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1、国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 261及答案与解析 第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有 A、 B、 C三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从 A、 B、 C三个选项 中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 11 What did the man

2、do last weekend? ( A) He called up his sister. ( B) He went to Shanghai. ( C) He visited his sister. 12 What is the woman going to do tonight? ( A) Take her sister to a show. ( B) Go to the basketball game. ( C) Buy some tickets for the basketball game. 13 What does the woman mean? ( A) Dinner is go

3、ing to be late. ( B) There isnt enough ice-cream for dinner. ( C) Theres just enough ice-cream for dinner. 14 What will the woman do? ( A) Go to a fast food place with the man. ( B) Eat after her class. ( C) Get to her class quickly. 15 What does the man mean? ( A) She has beautiful eyes. ( B) The d

4、ress fits her very well. ( C) The woman likes to wear beautiful dress. 16 What does the man mean? ( A) He didnt go to Beijing. ( B) He had a good time in Beijing. ( C) He didnt enjoy his trip very much. 17 What does the woman mean? ( A) She should like to go for a walk. ( B) She doesnt feel like goi

5、ng for a walk. ( C) Its not very nice weather for a walk. 18 What does the man mean? ( A) Hell finish his homework in class. ( B) Hell go to class after he finishes his homework. ( C) He wants to leave the class to begin his homework. 19 What does the man mean? ( A) He doesnt drink coffee at lunch t

6、ime. ( B) He likes tea in the morning. ( C) He prefers coffee at lunch time. 20 What does the man mean? ( A) Theres no problem. ( B) He never lends money. ( C) He doesnt understand. 21 What is the woman going to do? ( A) She will read books. ( B) She will catch a train. ( C) She does not have a plan

7、. 22 What will the woman probably do? ( A) She does not understand. ( B) She will probably go to Hong Kong with the man. ( C) She will take the man to Hong Kong. 23 How old was the woman in 19987 ( A) She was seventeen in 1998. ( B) She was sixteen in 1998. ( C) She was fifteen in 1998. 24 Where did

8、 the woman grow up? ( A) She grew up in Tianjin. ( B) She grew up in New York. ( C) She grew up in Beijing. 25 What did the woman study in college? ( A) She studied computer science. ( B) She studied Chinese. ( C) She studied English. 第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 26 The lady al

9、ways _ in white at the party. ( A) wears ( B) dresses ( C) gets dressed 27 He _ his coat when he walked into the office. ( A) took off ( B) took away ( C) took out 28 Jim, together with his parents, _ going to visit us this weekend. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) will be 29 - Is Wang Fang at home? - _, she i

10、s at school. ( A) Yes ( B) No ( C) Wrong 30 How nice _ you _ do that! ( A) for . to ( B) of . to ( C) to . for 31 We dont understand the passage _ there are a few new words in it. ( A) and ( B) unless ( C) because 32 Im going to _ this afternoon. ( A) do some wash ( B) do some washing ( C) wash 33 I

11、m trying _ to get this sentence right. ( A) quite ( B) well ( C) hard 34 There _ some boys on the playground. ( A) is ( B) are ( C) have 35 The elephant is _ big that he cant get into the room. ( A) so ( B) such ( C) very 36 Is _ shirt on the bed ? ( A) yours ( B) your ( C) you 37 I didnt know _ at

12、the meeting yesterday. ( A) what to say ( B) to say what ( C) why to say 38 This is the reason _ an airplane cant fly in space. ( A) why ( B) which ( C) for that 39 Mary _ that piece of cake for twenty Yuan. ( A) spent ( B) cost ( C) bought 40 I think this problem is different _ that one. ( A) to (

13、B) for ( C) from 第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 40 Summer holiday camps (夏 令营 ) for children began in the USA over sixteen years ago. Today there are【 41】 than 8,000 summer camps in the United States and every year【 42】 . four million children pass through their gates【 43】 June

14、 and August. Some【 44】 by bus every day from the nearest town.【 45】 stay as campers for one or two weeks. Quite a lot of children go off to camp【 46】 the whole of the summer holiday. The people there are young and【 47】 There is good food and lots of interesting things【 48】 . In many camps children l

15、earn things【 49】 cooking and drawing pictures. Every evening there are camp fires and games. Everyone goes to bed【 50】 but happy. ( A) more ( B) many ( C) much ( A) near ( B) about ( C) below ( A) by ( B) from ( C) between ( A) come ( B) take ( C) ride ( A) Another ( B) Others ( C) The other ( A) on

16、 ( B) in ( C) for ( A) friends ( B) friendly ( C) friendship ( A) doing ( B) done ( C) to do ( A) like ( B) as ( C) such ( A) tiring ( B) tired ( C) tires 第一节 词语配伍 从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1上将该项涂黑。 50 A zoo B old C six D park E January F happy G eight 51 Its the first month of the year. 52 Its the

17、 number after seven. 53 Its a place where animals are kept so that people can go and look at them, or study them. 54 having lived for a long time 55 feeling or showing pleasure 第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从 A(Right)、 B(Wrong)、 C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。 55 In an English village not far from London, Oliver an

18、d twenty other poor children lived in an orphans home. They had their meals in a large stone hall. The boys we re always hungry, because the master gave them only one small plate of soup. The master and his two assistants stood with solemn faces near the table and watched the frightened children. So

19、metimes Oliver felt so sad and frightened that he want ed to run away. However, the master never gave him a chance of escape. Later, 0liver did leave the home which he had hated. 56 Oliver was a boy without parents. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 57 Oliver had his meals in a house made of

20、wood. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 58 The master of the Orphans home was very kind to the children. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 59 Oliver ran away from the home because he was afraid of the bad master and his assistants. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 60 Oliver and

21、 other children lived a hard life in the Orphans home. ( A) Right. ( B) Wrong. ( C) Doesnt say. 第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下列短文,从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。 60 Gerard Croiset from Holland could “see“ what was going on somewhere else and he used his gift (天赋 ) to help the police to find missing people. Mr. Sandelius li

22、ved with his 24 years old daughter Carol in Topeka. One day, Carol disappeared (消失 ) . The police looked for her everywhere and they showed her photos to everybody, but they couldnt find her. After eight weeks there was nothing else that the police could do. Mr. Sandelius was ready to try anything t

23、o find his daughter. He heard about Croiset and he called him. “Can you help me?“ he asked. Croiset would never say no to people in need of help. He told Mr. Sandelius that Carol was alive (活着的 ) . I see her somewhere near water and small boats. Now I see her riding with someone in a red car. Dont w

24、orry. You will know something in six days. Five days passed and Mr. Sandelius still didnt hear anything. On the sixth day, early in the morning, he came to the first floor. He saw that someone was sitting in the room. It was his daughter. Croiset “saw“ Carol from 8,000 km away. He told the police wh

25、ere she was. And they brought her home. 61 How could Gerard Croiset different from other people? ( A) He could see people and things in other places. ( B) He could hear people talk far away. ( C) He could read peoples minds. 62 What did the police do to find Carol? ( A) They asked Gerard Croiset for

26、 help. ( B) The let people see her pictures. ( C) They put her pictures in newspapers. 63 Why did Mr. Sandelius call Gerard Croiset? ( A) Because the police couldnt find Carol. ( B) Because Carol didnt want to come home. ( C) Because Carol couldnt find her way back home. 64 What did Gerard Croiset t

27、ell Mr. Sandelius? ( A) Carol was not dead. ( B) Carol would come back in six weeks. ( C) Carol was driving a boat 8,000 km away. 65 Who took Carol home in the end? ( A) Gerard Croiset. ( B) Mr. Sandelius. ( C) The police. 65 The trip to the Mystery Caves will take place on Sunday, 27 July. You can

28、book your tickets in Room 188 between 2:30 p.m. every day. Your parents should confirm (确 认 ) the booking by writing to us as soon as possible. You should pay for the trip before 21 July. If we do not receive your money early enough, your booking will be cancelled (取消 ) . If the trip does not take p

29、lace for any reason, your money will be paid back. We are planning to meet outside the railway station on Black Street at 8:00 a.m. It will take us about 2 hours to get to the center of the town by train, and from there we have to catch a bus. It will take another hour to get to the Mystery Caves on

30、 the bus. We will spend about 1 hour and half visiting the caves (山洞 ) , and we hope to catch the 1:30 bus to Happy Lake for some swimming. If we are late, we will have to take the 3:00 bus straight back to Black Street. 66 When must you pay for the ticket? ( A) At any time before the trip. ( B) One

31、 week before the trip. ( C) Three days before the trip. 67 If you do not pay for the ticket early enough, _. ( A) the trip will be cancelled ( B) you can write to Room 188 and pay later ( C) you wont be able to take the trip 68 If the trip to the Mystery Caves is cancelled, you will _. ( A) get your

32、 money back ( B) go there on another day ( C) go to Happy Lake instead 69 How will they go to the Mystery Caves from the center of the town? ( A) By ship. ( B) By train. ( C) By bus. 70 If you miss the 1:30 bus to Happy Lake, you will _. ( A) have to go back by train ( B) not be able to go swimming

33、( C) go to the lake on foot 第一节 改写句子 下面是三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句。注意不能改变原句的意思。 71 Mikes parents gave him a call yesterday Mike _ a phone call from his parents yesterday 72 They said that they were coming to see him They _ him that they were coming to see him 73 They also

34、asked the way to his house from the station They also asked how _ his house from the station 第二节 书面表达 74 情景: 暑假你去伦敦参加了一个暑期英语学习班,食宿在学校。你已经到校一周了。 任务: 请你用英语给在中国的父母写一封 50字左右的短信。告诉他们: 伦敦的天气如何; 你在学校每天做什么; 你们班同学的大致情况; 你对这所学校感觉如何。 请用下面格式。 Dear dad and mum, Dongdong 国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 261答案与解析 第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将

35、听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有 A、 B、 C三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 1 【听力原文】 F: Of all the fruit I like bananas the best. 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【听力原文】 F: Will you please clean the door? 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【听力原文】 F: This summer well go to the countryside to live. 3 【正确答案】 B 4 【

36、听力原文】 M: It was raining hard this evening. 4 【正确答案】 A 5 【听力原文】 F: Many students ride bicycles to school. 5 【正确答案】 C 6 【听力原文】 M: Tom, do you see my sports magazine? 6 【正确答案】 C 7 【听力原文】 F: I live in a tall building in the middle of the city. 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【听力原文】 F: Credit cards are used to buy everythi

37、ng in the supermarket. 8 【正确答案】 A 9 【听力原文】 F: Xiao Wang often shows me some English books. 9 【正确答案】 A 10 【听力原文】 M: I found a brush on my way home. 10 【正确答案】 A 第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 11 【听力原文】 W: Did you visit your

38、sister last weekend? M: Well, I wanted to, but she called up saying she would be out of town, so I went to Shanghai instead. Q: What did the man do last weekend? 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这位男士上周末干什么了 ? 从对话 “Well , I wanted to, but she called up saying she would be out of town, so I went to Shanghai instead

39、 ”“咳,我本来是想去的,但是,她打 电 话来说,她要出去。所以我就去上海了。 ”我们得知这位男士没有去看她的 妹妹,他去了上海。故选项 B正确。 12 【听力原文】 M: I have two tickets to the basketball game tonight. Would you like to come? W: Id love to, but I have to take my sister to a show. Q: What is the woman going to do tonight? 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这位女士今晚要做什 么 ?根据对话 “Id

40、love to, but I have to take my sister to a show ”“我很愿意, 但是我必须要送我妹妹看戏剧去。 ”我们得知这位女士今晚不能同这位男士去看篮球赛。故选项 A正确。 13 【听力原文】 M: Could I try some of that ice-cream? W: No, sorry. Theres hardly enough for dinner. Q: What does the woman mean? 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这位女士是什么意思 ?对话中这位 女士说: “Theres hardly enough for din

41、ner ”“晚餐用的冰淇淋还不够呢。 ” 也就是说,她不允许这位男士品尝冰淇淋。故选项 B 正确。 14 【听力原文】 M: My class doesnt start until one thirty, so Im going to have a quick lunch. W: Id like to join you, but my class starts earlier. Q: What will the woman do? 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这位女士会做什么 ?对话中女士说: “Id like to join you, but my class starts ear

42、lier ”“我想和你一起去,可是我 上课的时间更早。 ”也就说,这位女士不能同男士一起去吃午餐。故选项 B正确。 15 【听力原文】 W: How do I look in my new dress? M: It fits you very well and it matches your eyes. You look wonderful. Q: What does the man mean? 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这位男士表达的是什么意思 ?从对话 “It fits you very well and it matches your eyes You look wonder

43、ful ”“你穿这 件衣服很合适,而且这件衣服很配你眼睛的颜色。你看上去非常漂亮。 ”我们得知,这位男士对女士穿这件衣服的评价很好。故选项 B正确。 16 【听力原文】 W: How was your trip to Beijing this summer? M: The weather was too hot and there were too many people. Q: What does the man mean? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这位男士表达的是什么意思 ?对话中 这位男士说 “The weather was too hot and there were t

44、oo many people ”“天气太热了,而且人太多 了。 ”换句话说,他不太喜欢这次到北京度过的假 期。故选项 C正确。 17 【听力原文】 M: Lets go for a walk. W: Id like to, but I feel a bit tired now. Q: What does the woman mean? 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这位女士表达的是什么意思 ?从对 话中这位女士说的 “Id like to, but I feel a bit tired now ”“我很乐意和你一 起去散步,但是我现在感觉有点累。 ”我们得出结沦,她不想去散步。故选项

45、B 正确。 18 【听力原文】 W: Do you want to leave for class right away? M: I still have to finish my homework. Q: What does the man mean? 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这位男士表达的是什么意思 ?对话中 女士问: “你想现在去上课吗 ?”这位男士回答说: “I still have to finish my homework ”“我必须得 完成作业。 ”也就是说,他要先做完作业,再去上 课。故选项 B 正确。 19 【听力原文】 W: Do you prefer tea

46、 or coffee after lunch? M: I dont care for tea that much, and I only drink coffee in the morning. Q: What does the man mean? 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这位男士表达的是什么意思 ?对话 中女士问: “Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch?”“你午饭后喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡 ?”,男士回答说: “I dont care for tea that much, and I only drink coffee in the mor

47、ning ”“我不是那么喜欢喝茶。我只在早晨喝咖啡。 ”我们 可以得出结论,他不想在午餐后喝咖啡。故选项 A正确。 20 【听力原文】 W: If I dont get some money from my parents by Friday, could I borrow some from you? M: By all means! Q: What does the man mean? 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这位男士表达的是什么意思 ?对话中女士问: “could I borrow some from you?”“ 我能向你借点钱吗 ?”男士回答说: “By all mea

48、ns!”“没问题 !”也就是说,这位男士会借钱给这位女 士。故选项 A正确。 21 【听力原文】 M: Im so excited! We have two weeks of What are you going to do? W: Im not sure. I guess Ill just stay at home. Maybe Ill catch up on my reading. What about you? Any plans? Q: What is the woman going to do? 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这位女士会做什么 ?对话中两个人将会有两个星期不用

49、上班。他们正在如何度过这两周的时间。从女士 所说的: “Im not sure I guess Ill just stay at home Maybe Ill catch up on my reading ”“我还不确定要干什么。我想我会待在家里。或许会弥补上没 读的书。 ”也就是说她将要读书。故选项 A正确。 22 【听力原文】 M: My parents will take me to Hong Kong this summer. Do you want to go? W: Do you mean it? Id love to! Q: What will the woman probably do? 22 【正


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