1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi
2、n. 1 Since he became fifth No. 1 overall pick in Rockets history, dozens of articles have been written about him, people crowd the lines to get tickets to his games, his name and pictures are strewn all over the news. 2 In 1944, the famous British surgeon Dr. Ludwig Guttmann pioneered the idea of tr
3、eating disabled peoples body and mind through sporting activities and founded the disabled sports movement. 3 Sports can help to put the disabled back into the mainstream of life, can re-establish self-respect, self-discipline and can help the disabled make the most of remaining physical capabilitie
4、s. 4 Many of us have careers that require us to sit for most of the day, so when we have free time in the evenings or on weekends, we wish to participate in activities that are more physical. 5 Basketball is played as a free time activity by many people because it can be played by just a couple of p
5、eople and requires very little equipment. 6 Physical exercise can help consume excessive fat in the body and prevent us from putting on too much weight, therefore keeping us in good shape. 7 According to a study, jogging is effective in increasing human lifespan, and decreasing the effects of aging,
6、 which benefits for the cardiovascular system. 8 The history of yoga stretches back as far as ancient India, when people practiced it to increase their tranquility and spiritual insight. 9 Sports make you happy. I know anyone would agree with this. Jumping about, running a-round, racing to get ahead
7、, hitting, throwing, bouncing, and kicking the ball, shouting, clapping, cheering, falling and standing up again. all a part of playing sports. And there is no match to the happiness this brings. They can make you more spiritual by increasing the production of endorphins in the brain. In other words
8、, sports are a form of exercise which generates happiness molecules in your body, thus restoring your mental health. Playing sports, you cant be sad. In fact, they bust the sorrow and the stress. Sports generate a positive energy in you, around you. 10 Playing sports is something most of us love, is
9、nt it? Undoubtedly, sports are a fun activity but they offer several health benefits too. Playing some sport regularly goes a long way in maintaining your physical and mental well-being. Sports help enhance your personality. They are a good source of both exercise and entertainment. Sports often inv
10、olve physical activities like running, jumping, stretching and moving about which turn out to be a good body workout. Engaging in sports strengthens your bones and muscles and tones your body. It helps you increase your stamina and endurance. Sports that involve jumping and stretching help increase
11、height, for example basketball. Games that involve running, kicking or throwing a ball help strengthen the arms and legs, for example soccer and cricket. Swimming provides a full body workout. Thus sports provide the body with complete exercise and engaging in sports directly translates into overall
12、 fitness. 11 Today Id like to say something about good sportsmanship. In my opinion, good sportsmanship is about respecting your opponent, your teammates, your coach and yourself. On or off the field, practice or competition, no matter what the sport, it is very important to practice good sportsmans
13、hip. Good sportsmanship includes both small gestures and heroic efforts. It starts with something as simple as shaking hands with opponents before a game and acknowledging good plays made by others. Displaying good sportsmanship isnt always easy: It can be tough to congratulate the opposing team aft
14、er losing a close or important game. But the athletes who learn how to do it will benefit in many ways. Athletes who practice good sportsmanship are likely to carry the respect and appreciation of other people into every other aspect of life. Its been 10 years since I first did gymnastics and I beli
15、eve that I have always practiced good sportsmanship. Gymnastics is a sport where you compete individually as well as a team. Whether it is in the gym or at a competition, my teammates and I show great respect for each other as well as other competitors. I respect my coaches, past and present for the
16、y have provided me with the training and encouragement that I needed. At times I have thought they were working us extremely hard, but it was always for our benefit. My family has played a huge role in the process by encouraging and believing in me. They have supported me every step of the way by ta
17、king on the role of chauffeur to numerous practices and fan at countless competitions. Good sportsmanship is like learning a gymnastics routine. Each year you build on skills learned the prior year and like an old routine, you never forget about good sportsmanship. You have to respect the rules of c
18、ompetition and not focus on the outcome, but just do your best. If you win, thats great. If another person does, you need to be happy for them and look forward to the next competition. About two years ago, I was training extremely hard for an upcoming competition. After countless hours of training,
19、I walked into the meet with a feeling of confidence and pride in my routines. To my dismay, at the completion of the competition I was standing on the 2nd place podium looking up at the 1st place all around champion. Though I was disappointed, the importance of good sportsmanship presented itself, a
20、nd I stepped over to hug and congratulate the winner. The sport of gymnastics has taught me so many things that I will never forget. Gymnastics teaches determination, confidence and sportsmanship. The relationships I have built with teammates and competitors have given me many memories that will las
21、t a lifetime. 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 香
22、港体育学院有限公司于 2004年 10月 1日成立,旨在创造一个环境,能够发掘、培 训及发展具有体育潜能之运动员,协助他们在体坛追求卓越。 13 精英体育项目包括:羽毛球、单车、击剑、赛艇、壁球、游泳、乒乓球、保龄球、三项铁人、滑浪风帆和武术。 14 运动可带来很多健康益处,如可以降低血压,维持血糖和胆固醇水平,及降低其他健康风险等。 15 为了增进东亚地区各国家奥委会在体育上和文化上的交流,地区代表于 1991年9月 15日举行的东亚各国奥委会第一届理事会上首次正式提出举办东亚运动会的建议。 16 主办东亚运动会使我们有机会培养市民热爱体育的文化,大大推动香港的体育发展,亦可 促进香港与其他
23、参赛国和参赛地区的友谊,进一步提高香港在国际体坛的地位。 17 武术的蓬勃发展除了得益于其本身的吸引力之外,移居海外的一代武术大师们的努力也功不可没。 18 在过去的几十年中,全国性的 “全民健身活动 ”使中国人民的健康水平得到很大提高。 19 运动可以让孩子们学习重要的社会技能和人际交往技巧,并让他们领会到努力工作和坚持不懈的价值。 20 早上好 !我谨代表今天运动会的主要组织者 学生会,欢迎大家来到这个美丽的体育场。经过两个月的筹备工作,我们一年一度的运动会终于如期举行 了。运动不但可以发展我们的体育技能,还能培养我们社会技能和健全的理智,这些对我们未来的生活都是至关重要的。因此,希望在座
24、的每一位都能够珍惜这个好机会,并享受其中。最后,祝本届运动会圆满成功 !并祝各位运动员好运 ! 21 有益的运动有很多,它们既有用又有益于健康。许多运动项目雨天可以在室内进行。然而,室内运动总不像户外在新鲜空气中进行活动那么好。因为我们身体在新鲜空气中会吸取更多氧气,吐出更多废气。室内空气的新鲜程度保持不了多久,而户外空气则常常新鲜而纯净。户外可进行哪些运动项目呢 ?可进行的项目有足 球、篮球、慢跑等。只要有足够运动量的体育项目都是有益的,最好的是那些在户外进行的运动。 22 你是否曾在观看奥运会的时候对职业游泳运动员们的体形惊羡不已呢 ?他们那颀长、精瘦、肌肉健美的身体在水中似乎毫不费力地滑
25、来滑去。游泳者往往体形优美,经常游泳的人都知道,他们不仅仅外形看上去很棒,身体的内部机能也同样很棒。游泳对健康的益处是其他大多数运动都无法比拟的。 游泳是一项全身运动,它可以同时提升肌肉力量、耐力,仪态优美度及灵活度。游泳对你的心血管系统尤其有益,因为它在提高身体的氧气利用率的同时 不会令心脏超负荷工作。 一项研究表明,水中运动能够改善心理健康,减少抑郁,改善情绪。研究同时表明,当身体浸入水中至心脏位置时,会加快血液流动速度,改善血管健康和认知功能。 英国人在现代社会中最早将游泳发展为一种体育运动。到 1837年,伦敦已经定期在六个人造游泳池中举行游泳比赛了,这些比赛是英格兰国家游泳协会组织的
26、。随着游泳运动越来越流行,又建造了许多游泳池。 1880年一个新的管理机构,大不列颠业余游泳协会成立了,那时,已经有了 300多个俱乐部。 1896年,游泳成了奥运会男子项目, 100米和 1500米自由式游泳比赛在露天水域中举行。那以后,游泳愈加普及,更多的自由式游泳项目被列入奥运会项目,继而,仰泳、蛙泳、蝶泳,最后混合泳都成为奥运会项目。 首届现代奥运会只有四个游泳项目,其中三个是自由式的。 1900年在巴黎举办的第二届奥运会包括三个不同寻常的游泳项目,其中一个使用障碍赛道,另一个是对水下游泳耐力的测试,第三个是 4000米比赛,是迄今奥运历史上距离最长的游泳比赛。这三项比赛以后再未出现在
27、奥运会赛场上。 由于种种原因,在前几届奥运会上妇女不能参加游泳比赛。 1896年以及 1906年的奥运会,不允许妇女参加,因为现代奥运会的创始人顾拜旦男爵坚持认为,妇女太柔弱难以加人竞技体育,这种观点在维多利亚时代非常盛行。直到 1912年,在后来成为国际奥林匹克委员会的组织倡导下,女子游泳项目才开始在奥运会上首次出现。 奥运会游泳比赛从最早的 4个游泳项目发展到 32个项目,其中 16个为男子项目, 16个为女子项目。 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 5答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Int
28、erpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 自从他成为火箭队历史上第五位选秀状元,几十篇文章报道了他,人们排起长队购票观看他的比赛,他的名字和照片大量地出现在新闻中。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【
29、正确答案】 1944年,著名的英国外科医生路德维格 古特曼倡导通过运动来治疗残疾人士身心的观念,并开创了伤残人士体育运动。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 运动可以帮助残疾人士回归生活的主流,可以重建自尊、自律,可以帮助伤残人士最大限度地运用尚存的肌体能力。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 我们许多人的工作要求一天大部分时间都坐着,所以当我们晚上或周末有空闲时间时, 我们希望能参与更需要身体运动的活动。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 很多人把篮球作为一种休闲运动,因为只要几个人就能打,也不需要很多设备。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 体育锻炼可以帮助身体消耗
30、多余脂肪,防止体重增加过多,从而使我们保持良好的体形。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 一项研究表明,慢跑有助于延长寿命,减缓衰老,并有益于心血管系统。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 瑜伽的历史可追溯至古代印度,当时人们通过练习瑜伽来使自己更加宁静,并拥有更敏锐的洞察力。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 运动使人快乐。我知道人人都会同意这一点。跳来跳去、跑来跑去、参加赛跑比赛、击球、投球、拍球、踢球、大声叫喊、鼓掌、欢呼、跌倒、重新站立起来 这些都是运动的一部分。运动带来的快乐是其他任何事物都无法相比的。运动会增加大脑内内啡肽的分泌,从而令人精神亢奋。换言之,运动这种
31、锻炼方式可以使你的体内产生快乐分子,使你恢复精神健康。做运动的人不会悲伤。事实上,运动会摧毁悲伤和压力,在你的体内和你的周围生成正能量。 【知识 模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 我们大多数人都喜欢体育运动,不是吗 ?毫无疑问,体育运动是一种有趣的活动,同时有益于我们的健康。经常运动对我们的身心健康大有裨益。运动有助于完善你的性格,既是很好的锻炼又是很好的娱乐。运动常常包括跑步、跳跃、拉伸和四处移动等,是一种很好的身体锻炼。参与运动可以强化骨骼和肌肉、协调身体,有助于提高你的耐力和持久力。篮球等涉及跳跃和拉伸动作的运动有助于增高。足球、板球等涉及跑步、踢球或扔球动作的运动有助于强健手臂和腿部
32、。游泳则是一项全身运动。因此,运动可以全方位地锻 炼身体,并直接带来全面的健康体魄。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 今天我想谈谈良好的体育道德。在我看来,良好的体育道德体现在对你的对手、你的队友、你的教练和你本人的尊敬。不管在运动场上还是运动场下,不管是在练习还是比赛中,不管是何种运动项目,体现良好的体育道德都是非常重要的。良好的体育道德既包括小的动作也包括英雄般的壮举。它从很简单的事情开始,如赛前与对手握手、认可他人的良好发挥等等。展现良好的体育道德并不总是一件易事:在输掉一场比分相近或十分重要的比赛之后去祝贺对手可能会很困 难。但运动员若是学会这一点的话,将会在很多方面受益。具
33、有良好体育道德的运动员可能会在生活的各个方面体会到他人的尊重和欣赏。 10年来我一直在练习体操,我相信我一直都有着良好的体育道德。体操既是个人比赛项目,又是集体项目。无论是在健身房还是在比赛中,我和我的队友相互间都表示出极大的尊敬,我们对其他参赛者也同样如此。我尊敬我的教练们,过去如此,现在还是如此,因为他们给予我需要的训练和鼓励。有时我觉得他们让我们练得太苦了,但这都是为我们好。我的家人在整个过程中起了巨大的作用,他们鼓励我、信任我。我走的每一 步,他们都支持我,他们无数次充当我的司机送我去训练,在无数场比赛中充当我的热心观众。 良好的体育道德犹如学习体操的规定动作。每年你在前一年学会的技能
34、的基础上再增添新的技能,正如你不会忘记旧的动作,你也永远忘不了良好的体育道德。你必须尊重比赛规则,不能只专注于结果,而且必须尽力而为。如果你获胜,那非常棒,如果别人获胜了,你应该为他们感到高兴,并期待在下一次比赛中再见分晓。大约两年前,我刻苦训练备战即将到来的比赛。经过长时间的训练,参加运动会时我对自己要做的动作充满信心和自豪。让我沮丧的是,比赛完,我是 站在领奖台第二名的位置上仰望站在第一名位置上的全能冠军。虽然我很失望,但良好的体育道德的重要性显现出来了,我上前拥抱并祝贺了获胜者。 体操教会我许多永生难忘的东西,体操教会我坚韧、自信和体育道德。我和队友们、对手们建立起来的友谊给了我许多回忆
35、,这些回忆将伴随我一生。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets be
36、gin.“ 12 【正确答案】 The Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited (HKSI) was established on 1 October 2004. The aim of the HKSI is to provide an environment in which sport talents can be identified, nurtured and developed to pursue excellence in sport. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 The range of Elite Sports includes: b
37、adminton, cycling, fencing, rowing, squash, swimming, table tennis, bowling, triathlon, windsurfing and Wushu. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 Sports offer health benefits like lowering blood pressure, maintaining blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reducing other health risks. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 To creat
38、e more opportunities for greater sports and cultural exchanges between the National Olympic Committees in the East Asian region, the idea of the East Asian Games was officially proposed at the 1st Assembly of the East Asian National Olympic Committees on 15 September 1991. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 Hosti
39、ng the East Asian Games will be a golden opportunity to cultivate a strong sporting culture and a tremendous boost to sports development in Hong Kong. It will promote friendship with other participating countries and regions and improve Hong Kongs profile in the international sports scene. 【知识模块】 汉译
40、英 17 【正确答案】 The booming of Wushu is attributed not only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to emigrant Chinese Wushu masters. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 Over the past decades, thanks to the nationwide “fitness-for-aH“ sports campaign, the Chinese peoples health has been greatly improved. 【知识模块】 汉
41、译英 19 【正确答案】 Sports can teach kids important social and interpersonal skills, as well as teach them the value of hard work and persistence. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Good morning! On behalf of the Students Union, the main organizer of todays sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. Aft
42、er two months preparations, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule. Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote our social skills and intellectual integrity, which will matter in our future lives substantially. So I hope everybody here will cherish this oppo
43、rtunity and enjoy it. Finally, I wish this sports meeting a complete success and wish all our athletes good luck! 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 There are a great many good exercises. They are helpful and healthful. Many of them may be taken indoors in rainy weather. Indoor exercises, however, are never as he
44、lpful as those taken outdoors in fresh air. It is because in fresh air more oxygen is taken into our systems and more wastes are given off. The air in the house does not remain fresh very long, but it is usually fresh and pure outdoors. What shall we play outdoors? There are a number of games such a
45、s football, basketball, jogging. Any game with plenty of movement is good. The best are those that are played outdoors. 【知识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 Have you ever watched the Olympics and found yourself in awe of the professional swimmers physiques? Their long, lean and toned muscular bodies seem to glide t
46、hrough the water effortlessly. Swimmers are usually in fantastic shape and those who swim know that they not only look great on the outside but feel just as great on the inside. The health benefits of swimming are almost unmatched by most any other sport. Swimming works your whole body, improving mu
47、scle strength, endurance, posture and flexibility all at the same time. Your cardiovascular system in particular benefits because swimming improves your bodys use of oxygen without overworking your heart. According to a study, water based exercise improves mental health, decreasing depression and im
48、proving your mood. It also suggests that immersing the body in water to the level of the heart increases blood flow and improves your vascular health and cognitive function. The English are considered the first modern society to develop swimming as a sport. By 1837, regular swimming competitions wer
49、e being held in Londons six artificial pools, organized by the National Swimming Society in England. As the sport grew in popularity, many more pools were built, and when a new governing body, the Amateur Swimming Association of Great Britain, was organized in 1880, it numbered more than 300 member clubs. In 18%, swimming became an Olympic sport for men with the 100 metres and 1500 metres freestyle competitions held in open water. Soon after, as swimming gained popularity, more freestyle events were added, followed by the backstroke, breastst