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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 317及答案与解析 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptabl

2、e. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 The Identification of Goals I. Introduction 1)the importance of identification of goals for your life and future 2)two questions Why do people need 12 years of schooling? Why does everyone foll

3、ow the same【 T1】 ?【 T1】 _ II. The normal process of studying 1)the learning process alphabets, words, sentences, lessons,【 T2】 , subjects, the curriculum【 T2】 _ 2)things not learnt: the【 T3】 of the unsaid fact【 T3】 _ School, college and other courses act as tools to achieve our goal and dream. Dream

4、s cant be realized if we dont invest time to gather 【 T4】 .【 T4】 _ III. How to achieve goals? 1)【 T5】 the plan【 T5】 _ 2)work towards your goal accomplishment in short bursts 3)match the practical curve with the【 T6】【 T6】 _ IV. How to set goals? 1)who set the goal We ourselves【 T7】 our goals.【 T7】 _

5、We pursue【 T8】 in the direction of our goals.【 T8】 _ 2)how to set the goal set an【 T9】 goal【 T9】 _ divide it into small modules and complete them all 【 T10】 them together to achieve the goal【 T10】 _ 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 10 Communication Sk

6、ills I. The introduction of communication 1)means for communication in history 【 T1】 and body movements【 T1】 _ language 2)our limited use of language only for the purpose of【 T2】【 T2】 _ not for enriching our knowledge or increasing our market value II. The【 T3】 of a good talk or lecture【 T3】 _ 1)cha

7、nge of tone at the appropriate time 2)【 T4】 in language【 T4】 _ 3)proper translation of thoughts into words III. The【 T5】 of communication skills【 T5】 _ 1)adding an important dimension to your【 T6】【 T6】 _ 2)making your wants, needs and doubts obvious 3)being essential to【 T7】 yourself【 T7】 _ IV. The【

8、 T8】 for communication【 T8】 _ 1)Be clear, concise and【 T9】【 T9】 _ 2)Keep your sentences short. 3)Look into the eyes of the person you are speaking to. 4)Maintain your calm and continue if you【 T10】【 T10】 _ 11 【 T1】 12 【 T2】 13 【 T3】 14 【 T4】 15 【 T5】 16 【 T6】 17 【 T7】 18 【 T8】 19 【 T9】 20 【 T10】 专业英

9、语四级(听力)模拟试卷 317答案与解析 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. Y

10、ou may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文】 The Identification of Goals Good afternoon, everyone. Im glad to have a lecture with you. Todays lecture is about the identification of goals, which may seem to be a big topic, but really im

11、portant for your life and future. Last night, sitting by the window and gazing into the stars, I momentarily went back to my school days. I was just thinking why we are made to go to school and college and supposed to complete a particular course in a specific span of time. I mean, why do I need 12

12、years of schooling?(1)Why is it that everyone follows the unchallengeable cycle of Montessori school college graduation postgraduation work? Then a theory just seeped into my mind, following the electrifying whiz of a busy mosquito that comfortably kissed my ears and buzzed away. Starting from schoo

13、l, we learn the alphabets, the words, and the sentences. Sentences lead to lessons, lessons to chapters and chapters to a subject. Many subjects form an academic years curriculum. Upon clearing the exams we step onto the next year of education. Though we did follow the entire procedure sub-conscious

14、ly and ceremoniously, we never learnt the moral of the unsaid fact. The fact is that school, college and other courses act as tools to achieve our goal and dream. We might dream of being a doctor, engineer, or lawyer but without proper investment of time to gather intellectual content, our dreams ar

15、e useless. Every action in life is to satisfy a specific purpose. Purpose or need initiates planning and action on the part of the doer.(5)The person, who wants to accomplish a specific goal, first chalks out the plan. The plan is like an ideal curve. By being regular in his duties and responsibilit

16、ies, he works towards his goal accomplishment in short bursts. After every burst or period of time, he tries to match his practical curve followed to accomplish the goal with the ideal curve set in the process of planning. The closer the ideal and the practical curves are, the more is the probabilit

17、y of the goal being achieved in the set time. (7)In short we identify: our goals ourselves, but planning of education system is just done by the education ministry of our age.(8)Once we have identified our goals, we pursue specialized courses in the direction of our goals. This is done in a systemat

18、ic manner, starting from the basics like schooling to major specialization like engineering. But many a time it so happens that we lose track and wander around trying to reach unreachable goals. Only realistic goals are reachable.(9)Set achievable goals. After goal setting, break it down into small

19、modules, which have to be achieved within certain time frames. Once all modules have been completed, the integration of them all accomplishes the set goal! So, before the end of todays lecture, do not hesitate to ask me any questions if you have met anything confusing. And I do hope the lecture toda

20、y will be of great help in your future life. 【知识模块】 讲座 1 【正确答案】 cycle 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座开头部分提出问题引入话题: Why is it that everyone followsthe unchallengeable cycle of Montessori school collegegraduation postgraduation work?即为什么每个人都要遵循从蒙特梭利幼儿园到学校、大学、毕业、研究生再到工作这种毫无挑战的人生周期呢 ?因此填入cycle。 【知识模块】 讲座 2 【正确答案】 chap

21、ters 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处提到人们的学习过程: Sentences lead to lessons, lessons tochapters and chapters to a subject即学生们从句子学到课文,再到章节,最后到科目。因此填入 chapters。 【知识模块】 讲座 3 【正确答案】 moral 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。讲座指出了在学校里学不到的东西: Though we did follew theentire procedure sub-consciously and ceremoniously, we never learnt the moral o

22、f the unsaidfact即尽管我们潜意识里郑重 其事地遵循着完整的过程,但是我们永远不能学到一些并未载人文字的寓意。因此填入 moral。 【知识模块】 讲座 4 【正确答案】 intellectual content 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处提到知识储备的重要性: but without properinvestment of time to gather intellectual content, our dreams are useless,即如果没有投资足够的时间去进行知识储备的话,我们的梦想是无用的。因此填入 intellectual content。 【知识模块】

23、讲座 5 【正确答案】 chalk out 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处提到实现目标的第一个步骤: The person,who wants toaccomplish a specific goal, first chalks out the plan即一个人如果想要实现某个特定的目标,首先要制订计划。因此填入 chalk out。 【知识模块】 讲座 6 【正确答案】 ideal curve 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处提到实现目 标的第三个步骤: After every burst or periodof time, he tries to match his practical

24、curve followed to accomplish the goal with the idealcurve set in the process of planning即在每小段或一段时间之后,都要努力使完成目标的实际曲线和计划过程中设定的理想曲线相匹配。因此填入 ideal curve。 【知识模块】 讲座 7 【正确答案】 identify 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处讲到由谁来确定目标。讲座提到 In short we identify ourgoals ourselves ,即简而言之,我们自己确定自己的目标。因此填入identify。 【知识模块】 讲座 8 【正确答案】

25、 specialized courses 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到 Once we have identified our goals,wepursue specialized courses in the direction of our goals即一旦我们确定目标,就要朝着目标的方向去学习专门的课程。因此填入 specialized courses。 【知识模块】 讲座 9 【正确答案】 achievable 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处讲到制订目标的具体方法。第一点就是 Set achievablegoals即制订可实现的目标。因此填入 achievable。 【知识模

26、块】 讲座 10 【正确答案】 integrate 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到 Once all modules have been completed,theintegration of them all accomplishes the set goal!即一旦实现所有的阶段性目标,那么把它们整合到一起,就会实现所制订的目标。因此填入 integrate。 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【听力原文】 Communication Skills Hello, everyone. Before we start todays lecture, you can use a little ti

27、me to think about if you are a good communicator or not. And why? Communication has been the major ingredient for the up gradation of the apes into human beings.(1)Before language and the science of semantics were developed, facial expressions and body movements were the most sought-after means for

28、communication. Slowly the language started shaping up and now we have countless thousand dialects. Language is a medium that binds all human beings. It is the unique form that has been exploited and used to the maximum by us.(2)But somewhere down the line, we used it only for the purpose of communic

29、ation and not for enriching our knowledge and to increase our market value. You would be thinking what I am getting at. In the following few lines, I will clear all the question marks in your head. Tell me the number of times you have been fascinated by a talk or lecture given by someone. Maybe once

30、 or twice or maximum thrice.(3)Now the point to ponder is what was the distinguishing feature of that persuasive speaker that didnt make your eyelids heavy with sleep? He would have had the skill to maneuver all your thinking, listening and visual channels towards him. (4)Closer observation would re

31、veal that change of tone at the appropriate time, fluency in language, and proper translation of thoughts into words make his speech all the more appealing. He is able to give you what you want to hear and what he wanted to give the audience in terms of knowledge. And when this success ratio is unit

32、y, you never skip a word from the speaker. (5)Communication skills are an important strength(6)and they add a very important dimension to your personality. When you communicate clearly and openly, you always make your wants, needs and doubts obvious.(7)This clarity is essential to market yourself. Y

33、ou may not be that well qualified, but with good communication skills you can crack your interview and you can sell yourself convincingly. You then dont try to fill in a vacancy in a company but make a place for yourself. (8)Some of the essential tips for communication include: (9)Be clear, concise

34、and straightforward. Keep your sentences short. This will avoid grammatical mistakes. Look into the eyes of the person you are speaking to. This gives a glimpse of your sincerity and dedication to the other person. (10)Even if you slip up somewhere, maintain your calm, apologize and continue. Dont t

35、ry to reanalyze such slip ups, because we wish to promote ourselves. So from now on communicate clearly, properly and openly, as after all the world doesnt know what you need. Does it? Thats the end of todays lecture. I hope it will be helpful to all of you. Thank you! 【知识模块】 讲座 11 【正确答案】 facial exp

36、ressions 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处提到历史上的沟通方式: Before language and thescience of semantics were developed, facial expressions and body movements were the mostsought-after means for communication即在语言和语义学产生之前,面部表情和肢体动作是最受欢迎的沟通方式。因此填入 facial expressions。 【知识模块】 讲座 12 【正确答案】 communication 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处提到语言的目的:

37、 But somewhere down the line, weused it only for the purpose of communication and not for enriching our knowledge and toincrease our market value即但是从那以后,我们使用语言仅仅是为了沟通,而不是丰富我们的知识或提高我们的市场价值。因此填入communication。 【知识模块】 讲座 13 【正确答案】 features 【试题解析】 本题为概括题。讲座讲到被优秀 的演讲吸引,之后提到: Now the point toponder is what

38、 was the distinguishing feature of that persuasive speaker that didnt make youreyelids heavy with sleep?即现在要思考的是有说服力的演讲者究竟具备何种与众不同的特征,能够让你不会犯困 ?因此填入 features。 【知识模块】 讲座 14 【正确答案】 fluency 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处提到优秀演 讲的特征。讲座提到 Closer observation wouldreveal that change of tone at the appropriate time, fluen

39、cy in language, and proper translationof thoughts into words make his speech all the more appealing即更加仔细地观察就会发现在适当的时间变化语调、流畅的语言以及对想法恰如其分的表述会让演讲更具吸引力。因此填入 fluency。 【知 识模块】 讲座 15 【正确答案】 importance 【试题解析】 本题为概括题。讲座提到 Communication skills are an important strength ,即沟通技能是一个重要的优点。由此可知,讲座接下来会讲述沟通技能的重要性,因此

40、填入 importance。 【知识模块】 讲座 16 【正确答案】 personality 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处提到沟通技能的重要性之一: and they add a veryimportant dimension to your personality,即沟通技能为你的性格增色添彩。因此填入 personality。 【知识模块】 讲座 17 【正确答案】 market 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处提到沟通技能的另一个重要性: This clarity is essential tomarket yourself即这种清晰性对营销自己至关重要。因此填入market。 【知

41、识模块】 讲座 18 【正确答案】 tips 【试题解析】 本题为概括题。讲座接下来提到重要的沟通技巧: Some of the essential tips forcommunication include ,因此填入 tips。 【知识模块】 讲座 19 【正确答案】 straightforward 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处提到沟通技巧之一: Be clear, concise andstraightforward即要清晰、简洁、易懂。因此填入 straightforward。 【知识模块】 讲座 20 【正确答案】 slip up 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。讲座提到沟通的 最后一个技巧: Even if you slip up somewhere, maintain your calm, apologize and continue即使你在某处不小心出错,也要保持镇定,然后道歉并且继续。因此填入 slip up。 【知识模块】 讲座


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