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1、口译二级实务会议致辞练习试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 Thank you all. Mr. Vice President; Secretary Gates; Madam Speaker; Justices of the Supreme Court; members of my Cabinet and administration; members of Congress; Admiral Mullen and the Joint Chiefs; Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a first responder on September the 11th, 2001; directors of the Pentag

3、on Memorial FundMr. Chairman, families and friends of the fallen; distinguished guests; fellow citizens: Laura and I are honored to be with you. / Seven years ago at this hour, a doomed airliner plunged from the sky, split the rock and steel of this building, and changed our world forever. The years

4、 that followed have seen justice delivered to evil men and battles fought in distant lands. But each year on this day, our thoughts return to this place. Here, we remember those who died. And here, on this solemn anniversary, we dedicate a memorial that will enshrine their memory for all time. / Bui

5、lding this memorial took vision and determinationand Americans from every corner of our country answered the call. Two young architects in New York City came up with the design. A foundry near St. Louis cast the steel. An Iraqi immigrant in Illinois gave the metal its luster. And citizens from acros

6、s our nation made contributions large and small to build this graceful monument. / The Pentagon Memorial will stand as an everlasting tribute to 184 innocent souls who perished on these grounds. The benches here bear each of their names. And beneath each bench is a shimmering pool filled with the wa

7、ter of lifea testament to those who were taken from us, and to their memories that will live on in our hearts. / For the families and friends of the fallen, this memorial will be a place of remembrance. Parents will come here to remember children who boarded Flight 77 for a field trip and never emer

8、ged from the wreckage. Husbands and wives will come here to remember spouses who left for work one morning and never returned home. People from across our nation will come here to remember friends and loved ones who never had the chance to say goodbye. / A memorial can never replace what those of yo

9、u mourning a loved one have lost. We pray that you will find some comfort amid the peace of these grounds. We pray that you will find strength in knowing that our nation will always grieve with you. For all our citizens, this memorial will be a reminder of the resilience of the American spirit. As w

10、e walk among the benches, we will remember there could have been many more lives lost. / On a day when buildings fell, heroes rose: Pentagon employees ran into smoke-filled corridors to guide their friends to safety. Firefighters rushed up the stairs of the World Trade Center as the towers neared co

11、llapse. Passengers aboard Flight 93 charged the cockpit and laid down their lives to spare countless others. One of the worst days in Americas history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans history. Well always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will neve

12、r forget their sacrifice. / We also honor those who raised their hands and made the noble decision to defend our nation in a time of war. When our enemies attacked the Pentagon, they pierced the rings of this building. But they could not break the resolve of the United States Armed Forces. Since 9/1

13、1, our troops have taken the fight to the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home. Thanks to the brave men and women, and all those who work to keep us safe, there has not been another attack on our soil in 2,557 days. / For future generations, this memorial will be a place of

14、learning. The day will come when most Americans have no living memory of the events of September the llth. When they visit this memorial, they will learn that the 21st century began with a great struggle between the forces of freedom and the forces of terror. They will learn that this generation of

15、Americans met its duty we did not tire, we did not falter, and we did not fail. They will learn that freedom prevailed because the desire for liberty lives in the heart of every man, woman, and child on Earth. / We can be optimistic about the future because weve seen the character and courage of tho

16、se who defend liberty. We have been privileged to live amongst those who have volunteered to spread the foundation of peace and justice, which is freedom. Seven years ago this morning, police officer Cecil Richardson was on duty here at the Pentagon. He saw the terror that day with his own eyes. He

17、says on some nights he can still smell the burning metal and smoke. Not long ago, he wrote me saying, “I remember the reasons we fight. I remember the losses we felt. And I remember the peace we will have. “ / That day of peace will come. And until it does, we ask a loving God to watch over our troo

18、ps in battle. We ask Him to comfort the families who mourn. And we ask Him to bless our great land. And now its my honor to dedicate the Pentagon Memorial/ (Excerpt from former President Bushs speech at the Sept. 11 memorial dedication) 2 Thank you, sir. Thank you, Mr. President. It is quite an hono

19、r to be introduced by your dad. This has got to be a historic moment: father and son, two Presidents, opening up an embassy. I suspect its the first, although I must confess I havent done a lot of research into the itinerary of the Adams boys. / My dad was a fabulous President. And I tell people one

20、 reason why was not only did he know what he was doing, he was a fabulous father. Mr. Ambassador, honored guests, Laura and I, and my brother and my sister, are proud to be here with our dad as we open and dedicate this new embassy. No doubt this is an impressive complex. To me it speaks of the impo

21、rtance of our relations with China. It reflects the solid foundation underpinning our relations. It is a commitment to strengthen that foundation for years to come. / I thank all those who designed and built the embassy, and all those who work here to advance the interests and values of our great na

22、tion. Dad and I are honored that Counselor Dai has joined us; and Minister Xie; Ambassador Zhouwho, by the way, opened a new Chinese embassy in Washington, D. C. , designed by I. M. Pei a couple weeks ago. We appreciate our friend Anne Johnson being here, he is the Director of the Art in Embassies P

23、rogram. Dr. Kissinger, thanks for coming. / It takes a special band to open the embassyout of West TexasOdessa, Texas, for that matter, the Gatlin boys are with us today. I thank the Red Poppies, thank you for your talent. And finally, I want to pay tribute to Sandy Randt, who has done a fabulous jo

24、b as our Ambassador to China. Sandy, thank you and Were proud to be here with those citizens of ours who work at the embassies, and we say thanks to the Chinese nationals who make our embassy go, as well. / Im honored to represent the United States at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games here

25、 in Beijing. And Im looking forward to cheering our athletes on. Mr. Ambassador, Im not making any predictions about medal counts, but I can tell you the U.S. athletes are ready to come and compete, in the spirit of friendship. You know, during my last visit here I had the opportunity to break in th

26、e mountain biking course. I was so proud of my efforts, I told Laura I was thinking about entering the competition myself. She reminded me they dont give any medals for last place. / Tonight the Olympic torch will light the home of an ancient civilization with a grand history. Thousands of years ago

27、, the Chinese people developed a common language and unified a great nation. China became the center for art and literature, commerce and philosophy. China advanced the frontiers of knowledge in medicine, astronomy, navigation, engineering, and many other fields. And the Chinese are even said to hav

28、e invented the parachutesomething for which the 41st President is very grateful. / We share a long history. The first American ship arrived in China just after the year we won our independence. World War , Americans and Chinese fought side by side to liberate this land from Imperial Japan. We all re

29、member very clearly, Dr. K, when President Nixon came to Beijing to begin a new era of dialogue between our nations. You might remember that yourself. / Today the United States and China have built a strong relationship, rooted in common interests. China has opened its economy and begun to unleash t

30、he entrepreneurial spirit of its people. America will continue to support China on the path toward a free economy. Were also cooperating to fight pandemic diseases and respond to natural disasters. And through the Six-Party Talks, were working together to ensure that the Korean Peninsula is free of

31、nuclear weapons. / The relationship between our nations is constructive and cooperative and candid. Well continue to be candid about our mutual global responsibilities. We must work together to protect the environment and help people in the developing world; continue to be candid about our belief th

32、at all people should have the freedom to say what they think and worship as they choose. We strongly believe societies which allow the free expression of ideas tend to be the most prosperous and the most peaceful. / Candor is the most effectiveis most effective where nations have built a relationshi

33、p of respect and trust. Ive worked hard to build that respect and trust. I appreciate the Chinese leadership that have worked hard to build that respect and trust. And I thank all those here at the embassies who are doing the same thing. The people here who work made sacrifices to serve our country.

34、 Serving America is noble. And I hope you found it to be rewarding. Im honored to be with you. I appreciate the honor of dedicating this new embassy. And Im looking forward to going to the Games. God bless. / (Excerpt from US former Presidents address at the dedication of the new US embassy in Beiji

35、ng, China) 口译二级实务会议致辞练习试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now

36、 lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 谢谢大家。副总统先生,盖茨部长,众议长女士,各位最高法院大法官,本届政府内阁和各部人员,各位国会议员,马伦海军上将和参谋长联席会议其他成员,当年首先对 2001年 9月 11日恐怖主义袭击事件做出反应的唐纳德 ?拉姆斯菲尔德部长,五角大楼纪念园基金会的各位理事,主席先生,遇难者家属和亲友们,各位尊敬的来宾,同胞们:劳拉和我很荣幸与大家在这里相聚。 / 七年前的这一时刻,一架被当作毁灭性武 器的客机从天而降,撞裂了这座大楼的钢筋水泥,永远改变了这个世界。事件发生以来的这几年,邪恶之人受到正义的惩罚,战斗在遥远的国度打响。但每一年的这一天,我们的思念之情

37、都会回到这个地方。在这里,我们怀念遇难者。在这里,在庄严的纪念日到来之际,我们建立这座纪念园,永久寄托我们对遇难者的哀思。 / 建造这座纪念园需要有眼光和决心,全国各地同胞纷纷响应。纽约市的两位年轻建筑师提出了设计方案,圣路易斯附近的一座铸造厂浇铸了所需钢材,伊利诺伊州的一位伊拉克移民为金属抛光。全国各地的同胞都为建造这座典雅的纪念园提供 了或多或少的捐款。 / 五角大楼纪念园将永久伫立,悼念这片土地上遇难的 184个无辜的灵魂。这里的长凳上印刻着每一位遇难者的名字。每张长凳下面有一个注满生命之水的波光粼粼的水池,它见证了从我们身边被夺走的生命,寄托着我们心中对他们永久的哀思。/ 对死难者家属

38、和亲友来说,这座纪念因将成为凭吊亡灵的地方。家长们将来到这里悼念乘坐第 77号航班进行课外考察的孩子们,他们从此葬身飞机残骸,再也没能与家人团圆。丈夫和妻子将来到这里悼念自己的另一半,他们那天一早离家上班,再也没能回家。全国各地的民众将来到 这里悼念自己的朋友和亲人,他们再也没有机会互道别离。 / 一座纪念园无法代替你们对失去亲人的怀念。我们祈望你们在这片宁静的场地上得到一些安慰。我们祈望你们获得力量,因为你们知道全国人民永远与你们同悲。这座纪念园将提醒我国全体公民勿忘坚韧不拔的美国精神。当我们走在长凳之间,就会想起当时很可能有更多人罹难。 / 那一天,大楼坍塌了,英雄们站了起来:五角大楼的员

39、工冲进浓烟滚滚的走廊,引导他们的同事安全脱险。在世贸中心大厦摇摇欲坠时,消防队员们冲上楼梯。第93号航班上的乘客闯入驾驶舱,不惜用自己的生 命拯救其他许许多多人的生命。美国历史上最可怕的一天也见证了美国历史上最英勇的事迹。我们将永远颂扬9?11的英雄们。在这个神圣之所,我们发誓绝不忘记他们的牺牲。 / 我们还要颂扬那些在战争时期作出崇高决定、挺身而出保卫祖国的人们。我们的敌人在攻击五角大楼时穿透了大楼的墙壁,但他们未能动摇美国军人的意志。自9?11以来,我国军队一直在海外向恐怖主义分子发起攻势,这样我们就不必在国内与他们交手。感谢英勇的男女将士以及所有保障我们安全的人,在过去的 2,557天中

40、,美国领土上没有再发生袭击。 / 这座纪念园将成为教育子孙后代的地方。总会有一天,没有经历过 9?11时代的美国人将成为大多数。当他们来参观这座纪念园时,将了解到 21世纪是在自由力量与恐怖势力的激战中拉开序幕的。他们将会知道我们这一代美国人尽到了自己的义务 我们没有气馁,我们没有战果,我们没有失败。他们将会知道,自由获胜了,因为地球上所有的男男女女和儿童心中都渴望自由的生活。 / 我们能够乐观地展望未来,因为我们已经看到自由卫士的品格和勇气。我们有幸生活在那些自觉自愿播撒自由的人们中间,而自由是和平与正义的基础。七年前的这个 早晨,塞西尔 ?理察森警官一早就在五角大楼值勤。他亲眼目睹了那一天

41、的恐怖景象。他说,有时他在夜晚仍能嗅到燃烧的金属和浓烟的气味。不久前,他在给我的信中写到: “我牢记我们为何而战。我牢记我们蒙受损失的感受。我也牢记我们将得到和平。 ”/ 和平的一天必将到来。在那一天到来之前,我们祈求仁慈的主佑护征战疆场的我国将士。我们祈求主安抚沉浸在悲痛中的家庭。并且我们祈求主保佑我们伟大的祖国。现在,我荣幸地为五角大楼纪念园揭幕。 / (节选自美国前总统布什在五角大楼 9?11受害者纪念园揭幕仪式上发表讲话 ) 【知识模块】 会议致辞 2 【正确答案】 谢谢您,先生。谢谢,总统先生。让自己的父亲给自己做介绍是件非常荣幸的事。这一定是个历史性时刻:父亲和儿子,两位总统,为大

42、使馆主持开馆仪式,我想这是头一遭,当然,我得承认我对亚当斯父子的游记没有进行过大量研究。 / 我父亲是一位了不起的总统。我对人讲,其中一个原因是他不仅是位好总统,而且还是一位了不起的父亲。大使先生,贵宾们,劳拉和我、我的弟弟和妹妹,都为能够同父亲一道在这里主持这座新使馆启用仪式感到自豪毫无疑问,这座新馆令人赞叹。对我来说, 它表明了我们与中国关系的重要性,它反映了我们的关系建立在坚实牢固的基础之上,它是在未来许多年里加强这一基础的承诺。 / 我感谢所有参与设计和建造这座使馆的人员以及所有在这里为推进我们伟大祖国的利益和价值观而努力工作的人。父亲和我对戴秉国国务委员、谢部长和周大使的光临感到荣幸

43、。顺便说一句,一个多星期前周大使在华盛顿特区主持了由贝聿铭设计的中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式。感谢我们的朋友、使馆项目艺术部主任安妮 ?约翰逊出席仪式。感谢基辛格博士,谢谢您光临。 / 庆祝大使馆开馆要有一支特殊的乐队才行 来自 得克萨斯州西部奥德萨的加特林兄弟今天就在这里。我感谢红罂粟,感谢你们的天才演出。最后,我要向业绩不凡的我国驻中国大使桑迪 ?雷德致敬。桑迪,谢谢您,还有我们为能与在大使馆工作的我国公民在一起而感到自豪,我们也向使我国使馆能够顺利运转的中国公民表示感谢。 / 我很荣幸能有机会代表美国在北京参加奥运会开幕式。我期待着为我们的运动员摇旗助威。大使先生,我不会对奖牌数字作任何预测,

44、但是我可以告诉你们,美国运动员已经作好准备,本着友谊的精神参加竞赛。大家知道,在上次访问中国的时候,我有机会在新建的车道上练习山地 自行车。我对自己的努力感到十分自豪,我对劳拉说,我在考虑亲自参加奥运比赛。她提醒我说,他们不会给比赛的最后一名颁发任何奖章。 / 今晚,奥林匹克的火炬将点燃这个具有辉煌历史的文明古国。数千年前,中国人民就发明了共同的文字,统一了一个伟大的国家。中国当时成为艺术与文学、商业与哲学的中心。中国推动了医学、天文学、航海学、工程学及许多其他领域的发展。据说中国人还发明了降落伞 这是一项使第 41位美国总统十分感激的发明。 / 我们共同见证了悠久的历史。就在我们刚赢得独立后

45、的第二年,第一艘美国轮船驶抵 中国。第二次世界大战期间,美国人和中国人并肩战斗,把这片土地从日本帝国的统治下解放出来。基辛格博士,尼克松总统当年来到北京开辟两国对话的新纪元,我们对此都记忆犹新。您自己可能也记得这件事吧。 / 今天,美国与中国已建立起植根于共同利益的牢固关系。中国已实行经济开放,并开始发挥出中国人民的进取精神。美国将继续支持中国在自由经济的道路上前进。我们还在防治流行性疾病和抗击自然灾害方面进行合作 通过六方会谈,我们共同致力于确保朝鲜半岛无核化。 / 我们两国之间的关系是具有建设性、合作而坦诚的。在我 们各自承担的全球责任方面,我们将继续坦诚相见我们必须共同努力保护环境并帮助

46、发展中国家的人民;继续坦率地表明我们的信念 既每一个人都应该享有发表言论和宗教信仰的自由。我们深信,允许自由表达思想的社会往往最繁荣也最和平。 / 坦率是最有效的,它在建立起尊重与信任关系的国家之间最为有效。我一直努力建立这种尊重与信任。我向努力建立这种尊重与信任的中国领导人表示感谢。我也向今天在场的使馆人员致谢,你们正在做着同样的努力。在这里工作的人为国效力,做出了奉献。为美国效力是一项崇高的工作。我希望你们感到这是一项有 所收获的工作。很荣幸与各位相聚。我为有幸主持这座大使馆的新馆开馆仪式而心存感激。我期待着去看奥运比赛。上帝保佑。 / (节选自美国前总统在美国驻中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式上的讲话 ) 【知识模块】 会议致辞


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