. / Whether this is a clever public relations stunt / or a means of directly communicating with friends or fans, / it is undoubtedly fascinating social commentary. / Of course, there are those who fear that these online communities may in f

7、act be anti-social. / They are anxious that the more time people spend on these sites, / the more difficult it will become for them to communicate in face-to-face situations. / 【试题解析】 社交网络 如今,社交网络和博客比发私人邮件更为流行。这些网站背后的理念是建立全球网上社区。社交网络并非新事物,而是不断发展而来的。现在人们几乎可以通过手机登陆所有的网络。网络社区应用广泛,从分享图片到网上游戏无所不有,吸引了大批的用

8、户。 【知识模块】 听写 2 【正确答案】 Online Shopping Online shopping has a lot of advantages over going in person to the shops. / Shoppers can check reviews and recommendations on the Internet / before they make their decisions, / without having someone sort of breathing down their necks. / Online shopping is trul

9、y global so people can buy the best products from Europe, America, or Africa, / depending on what their speciality is. / Distance is no longer a problem. / Most sellers provide an express service. / Goods get delivered straight to the door quickly. / Shoppers dont even need to step out of the house

10、and go to the shops. / They can stay at home with a nice cup of tea and buy their shopping online. / However, there are certain disadvantages too. / Some people dont buy stuff online because of security reasons. / Compared to traditional business, / e-business is very easy for people to hack into si

11、tes and get details. / 【试题解析】 网上购物 网上购物相对于亲身去商店购物有很多好处。购物者在做决定之前,可以在网上查看评论和推荐,而不会有人紧盯着自己。网上购物是真正全球性的购物,人们可以买到最好的商品。不过,网上购物也有一定的弊端。一些人出于安全考虑不在网上购物。与传统商业相比,电子交易的网站很容易遭到黑客攻击,导致交易详情遭窃。 【知识模块】 听写 3 【正确答案】 American Health Plan There is no national health plan for Americans. / But there are many programs a

12、vailable for this purpose. / Many people have health plans at the companies where they work. / Under these plans, the company pays a fixed sum of money regularly into a fund. / Then when the employee needs medical help, / he can use money from the fund to pay for it. / Other people have health insur

13、ance. / They pay insurance premiums each month to insurance companies / which then pay for medical expenses when they are needed. / In some medical plans, the insurance company is also the medical institution. / People regularly pay the hospital directly. / Then when they need medical treatment, the

14、y go to the hospital without paying more money. / The government has health insurance programs for older people, / poor people and those with long-term illness. / These programs make medical care available to those without their own health insurance. / 【试题解析】 美国医疗计划 美国没有全国性的医疗计划,但是有多种医保方案。很多公司为员工设立了

15、医疗计划,公司定期把固定额度的钱存到基金里。当员工需要就医时,他们可以用基金里的钱支付。有些人有医疗保险。他们按月交保费给保险公司,一旦发生承保范围内的医疗开支时,他们所需付的医药费由保险公司负责。 【知识模块】 听写 4 【正确答案】 Universities in the UK Universities in Britain are a magnet for overseas students. / There are currently over 200,000 students from outside Britain studying at British universities.

16、 / The largest single group is Chinese students. / There are currently 50,000 in the UK. / The British government expects the total number of overseas students to be around 900,000 by 2020, / and also thinks that a quarter of these will be Chinese. / Why is the UK such a popular destination for univ

17、ersity students? / The quality of your course is guaranteed. / All courses are assessed by an independent system, / so you can be assured that your course is officially approved / and has wide international recognition. / The British education system is very flexible / in order to provide for the ne

18、eds of a modern, complex society. / Degree courses are usually 3 years long, which is shorter and more intensive than in other countries. / There are also lots of scholarships available. / 【试题解析】 英国的大学 英国的大学像磁铁一般吸引着海外留学生。当前,超过 20万外国学生在英国念大学。为什么英国会成为大学生们如此青睐的一个留学地点呢 ?英国大学提供的课程在质量上是有保障的。所有课程都经过一个独立体系的

19、评估,通过官方核准并在国际范围内得到广泛的认可。修读学位课程通常只需 3年,这比在其他国家修读学位课程的时间要短,课程也安排得更加紧凑。 【知识模块】 听写 5 【正确答案】 The Football Field Length Knowledge about the football field length does not seem like something fans and players have to be aware of. / But it is certainly something that the most passionate fans will know. / Th

20、e length of a football field, / be it American football or soccer, / is universally known. / As a player, one must be completely aware of these football field dimensions. / All professional stadiums and grounds adopt these measurements. / In soccer, there may be some minor differences in the footbal

21、l field length from stadium to stadium, / and this occurs because these stadiums are historical monuments / that have been around before the measurements were standardized. / On the other hand, American football requires / that the football field length be uniform across all the grounds and the stad

22、iums in the country. / The National Football League has laid down / particular guidelines and rules about football field length, / and this cannot be altered. / 【试题解析】 足球场的长度 关于足球场长度的知识好像不是足球迷和足球运动员必须知道的东西。但它肯定是那些最狂热的球迷会知道的事情。在英式足球中,不同运动场馆的球场在长度上可能会存在一些小小的差异,这是因为这些场馆都属于历史遗迹,它们在采用标准尺寸之前就已经存在了。 【知识模块】 听写


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