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1、口译三级实务模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, i

2、nterpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 下面你将听到一段有关 “中美外交关系 ”的对话。 A: 1972年,中美两国领导人以其远见卓识和非凡魄力,开启了长期封闭的中美关系大门。 B: Yes. It was a historical event. In the pas

3、t years since we established diplomatic ties, our bilateral relations have weathered storms and moved forward. / A:纵观新中国成立半个多世纪以来的中美关系的历史,我们可以得出结论,中美两国和则两 利,斗则俱伤。 B: You can say that again! Both China and the US paid a heavy price for their mutual hostility lasting twenty-three years from 1949 to 19

4、71. In contrast, in the thirty years since China and the US renewed contact in 1972, both sides have benefited tremendously from our cooperation despite twists and turns. / A:的确如此。 1972年发表上海公报时,两国贸易几乎为零。现在,两国贸易额已超过 1000亿美元。 B: The tremendous benefits come right from the mutual interest as the bedroc

5、k of our cooperation. American companies bring to China their capital, advanced technology and managerial expertise. In return, Chinas abundant human resources and huge market provide for American companies enormous business opportunities. / A:还有,中国企业还给美国消费者提供了大量价廉物美的消费品。今天,美国已成为中国第二大贸易伙伴和最大投资国, 中国是

6、美国的第三大贸易伙伴和增长最快的出口市场。 B: I have no doubt that the coming 30 years will add more radiance to the blossom of China-US friendship, which will be passed on from generation to generation. Let our two countries and two peoples join hands and work closely together to build a better future for China-US rela

7、tions. / 二、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 下面你将听到一段关

8、于埃尔维斯 -普雷斯利 (猫王 )的内容。 Elvis Aaron Presley, born in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1935, could well claim to be the 20th centurys most famous entertainer. His combination of white country and Western music with black rhythm and blues gave the 50s teenage generation music they could identify with. / But like

9、so many 20th century idols, Presley was becoming a victim of the fame he had attracted. Under pressure from his domineering manager, Colonel Tom Parker, he embarked on a series of comparatively mediocre films. By the 70s, Presley was reduced to singing tearful ballads in night clubs in Las Vegas. Pr

10、esley died in 1977 at his home in Memphis, which had been the center of his musical world for most of his short life. / To this day, Presleys home is a shrine to his memory, a measure of the impact he had on his contemporaries. Each year, thousands of sightseers visit the Presley Museum in Tennessee

11、 to get a closer view of what it was like to be the undisputed idol of so many people for so many years. / 三、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may ta

12、ke notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 下面你将听到一段有关 “文化交流 ”的讲话。 现代化的交通与通讯方式使世界变得越来越小,整个国际社会好像一个巨大的地球村。 有着不同文化背景和价值观的地球村村民们在文化交流和文化冲撞中和睦相处。当代社会的任何一个民族,其先进文化不是孤立的现象,而是与其他民族的文化进行广泛交流的产物。当然,任何一个民族的文化,其根基与主流必须具有这个民族的鲜明特征。文化交流不是让外国文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族的文化

13、。通过文化 交流,不同的文化可以相互吸纳,相互影响。在文化领域里,相互影响是一种非常复杂的现象。打个比喻,吸取外国文化是一个入口、咀嚼和消化的过程。我们应该采取去伪存真、去粗存精、多出优进、抵御腐蚀的原则。我不认为各种文化的不同特点和风格会因此而消失,相反,不同的文化可以取长补短、互为补充。 口译三级实务模拟试卷 30答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or

14、 a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialog

15、ue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 A: In 1972, the leaders of China and the United States, with their outstanding vision and remarkable courage, opened the door of China-US relations that had remained closed for many years. B:是的。那是一件历史大事。中美建交这么多年来,两国关系历经风雨而前行。 A: A review of the history of China

16、-US relations over the past half century or more since the founding of the Peoples Republic leads us to the conclusion that China and the United States both gain from peaceful coexistence, and lose from conflicts. B:完全同意。从 1949年到 1971年,中美敌对 23年,双方都付出了沉重代价。相反,从 1972年到现在,中美恢复关系 30年,尽管有曲折,但双方都从合作中获得了巨大

17、好处。 A: Absolutely. At the time the Shanghai Communique was issued in 1972, trade between China and the United States was virtually zero. Now, our two-way trade has exceeded 100 billion US dollars. B:巨大 的好处来自两国有共同的利益,这是合作的基础。美国企业给中国带来了资金、先进技术和管理经验。而中国丰富的人力资源和广阔的市场给美国企业带来巨大的商机。 A: Furthermore, Chinese

18、 enterprises supply US consumers with large quantities of inexpensive and quality consumer goods. Today, the US has become Chinas second largest trading partner and the biggest investor in China, whereas for the US, China is the third largest trading partner and the fastest growing export market. B:

19、我相信,再过 30年,中美友谊之花一定会绽放得更加姹紫嫣红,两国人民的友谊一定会世代相传 !让我们两国和两国人民,更加紧密地携起手来,共同创造中美关系更加美好的未来 ! 二、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are

20、listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 【正确答案】 埃尔维斯 -阿伦 -普雷斯利 1935年出生于密西西比州的图珀洛城,堪称 20世纪最著名的艺人。他将乡村音乐、西方音乐和黑人的节奏布鲁斯结合起来,为 50年代的年轻人带去了他们可以认同的音乐。 同许多 20世纪的偶像一样,普雷斯利成了他自己名声的牺牲品。在跋扈的经纪人汤姆 -帕克尔德的压力下,他拍出了一系列相当平庸的电影。 70年代,他不得不到拉斯维加斯的夜总会唱些悲情民谣。 1977年,普莱斯利在孟菲斯的家中逝世。在他短暂一生的大部分时间里,那儿

21、是他音乐世界的中心。 时至今日,他的家仍 旧是纪念圣地,标志着他对同时代人的影响力。每年,成千上万的观光客人参观田纳西州的猫王纪念馆,一睹这位历久不衰、无可争议的大众偶像过去的风采。 三、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while

22、you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 【正确答案】 Thanks to the modern means of transportation and communication, the world is getting smaller. The whole world community appears to be no more than a large global village, where the residents come together with differe

23、nt cultural backgrounds and values. While experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the “villagers“ seek to live in harmony. In this modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an isolated phenomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with o

24、ther cultures. Of course, the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own distinctive national features. Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing ones own culture to a foreign culture, but one of enriching a nations own culture. Through cultural exchange, different culture

25、s can absorb and influence one another. Mutual influence is a very complicated phenomenon in the field of culture. Therefore, absorbing foreign culture is metaphorically a process of taking a bite, chewing and digesting. We should adopt the principle of eliminating the false and retaining the true,

26、discarding the dross and selecting the essential, exporting more and importing the best, and resisting corruptive influences. I dont believe that such a practice will result in the disappearance of the particular features and styles pertaining to particular cultures. On the contrary, different cultures can learn from each others strengths to offset their own weaknesses and complement one another.


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