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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 227及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) He needs to transfer to another university. ( B) He wants the woman to make a decision. ( C) He needs advice ab

3、out school transfer. ( D) He wants to know about Central University. ( A) He cant choose Business Administration as his major. ( B) He cant transfer his credits to Central University. ( C) He didnt make any friends in the past year. ( D) He is far away from his family and friends. ( A) Keep the same

4、 major. ( B) Attend the business school. ( C) Restart from the beginning. ( D) Study for an extra year. ( A) She missed her home very much in the first year. ( B) She wanted to pack bags after the first two weeks. ( C) She felt most comfortable in her second year. ( D) She chose to stay in school in

5、 her senior year. ( A) Stay in Prince University for one more year. ( B) Learn to live away from family and friends. ( C) Check into the exact transfer requirements. ( D) Come back and talk with the woman again. ( A) It is a heavy box-type. ( B) There is a big scratch at the front. ( C) The colour i

6、s golden. ( D) Its brand name is on the back. ( A) Her wallet, pens and a novel. ( B) Papers and computers. ( C) Her wallet, papers and a novel. ( D) Papers, pens and a novel. ( A) In the train. ( B) On the platform. ( C) On campus. ( D) In a classroom. ( A) At five twenty. ( B) At five twenty-five.

7、 ( C) At five thirty five. ( D) At half past five. ( A) Come to the train station. ( B) Buy a new briefcase. ( C) Go to the police station. ( D) Change her telephone number. ( A) She failed the two quizzes. ( B) She wants to drop the class. ( C) She doesnt do well in statistics. ( D) She is sensitiv

8、e to numbers. ( A) The end of the first week. ( B) The end of the second semester. ( C) The end of the first month. ( D) The end of the second week. ( A) Because she is very good at mathematics. ( B) Because she likes the professors lecture. ( C) Because it is very easy to pass the exam. ( D) Becaus

9、e it helps her to take another class. ( A) She wants to make some money. ( B) She likes to meet different people. ( C) She needs some teaching experience. ( D) She hasnt got student loan yet. ( A) Drop the class. ( B) Get the private tutor. ( C) Buy a voice recorder. ( D) Take notes and think. ( A)

10、At ten oclock. ( B) At ten past ten. ( C) At ten to ten. ( D) At a quarter to ten. ( A) She never had her eyes tested before high school. ( B) She had difficulty with distance vision in high school. ( C) Her eyesight was fine after she entered university. ( D) Her eyes became worse when she was at c

11、ollege. ( A) When driving. ( B) When reading books. ( C) When drawing. ( D) When writing. ( A) light. ( B) Popular. ( C) Cheapest. ( D) Beautiful. ( A) By check. ( B) In cash. ( C) By credit card. ( D) By debit card. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 227答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two c

12、onversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the

13、best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 W: Good morning, Mr. Vickstad. How can I help you? M: Good morning, Ms. Hanson, 1Well, Im thinking about transferring to another university, but Im not sure. I was hoping you could help me ma

14、ke a decision. W: Ill try. Where are you thinking of transferring to? And why do you want to leave Prince University? M: Um. Im thinking of going to Central University, because its in my hometown. Ive been kind of homesick here this year, and I havent made many friends. I just feel so lonely. So, I

15、thought that uh, maybe, 2itd be better to be closer to my parents and Mends and all. W: I see. And would you keep the same major if you transferred? What is it? Business Administration? M: Yeah, I would. The credits Ive earned here will transfer to Central. Ive already checked. W: May I ask why you

16、chose to come to Prince University in the first place? M: Sure. Um, well, the main reason is you have a great business school. And the second reason is that I wanted to get away from home. W: Youre right, Mr. Vickstad. We do have an excellent business school. But, so does Central. The thing is, youv

17、e got almost a year under your belt here now. 3At Central, youll be starting from scratch. M: Yeah, I know that. But Im a little bit familiar with Central because I had older friends who went there, and I visited it before I came here. W: You know, freshman year is usually the hardest. 4I remember h

18、ow homesick I was my first year. Ill tell you, I was ready to pack it in after the first two weeks. But the longer I stayed, the more comfortable I felt. By senior year, I was glad I chose to stay. M: Really? Did it get a lot better your sophomore year? W: Yes, it did. You might well find the same i

19、s true for you. Also, even though your credits here will transfer, you will have to take extra courses, because Central has different requirements. Youll probably have to go to school for an extra year. M: Hmm. I hadnt thought about that. Ill have to check into it. Maybe I should give it one more ye

20、ar. I mean, its probably good for me to learn to live away from my family and friends, right? Itll make me stronger in the future. W: You can always move back there after you graduate. Of course, by that time you may not want to! M: Thank you for all your help. 5I guess Ill find out the exact transf

21、er requirements. Youve given me a lot to think about. W: Dont mention it. If you feel like you want to talk more, dont hesitate to come back and see me. 1. Why does the man go and talk to the woman? 2. What is the mans problem of being in Prince University? 3. What will the man have to do if he tran

22、sfers to Central University? 4. What does the woman say about her time in college? 5. What will the man most probably do next? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项以 He开头,由 transfer和 university等关键词可知问题与男士转学相关。 对话一开始男士说他在考虑转学但不确定转不转,希望女士可以协助他作出决定。因此男士去找女士的原因是 C“需要有关转学的建议 ”。 A项中的 needs to transfer错误,男士并非需要转学,只是有这个想法。男

23、士希望女士帮助他做决定 (help me make a decision)。并不是让老师做决定,因此 B项错误。 D项 “想要了解 Central大学 ”不是该对话的目的。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中女士询问男士希望离开 Prince大学的原因,男士提到他这一年有点想家 (homesick),并且认为离家人和朋友更近 (be closer to family and friends)会更好,由此可以推断 D“远离家人和朋友 ”是他在 Prince university遇到的问题。 男士在 Prince的专业就是 Business Administration

24、, A项与对话相反。男士提到 Prince的学分可以转到 Central,因此 B项错误。男士说他 在 Prince的一年中未能交到很多朋友 (make many friends),而非 C项所说的没有交到任何朋友 (make any friends)。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项都是动词短语原形,预测问题可能与行为动作相关。 问题问如果转学到 Central大学,男士需要做什么。女士指出如果转学到 Central,需要从头开始 (start from scratch), C项 Restart from the beginning是其同义替换,为正确答案。 对

25、话中女士问男 士如果转学是否会保留原来的工商管理专业,男士给出了肯定回答。由此可知 A“保留相同的专业 ”和 B“读商学院 ”是男士本人的选择,而非转学到 Central的要求。女士后来提到,尽管学分可以转,但因为Central有不同的要求,他要选修额外的课程 (have to take extra courses),有可能(probably)要额外多上一年学,因此 D“多学一年 ”并不是必须的要求。 【知识模块】 对话 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话中女士明确指出她记得大学第一年非常想家, A项 missed her home是对 homesick的同义替换,故正确。 女士说入学两

26、周后曾想过要 pack it in,这里是固定搭配,意为 “放弃;离开 ”,并不是 B项所指的要收拾行李打包(pack bags)。女士表示她在校的时间越长越舒服自在,尽管后来她说第二年比之前更好,但不是 C项所说的 most comfortable“最舒服 ”。女士说她到了大四,非常高兴选择了留下来,由此可知 chose to stay是之前做的决定,并不是 D项所说的大四时才决定。 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项都是动词短语原形,预测问题与行为动作或建议相关。 对话最后男士感谢女士的帮助,他说会查明 (find out)确切的转学要求, C项用 check i

27、nto作同义替换,是男士接下来最可能会做的事。 A“在 Price大学再待一年 ”和B“学会远离家人和朋友而生活 ”在对话中都出现了,但男士分别用了 maybe和probably,所以并不是 most probably do的事情。对话最后,女士表示如果还有问题可以再次约见,男士并没有表态是否再会,因此 D“回来跟女士谈话 ”不是男士最可能要做的事。 【知识模块】 对 话 6 【听力原文】 M: Lost property. Can I help you? W: Oh, yes. Ive had my briefcase stolen. M: OK. Ill take some details

28、. Tell me what it looks like, first of all. W: Well. its a soft leather one, you know, not a heavy box-type like a mans. M: Mmm. and how does it close? W: Its got buckles at the front. two of them. Theyre gold-plated ones. M: Fine. Was it locked? W: No, Im afraid not. M: Never mind. Any distinguishi

29、ng features? W: Pardon? M: Any marks or badges on it that make it stand out? W: 6Only the brand name. M: And wheres that? W: 6Its on the back. at the bottom in the left-hand corner. Its Sagi. Oh, and theres a scratch. Its quite bad but small, directly above the brand name. I did it recently putting

30、it on my bike. M: Right, got that. So, what did you have inside the briefcase? W: 7Well. all my papers from college. Its so frustrating, but thank goodness for computers, I havent lost them completely! M: Yes, youre lucky. W: I had my wallet in my pocket so I didnt lose that. 7But there were also my

31、 pens which I got for my birthday and a novel I was planning to read on the train. M: Right. Where exactly did you lose the briefcase? W: Well, I couldnt believe it. 8I was standing on the platform. It was right next to me. M: You were holding it? W: Id just put it down on the floor but I could almo

32、st feel it beside me. I was watching for my train because sometimes it comes early and then next time I looked, my briefcase wasnt there. M: And what time was this? W: Ah. it must have been about 5:20. no, a bit later. Id say 5:30 because it was just getting crowded 9and the train normally comes at

33、about twenty-five to six. M: Right, if youll just give me some personal details. Whats your name? W: Im Mary Prescott. M: And your address? W: Flat 2, 41, Fountain Road, Canterbury. M: And have you got a contact telephone number? W: Yes, its 752239. M: Fine. One last question what would you say the

34、value of your briefcase is? W: Including the contents? M: Yes, just a rough estimate is fine. W: Im not sure. Well, the briefcase itself is quite new; I bought it last month for $40. I suppose about $65. The contents are worth about 20 or 25 dollars at least. M: Thats fine. 10Well, if you could come

35、 down to the train station tomorrow, you can sign this form and have a look at what weve got. W: OK, thanks. 6. What is the distinguishing feature of the briefcase? 7. What does the woman have inside the briefcase? 8. Where does the woman lose the briefcase? 9. What time does the train usually come

36、according to the woman? 10. What will the woman most probably do the next day? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项描述的是某个东西的特征,可以在听音时判断各个描述是否有误。 警察问女士公文包有什么显著特征 (any distinguishing features),女士没听明白,警察解释说有没有标记之类的,女士回答了 Only the brand name和 on the back因此 D项 “背面有商标名 ”是公文包的显著特征。 A项 heavy box-type与女士说的 not a heavy box-t

37、ype like a mans相反。 B项中 scratch“划痕 ”应该是small,而且在背面 (on the back)。原文只提到 buckles“扣子 ”是 gold-plated“镀金的 ”,但并没有提到整个包的颜色是金色,故 C项不对。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项里都是名词,听音时需注意各选项的描述,做一些笔记。 警察问女士公文包里有什么,女士说有学校的所有资料 (all my papers),但还好电脑没丢,钱包在口袋里,也没丢;不过生日时收到的笔和打算在火车上看的一本小说都在包里。由此可知,公文包里有 papers, pens和 novel,

38、故正确选项为 D。 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是表示地点的短语,可推断本题问地点场景。 女士向男士解释丢公文包的整个过程:她站在站台,包放在身边的地上,她在看车是否来了,再一看包已经不在了。由此可知,女士是在站台上等车时丢了包。 B项 On the platform正确。 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项都是表示时间的介词短语,因此听音过程中对时间信息需格外留意。 女士说车通常是六点差二十五分 (at about twenty-five to six)到站,那么C项 “五点三十五分 ”正确。 A项 At five twenty和

39、D项 At half past five是女士丢包的可能时间, B项 At five twenty-five是语音干扰。 【知识模块】 对话 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 四个选项都是动词短语,可能问即将要做的事情或是建议。 对话最后,男士让女士第二天可以去火车站,在表格上签名并且看看他们有没有找到被偷的公文包。由此可知 A“去火车站 ”是女士第二天很可能会做的事。 【知 识模块】 对话 11 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Professor Jones. Thanks for agreeing to see me on such short notice. M: Actually, I

40、 was thinking about talking to you about your performance in this class so far. W: Do you mean the two quizzes we had these past two weeks? M: Yes. I had a quick look at your last two quiz marks. You failed the first and just passed the second one. What is it that is causing you the most trouble? W:

41、 1I know Im not that good with numbers, but it has never occurred to me that statistics can be this difficult. M: Well, if thats the case, I would suggest that you drop this class. Because these first two quizzes are the easiest ones throughout this semester. If you have trouble surviving them, the

42、rest of the classes will be really tough for you. W: Oh, I thought we could only drop classes during the first week. M: 2The deadline for dropping classes is always at the end of the second week of a semester. W: Well, to be honest, 3Im only taking statistics because it is a prerequisite for a psych

43、ology class I want to take. Would you mind giving me some advice on how I can make some progress? M: Um. Have you been to all of my classes? W: Yes, every one of them. But to be honest, you speak a little bit too quickly for me. I find it difficult to get detailed notes. M: Well, perhaps you should

44、think about bringing in a voice recorder. That way if you miss something you can listen to it again when youre studying at home. W: I guess I could try that. Im not sure if I can afford a voice recorder right now. My student loan hasnt come in yet. M: Another option is to get a tutor. If youre inter

45、ested, I can recommend someone. Shes a tutorial assistant for one of my other classes, but she does private tutoring on the side. 4 She doesnt charge much because shes really looking for the teaching experience. She wants to be a professor. W: 5That actually sounds great! With a private tutor, I wou

46、ld have enough time to take notes and think. M: Of course, dropping the class is also an option. Sometimes professors make exceptions too. You could always contact the psychology professor and ask if its possible to get in without my course. Id be willing to sign something to prove that youve at lea

47、st made a valid attempt. W: Thank you, professor. I guess working harder on statistics is a better choice than dropping the class. Im not the type of person who gives up easily. By the way, 5could you please tell me how I can get in touch with the tutor you mentioned? M: Well, I can give you her pho

48、ne number. Just tell her I recommended you to her. 1. What do we know about the womans performance in statistics class? 2. What is the deadline for dropping classes? 3. Why does the woman take the statistics class? 4. Why does the tutorial assistant do private tutoring part-time? 5. What will the wo

49、man most probably do with her problem? 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 四个选项均是以 She开头的陈述,由 quizzes和 class可知问题与女士的学习相关。 由对话开头可知,过去两周的两次小考,女士第一次没及格,第二次刚刚通过,她说自己不那么擅长数字 (not that good with ),但从没想到统计学会这么难 (statistics can be this difficult)。因此 C项 “她的统计学学得不好 ”符合原文。 A“两次考试都没及格 ”和 D“对数字敏感 ”与对话内容不符, B中的 drop the class“退课 ”是教授给她的建议。 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由选项可知本题考查与时间相关的细节,听音过程中需对时间信息格外留心。 教授建议女士退课,女士说她以为只能在第一周退课,教授确认道 “退课的


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