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1、口译二级综合能力(篇章听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 一、 PART 3 (40 points) Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of test, 2 points for each

2、 question. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 1 What is the number of urban population in China? ( A) 51.27 million. ( B) 680 million. ( C) 1. 35 billion. ( D) 1. 35 million. 2 Why do people migrate to cities? ( A) They

3、resent their agrarian status. ( B) They contribute to two decades of boom. ( C) They are looking for economic chances. ( D) They like to live in apartment blocks. 3 The rapid urbanization exerts pressure on the following except_. ( A) infrastructure ( B) society ( C) environment ( D) modernization 4

4、 It can be inferred that the number of migrant workers in 2020_. ( A) will be 100 million ( B) will be 221 million ( C) will be 121 million ( D) will be 321 million 5 What makes migrant workers a destabilizing force? ( A) Social security system. ( B) Hukou registration system. ( C) Social welfare sy

5、stem. ( D) Their growing expectations. 6 Which country exerts most efforts in educational reform? ( A) America. ( B) Germany. ( C) Britain. ( D) Estonia. 7 What has Britain done in its structural reform? ( A) It has put emphasis on the Charter schools. ( B) It has gotten rid of the under-performing

6、school. ( C) It has established a database. ( D) It has made schools independent of local government. 8 Why have academy pupils results been improved faster? ( A) More state-funded schools have the power of autonomy. ( B) About 4, 000 secondary schools have been set free. ( C) The academy program gi

7、ves schools more autonomy. ( D) Academy schools could design the curriculum on their own. 9 What can be inferred from the example of the pass-rate? ( A) The huge progress has been made in 16 years ago. ( B) The academies program has yielded great success. ( C) India and Kenya will follow the step of

8、 Britain. ( D) The ARK academy chain is a variety of the academic program. 10 What is the biggest concern of Mr. Gove? ( A) His working style. ( B) His staff. ( C) His election. ( D) The momentum of the program. 11 Which of the following is true according to the passage? ( A) One year schooling resu

9、lts in the 10% less practice in church. ( B) It has been investigated in European universities. ( C) The decline in religiosity must result from the longer stay in school. ( D) This phenomenon had aroused the interest of the whole world. 12 Which of the following is NOT true about the research proje

10、ct? ( A) The participants should have similar experience. ( B) The schooling reform took 26 years to be completed. ( C) The results have been published. ( D) There is no correlation between schooling and religiosity. 13 What can be inferred from the example of Turkey? ( A) Science can cultivate the

11、capacity of analytic thinking. ( B) Three more years of schooling results in more than 30% falling in the religiosity. ( C) One more year of schooling results in 4% falling in the belief. ( D) One more year of schooling results in 16% falling in the belief. 14 Which of the following is NOT mentioned

12、 as the positive effects of the religion? ( A) Happiness. ( B) Wealth. ( C) Health. ( D) Knowledge. 15 What is the attitude of the speaker towards the superstitious activities? ( A) Neutral. ( B) Very disappointed. ( C) Positive. ( D) Indifferent. 16 Why do people living in Sao Paulo use brooms inst

13、ead? ( A) Because Brazil is lack of fresh water. ( B) Because Sao Paulo was a drier area. ( C) Because Sao Paulo was met with the worst drought. ( D) Because the water resources have been contaminated. 17 What can be inferred from the example of Cantareira system of reservoirs? ( A) It is under 12%

14、of capacity. ( B) It was at 64% of capacity. ( C) The consumption of less water would be rewarded. ( D) The problem of water supply is too serious to handle. 18 What is the most effective way to solve the problem of water? ( A) Tapping three basins. ( B) Pumping the water beneath the pipes. ( C) Tig

15、htening the spigots. ( D) Having enough rainfall. 19 Which of the following is NOT true about the problem of government? ( A) People are well aware of the severity of the shortage of the water. ( B) The football World Cup on June 12th is another test for the government. ( C) Much more investment for

16、 the Dead Volume is a failure. ( D) The reputation of the governor has been falling. 20 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) The drought in Sao Paulo. ( B) The regulations of water in Sao Paulo. ( C) The great demand of water in Sao Paulo. ( D) The water supply dilemma in the drought of Sao Paulo.

17、 口译二级综合能力(篇章听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 7答案与解析 一、 PART 3 (40 points) Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of test, 2 points for each

18、 question. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 1 【听力原文】 Just over 680 million now live in cities 51. 27 per cent of Chinas entire population of nearly 1. 35 billion. Most have moved during two decades of boom in search of

19、 economic opportunities, and the historic mass migration from fields to office and apartment blocks ends the countrys centuries-long agrarian status. But the rapid modernization and demand for improved living standards is piling extra pressure on society and the already blighted environment, experts

20、 claim. With 75 per cent of Chinese expected to be living in cities within 20 years, the demand for more transport, energy, water and other vital infrastructure is set to test resources and city planners. Many of those settling down in urban areas are migrant workers. This transient population of ch

21、eap labor, put at nearly 221 million by a national census last April, helped turn China into the worlds second-largest economy in just three decades. Months following the consensus, another government report said more than 100 million farmers would move to cities by 2020. The influx is seen as havin

22、g a destabilizing effect on urban society, according to experts. Most migrant workers are treated as lower-class citizens in their adopted towns or cities because they are still classified as rural residents under the controversial Hukou household registration system. This means they have little or

23、no social security, including access to education for their children, health and other welfare provisions. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文在开篇提到了三个数 字,只有 B选项 680 million是中国城市人口数量。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文指出迁居城市是为了寻找挣钱机会,接听信息时注意路标词“in search of”,它预示了原因和目的。整句话为: “Most have moved during two decades of

24、 boom in search of economic opportunities ”。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文指出迅猛的城市化进程给环境、社会和基础设施都带来了压力,这三个方面需要听者稍作提炼。从原文 “But the rapid modernization and demand for improved living standards is piling extra pressure on society”可推断,“the rapid modernization(这一现代化进程 )”指的就是城市化进程,是为避免重复使用的上义词。城市化进

25、程不能给本身带来压力,所以 D不能入选。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选 择 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文指出,据去年四月的统计,农民工人口达到 221 million,预计到 2020年还有 100 million农民工进城,二者相加,应该有 321 million。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文结尾处指出使农民工成为社会不稳定因素的是户口制度。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 6 【听力原文】 Charter schools in America have shown a lot of promise, but their ado

26、ption has been patchy. Parts of Germany have got rid of under-performing schools and reformed technical education. Formerly Soviet Estonia has embraced new technology and data-management with impressive results. But the country that has seen the most radical structural reform is Britain. Michael Gov

27、e, education secretary until earlier this year, rapidly expanded the academies programme, to make schools independent of local government bureaucracies. So far, two-thirds of all Englands state-funded, non-selective comprehensive schools have been set free. Some 4,000 secondary schools therefore now

28、 control their own staffing, curriculum and budgets. New evidence on the performance of the first pupils to pass through academies suggests that the programme is working. Although the picture is mixed, academy pupils results have improved faster than those of pupils in main stream schools; the longe

29、r schools have been academies, and the more autonomy they have gained, the better they do. Some of the improvements are startling: the ARK academy chain, for example, has turned around a school in a deprived part of Portsmouth which, in 2006, produced a 3% pass-rate in five key subjects at the natio

30、nal GCSE exams for 16-year-olds. This year the pass-rate was up to 79%. Such performances have inspired interest in the model from a clutch of developing countries, including India and Kenya. Mr. Gove has been shunted aside for fear that his bluntness, and the intense loathing for him that many teac

31、hers feel, could be a liability at next Mays general election. There are fears that the academy programme may therefore lose momentum. It would be a great shame if it did, not just because it seems to be improving schools, but also because experience so far suggests how it can be improved further. 6

32、 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中 “But the country that has seen the most radical structural reform is Britain ”可以知道,英国是教育制度改革最彻底的国家。 Charter school与一般公立学校最大的不同是它不受一般公立学校的法令条例限制,可以有自己的操作系统, academies(一般是指技术学校、职业高中 ),这里跟前面讲的美国的 charter school是一类学校。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中 “make schools independent

33、of local government bureaucracies”可以知道,选项 D是与原文大意相符的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从 “Although the picture is mixed, academy pupilsresults have improved faster than those of pupils in main stream schools; the longer schools have been academies, and the more autonomy they have gained the better

34、 they do ”可以知道,经过学校改革的孩子们要比在主流学校的孩子们的进步更为显著;自主权越大,成绩越突出。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 文中总述了 “Some of the improvements are startling ”,然后又举了些例子,其中就有 “通过率 ”的例子。因此,这个例子就是为了说明进步是惊人的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从 “could be a liability at next Mays general election”可以知道,他最大的担心就是他下一次的普选。 【知识

35、模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 11 【听力原文】 Just one extra year of schooling makes someone 10% less likely to attend a church, mosque or temple, pray alone or describe himself as religious. Changes in the compulsory school-leaving age in 11 European countries between 1960 and 1985 tease out the impact of time spent in

36、school on belief and practice among respondents to the European Social Survey. By comparing people of similar backgrounds who were among the first to stay on longer, the authors could be reasonably certain that the extra schooling actually caused religiosity to fall, rather than merely being correla

37、ted with the decline. A paper, published earlier this year, showed that after Turkey increased compulsory schooling from five years to eight in 1997, womens propensity to identify themselves as religious, cover their heads or vote for an Islamic party fell by 30% -50%. The most recent paper also sho

38、wed that each extra year in the classroom led to a drop of 11 percentage points in superstitious practices, though these remain common. Two-fifths of respondents said they consulted horoscopes, and a quarter thought that lucky charms could protect them. Other research has shown that religious belief

39、s and practices seem to make people happier, and in some circumstances healthier and wealthier, too. 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文中 “Just one extra year of schooling makes someone 10 less likely to attend a church”可以看出,选项 A所叙述内容与原文相符。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文 “By comparing people of similar ba

40、ckgrounds who were among the first to stay on longer, the authors could be reasonably certain that the extra schooling actually caused religiosity to fall, rather than merely being correlated with the decline ”告诉听者,受教育的时间越长,宗教狂热越低,因此选项 D的表述是错误的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从文中 “after Turkey

41、increased compulsory schooling from five years to eight in 1997, womens propensity to identify themselves as religious,cover their heads or vote for an Islamic party fell by 30 -50 ”可以推断出,选项 B的叙述是符合原文大意的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中 “Other research has shown that religious beliefs and pr

42、actices seem to make people happier, and in some circumstances healthier and wealthier, too ”可以知道本文 并没有提到宗教可以给人们带来知识。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 结合上下文和文中的 “though these remain common”可以知道作者的态度是比较中立的。因此选项 A的叙述是符合原文大意的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 16 【听力原文】 Landlords in Sao Paulo have taken to using bro

43、oms instead. Sao Paulo state, home to one-fifth of Brazils population and one-third of its economic activity, is suffering the worst drought since records began in 1930. Pitiful rainfall and high rates of evaporation in scorching heat have caused the volume of water stored in the Cantareira system o

44、f reservoirs, which supplies 10 million people, to dip below 12% of capacity. This time last year, at the end of what is nominally the wet season, it stood at 64%. On April 21st the governor, Geraldo Alckmin, warned that from May consumers will be fined for increasing their water use. Those who cut

45、consumption are already rewarded with discounts on their bills. The city will tap three basins supplying other parts of the state, but since these reservoirs have also been hit by drought and supply hydropower plants, fears of blackouts are rising. Without a downpour, Cantareiras levels sink beneath

46、 the pipes which link reservoirs to consumers a week after Sao Paulo hosts the opening game of the football World Cup on June 12th. To tide the city over until rains resume in November, it is installing kit to pump half of the 400 billion litres of reserves beneath the pipes, which is called “ dead

47、volume“. Mr. Alckmin has not ruled out tightening the spigots. Widespread cuts could hurt the governors reelection bid in October. Hours after he announced the latest measures, a thirsty mob set fire to a bus. The problem exposed by the drought is that supply has not kept pace with the rising urban

48、population. 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中 “home to one-fifth of Brazils population and one-third of its economic activity, is suffering the worst drought since records began in 1930 ”可以知道巴西圣保罗当地政府号召人们节约用水的一个主要原因就是,它遭遇了1930年以来最大的一次干旱。因此选项 C的叙述与原文大意是相符的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项 A、 B和 C是原文细节,不是

49、推断内容。文中提到水库水位大幅度下降,政 府颁布了若干条法令号召人们节约用水。但是无论政府怎么努力,水位还是会下降到管道水位以下。从文中 “fears of blackouts are rising” 可以知道缺水的形势很严峻,所以可以推断出选项 D的内容。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中 “Without a downpourtide the city over until rains resume in” 可以看出,政府所做的一切措施都是为了支撑到 11月的雨季。之前每一次努力都捉襟见肘 。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中可以看出政府花巨资从地下再次抽取非常宝贵的水源,虽然有些专家质疑水的质量,但并没有迹象表明这次政府所做的努力是失败的,因此选项 C的表述与原文不符。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项 A、 B和 C都是文章的讲述的具体细节。全文的主要内容是在巴西圣保罗的干旱时期,城内的水源供应远远不能满足人们的需求,虽然当地政府采取了一系列的措施但功效甚微。 【知识模块 】 篇章听力理解与选择


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