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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 292及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will

2、 be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look

3、at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 1 How to Do Basic First Aid 1. Method

4、 1: Performing the three Cs Check the【 T1】【 T1】 _ Call for【 T2】 help immediately【 T2】 _ Care for the person with physical treatment and【 T3】【 T3】 _ 2. Method 2: Caring for an unconscious person Rouse them by tickling bare hands and feet or by【 T4】【 T4】 _ Check for signs of【 T5】 and then a pulse【 T5】

5、 _ If the person remains【 T6】 , prepare for CPR【 T6】 _ 3. Method 3: Treating common problems in first aid scenarios Managing bleeding: use【 T7】 on a wound【 T7】 _ Treating a broken bone dont move the broken bone 【 T8】 with ice-packs【 T8】 _ tie up the broken bone 4. Method 4: Treating rarer cases in f

6、irst aid scenarios Its very important to know the【 T9】【 T9】 _ Rush patients to the hospital or【 T10】 soon【 T10】 _ 2 【 T1】 3 【 T2】 4 【 T3】 5 【 T4】 6 【 T5】 7 【 T6】 8 【 T7】 9 【 T8】 10 【 T9】 11 【 T10】 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversatio

7、n , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET

8、 TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) Find a foreign language book. ( B) Buy the Spanish textbook. ( C) Get a novel and a sweatshirt. ( D) Return a book he doesnt want. ( A) It is too expensive. ( B) It has no footnotes. ( C) It has glossary. ( D) Therere only 5 copies. ( A) K

9、eep the receipt. ( B) Keep it sealed. ( C) Never touch it. ( D) Return it in three days. ( A) He doesnt want to buy it. ( B) He may pay more money. ( C) It is the only edition he wants. ( D) It will probably take a long time. ( A) A large school crest on the front. ( B) A small school crest on the b

10、ack. ( C) A school crest on both the front and the back. ( D) No school crests on the front or on the back. ( A) Stay in Oxford for a week. ( B) Travel to Paris. ( C) Meet some friends. ( D) Travel to US. ( A) 25 pounds. ( B) 75 pounds. ( C) 100 pounds. ( D) 200 pounds. ( A) The blue and yellow rout

11、e. ( B) The red and yellow route. ( C) Only the red route. ( D) The red and blue routes. ( A) Its on the red route. ( B) Its in Hyde Park. ( C) It a gift shop. ( D) Its a department store. ( A) By phone. ( B) Through the Internet. ( C) On the bus. ( D) Through the operators. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 292答案与解析

12、一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sent

13、ence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1 【正确答案】 Bell In ancient times all over the world, it was believed that evil spirits could put up with / just about anything except the clangi

14、ng of the bell. / Over time, the bell itself, even when not ringing, / came to be regarded as a powerful lucky symbol. / Because it is suspended in a hanging position, / it takes on the representation of all life suspended between heaven and earth. / The bell tolled at funerals is now explained as a

15、 signal to the living / that a soul is passing to the other side. / But originally the tolling was intended to prevent evil forces / from interfering with the souls heavenward journey. / 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening,

16、 you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 1 【听力原文】 How to Do Basi

17、c First Aid Good morning, everyone. Today well talk about how to do basic first aid. Basic first aid allows you to quickly determine a persons physical condition and the correct course of treatment. You should always seek professional medical help as soon as you are able, but following correct first

18、 aid procedures can be the difference between life and death. Now, lets look at the four methods of basic first aid. The first method is performing the three Cs. They are 1check the surroundings, call for help and care for the person. Do not rush into a situation where you could end up as a victim y

19、ourself. If approaching the victim will endanger your life, 2seek professional help immediately because they have higher levels of training and know how to handle these situations. While you are waiting for the help, 3care for the person includes both physical treatment and emotional support. Let th

20、e person know that help is on its way and that everything will be alright. The second method is caring for an unconscious person. If a person is unconscious, try to rouse them by gently tickling their bare hands and feet 4or by speaking to them. If they do not respond to activity, sound, touch, or o

21、ther stimulation, 5determine whether they are breathing. You can check this by looking for a rise in the chest area; listening for the sound of air coming in and out; and feeling for air using the side of your face. 5If no signs of breathing are apparent, check for a pulse. 6If the person remains un

22、responsive, prepare for CPR. OK, now lets move onto the third method, treating some common problems in first aid scenarios. Control of bleeding is one of the most important things you can do to save a trauma victim. 7Use direct pressure on a wound before trying any other method of managing bleeding.

23、 Next common problem in first aid scenario is a broken bone. It can be treated with the following steps: first, make sure that the broken bone doesnt have to move or support any other body parts, second, 8numb the pain with an ice-pack covered by a towel, and third, if necessary tie a shirt or a pil

24、lowcase around a broken arm and then around the shoulder. The last method is treating rarer cases in first aid scenarios. 9Heart attack is fatal and it helps to know the symptoms of heart attack, which include rapid heartbeat, pressure or pain in the chest, and general unease or nausea. Rush the per

25、son to the hospital immediately while giving them an aspirin. 9Again, knowing the symptoms of stroke is important. They include temporary inability to talk or understand what is being said; confusion; and loss of balance or dizziness. 10Rush a person you suspect has had a stroke to the emergency roo

26、m immediately. OK, today weve looked at the four methods of doing basic first aid. And I hope this will help you do deal with some medical emergencies. 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 surroundings 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对要点的把握,要求填入急救 (first aid)第一个方案(three Cs)中的第一项内容。录音提到,首先要检查周边环境 (check the surroundings)。不要急着冲入现场,以免最后自己

27、成为了受害者。故本题填入surroundings。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 professional 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对要点的把握,要求填入急救第一个方案中的第二项内 容。录音提到,如果接近受害者会危及你的生命,应该立即寻求专业人士的帮助 (seek professional help),因为他们接受过更高水平的训练,知道如何处理这些情况。故本题填入 professional。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 emotional support 【试题解析】 本题考查考生对要点的把握,要求填入急救第一个方案中的第三项内容。录音提到,当你在等待救援时,应该关心伤者,

28、包括物理治疗和情感支持(both physical treatment and emotional support)。故本题填入 emotional support。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 speaking to them 【试题解析】 本题考查细节,要求填入如何判断伤者反应的方法。录音提到,如果伤者无意识了,试着通过轻轻挠他们裸露的手脚 (tickling their bare hands and feet)或者跟他们说话 (speaking to them)来唤醒他们。故本题填入 speaking to them。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 breathing

29、【试题解析】 本题考查对信息的理解和整合,要求填入第二项需要检查伤者的内容。录音提到,如果伤者对活动、声音、接触或其他刺激没有作出反应,那就判断他们是否在呼吸 (determine whether they are breathing)。如果没有明显的呼吸迹象,那就检查脉搏迹象 (check for a pulse)。故本题填入 breathing。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 unresponsive 【试题解析】 本题考查细节,要求填入在什么情况下,需要准备对伤者 进行CPR(心肺复苏术 )。录音提到,如果伤者仍然没有反应 (remains unresponsive),准备做心肺

30、复苏术。故本题填入 unresponsive。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 direct pressure 【试题解析】 本题考查细节,要求填入处理伤口流血的急救方法。录音提到,在尝试使用其他方法止血之前,应该直接按压伤口 (direct pressure on a wound)。故本题填入 direct pressure。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 numb the pain 【试题解析】 本题考查细节。录音提到,处理骨折的急救方法有三个步骤。其中第二个步骤是用毛巾包裹冰块冰敷伤处,从而麻木疼痛感 (numb the pain)。故本题填入 numb the pain。

31、 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 symptoms 【试题解析】 本题考查对细节的理解和概括。录音首先提到,如果对心脏病的症状有所了解的话,将很有帮助。接着下文继续讲到,对中风症状的了解非常重要。因此,概括来讲,了解这些疾病的症状非常重要,故本题填入 symptoms。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 the emergency room 【试题解析】 本题考查对细节的理解和概括。录音首先提到,对待心脏病患者,应马上送进医院;接着又提到,应把疑似中风病人赶紧送入急诊室。提纲中已经有了 the hospital,故本题填入 the emergency room。 【知识模块】 听

32、力 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you

33、 should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 12 【听力原文】 W: Can I help you? Are you looking for something in particular? M: Yes, well, first Im looking for the foreign language section.

34、W: Oh, its right down here. Here we are. “Foreign Languages“. What course are you taking? M: Spanish Four Thirty-one. W: You need the Intermediate Spanish textbook? M: No, I still have that from Four Thirty. 1What Im looking for is the novel were supposed to read: Garcia Marquezs One Hundred Years o

35、f Solitude. W: “Garcia Marquez“, “Garcia Marquez“. Hmm. No. Oh, here it is, under “Marquez“. Here you are. M: 2Eighteen dollars? The price is right, but, erm, its just the text. There dont seem to be any footnotes or any glossary. W: Ah. M: This is the only edition you have? W: Yes, it is. Sorry. M:

36、 Hmm. How many copies do you have left? Just those on the shelf? W: Yes, uh, four no, five copies. M: Jeez, thosell be gone by Friday for sure. Our class is really full. Whats your return policy? Would it be OK if I bought this now, and then returned it if I can find an annotated edition on the inte

37、rnet? W: Yes, certainly. 3But youll need to keep your receipt, of course, and be sure that the book is not marked up or damaged in any way. M: Sure, thats fair enough. W: Did you want me to check whether we can find you another edition? M: 4I dont think I have time. It usually takes so long to get a

38、 book through a bookstore. W: Unfortunately, thats often true. M: Thanks anyway, 1Ill take this then, and say you have sweatshirts, dont you? W: Sweatshirts? Yes, in the “School Spirit“ section. Over this way. And down here. Um. Here you are. M: Ah. Yes. Hmm. 5Thats not much of a school crest. W: Oh

39、. 5Theres a bigger one on the back, see? M: Oh, yeah, of course. I see. Uh, this is a medium. I need a large, and uh. I think. in green. W: Medium, medium. here, is this a large? Yes, large. Here you go. M: Yeah, thats good. Say, do you know what our motto means, anyway? W: “From Determination comes

40、 Truth“. Its been SUs motto since it was founded in 1894. M: Huh. Thats really interesting. Ill wear it with pride and hope for some of that determination! How much is this? W: $39.95 plus tax. M: Fine. Uh, what else do I need now? Mmm. I guess thats it, then the sweatshirt and the book. W: And ther

41、es no tax on the book. M: Wheres your register? W: Just take them up to the cashier at the front, please. Over there. M: Oh, OK. Thanks a lot for your help. W: Thank you. Have a nice day. 1 What does the man want to do here? 2 What problem does the man think the book has? 3 What does the man have to

42、 do to return the book? 4 Why does the man refuse the woman to find him another edition? 5 What is the design of the sweatshirt? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中男士讲到自己想 要找一本百年孤独的小说,这是课程西班牙语 431要求读的书。后来录音还提到男士要买一件运动衫,因此本题选C。 A“找一本外语书 ”过于宽泛。 B“买西班牙语教材 ”和 D“退一本他不想要的书 ”都与对话内容不符。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士帮男士

43、找到百年孤独这本书以后,男士提到书的价钱是合适的,但是这个版本没有脚注和词汇表,因此这不是他想要的版本,本题 B“没有脚注 ”正确。 A“价格太高 ”与男士所说的价格合适恰恰相反。 C“有词汇表 ”正是男士想要的,所以不正确。 D“只剩下五本 ”利用文中的一个信息做干扰,并不是这本书的存在的问题。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项都是动词短语,注意相关动作细节。 男士得知书店这本书只剩下五本时,担心很快会被卖光,于是想先把这本书买回去,再试着在网上找一下别的版本。男士问如果能找到别的版本是否可以把书退回书店,女士表示可以退书,但是男士需要保留小票,并确保该书没有做

44、标记或损坏,因此本题选A。 C“不去触摸这本书 ”太过极端,不正确。 B“保持密封状态 ”和 D“三天之内退书 ”都未在对话中提及。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中女士问男士是否需要书店为他寻找另一个版本的书时,男士回答说 “我想我没有时间,因为通过书店找一本书都得花很长时间 ”,因此本题选 D。 A“他不想买这本书 ”和 B“他会支付更多的钱 ”未在对话中提及。选项C“这是唯一他想要的版本 ”不符合对话事实。故均不正确。 【知识模块】 听力 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项都出现 school crest,听音时注意相关细节描述。 女士给男士找到了

45、运动衫,但是男士认为运动衫上 的校徽太小,女士说背面还有一个更大的校徽,因此本题选 C“运动衫的前面和后面都有校徽图案 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【听力原文】 W: Hi, London Premier Tours. How can I help? M: Hi, 6Im coming to London from America with my family and wed like to see the city. We just want some information on the best way to do this. W: Ok, Ill see if I can help

46、. Firstly, when are you coming and for how long? M: 6Were going to stay in Oxford for a week, so well arrive in London on 10th July. It will just be for a few days as we fly to Paris to meet with some friends. W: And how many people? M: 7Im coming with my sister and our parents. W: And do you know w

47、hat kind of things you want to see when you are here? M: We just want to see the main sites, you know, historical places, I guess, the places that London is famous for. W: Well, as you only have a short amount of time, the best way to do that is probably by a bus tour. 7The tour costs 25 pounds per

48、person. M: What time does it start? W: Well, basically the ticket is valid for the whole day. The first bus is at 7 a.m., but buses depart every 20 minutes throughout the day up until 6 p.m M: Oh, ok. What sites do you see on the tour then? W: That depends on which route you choose. There are three

49、routes and we call them the red, yellow and blue routes. There are many attractions, but the main attractions on the red route are St Pauls Cathedral, the London Eye and Buckingham Palace. M: Im not too worried about the Cathedral, but I know my parents would enjoy the London Eye, so wed better see that. What about the other routes? W: The most famous places on the yellow route are Big Ben a


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