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1、口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 1

2、 Whats the main idea of the passage? ( A) The similarities between cells and Facebook. ( B) Cells communicate with each other in many ways. ( C) How hormones and neurotransmitters travel. ( D) How Twitter and LinkedIn exchange information. 2 What will the passage be followed by? ( A) What happens in

3、 the Addictive Brain? ( B) Why can neuroscience prevent addiction? ( C) What will experts say about addiction? ( D) How will people behave when addicted? 3 How many English centenarians will there be in 2037? ( A) 77,000 ( B) 34,000 ( C) 33,000 ( D) 111,000 4 Which of the following is true of Jupite

4、r? ( A) It is a gas planet in the solar system. ( B) It shares some qualities with lapdogs. ( C) It is closer to the sun than Mars. ( D) It will be explored by NASA to find life. 5 What is the topic of the passage? ( A) Two hackers from Silicon Valley. ( B) A startup in Silicon Valley. ( C) Two deni

5、zens of a tech community. ( D) A combination of whiz and passion. 6 Why is gratitude powerful to people? ( A) It creates changes in knowledge. ( B) It prevents people from falling ill. ( C) It influences peoples well-being. ( D) It eases people of life burdens. 7 What does the word “mania“ probably

6、mean? ( A) Craze. ( B) Urge. ( C) Ration. ( D) Profit. 8 The next generation of AI will be like the following except_. ( A) revolutionizing ( B) inventive ( C) flexible ( D) complex 9 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) There will be a turnover in Politburo Standing Committee. ( B) The 90th

7、Party Congress will be held. ( C) All attributes of monkeys will be needed by people. ( D) There will be less complex policy challenges. 10 What do the two stories try to tell us ? ( A) It is important to learn foreign languages. ( B) Interpretation is internationally needed. ( C) Foreign languages

8、can become barriers. ( D) It is hard to live in foreign countries. 11 Why is California called the Golden State? ( A) Because of the gold found. ( B) Because of the winter rain. ( C) Because of the dry air of summer. ( D) Because of the color of the hills in summer. 12 What is the problem in buildin

9、g a high-speed rail network? ( A) The court could not make up its decision. ( B) It was opposed by members of the Parliament. ( C) The plan was not transparent. ( D) $ 62 billion is too much for the government to pay. 13 What is the topic of this passage? ( A) The huge number of wasted plastic bottl

10、es. ( B) The big failure of recycling plastic bottles. ( C) The prospects of the U. K. by the end of 2020. ( D) The dangerous situation of marine life. 14 Which of the following is true about Hennys story? ( A) Her family had suffered a lot from Downs syndrome. ( B) She wrote a novel about her three

11、 kids. ( C) She hasnt given up the hope of finding the cure for Downs. ( D) Henny called for the mutual understanding among the afflicted parents. 15 Which of the following is NOT true about liver disease? ( A) Similar to cancer and heart disease, it has become more serious than before. ( B) The dea

12、th rate of liver disease are rising, which is 3 times as before. ( C) Most of the victims can not survive from liver disease. ( D) Liver disease brings the liver damage to people from 30s to 50s. 16 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) Charlie was a mechanic for bicycle. ( B) Charlie built a

13、new type of engine for the flight. ( C) The iron castings are very powerful. ( D) Orville and Wilbur flew into the sky. 17 What does the passage mainly talk about? ( A) Hernandez is a famous writer. ( B) Hernandez was investigating the border issue. ( C) Hernandez was disclosing the Mexicos corrupti

14、on. ( D) Hernandez was awarded the best novelist in Mexico. 18 What can be inferred from this passage? ( A) Some of trained doctors in U. K. will work abroad. ( B) Some of the doctors will have good opportunities in U. K. ( C) The new contract will attract U. K. trained doctors. ( D) Those who want

15、to work abroad need certificates. 19 Why did Clay intend to correct his theory? ( A) He wanted to replace it with his own. ( B) He intended to expand it into a comprehensive one. ( C) He aimed at clarifying the misunderstandings. ( D) He was required to rectify the inappropriate names. 20 Which of t

16、he following is true? ( A) Ranjay followed the step of his father to run his family business. ( B) The business of fashion clothes is risky to run. ( C) The business developed fast but stopped growing. ( D) The high-end shop was only favored by rich customers. 21 How high is the price we would pay f

17、or justice? ( A) More than 13 percent. ( B) Less than 13 percent. ( C) More than 30 percent. ( D) Less than 30 percent. 22 Why is the pig introduced at San Francisco Airport? ( A) Because the pig needs a cuddle with passengers. ( B) Because the pig is in therapy there. ( C) Because the pig can relax

18、 passengers. ( D) Because the pig can work with dogs. 23 What indicates the oncoming burst of a stock bubble? ( A) A reliable process. ( B) A surge of stock prices. ( C) A violation of rules. ( D) A good method. 24 Who is “the Wizard of Menlo Park“? ( A) The finder of body clocks. ( B) The founder o

19、f Menlo Park. ( C) Thomas Alva Edison. ( D) The scientist of sleep study. 25 The speaker makes suggestion on_. ( A) online job hunting ( B) how to use search engines ( C) how to create a resume ( D) employment opportunities 26 Childhood obesity may be associated with_. ( A) inflammatory disorders (

20、B) colorectal cancer ( C) early-life use of antibiotics ( D) good health 27 What is the main function of Web sites of a company? ( A) To serve as a marketing platform. ( B) To provide consumers with education opportunities. ( C) To establish relationship between customers. ( D) To offer apps and sea

21、rch engine ads. 28 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Habits are formed from childhood. ( B) Habits are formed unconsciously. ( C) Habits are easy to convert. ( D) Habits are created in a special way. 29 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) Visual illusions. ( B) Our biases. ( C) Tricks o

22、f the mind. ( D) Cognitive barriers. 30 How to get people to do stuff? ( A) Turn on their existing personas. ( B) Change their existing personas. ( C) Connect them to specific action. ( D) Govern their decisions and behaviors. 口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 一、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the follow

23、ing short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 1 【听力原文】 Like people who share news via Twitter, Facebook and Linkedln, cel

24、ls, too, make use of multiple modes of information exchange. Some send out hormones, which travel far and wide via the bloodstream; others emit neurotransmitters, which carry signals between one neuron and another. But virtually all cells network with their neighbors via extensive collections of cha

25、nnels that directly connect the inside of one cell with the inside of the next. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本文的主旨是细胞可用多种模式进行信息互换 (information exchange),信息是上义词,在下文中得到了具体化,用两个下义词来体现:荷尔蒙 (hormones)和神经递质 (neurotransmitters)。互换 (exchange)一词在文中多次用近义词和下义词来表示,如 send out、 travel、 emit、 carry、 network和 connect。 neurotr

26、ansmitter,医学、生物学名词, “神经递质 ”。在化学突触传递中担当信使的化学物质被称为递质,神经递质是神经系统中的活性物质,在神经传导中担当信使。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 2 【听力原文】 Addiction touches us all. Whether its a friend who cant quit smoking, or a colleague afflicted with alcoholism, we all know someone who suffers from some form of addiction we may even have an add

27、iction ourselves. But what actually happens to the brain on drugs, and what can neuroscience tell us about addiction? The Addictive Brain explains what happens at a neural level when someone sips coffee, smokes a cigarette, snorts cocaine, and more. 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题考查听者对篇章整体布局、结构的把握,要求听者预测下文,也在考

28、查他们对连贯与衔接的熟悉程度。原文结尾处提出 The Addictive Brain(这或许是一本书、系列讲座或科普节目 )从神经层面解释了人们在喝咖啡、抽烟、吸食可卡因时大脑里发生了什么。根据连贯一致原则,下文应对此发现展开论述,而不是 立即转入其他话题。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 3 【听力原文】 Its predicted that, by the year 2037, there will be 77, 000 women and 34, 000 men in the U. K. who have reached their centenary. Hard though it

29、is to believe, one-third of all children born in 2013 in the U. K. will one day find themselves blowing out 100 candles on their birthday cake although there wont be quite as many men at those parties as women. 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文指出到 2037年,英国将有 77000女人和 34000男人活到一百岁,那么百岁老人将会达到 111000人。 “reached the

30、ir centenary”一词在下文中被解释为 “blowing out 100 candles on their birthday cake”,关注语义的衔接对理解文章主旨很有帮助。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 4 【听力原文】 Planets are a little like dogs: they all belong to the same general group, but they look so different you cant always tell. Thats especially true of the gas giants in the outer sola

31、r system, like Jupiter, and the lapdogs closer in, like Mars. This year, two NASA spacecrafts going to those two planets will help answer the question of how such different kinds of celestial bodies came to be. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试 题解析】 今年 NASA将研究外太阳系的两大行星 Jupiter和 Mars,讲话者多次使用这两个词的上义词,如 planet, celestial

32、bodies,而且,讲话者用上义词“the gas giants in the outer solar system”来指 Jupiter,由此可知 Jupiter是外太阳系的气态巨行星。 NASA,美国国家航空航天局,成立于 1958年,其前身是美国国家航空咨询委员会 (NACA)。 NASA是行政性科研机构,负责制定、实施美国的民用太空计划并开展航空科学、太空科学的研究。 Mars, “火星 ”,太阳系八大行星之一,是太阳系由内往外数的第四颗行星,属于类地行星。 Jupiter, “木星 ”,太阳系八大行星中体积最大、自转最快的行星,从内向外数的第五颗行星。木星是一个气态巨行星。 lapd

33、ogs, “宠物狗 ”, “哈巴狗 ”。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 5 【听力原文】 On a spring afternoon last year at an outdoor cafe in San Francisco, two denizens of the tech community sketched out their strategy for a startup. Like most 28-year-olds in Silicon Valley, they had smarts and dreams. One was a passionate, fast-talking N

34、ew Yorker, the other a shy computer whiz from Syracuse, New York, and together they formed the classic hacker-hustler team behind many of the valleys Next Big Things. 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 讲话者向听众介绍了两位硅谷奇才的创业计划。其中, “硅谷 ”、“创业 ”等词以及对两人的介绍都多次使用了近义词和上义词来复指,听辨时要注意理清思路,不能迷惑在词汇层面。 whiz, “奇才 ”。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择

35、6 【听力原文】 Researchers studied the differences that occur when people focus on their burdens versus focusing on what they are grateful for. Simply acknowledging a few things you feel grateful for each day is a powerful way to create change. In fact, gratitude not only impacts your psychological health

36、, it can also affect your physical health. A 2003 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who feel gratitude dont get sick as often as others. 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 讲话者认为感恩之心影响身心健康, well-being一词可以概括 “心理、身体健康 ”之意。 【知识模块】 段落听力理 解与选择 7 【听力原文】 History shows that

37、 there is a deep-rooted human urge to make a quick profit without working for it by trading in paper assets. One of the first documented boom-bubble-bust cycles was the “tulip craze“ that took place in Holland in 1636 1637 when buying and selling tulips became a national mania that led otherwise rat

38、ional people into mortgaging their worldly goods to invest in tulips. 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 分析原文的语义连贯现象可以发现, craze和 mania是近义词,rational与 mania意思相反。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 8 【听力原文】 Artificial intelligence (AI) is already revolutionizing our lives. It can detect patterns that humans can neither see nor anticipat

39、e. English speakers can make phone or video calls to speakers of Hindi or Chinese. But the next leap will be Inventive AI machines trained on a given data set that can tackle a wider range of problems. As society grapples with the increasing volume and complexity of information, more-flexible AI wil

40、l play a key role in helping us. 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 讲话者认为人工智能的下一次飞跃,是创造性的,更 加灵活。现在的人工智能已经是革命性的了,可预见下一次飞跃也是革命性的。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 9 【听力原文】 2016 is the year of the monkey. According to Chinese astrological tradition, monkeys are supposed to be intelligent, quick-witted, clever, ambitious and adventurou

41、s. All of these attributes will be in high demand as China negotiates the complex policy challenges before it in the year ahead. China will be preoccupied with intense preparations for its 19th Party Congress in 2017. Other than President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, the five other members of

42、the existing Politburo Standing Committee will reach retirement age. 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文指出在 2017年政治局常委中将会有五位到达退休年龄,可以推断在政治局常委中,将会有人员变动。 Politburo Standing Committee, “政治局常委 ”。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 10 【听力原文】 Kunal Sarda remembers the first time a foreign language proved a crucial barrier. “I was traveli

43、ng in France a few years ago, and I found myself caught in the back of a taxi at 2 in the morning without my wallet, trying to explain to the taxi driver what had happened but unable to do so,“ recalls the 32-year-old entrepreneur. “My partner had a similar story; he was caught in China, really sick

44、, and he could not explain to the pharmacist what medications he needed. “ 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文描述了 Kunal Sarda第一次遭遇外语是障碍的情况,她的同伴也有类似经历。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 11 【听力原文】 California is called the Golden State not because of the gold found at Sutters Mill in 1848, but because winter rains make the hills gre

45、en until the dry air of summer turns them a golden hue. 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中 “until the dry air of summer turns them a golden hue”可以得知其中的原委。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 12 【听力原文】 A court in Thailand struck down the governments $62 billion plan to build a high-speed rail network, a blow to the embattled prime

46、 minister. The court agreed with the oppositions contention that the plan was not transparent and would raise public borrowing to unacceptable levels. 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中 The court agreed with the oppositions contention that the plan was not transparent”可以得知计划被否的原因是计划不透明。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 13 【听力原

47、文】 British households are failing to recycle as many as 16 million plastic bottles every day a “staggering“ number and nearly half the total of more than 35 million which are used and discarded daily. Based on the data published on Saturday, the Recycle Now campaign group suggests that the number of

48、 bottles evading recycling in the U. K. could reach 29 billion by the end of 2020, putting huge pressure on landfill and with dire consequences for marine life. 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 全文多次引 用数字来说明家庭废弃的塑料瓶数量巨大,并且将近一半不能回收。那么到 2020年这些塑料瓶的数量就会达到 290亿个。由此看来,选项 B的内容最具有概括性。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 14 【听力原文】 Now she i

49、s consigning her memories to a graphic novel A Hole in the Heart that tells the story of what happened next after Beth had Downs syndrome. Thats because, says Henny, the years following Berns arrival have not been impossible as she believed they would be and she wants others, who might one day find themselves in a similar situation, to know that life will not be over. 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本文描述的是 Henny从得知自己女儿患有唐氏综合征到后来写书的事。从当初的痛苦不堪,到后来通过写书鼓舞有相似经历的家庭。选项 B、 C、D的叙述与原文是不一致的。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 15 【听力原文】 Britain is in the grip of an epidemic of liver


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