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1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 16及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets beg

2、in. 1 The second thing is, China has agreed to work with us to stop the transfer of technologies to countries that might misuse it, and to consider joining the worldwide system that prevents the exportation of dangerous technologies. 2 A new horizon is now in front of us, predicated on ever-widening

3、 possibilities for development in all spheres of human endeavor, resulting from unparalleled advances in science and technology. 3 The Asia-Pacific is the most dynamic and promising region in the global economy. The evolution of its security environment directly concerns the long-term stability of t

4、he region and interests of people of all countries in the region. 4 The national governments to whom these millions look up to find themselves in the unenviable predicament of helplessness, incapable of bringing meaningful changed in their peoples well-being, due to the heavy burden of external debt

5、s which have crippled their capacities for national initiatives. 5 As the largest inter-governmental forum of security dialogue and cooperation in the region, the ASEAN Regional Forum has since its inception upheld the purpose of dialogue and cooperation, playing an important and constructive role i

6、n enhancing peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. 6 China is actively involved in promoting peace, development, cooperation and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. Facing profound changes in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole, we will continue to enhance mutual trust throu

7、gh dialogue, promote cooperation by increasing trust and achieve win-win progress through cooperation. 7 We now have extensive bilateral links in every major field. Chinas regional policies matter greatly to us because of our sizeable direct investment and interests in East Asia. 8 And the global po

8、licies of China, whether on counter proliferation, peacekeeping, Africa, energy or climate change, also impact directly and significantly on our own interests. 9 There is a continued need for multilateralism. In an interdependent world, no nation is an island and everybodys fortunes are linked with

9、each other. The United Nations is the stronghold of multilateralism and should continue to be so. This Summit is the moment to reflect on the future of the United Nations. The United Nations is often the only one out in the field to assist, to advise and to build institutions. It is imperative that

10、the Member States give it the means and resources that enable the Organization to fulfill its mandate. 10 The best assurance for the consolidation of global peace lies in the economic development and prosperity of all regions and all peoples. Economic progress in one region supports and complements

11、prosperity in the other. The process of globalization and trade liberalization had raised hopes, but has caused disappointment. Global trade regimes make the rich North richer, and the poor South poorer. This imbalance will further crush the developing countries under the increased burden of debt. T

12、he North, may I caution, cannot remain unaffected and will eventually get sucked into this vortex. The developing world needs the understanding and cooperation of creditor states and international financial institutions to dig themselves out from under this huge mountain of debt. 11 Ladies and Gentl

13、emen, Its great to be back in Beijing again to further the Canada-China relationship. When we examine Canada-China relations, it is always easy to dwell on trade statistics and business trends as the barometer of our relationship. Economists and statisticians have endlessly measured and quantified t

14、he robust trade that is evolving. But a close, durable relationship is not driven by commerce alone. Its driven by people, and the relationships that bind people together, bind them into long-lasting and virtually unbreakable webs of family, friends and associates. Close to one million people in Can

15、ada are of Chinese descent. They have made, and continue to make, a dramatic and lasting contribution to the fabric of Canadian life. Their presence and cosmopolitan imprint on cities like Toronto and Vancouver has been profound. And they form a permanent and critical “human bridge“ between China an

16、d Canada. Chinese languages are now the third most widely spoken in the country, after our official languages, English and French. Human links have also helped drive our political relationship over many years. Canada was among the first Western countries to establish diplomatic relations with China.

17、 We were an early and active supporter of Chinas accession to the World Trade Organization. We have encouraged and supported Chinas strategy of liberalizing the economy, introducing market reforms, expanding economic freedoms and opening to the outside world. Its been a massive national undertaking

18、with far-reaching results. It brought China from a closed economy, near collapse, to one that is a fully integrated, highly competitive leader in todays world of global commerce. From a recipient of World Bank assistance, China has become a proud donor. Most astonishing, this transformation has been

19、 under way for less than 25 years. It has occurred in a single generation. I was in mid-career when it all began, and Im not done yet! Through it all, Canada and China have worked as partners. Were partners in Pacific Rim affairs through APEC. Were partners through thousands of daily interactions be

20、tween our businesses and investors, here and in North America. And we are partners through ongoing cross-cultural and athletic initiatives between our two countries. Were also partners in many areas critical to international health and security. Health cooperation is a good example. Chinese and Cana

21、dian officials will work together to address issues such as food, drug and product safety. And we are working together to establish cooperative approaches to the early detection and containment of infectious diseases. A close look reveals two sovereign and friendly countries two complementary econom

22、ies, each on its own distinct path, both locked on upward trajectories. As I said earlier, China is now a top economic performer in the new global economy. In fact, China has come to symbolize the new era in world trade and commerce. China has been a remarkable part of world history for thousands of

23、 years in science, in mathematics, in literature and in the constant churn and evolution of civilization. Once again, China is playing an important role in reshaping the world economic and political order. Probably for the first time in history, there exists the scientific, technological and economi

24、c capability to substantially reduce poverty, disease and suffering in the world. When you see what China has accomplished in a few short decades, you begin to realize how much progress is within reach, here in China and in virtually every country on Earth. Canada and China, two very different count

25、ries on very different trajectories, can be part of an unprecedented improvement in the living conditions of hundreds of millions of people. Our deep historical roots, our many shared values, the “human bridge“ that links our two nations, and our mutual economic interests should deepen our partnersh

26、ip. The result should be even greater economic, social and political progress in the years ahead. Together, China and Canada can make the world a better, safer and more hospitable place. We can do it in our homelands, and we can be a fundamental force for progress, peace and security in a wider worl

27、d. Like the Great Wall, it will require us to lay one stone at a time. We will need patience and perseverance. We will need many friends and partners like the people in this room. And we must ensure that actions, positive actions, trump words and rhetoric. The future is ours to shape. Tomorrows hist

28、ory is not random and it is not determined by fate alone. Tomorrows history is given shape and form by the leadership, the vision and the actions of today. Lets work together and shape a history we can all be proud of. Let there be no regrets. 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 mi

29、nutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 发展不平衡问题依然突出,缩小贫富差距、共享全球化成果任重道远。 13 我们双方决定建立一个全面的合作伙伴关系,使中国和拉美及加勒比地区平等、互

30、惠互利、共同发展。 14 东盟地区论坛、上海合作组织不结盟、不针对第三国、不以意识形态划线,就是新安全观念的具体体现。 15 对亚太地区众多国家尤其是发展中国家而言,维护经济、贸易、金融、产业、技术、信息、文化安全、应对非传统安全的压力有增无减。 16 在实践中不断丰 富和发展的新安全观,是以互信、互利、平等、协作为核心理念的安全观。 17 我们一直保持着高水平的交流和合作,并就涉及各自核心利益、双方都十分关心的诸如发展道路、政府、外交政策以及其他议题进行了坦诚、深入的交流。 18 中国真诚地希望南亚能维持和平与稳定,各国能和平共处,在政治上不分贵贱,为经济的共同发展紧密合作,同心协力建设一个

31、安全、和谐、经济不断发展的南亚。 19 在国际论坛上,巴基斯坦向来与中国同声共气,坚定不移地支持中国积极保卫国家统一和领土完整,维护国际人权事业上的正义和尊严。 20 我们两国人民之间的交流不断地增强。两国的立法机关、政党和地方政府之间也会举行定期的交流,在科技、教育、文化、旅游等领域也有很好的合作,这些都为两国人民之间的友谊的不断增进、两国之间相互兴趣的增强做出了贡献。 21 当前,国际社会面临的挑战日益复杂化和多元化,除了国际和地区热点问题外,恐怖主义、大规模杀伤性武器扩散、跨国犯罪、传染性疾病,以及能源、环保、气候变化等问题也越来越突出。面对这些挑战,中美需要加强合作。这不仅符合双方的利

32、益,也是对国际和平、稳定与发展的贡献。 22 女士们、 先生们,朋友们: 在中国农历新年伊始,我很荣幸访问英国,并出席 “时代中国 ”活动开幕式。我谨代表中国政府,对 “时代中国 ”活动的隆重开幕表示热烈祝贺,对主办该活动的英国商界朋友们以及为此付出辛勤劳动的中英两国各界人士致以诚挚谢意。 从今天起, “时代中国 ”活动将在英国 20多个城市全面展开,内容涵盖艺术、教育、经贸、科技和体育等广泛领域的 800多个项目。这是中英交流史上规模最大、历时最长、参与度最广、内容最丰富的盛事,也是两国为真诚交流,跨越语言、宗教、国情和文化差异而搭建的平台,更是中英共同推动世 界文明对话、促进世界文化多样性

33、的积极尝试。 同英国政府一样,中国政府高度重视并全力支持这一富有创意的活动。我们愿与英方一起,以 “时代中国 ”活动为契机,进一步加深两国人民之间的了解与友谊,使中英文化交流成为不同文化之间相互借鉴、求同存异的典范。 中国改革开放之后的这些年,我们见证了中英关系的持续发展。 1978年,中英双边贸易额不足 10亿美元,去年已跃升至 394亿美元,增长了近 40倍。改革开放之初,两国互换留学生人数不足百人,现已有近 10万名中国学生在英深造, 1千多名英国学生在华学习。 20世纪 70年代末,两国人员互访非常有限,现在每天都有数千人往返于中英之间的航班上。两国关系的发展正在并将继续为两国人民带来

34、巨大的福祉。 随着世界形势不断发生深刻变化,随着中国现代化建设的日益深入,中英关系发展面临广阔的前景。上个月首相对中国进行了成功访问,双方领导人就发展两国关系达成许多新的共识,标志着两国关系步入新的发展阶段。双方决定建立青年交流机制,加强在教育、科研、文化、卫生、奥运、能源、气候变化、可持续发展和国际金融等各领域的合作。所有这一切,都充分体现了中英关系的广度和深度。 最后,我愿借 此机会强调:中英两国合作的基础比以往更加牢固,中英两国的共同利益比以往进一步扩大,中英关系的重要性比以往更加突出。我们要抓住共同的机遇加强合作,并携手应对共同的挑战。让我们以文化交流为桥梁,加深彼此的理解;让我们从文

35、化交流中汲取灵感,扩大彼此的共识;让我们不断促进文化交流,充实两国关系的内涵。在我们双方的共同努力下,中英全面战略伙伴关系将不断向更宽领域和更高层次发展,以更多的成果造福两国人民,并为世界和平与发展做出更多贡献。 我提议, 为预祝 “时代中国 ”活动取得圆满成功, 为伦敦城的 发展与繁荣, 为伦敦城市长和在座朋友们的健康, 干杯 ! 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 16答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English i

36、nto Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 其次,中国同意和我们一起不将技术转让到可能将其误用的国家,中国还同意考虑加入防止危险技术出口的全球体系之中。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 由于科学技术取得了前所未有的进步,人类活动各领域的发展有了日益增大的可能性,因此一个崭新的

37、前景正展现在我们面前。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答 案】 作为全球经济最具活力和潜力的一个地区,亚太安全形势如何演变,关乎本地区的长治久安和各国人民的切身利益。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 这数以百万计的人们赖以求助的国家政府,发现沉重的外债负担,使得他们的主动性受到挫折,也让他们自己处于尴尬的无助境地,不能给他们人民的生活带来有意义的变化。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 作为本地区最大的政府间安全对话合作论坛,东盟地区论坛自创建之初,就秉承对话合作的宗旨,在促进亚太地区和平与稳定的事业中发挥了重要和建设性的作用。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 中国是亚

38、太地区和平、发展、合作、繁荣的积极参与者和促进者。面对亚太地区和世界的深刻变化,我们将一如既往,通过对话增进互信,通过互信促进合作,通过合作实现共赢。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 我们已在各个主要领域建立了广泛的双边联系。由于我们在东亚有大量直接投资及利益,因此中国的地区性政策对我们来说非常重要。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 中国的全球策略,无论是反扩散计划、维和计划、非洲战略、能源战略还是针对气候变化策略 ,同样对我们国家的利益有直接和显著的影响。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 世界仍然需要多边主义。在一个相互依存的世界里,没有哪个国家是 “孤岛 ”,所有人

39、的命运都是相连的。联合国是多边主义的大本营,今后应继续发挥其大本营的作用。此次峰会是考虑联合国未来的一个好时机。联合国在许多地方常常是唯一能够施以援助之手,替人出谋划策并且建立机构的组织。各成员国务必为之提供必要的手段和财力支持,使它能履行其授权。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 确保世界和平最有效的方法 就是发展经济,促进各地区经济繁荣,人民安居乐业。一个地区的经济发展会对其他地区的繁荣起到支持和补充作用。全球化和贸易自由化进程在带来希望的同时,也造成了一些令人失望的问题。当前的全球贸易体制使得富裕的北半球愈加富裕,而贫穷的南半球却愈加贫穷。这种发展的不平衡对背负着日益增长的债务负

40、担的发展中国家来说无异于雪上加霜。我想告诫,北半球也不会不受其影响,最终也将被卷入这一漩涡。发展中国家需要债权国和国际金融机构的理解和合作,帮助他们从沉重的债务负担中解脱出来。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 女士们、先生们: 很高兴能再回到北京,进一步加强中加双边关系。 当我们审视中加关系时,很容易把两国贸易额和商业趋势当作双边关系的晴雨表。 经济学家和统计学家已经无数次测量并量化了发展中的强劲贸易。但是,紧密长久的关系并不仅仅靠商业。它更靠人脉,更靠连接人与人之间的关系;长期的不可割裂的家庭、朋友和伙伴的关系网。 加拿大有近一百万华裔。他们过去、现在、将来都对加拿大社会做出巨大持

41、久的贡献。他们在多伦多和温哥华等大城市留下了深远的影响,他们是连接中加的永久亲情桥梁。现在汉语是加拿 大第三大语言,仅次于官方语言英语和法语。 人际纽带也有助于多年来政治关系的发展。加拿大是最早与中国建交的西方国家之一。我们是中国加入世贸组织的早期积极支持者。我们鼓励并支持中国的经济开放,引入市场改革,搞活经济和对外开放。改革开放牵动全国上下,影响广泛。中国从接近崩溃边缘的封闭式经济被拉回到今日全面整合、具有强大竞争力的全球商业领导角色;从以前世界银行的受援国变为骄傲的捐助国。更令人惊叹的是:这一切只经历了短短 25年,仅仅一代人 !中国刚刚开始改革时,我正处于个人事业的中期,而我现在还没有离

42、休。 在整个过程中,中国和加拿大一直是合作伙伴。通过 APEC(亚太经济合作组织 ),我们是环太平洋事务的合作伙伴;在千万个日夜的商业和投资者往来中,我们是在中国和北美的合作伙伴;在不断的跨文化和体育活动交流中,我们是合作伙伴。 在国际卫生和安全的许多重要领域,我们也是合作伙伴。卫生合作是一个很好的例子。中加两国官员共同协作,重点解决食品、药品和产品安全方面问题。我们也正努力探索早期发现和控制传染病传播的合作方式。 近观两个友好主权国家:经济互补,并都在独特向上的轨道中运行。正如前所述,中国是全球 新兴经济中的重要角色。事实上,中国也正逐渐成为全球贸易和商业新时代的象征。 在几千年的历史长河中

43、,不论在科技、数学、文学还是不断变迁的世界文明的演化中,中国一直令人赞叹。而现在,中国又一次担纲了重组世界经济和政治新秩序的重任。或许是有史第一次有大幅度减少全球贫困、疾病和痛苦的科技和经济能力。当看到中国在短短几十年取得的成绩时,我们不禁意识到在中国或在世界各国,许多进步发展都是可以企及的。 加拿大和中国是沿着不同发展轨道前进的非常不同的国家,却可以史无前例地成为提高全球数亿人口生活水平的共同力 量。我们的历史渊源,共同的价值取向,连接两国关系的人际桥梁和共同的经济利益会深化我们双边的伙伴关系。在以后的几年中,会有更好的经济、社会和政治发展。中加两国一起可以使地球变为一个更好、更安全、更友善

44、的地方。我们可以在各自的国度中这样做,也可以在全球范围内成为促进进步、和平和安全的主导力量。 正如修筑万里长城,每次只能砌一块砖。我们需要耐心和毅力。我们需要朋友和伙伴,像今天在座的各位。我们必须保证付诸积极的行动,而不是仅仅停留在口头和书面。 我们可以改变未来。明天的历史并不是随机的,也不仅由命 运决定。明天的历史由今天的领导、今天的远见、今天的行动来决定。 让我们一同努力创造傲人的历史 !让遗憾不再有 ! 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the follo

45、wing passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 【正确答案】 The acute imbalance in development means that there is still a long way to go to narrow th

46、e wealth gap and share the gains of globalization. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 Our two sides decided to establish a partnership of comprehensive cooperation featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development between China and Latin America and the Caribbean. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 The ARF and Shanghai

47、 Cooperation Organization which are non-aligned, not targeted at any third country and do not define friend and foe on ideological ground are good examples of following the new thinking on security. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 The countries in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly developing ones, face gro

48、wing challenges in their efforts to uphold their security in economy, trade, finance, industries, technology, information and culture and addressing non-traditional security issues. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 The new thinking on security, which is being enriched and developed in practice, takes mutual tru

49、st, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation as its core values. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 We have maintained high-level exchanges and cooperation and carried out candid and in-depth dialogue on development path, governance, foreign policy and other topics concerning our respective core interests and major concerns. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 China sincerely hopes that South Asia will be able to maintain peace and stability and that countries in the subcontinent can live together in peace and as equals politically, cooperate closely for common development econom


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