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1、口译二级实务卫生与健康练习试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets beg

2、in. 1 自 1月 27日至 3月 16日,我国有 16个省 (市、自治区 )相继发生高致病性禽流感疫情,对人民群众的财产和健康安全构成严重威胁。面对突发疫情,党中央、国务院高度重视,紧急部署,及时启动防治高致病性禽流感应急预案,成立全国防治高致病性禽流感指挥部。 /在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,各地区、各部门加强领导、密切配合,依靠科学、依法防治,群防群控、果断处置,以对人民群众高度负责的精神,认真落实各项防治措施。 /经过一个多月的努力,高致病性禽流感疫情得到迅速控制。随着今天广西南宁市和西藏拉萨市疫区的解除封锁,我国前一阶段确诊的 49起高致病性禽流感疫情已全部扑灭,全国已有 29天没

3、有接到新的高致病性禽流感报告,也没有发生人的感染。高致病性禽流感阻击战取得了阶段性成果。 / 这个成绩来之不易,是党中央、国务院果断决策、坚强领导的结果;是各地区、各部门密切配合,共同努力的结果;是人民群众特别是疫区广大干部群众团结奋战的结果;是全国畜牧兽医战线的同志们无私奉献、忘我工作的结果。 / 但是,我们应该看到,当 前防治工作形势依然严峻。从动物传染病的流行规律看,如果不加强防范,疫情还有可能出现反复。 /主要有以下几个因素:一是水禽带毒的现象仍然存在;二是随着北方大部分地区气候转暖,候鸟大范围迁徙,可能造成病源传播;三是随着各地家禽的大量补栏和长途贩运的增加,跨区域传播的可能也在增加

4、;四是我国周边国家和地区还有疫情,传入的威胁依然存在; /五是我国家禽养殖量大,分布面广,很多地方防疫条件较差,防疫难度大的问题没有得到根本解决。因此,高致病性禽流感疫情反复的可能性很大,防治工作丝毫不能松懈。 / (节选自农业部 禽流感防治工作新闻发言人贾幼陵于 2004年 3月 16日在记者招待会上的讲话 “中国防治高致病性禽流感取得阶段性成果 ”) 2 针对当前的形势,农业部要求各级畜牧兽医行政管理部门一定要按照全国防治高致病性禽流感指挥部的总体部署,总结前段防治工作的经验教训,将防治工作做得更加深入。 /各地要继续保持高度戒备,做到思想不麻痹,领导不削弱,工作不松懈,确保机构的继续有效

5、运转,确保各项防治措施的落实,确保出现疫情后具有足够的快速反应能力。同时,针对我国动物防疫体系的薄弱环节,我们将着手建立动物防疫工作的长效机 制,全面提高我国动物疫病控制能力 / 在不放松防治工作的同时,当前比较紧迫的是,要抓住有利时机,促进国内消费,帮助消费者和生产者树立信心,帮助农户和企业尽快恢复生产,促进家禽业发展,努力减少疫情带来的损失。 /2月份,国务院出台了扶持家禽生产的 8项措施,受到广大家禽生产者、加工者的热,烈欢迎,目前各地正在加紧贯彻落实。在此基础上,我们还将对重点种禽场特别是因禽流感疫情受损严重种禽场的建设加以支持,切实稳定种禽生产能力。 /积极引导家禽业转变生产方式,鼓

6、励发展养殖小区,推行标准化、规范化生产,改善防疫 条件。 / 只要我们统筹兼顾,坚持一手抓动物疫病防治,一手抓发展生产,就一定能最大限度地降低这次疫情带来的损失,最大限度地维护农村经济和农民收入的稳定增长,保护人民群众的身体健康 / (节选自农业部禽流感防治工作新闻发言人贾幼陵于 2004年 3月 16日在记者招待会上的讲话 “中国防治高致病性禽流感取得阶段性成果 ”) 口译二级实务卫生与健康练习试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following pass

7、ages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 From Jan. 27 to March 16, HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) hit 16 provinces (municipalities,

8、autonomous regions) of China, posing a big threat to peoples properties and health. Confronted with the sudden outbreak of the disease, the Central Party Committee (CPC) and the State Council paid close attention to its prevention and control, made emergent arrangements, implemented the contingency

9、plan and established the National HPAI Prevention and Control Headquarters. / Under the strong leadership of the CPC and the State Council, all government departments and localities acted in compliance with the principle of strong leadership, sound cooperation, reliance on science and laws, particip

10、atory approach and decisive intervention, and earnestly implemented various control measures, beating in mind the great responsibility for the people. /With the efforts for more than one month, HPAI has been brought under control. With the lifting of the cordons today in the infected areas in Nannin

11、g, Guangxi, and in Lhasa Tibet, all 49 cases of HPAI confirmed in the past in China have been stamped out. For the past 29 days, neither new HPAI cases nor cases of human infection have been reported. The fight against HPAI has achieved an initial success. / This is a hard-earned achievement. It is

12、attributed to the strong leadership and resolute decision of the CPC and the State Council, to the close cooperation and joint efforts of various departments and localities, and to the unity and hard work of the people, especially those in the affected areas, and also to the selfless devotion and ha

13、rd work of those involved in animal husbandry and health. / We should, however, aware that the situation is still grave for the disease prevention and control, In light of the spreading practice of the animal epidemics, we may suffer a relapse of HPAI unless preventive measures are intensified. / It

14、 is because: a) there are still water fowls that carry the virus; b) with the weather warming up in most parts of the north, migratory birds will fly northwards on a large scale, which may result in the spread of the pathogen; c) there will be more chances for the trans-regional spread of the diseas

15、e as there will be more long distance transportation of poultry and substantial replenishment of birds in the poultry production ; d) the disease still exists in some countries or regions surrounding China, hence there is the risk of the disease spreading into China; / e) the tremendous difficulties

16、 encountered in the disease prevention and control have not been overcome at the root, since the poultry production is a large industry and is widely distributed over the country. Many places still suffer from very poor conditions for disease control. Therefore, there is a great possibility of HPAI

17、coming again, and we should not slack off in its prevention and control. / (Excerpts from “China Has Achieved Initial Stage Success of HPAI Control“, a speech made by Jia Youling, MOA Spokesman for HPAI Control on March 16,2004) 【知识模块】 卫生与健康 2 【正确答案】 In light of the current situation, Ministry of Ag

18、riculture calls on the competent animal husbandry and veterinary authorities to follow up with the plans of the National HPAI Prevention and Control Headquarters and sum up the experience they have obtained in past few weeks so as to further intensify the work for combating the epidemic. / Local age

19、ncies must keep vigilance and avoid lax in mind, action and leadership so as to keep their functions running smoothly, make sure all measures are in place and there will be quick response once the epidemic occurs again. Moreover. as there are weaknesses in the existing system, an effective and long-

20、term epizootic prevention mechanism is to be developed in order to enhance the overall control capacity across the country. / While intensifying the efforts in prevention and control, the current pressing issue is to take the opportunity to stimulate consumption. We will help producers and consumers

21、 to establish confidence, help farmers and enterprises to resume their production and business so as to minimize the losses. / In February, the State Council released 8 measures to beef up the poultry industry, which has won the hearty approval of producers and processors. Now. the measures are bein

22、g implemented. In addition, support will be given to the key breeding stock farms, with those suffering gravest loss in particular, so as to stabilize the breeding capacity. / Efforts will also be made to guide the poultry industry to alter farming patterns by encouraging the establishment of specia

23、l poultry farming zones, standardize the poultry farming and improve the conditions for disease control. / So long as we make overall plans and take all factors into consideration while pursuing the intensified work of animal disease control and prevention on the one hand, and strengthening producti

24、on on the other, we will surely minimize the losses, greatly safeguard the stable growth for rural economy and for farmers income and protect consumers health. / (Excerpts from “China Has Achieved Initial Stage Success of HPAI Control“, a speech made by Jia Youling, MOA Spokesman for HPAI Control on March 16,2004) 【知识模块】 卫生与健康


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