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1、国家公共英语三级(闲暇活动)练习试卷 6及答案与解析 Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 0 Text “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy“ is a popular saying in the United States, Other countries have similar sayings.

2、 It is true that all of us need recreation. We cannot work all the time if we are going to maintain good health, and enjoy life. Good physical and mental health in fact enables us to work more efficiently. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports

3、. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, fishing, skiing and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors. Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to pa

4、rticipate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, watching them on television, or listening to them on the radio. When there is an important baseball game or boxing match, it is almost impossible to get tickets: everyone wants to attend. Chess, card-pla

5、ying, and dancing are forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by many people. It doesnt matter whether we play a fast game of ping-pong, concentrate over the bridge table, or go walking through the woods on a brisk autumn afternoon. II is important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy some f

6、orm of recreation. A. maintain B. woods C. bridge D. individual E. events F. participating G. dull 1 Some sports are for teams to play; others are for _. 2 One example of indoor recreation is playing _. 3 We need good health to _ our ability to work and enjoy life. 4 Many people prefer watching game

7、s played to _ in them. 5 If someone works all the time and doesnt stop to relax, he is considered to be a _ person. Part A 6 Write a short composition according to the information given below. A research center is going to be established in a university. There is an argument about whether to establi

8、sh an agricultural research center or a business one. Which do you think is better.? Use specific reasons to support your answer. 国家公共英语三级(闲暇活动)练习试卷 6答案与解析 Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 【知

9、识模块】 闲暇活动 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 参考第二段第三和第四句话。 【知识模块】 闲暇活动 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 打桥牌是扑克的一种。 【知识模块】 闲暇活动 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这里 maintain意为 “增强 ”。第一段第四句和第五句谈到健康与工作的关系。 【知识模块】 闲暇活动 4 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 参考第三段第一句和第二句内容。 【知识模 块】 闲暇活动 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题是对文章第一句话的解释。 【知识模块】 闲暇活动 Part A 6 【正确答案】 Although Chinese used to

10、think that agriculture is the most fundamental as well as most essential aspect of our national economy, with the opening of our door, more and more Chinese people come to realize the importance of business, for we can not isolate ourselves any longer: we must trade with other nations: we must make

11、our country a really powerful nation. Therefore. if we are to set up a business research center or an agricultural research center, we had better choose the former for the following three reasons: First. we must realize that in modern society, a nation depending on agriculture can never become an ad

12、vanced country. We can not lag in an agricultural era. Some developed countries such as the USA, Japan and Germany, have already surpassed this periods. They caught the opportunity and developed into an industrial age. Thats why those nations become so powerful and advanced. Second, with the opening

13、 policy coming into every Chinese mind, we now face a golden opportunity to develop our business theory. Chinese have begun to learn about the functions of market and stock market and so on. These new things attract more and more people, but few of them really understand how to use these new tools,

14、so business research centers become imperative for us. Finally, to trade with foreigners and to get advanced techniques from them require us to learn more knowledge and skills. We must know net only our own system, but also theirs, so that we can succeed in negotiation and trading. An open China has realized the importance of business. Why should we give up this opportunity instead of relying on agriculture? Its right time for us to make a historical choice. 【知识模块】 闲暇活动


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