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1、专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷 27及答案与解析 SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 Where can people find the tallest redwood trees? ( A) Muirwoods National Monument. ( B) The north of C

2、alifornia. ( C) The north of San Francisco. ( D) Los Angeles. 2 Why do many tourists visit Muirwoods rather than other redwoods forests? ( A) It has admission free. ( B) There is a large number of redwood trees. ( C) People may see the tallest redwoods. ( D) Its near San Francisco. 3 Why can redwood

3、s survive so long? ( A) The optimum climate. ( B) Absence of natural enemies. ( C) Coastal isolation. ( D) Their barks protection against forest fire. 4 Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque? ( A) Her sister lives there. ( B) She attended college there. ( C) She lives thirty minutes from

4、 there. ( D) She visited there last year. 5 What can be inferred about the man? ( A) He has been to New Mexico many times. ( B) He has just graduated from college. ( C) He enjoys sports. ( D) He has relatives in Albuquerque. 6 According to the woman, what may cause the most problems in the Albuquerq

5、ue? ( A) The low humidity. ( B) The changes in climate. ( C) The high altitude. ( D) The extreme temperatures. 7 Whats the main feature of the new method of paying for meals? ( A) All students pay the same amount per year. ( B) Students choose how many meals a week they want. ( C) Students get money

6、 back for meals they dont eat. ( D) Some students get free meals. 8 How does the new plan benefit the students who eat all their meals at the school cafeteria? ( A) They can invite guests to meals at a reduced price. ( B) They receive cards that allow them to be served first. ( C) They can help deci

7、de what will be on the menu. ( D) They pay less per meal. 9 How can weekend eat in the cafeteria? ( A) By paying for single meals on a walk-in basis. ( B) By borrowing a students meal card. ( C) By ordering most of their meals in advance. ( D) By buying a weekend meal card. 10 What is the conversati

8、on mainly about? ( A) The purpose of laughter. ( B) The cause of laughter and its effects. ( C) When do people laugh? ( D) The origin of laughter. 11 As far as the woman is concerned, why do only human beings and a few other primates laugh? ( A) Thats the result of evolution. ( B) They are superior

9、to other animals. ( C) For the sake of survival. ( D) The cause is not clear. 12 According to Darwin, why do people laugh? ( A) Laugh is a survival technique for babies. ( B) They laugh to ease hostilities. ( C) They laugh to make parents feel relaxed. ( D) They laugh to fight off disease. 13 How do

10、es the Telephone Reassurance Service offer help to people in need? ( A) The volunteers go to see them. ( B) The volunteers help them clean up the house. ( C) The volunteers call and check their condition. ( D) The volunteers help them cook. 14 Who does the Telephone Reassurance Service offer help to

11、? ( A) The elderly and disabled living alone. ( B) Senior citizen. ( C) The elderly who live alone. ( D) The handicapped who live alone. 15 To what extent has the Telephone Reassurance Service publicized? ( A) It is now in daily touch with nine hundred people. ( B) The volunteers have completed one

12、million calls. ( C) Its now starting to include newcomers who want to meet new friends. ( D) All the callers are neighbors. 16 How does the Telephone Reassurance Service raise its funds? ( A) It raises funds by itself. ( B) It is supported by the donation of volunteers. ( C) It is supported by feder

13、al funds and donations. ( D) It raises funds from the donation of rich businessmen. 17 Where probably are the two speakers? ( A) At a library. ( B) At the school registration desk. ( C) At a bookstore. ( D) On the telephone. 18 According to the man, what should one do if a book he has borrowed is re

14、called? ( A) He must return it immediately. ( B) He must return it within 7 days of the due date of the book. ( C) He must return it within 7 days of the recall notice. ( D) He must return it as soon as you can. 19 How will the library handle cases when a student cant receive a recall notice? ( A) M

15、ake a call to the student. ( B) Give the student a fine. ( C) Send the student a mail. ( D) Inform the students teacher. 20 Where will the woman probably go after talking to the man? ( A) Go running. ( B) Go and get her library card. ( C) Go to class. ( D) Go and get some books. 专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷 27答

16、案与解析 SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 【听力原文】 M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest? I recently had a chance to go to Muirwoods National Monument north of San

17、 Francisco. W: Ive never seen one. I really cant imagine how big they are. M: The coastal redwoods are the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred and fifty feet high. But none of the trees at Muirwoods are that high. (1) You have to go farther north in California to see the tallest

18、trees. W: You said that Muirwoods is near San Francisco? I guess it must be quite a tourist attraction. M: Yes, its less than an hours drive away, so its easy to go to. W: Ive heard that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. M: The oldest documented age for a coastal redwood is more than a

19、thousand years. The trees at Muirwoods are 400 to 800 years old. W: Why have they survived so long? M: They have remarkable resistance to forest fires. (3) Their tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. The coastal redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate. W: (2)Since Muirwoods is near fo

20、ggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the trees survival. I cant wait to go and see them. 1 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 4 【听力原文】 M: I have been studying too much and need a change. So Ive just made plans to go away during January break. W: Really? Where are you goi

21、ng? M: Im planning to visit New Mexico. W: (4)My sister and I vacationed there last year and we had a great time. M: (4/5)Did you get into Albuquerque? W: (4)Sure. We were skiing there. M: Is it far from the mountains? W: Not at all. You see, even though Albuquerque is on a high plateau, there are e

22、ven higher mountains near it. Just half an hour away from the city there are snow-covered slopes. M: Well. As the mountains are just thirty minutes away, I guess I should take my ice skates and my skis. W: Definitely. M: I heard that the weather there is great. W: It is. No humidity, moderate temper

23、atures, (6)but you do need to be careful about the high altitude. M: What should I do about that? W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Dont hiking the mountains or exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually. M: Im sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I c

24、ome back. 4 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 对话 6 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 对话 7 【听力原文】 M: Hey Linda, did you get that letter about the new options for food service next year? W: Not yet. Are there a lot of changes? M: There sure are. (1)Instead of paying one fee to cover all meals for the whole school ye

25、ar, we are now able to choose how many meals a week we want. W: Thats a big change, Tom. So whats the deal for those who do eat at school all the time? M: (2)Its better for them too. Because the more meals you contract, the cheaper each one is. W: I see. M: I decided to go with the ten-meal plan. I

26、never eat breakfast and I often go away on weekends. So the ten-meal plan gives me lunch and dinner every weekday at a fairly low price. W: And what about the weekends when you are on campus? M: Well, there are often guests on campus at weekends. (3)So they allow you to buy single meals on a walk-in

27、 basis on Saturdays. The price per meal is much higher that way, but it is still favourable generally. W: Oh, I guess Ill have to sit down and figure out my eating pattern so that I can get the best deal. 7 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 对话 10 【听力原文】 M: Well, you seemed to

28、 be having fun watching the movie. W: Yeah, I think it kept me laughing from the start. M: (4)Whenever I watch comedy, I always like to know why people like to laugh. I mean, why does it feel so good to laugh? W: (5)I heard from my biology professor that even after centuries of scientific research,

29、no one knows for sure why human beings and just a few primates laugh. M: (6)I read somewhere that Charles Darwin thought that laughter, which begins with small babies, was like an evolutionary “reward“ to the mother and father. Babys laughter sounded and felt so different from crying, he believed, t

30、hat even prehistoric parents must have interpreted it as a sign of well-being, kind of like the purring of a kitten. The parents enjoyed the laughter, which encouraged them to continue caring for the child. W: Researchers have found it has a positive effect on many patients and it produces certain h

31、ormones that actually switch on the bodys immune system and actually help fight off diseases. M: Ive heard that apes also like laughing. W: I heard that too. Apes and a few other primates laugh, but no other animals do. M: Thats interesting. 10 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 11 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 A 【知

32、识模块】 对话 13 【听力原文】 W: Just a few years ago this city established what is called the Telephone Reassurance Service. (7/8)It was set up by a volunteer group of people to ring up elderly or handicapped persons who live alone, to see whether they are all right and to help cheer them up. M: That sounds li

33、ke a good idea. Has the service been going for a few years? W: I think its five, but it might even be ten years, and now it has about one thousand volunteers and they keep in daily touch with more than twelve hundred people, mostly senior citizens. M: It must be frightening to be old and alone and h

34、ave no one who has any interest in you. W: (9)The service made its millionth call recently. The volunteer calls once a day and if no one answers, another call is made in about an hour. If there is still no answer, a call is placed to a neighbor or to someone who can go to see if the person is all ri

35、ght. (10)The project is supported twenty percent by federal funds and the rest by donations. The volunteers now go through an instruction course before beginning the calls. 13 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 对话 14 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 对话 15 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 对话 16 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 对话 17 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Im new here, so I was

36、wondering how I could go about applying. M: Well, if youre a regular student you can use your student I.D. as a borrower card. If not, you would apply at the loan office. W: (7)What exactly can I borrow? I mean, can I take anything out from the library? M: Well, you can borrow almost everything, inc

37、luding books and multimedia materials. But you cannot take out any serial like journals and magazines and you may not take out any books or multimedia if they have a not-for-loan status. W: Can you introduce the recall system here? I hear if a book gets recalled, you have to bring it back right away

38、, is that true? M: Oh, certainly not right away, (8)but you do have to take it back within seven days of the recall notice. The reason we have this system is that sometimes students need certain material urgently. W: But what if youre not around to receive it? M: (9)If we cannot contact you by phone

39、 or by letter we will contact the deparment that you are registered in and have a recall notice delivered to the teacher. W: (10)Just a question before I run to class, how much are the fines, by any chance. M: Thirty cents a day. 17 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 对话 18 【正确答案】 C 【 知识模块】 对话 19 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 对话 20 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 对话


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