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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 97及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause.

2、 During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 Why did they plan to see a midnight show? ( A) Because there is a new movie on at midnight. ( B) Because a midnight

3、 show is more exciting. ( C) Because they dont have time until midnight. ( D) Because they can have more fun at midnight. 2 What can we learn about the woman from this conversation? ( A) Watching movies may be one of her favorite pastime. ( B) She doesnt like violent movies at all. ( C) She has seen

4、 The Lord of the Rings many times. ( D) She prefers comedies to romantics. 3 Why do they finally decide not to watch The Lord of the Rings? ( A) Because people who watched it didnt think highly of the film. ( B) Because this movie is not suitable to celebrate Chinese New Year. ( C) Because the woman

5、 plans to watch it with her friends next weekend. ( D) Because the audiences regret watching it when walking out of the cinema. 4 What are the two speakers mainly discussing? ( A) They are planning where to celebrate the anniversary. ( B) They are arguing which restaurant is best. ( C) They are talk

6、ing about the best style of dinner. ( D) They are longing to do something different. 5 Why does the woman want to go to the same restaurant? ( A) Its cheaper than others. ( B) It serves delicious food. ( C) There are fewer people. ( D) Its a roomy restaurant. 6 Where will they probably have dinner i

7、n a year to come? ( A) A new French restaurant. ( B) A Chinese restaurant. ( C) A Western restaurant. ( D) A Japanese restaurant. 7 The woman love to live in the city for the following reasons EXCEPT that ( A) the city has convenient Transportation. ( B) the city has the food she likes most. ( C) it

8、s easy to get the latest information. ( D) its a better place for children to live. 8 What does the man think of living in the suburbs? ( A) Theres much to do besides work and study. ( B) Its convenient for people to go anywhere. ( C) The natural environment is beneficial to children. ( D) The count

9、ryside is a perfect place for weekends. 9 Which is TRUE about the mans opinion of the city? ( A) The children are too young to benefit from city life. ( B) Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city. ( C) There is a lot to see and do for children and adults. ( D) There isnt a lot to see

10、 and do for children. 10 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) She is a full-time housewife. ( B) She does not care for her children. ( C) She used to live in the suburbs in her childhood. ( D) She will go to a museum next weekend. 11 What does the man hope the woman to do? ( A) To go t

11、o the airport. ( B) To work with Jane Smith. ( C) To offer some information. ( D) To meet Jane Smith. 12 How old is Jane Smith? ( A) She is a quite young lady. ( B) She is middle-aged. ( C) She is 40 years old. ( D) She is of the retirement age. 13 Which of the following is TRUE about the woman acco

12、rding to the conversation? ( A) Shed like to meet Jane Smith. ( B) She is usually smartly dressed. ( C) She is taller than Jane Smith. ( D) She once was Jane Smiths colleague. 14 What do we know from the conversation about the man? ( A) The man cant concentrate in the library. ( B) The man wants to

13、live near to the library. ( C) The man dislikes talking and playing cards. ( D) The man wants to find a quiet residence. 15 Why does the man want to move out of me students dorm? ( A) The apartment is cheaper than the dorm. ( B) Smoking is forbidden in the dorm. ( C) The dorm is too noisy for him to

14、 write his essays. ( D) He cant get along with his roommates. 16 What is the mans final decision? ( A) To give up moving out of the dorm. ( B) To consult the accommodation office. ( C) To buy a small apartment of his own. ( D) To share one room with the woman. 17 The conversation is mainly about ( A

15、) How to spend Thanksgiving Day. ( B) Preparing food on Thanksgiving Day. ( C) The origin of Thanksgiving Day. ( D) What to do after Thanksgiving meal. 18 Which of the following is CORRECT about Thanksgiving Day? ( A) It has something to do with the English custom. ( B) Its traditional foods include

16、 roast potatoes and ducks. ( C) It does not fall on a fixed date every year. ( D) It makes people exhausted and costs a lot. 19 What does the man do when his wife is cooking? ( A) He plays football. ( B) He watches TV. ( C) He goes hunting. ( D) He does some exercise. 20 What would me man like to do

17、 after meal? ( A) Hed like to stay with his family. ( B) Hed like to help his wife do the dishes. ( C) Hed like to go bowling. ( D) Hed like to deal with the leftovers. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 97答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , f

18、ive questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

19、 You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 M: Its Chinese New Years Eve tonight. Lets go and watch a movie, shall we? W: It will be very late by the time we finish our dinner. M: Lets see a midnight show then. W: Good idea! M: What kind of movie are you fond of? W: Well, I feel like

20、 watching something romantic this evening. Do you still remember the movie we watched this Christmas Eve? Until now I am not fully aware why we chose that one. Today, Im in the mood for something more gentle for a happy new year. What about you? M: I agree that last few movies have been a bit too vi

21、olent especially the movie for our Christmas, but romantic movies might be the last thing I want to watch. A bit of action will be very exciting. How about watching Titanic? Its a love story, but there is plenty of action as well. W: Its indeed a romance. However, Ive seen it many times. So I dont t

22、hink Id enjoy watching it once more. What else is there to watch? M: Theres The Lord of the Rings. It owns a lot of awards and Ive been wanting to see it for ages. W: Yes, many people gave it the thumbs up after they walked out of the cinema. However, Its somewhat violent as well, isnt it? So, why n

23、ot watch it next weekend instead of tonight? M: Oh, it seems that we can only have the romantic comedy left. I enjoy comedies and you want something romantic. What about this kind? W: Perfect! That is ideal for the Spring Festival. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。男士提出去看电影,女士说我们吃完饭后时间就比较晚了,于是男士提议看午夜场,女士表示赞同。即在

24、午夜之前,他们需要吃晚餐,没时间看电影,故选 C。 【知识模块】 对话听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析 】 推断题。女士说今晚想要看带有浪漫色彩的电影,因为最近看的几部电影都跟暴力有关。由此可知,她常去看电影,因此 A项正确。 C项与事实不符,她看了几遍的是 Titanic。喜欢喜剧的是男士, D项也错误。女士希望在除夕夜看比较温和的电影,并非排斥暴力因素,否则也不会连看几部带这种色彩的电影了,故 B项错误。 【知识模块】 对话听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。 D项毫无逻辑,只不过从原文中硬摘了一句 walk out of the cinema,显然不对。指环王是说话人

25、具体提到的最后一 部电影,人们对影片本身的评价都很高 (a lot of awards, thumbs up),故 A项也错误。 C项是结果而不是原因,原文中也没有 with her friends的依据。 however一词引出女士对指环王的评价 也带暴力色彩,这就不符合她今晚对影片内容的要求,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 对话听力 4 【听力原文】 W: So where do you think we should go for dinner this anniversary? We were really enjoying ourselves last year. Why dont w

26、e go to the same restaurant? M: Well, I think we should go somewhere different this year. W: Yes, but last years restaurant is really good. A new place might not be as successful. M: I agree that it was a good restaurant. You know, its always nice to go somewhere new. W: I also think that we should

27、choose a Chinese restaurant again they are usually much bigger than Western restaurants and there are only a few people in the company who are not Chinese. M: What you say about the size of the restaurant and the fact that most of our staff are Chinese is absolutely true. However, it will get a bit

28、boring going back to the same restaurant each year. W: Im not saying we should go back there every year. Weve only been there once before, so I dont think youll be bored with it. M: Mm, I know. Maybe we could try a new restaurant this year and go back there again next year. W: Well, maybe you have a

29、 point. But next year. M: I know, next year, its up to you. You know what? I find a new French restaurant. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 主旨题。虽然他们一直在争论到哪里去吃饭,但 C项并非答案,争论的目的不是为了探究最好的用餐风格。 A项看似一笔带过,其实是原因所在。 B属于只言片语的干扰; D与对话无关,且二人观点不一致,可以排除。 【知识模块】 对话听力 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。女士和男士争论时给出了两个理由:一是那家中餐厅比西餐厅大;二是公司里中国员工居多

30、。 A、 B两项对话中没有谈到,可以排除; C项看似正确,其实不然,女士只是说公司里非中国人很少,而不是指饭店里人很少。因此只有选项 D正确。 【知识模块】 对话听力 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推断题。男士坚持今年去新开的法式餐厅聚餐,并以 “明年你来决定 ”作为交换条件。女士一直想去原来那家中国饭店,今年没有去成,明年很有可能会去。因此答案为 B。 【知识模块】 对话听力 7 【听力原文】 M: You like living in the city, dont you? W: Oh, I love it. Its so convenient. I can take the bus

31、 to work, or the subway, or the taxi. And there is so much to do. M: I know what you mean. Id like to live in the city, but to live in the suburbs is better for children. W: Well, there are a lot of good things about suburban living. But, as a working woman, I think a city has all the conveniences i

32、ncluding the best food and fastest news. M: But there are more trees, grass and fresh air in the suburbs. W: Yeah, but living in a city, its convenient to go everywhere. There are lots of movie houses, theaters and so on. You can take them to the suburbs on the weekends. M: Yeah, children are the ri

33、ght age. There are lots of things for them here. W: You are right. They are at the library in Brooklyn. And they come back home for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There is so much for young people to see and do. M: Not just for young people. What about me? Ive never been to

34、the Museum of Natural History. W: Neither have I. When I was a child, I used to go to the Museum of Art. M: Ive been there several times. Twice with children. W: Well, I have an idea. Next weekend, we go to the Museum of Natural History. M: Ok, thats really a very nice idea. 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。在提

35、到城市的好处时,女士说到了以下几大好处:上班坐车方便,有最好的食物,最快的资讯,去哪里都方便,就是没提到城市是孩子更好的住处, 所以选 D。 【知识模块】 对话听力 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。对话中男士认为住在郊区对孩子有好处,那里有更多的树木、绿草和新鲜空气,因此 C项是对原文最好的概括。 【知识模块】 对话听力 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节判断题。根据女士的观点,她认为对孩子们来说 there is much to see and do。男士紧接着指出,不仅对年轻人如此,他本人也有尚未去过的博物馆,言下之意是成年人在城市里也有很多可看之处及可做之事。所以答案应

36、是C。 【知识模块】 对话听力 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。对话中男士说他从来没有去过自然历史博物馆,女士回答说她也没有去过,并建议下周末一起去,因此 D项正确。 【知识模块】 对话听力 11 【听力原文】 M: Hello, Mary, youre just the person Im looking for! W: Oh good! What can I do for you? M: Have you got a minute? W: Yeah, of course. M: Well, its about Jane Smith, you know. She is comi

37、ng here soon. You know her, dont you? W: Mm, actually I do. She and I worked together for quite some time. Why do you ask? M: Well, she is coming today and weve got to go to the airport to meet her. But, you know, she is just a stranger to me. So I wondered if you could. W: Oh I see! You hope I can

38、tell you what she looks like? M: Yes! W: Well, she is in her 40s but she doesnt really look middle-aged. And shes usually smartly dressed with brown short hair. Actually, she is good-looking. M: Uh huh. Eh, how tall is she? W: Mm, a bit taller than me but. average height, Id say. By the way, she wea

39、rs glasses. M: Oh I see. Im sure I could find her at the airport, because I have a much clearer idea about her now. Thank you for your help. W: Dont mention it. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。对话中男士希望女士能够给他帮助,因为他要去机场接Jane Smith,但是他从来没有见过她。这时女士突然插话道 “我知道了,你希望我告诉你她长什么样 ”,而男士说 Yes,因此不难选出 C项,他希望女士能给他提供一些信息。 A、 D

40、是男士要做的事情, B是女士过去的经历,故均不正确。 【知识模块】 对话听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。关于年龄的问题,女士说 Jane Smith四十多岁,但并没有说出她的具体年龄,因此 C项错误。紧接着她又说 Jane Smith看起来并不像中年人,那么实际上 Jane Smith就是个中年人,所以选项 B正确。 A、 D两项均与事实相反。 【知识模块】 对话听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。女士说她和 Jane Smith曾经工作过一段时间,那么她们以前肯定是同事,所以选项 D正确。 A项对话中没有提及, B项是对 Jane的描述, C项与实际相反,

41、因此均错误。 【知识模块】 对话听力 14 【听力原文】 M: Im thinking of moving nearer to the university. Do you think you can help? W: Well, I guess one thing I can do is to ask around for you and see if anyone has the vacancy. But as far as I can remember, you moved into the students dorm only three months ago. How do you

42、like it so far? M: Forget it. I just cant concentrate in the dorm. You see, Ive got four essays to do. But how can I concentrate with everyone else talking. playing cards. and. practicing guitar? W: Well, you could work in the university library. M: I could, yes. Thats perfectly true. But you know I

43、 not only need to sit down and write, I also need to think. And to think, I need to be able to wander around, smoke, be on my own, be sort of free to do as I like. W: How many students share your dorm room? M: Living here in this dorm with how many others? Five. There are constant interruptions. You

44、re okay theres only one person sharing your room. W: Dont believe its totally ideal. Its anything but ideal for a quiet life. M: I cant just tell the others to shut up. They have their rights, too. W: Perhaps you should look for a small apartment of your own. Mind you, itll cost a lot more than the

45、dorm rent youre paying at the moment. M: I know, but I have to move out. W: Wait a minute, have you thought of. of asking at the university accommodation office? They should know of some available apartments. M: Ah. Right. I should have thought of that in the first place. 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话开头男士就提

46、到 他想搬到学校附近住,因为寝室人多嘈杂,他不能集中精力写论文。 A项与对话内容不符; B项错在 library,男士是想搬到离“大学 ”更近的地方住; C项看似正确,但我们无法通过谈话证明他本人痛恨聊天、打牌。故答案为 D。 【知识模块】 对话听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。 D项对话中并未提及;而 A项与对话信息相反,可直接排除;对话中只谈到图书馆不能吸烟,并没有提到寝室内不允许,故 B错误。对话中男士提到他有四篇论文要完成,但寝室里有人谈话,有人打牌,还有人练吉他,因此 C项才是他想搬出寝 室的真正原因。 【知识模块】 对话听力 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】

47、细节题。寝室太吵,公寓房又贵,因此女士建议他向学校的accommodation office咨询。男士回答说他早该想到,说明男士很赞成女士的看法,因此正确答案是 B。男士在对话尾声说道 “我必须搬出去 ”, A项与其意思相悖,故不对; C错在 buy,应该是 rent“租用 ”;男士根本就没提到要与女士合住一个房间,只是在对话中提到女士与另一个人合住一间房,故 D也不正确。 【知识模块】 对话听力 17 【听力原文】 M: Come in and have a seat please, Ann. Please make yourself at home. W: I am really grat

48、eful for your invitation. I know Thanksgiving is a very traditional family holiday and I am so glad to be with an American family on this occasion. M: On the fourth Thursday of November every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. You know its origin? W: Yeah, it has something to do with the fi

49、rst settlers and Indians. M: Right. The first settlers in Massachusetts started this custom. And large dinners with many relatives are common throughout America on this special day. W: Do you have traditional dishes that you serve every year? M: Yes, we do. The traditional foods of Thanksgiving meal include roast turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and bread pudding. I hope you have good appetite today. W: What do men do while women are doing the cooking? M: Its the same every year football.


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