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1、专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 Whats the reason for the conflict between China and the Great Britain? ( A) China doesnt agree to sanctions against I

2、ran. ( B) Britain and China has not held high-ranking talk yet. ( C) China is in favor of Iranian nuclear program. ( D) Britain was angry with China on the climate talks. 2 Why does North Korea want to start peace talks with the United States? ( A) Because the talk will end the war state with South

3、Korea. ( B) Because the peace treaty with America may lead to six-nation talk. ( C) Because the talk is needed for North Koreas peace treaty with America. ( D) Because North Korea wants the economic restrictions to be halted. 3 What is the relationship between Ms. Hasina and Khaleda Zia? ( A) Friend

4、s. ( B) Opponents. ( C) Colleagues. ( D) Relatives. 4 What is Ms. Zias reaction to the result of the general election? ( A) She was reluctant to accept the result. ( B) She agreed to accept the result. ( C) She was forced to accept the result. ( D) She refused to accept the result. 5 Whats the main

5、idea of this news? ( A) There is a rising civilian death toll in Gaza Strip. ( B) French has made a 48-hour ceasefire in Gaza Strip. ( C) There keeps desirable humanitarian situation in Gaza Strip. ( D) 400 people have been killed in the assault. 6 How many civilians are killed in the 6-day assault

6、on Hamas? ( A) 400. ( B) 100. ( C) 200 ( D) 600 7 Where were those American missionaries arrested? ( A) In America. ( B) In Haiti. ( C) In Dominican Republic. ( D) In Por-au-Prince. 8 What are the crimes that these missionaries are charged with? ( A) Preaching illegally. ( B) Murdering. ( C) Enterin

7、g illegally. ( D) Kidnapping and criminal association. 9 Where did the second bomb explode? ( A) In the temple. ( B) In the city centre. ( C) In the bus. ( D) Outside the hospital. 10 Who are those victims in the attacks? ( A) Worshipers of Shiite Muslim. ( B) Worshipers of Sunni Muslim. ( C) Milita

8、nts of Shiite Muslim. ( D) Militants of Sunni Muslim. 11 How many people were infected with HIV last year? ( A) 174,000 ( B) 440,000 ( C) 740,000 ( D) 470,100 12 What is the biggest source of AIDS infection in China? ( A) Drug using. ( B) Homosexual transmission. ( C) Heterosexual transmission. ( D)

9、 Blood transmission. 13 Why are victims to be sent to the United States? ( A) To give them enough food. ( B) To give them medical care. ( C) To provide shelters for them. ( D) To give them some financial aid. 14 Why were the flights to America suspended last week? ( A) There were not enough planes.

10、( B) There was not enough food for the victims. ( C) American government refused to accept them. ( D) The place and payment of the victims were unknown. 15 Where was the meeting to plan Haitis recovery held? ( A) In America. ( B) In Canada. ( C) In Haiti. ( D) In Great Britain. 16 How many people di

11、ed in the earthquake in Haiti? ( A) 100,000. ( B) 500,000. ( C) 150,000 ( D) 510,000 17 How many people were killed in the attacks? ( A) 8 Americans and 5 Canadians. ( B) 9 Americans and 4 Canadians. ( C) One Afghan, 8 Americans and 5 Canadians. ( D) One Afghan, 8 Americans and 4 Canadians. 18 Which

12、 of the following statements about the attacks is TRUE? ( A) Some of the CIA members were killed in the second attack. ( B) The second attack happened in Southern province. ( C) No one claims to be responsible for the attacks. ( D) The first attack was made by a group of Afghan National Army. 19 How

13、 many child soldiers will be released after Thursday? ( A) 200. ( B) 4200. ( C) 3800 ( D) 4000 20 These child soldiers will be released under the treaty between ( A) Nepals government and Nepals army. ( B) Nepals government and former Maoist rebels. ( C) Nepals government and the United States. ( D)

14、 Former Maoist rebels and the United States. 21 Why do the two countries exchange the list of nuclear centers? ( A) Because they were forced to do so. ( B) Because they are on good terms now. ( C) Because they agreed to do so in an agreement signed in 1988. ( D) Because this is regulated in an agree

15、ment between the two countries. 22 When did the two countries begin their nuclear experiment? ( A) In 1947. ( B) In 1998. ( C) In 1992. ( D) In 2008. 23 Which major city is the first one to celebrate the New Year of 2010? ( A) London. ( B) Sydney. ( C) Auckland. ( D) Cape Town. 24 Some cities celebr

16、ations may be affected due to ( A) financial crisis and terrorism. ( B) storm. ( C) terrorism. ( D) strike. 25 What is the main topic of this news? ( A) U.S.security agencies failure in communication. ( B) U.S.security actions to avoid explosion in the airport. ( C) President Obamas criticism on Net

17、herlands security actions. ( D) Netherlands security devices to examine passengers to America. 26 What action will the U.S. take? ( A) Cooperate with its alliances. ( B) Cancel the flights to Netherlands. ( C) Solve problems with national security. ( D) Get more information from the suspects father.

18、 27 What does Mr. Brown want the president of Afghanistan to do? ( A) To arrest the rebels of the country. ( B) To accept more foreign soldiers in the country. ( C) To send more troops to join the fight against rebels. ( D) To improve governing and end corruption in the country. 28 The support for t

19、he British army station in Afghanistan is decreased due to ( A) political tension in Britain. ( B) strong protest from the soldiers family. ( C) more British soldier casualties in Afghanistan. ( D) Mr. Blairs dissatisfaction with the policy of Mr. Brown. 29 What is the purpose of the new treaty? ( A

20、) To stop the warming of the earth. ( B) To help South Africas economy. ( C) To raise money for the poor countries. ( D) To help poor countries in tackling climate change. 30 How much money was asked for to help the poor countries? ( A) $ 3,000,000. ( B) $ 3,000,000,000. ( C) $3,000,000,000 ( D) $30

21、0,000,000,000 31 What does the demonstration protest against? ( A) 50 people were arrested in a day. ( B) A professor was refused to enter the university office. ( C) A 15-year-old boy was killed by the policemen. ( D) Two police officers fired warning shots against citizens. 32 Which of the followi

22、ng are NOT used by the protesters? ( A) Stones. ( B) Firecrackers. ( C) Windows of the shops. ( D) Some other objects. 33 Where did the bomb explode? ( A) In Moscow. ( B) In St. Petersburg. ( C) In the town of Bologoye. ( D) In Sverdlovsk. 34 How many victims are there up to now? ( A) 18. ( B) 26. (

23、 C) 76 ( D) 92 专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷 8答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 【听力原文】 British Foreign Secretary David Miliband is in China on a three-day visit, seeking to smooth the

24、 rift between Britain and China following British anger over the Copenhagen climate talks and Chinas execution of a British citizen, Peter Simpson reports from Beijing. British Foreign Minister David Miliband is seeking to reconcile differences with China. Like U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James S

25、teinberg two weeks ago, Miliband would also seek to push China to agree to sanctions against Iran. Miliband says he and high-ranking Chinese leaders will be discussing how the UN Security Council can, as he says, address the real threat that the Iranian nuclear program poses to international stabili

26、ty and security. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。考生在听力的过程当中都可以听到四个选项其中的某些词组,但是要根据题干的要求选出正确的答案绝非易事。选项 A是英国外长来中国的目的之一,而选项 C是迷惑项,新闻中只是说了英国外长要和中国的领导人会谈,而会谈的内容是怎样能使得联合国安理会可以重视伊朗核试验带来的危险,因此可以排除 B、 C选项,确定答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 2 【听力原文】 North Korea has called for peace talks with the United States. The Democratic Peoples R

27、epublic of KoreaForeign Ministry released a statement Monday. It says a peace treaty with America is necessary for six-party talks on nuclear disarmament to begin again. The Korean War which took place from 1950 to 1953 ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea says

28、this state of war is a root cause of tension between it and the United States. The statement also calls for an end to economic restrictions against Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea government if six-party talks are to begin again. 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。在新闻的导语提到朝鲜呼吁与美国进行和平谈判,接下来我们马上就可以听到 “It says

29、 a peace treaty with America is necessary for six-nation talks on nuclear disarmament to begin again”,由此可知答案是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 3 【听力原文】 Bangladeshs former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is seeking cooperation from all political parties after her Awami League and its allies won an overwhelming parliamentar

30、y majority in that countrys first election in seven years. Ms. Hasina said today during her first news conference since Mondays election that her longtime rival Khaleda Zia should accept the election results because voting was free and fair. Ms. Hasina also offers senior political positions to her o

31、pponents in exchange for their cooperation. Ms. Zia though rejected the election outcome, calling the poll “stage managed“. She said the results are not acceptable to either her Bangladesh Nationalist Party or the people. 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这道题目是要求考生根据听到的内容判断人物的关系。根据“Ms Hasina said today during her f

32、irst news conference since Mondays election that her longtime rival Khaleda Zia should accept the election results”可知答案应该是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据新闻末尾的内容 “Ms Zia though rejected the election outcome, calling the poll“stage managed ”可以判断正确答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 5 【听力原文】 Israels foreign minister s

33、ays there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip despite interna-tional concerns about a rising civilian death toll. Tzipi Livni rejected a French call Thursday for a 48-hour ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip, telling reporters in Paris. Israel extinguishes between Ham

34、as militants and civilians. She says as a result, Israel keeps humanitarian situation completely as it should be. She also says Israel has increased shipments of humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip in recent days. Health officials in Gaza say at least 400 have been killed in Israels six-day assa

35、ult on Hamas. The United Nations estimates about one quarter of those killed are civilians. 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 主旨大意题。这是新闻听力中比较常见的题型,但是也是考生最容易出错的一类题,出错的原因可能在于考生在听的过程当中急于听到每一个细节,忽视了新闻中最重要的导语部分的听解,这道题目根据导语部分的内容“Israels foreign minister says there is no humanitarian crisis(人道主义危机 )in the Gaza Strip despi

36、te international concerns about a rising civilian death toll ”可以很容易的判定答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。新闻提到在袭击行动中一共死了 400人,在新闻的末尾联合国估计平民的死亡人数是四分之一,由此可知答案是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 7 【听力原文】 Ten American missionaries have been charged with kidnapping in Haiti after they tried to take a group of Haitian ch

37、ildren out of the country. The Baptist missionaries were arrested last week at the border with the Dominican Republic. Nick Davis reports from Port-au-Prince.The five men and five women have been detained since Friday, when they were stopped at the border with the neighbouring Dominican Republic. To

38、day a judge decided there was enough evidence for a criminal case against them. Theyve each been charged with child kidnapping and criminal association. The maximum sentence could be nine years in jail. One of them, Laura Silsby, spoke to the BBC as she was about to be driven away from the court and

39、 said “I feel good. Im trusting God“. Under Haitian law, the case will be decided in closed court, and the decision could take up to three months. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。新闻开始提到 10个传教士带海地的孩子离境的时候,在海地和多米尼加共和共交界的边境地区被抓住,可以判断答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。在新闻中我们可以听到 “Theyve each been charged with

40、 child kidnapping and criminal association ”因此可知答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 9 【听力原文】 Thousands of people are in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi Saturday to attend a funeral for those killed in two bomb attacks. At least 33 people were killed and another 170 wounded Friday when suspected Sunni militants

41、set off one bomb near a bus carrying Shiite Muslim worshipers, and then a second outside the hospital treating victims of the first blast. Many businesses were closed Sunday and security forces on high alert as the city mourned the deaths. Officials say that the bombing victims were, many of them, w

42、omen and children on their way to a procession marking the end of 40 days of mourning for the Prophet Mohammeds grandson. 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。关于方位判断的细节题,很多考生只注意听相关的地方名称,而忽略了前面的介词。新闻中报道了有两颗炸弹爆炸,题目中问的是第二颗炸弹的爆炸地点,在新闻中我们可以听到是 “a second outside the hospital treating victims of the first blast”,因此可以确定答案

43、是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。巴基斯坦的两派穆斯林 什叶派和逊尼派之间的争斗一直是新闻的 热点,如果考生对于这个常识有所了解的话,在听力过程中就会对“Sunni”和 ”Shiite”具有一定的敏感度,从而可以很快地选出答案是 A。 【知识模块】 新闻 11 【听力原文】 Chinese vice Health Minister Huang Jiefu says as of the end of last year there were 740, 000 Chinese diagnosed as having HIV, the virus that

44、causes AIDS. Huang says sexual contact is overtaking drug-used transmission as the major transmission channel in China. He said Friday that about 44 percent of all HIV positive people contracted it through heterosexual transmission. This compares with about 15 percent via homosexual transmission and

45、 32 percent from intravenous drug use, which the Chinese government used to focus on as the main source of the HIV infection. Huangs comments came at an event sponsored by UNAIDS to introduce a new campaign to fight the stigma attached to AIDS and discrimination against AIDS patients in China. 11 【正

46、确答案】 C 【试题解析】 数字题。很多学生对于英语数字中的十几和几十分得不是很清楚,这也往往成为某些听力题目解题的关键,在新闻的开始我们可以听到 “there were 740, 000 Chinese diagnosed as having HIV, the virus that causes AIDS”,可知答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实题。除了选项 D,其他三个选项新闻中都有提及,特别是选项B和 C十分接近,由 “about 44 percent of all HIV positive people contracted it throug

47、h heterosexual transmission(异性恋 ) This compares with about 15 percent via homosexual transmission(同性恋 )and 32 percent from intravenous drug use(静脉注射 )”可知答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 13 【听力原文】 The American military will restart flights Monday to transport Haitian earthquake victims to the United States for medic

48、al care. Flights were suspended last week because it was not clear where the patients would go and who would pay for their care. On Sunday, aid workers in Haiti got a private plane to fly three very sick children from Haiti to Childrens Hospital in Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania. In Haiti

49、, aid organizations are now using tickets to create a more orderly system of getting food to people. There had been violence at some aid centers as people crowded and pushed to get the food. 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。从新闻的导语里我们就可以知道,美国空军运送地震地区灾民去美国是为了接受治疗,因此答案是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。在新闻中我们可以听到 “Flights were suspended last week because it was not clear where the patients would go and who would pay for their care ”因此可知答案是 D。 【知识模块】 新闻 15 【听力原文】 The Prime Minister of Haiti, Jean-Max Bellerive, is in Canada for an internat


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