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1、国家公共英语(三级)口试模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 Interlocutor: Good afternoon. My name is Li Lin, and this is my colleague He Fei. He is just going to be listening to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. And your names are Sun Ii and Jiang Lei? (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.) Fir

2、st of all, Candidate A, we d like to know something about you, so I m going to ask you some questions. Hometown Do you live near here? Where do you live? What do you think are the good points about living there? How do you usually go to work? Why? Where did you live before you came here? Interlocuto

3、r: Thank you. Now, Candidate B, I m going to ask you some questions. Education Which school do you study in? Do you like your school? Why? How are you getting along with your classmates? How often do you borrow books from your library? 二、考生相互问答 2 Interlocutor: Now, Id like you to talk about somethin

4、g between yourselves. Were just going to listen.(Place the Picture Sheet 1 in front of the candidates.)I d like you to talk to each other about the activities on weekends. This is the picture for your reference. It shows four references. It shows four kinds of performance: 1)go shopping with friends

5、: 2)play basketball with friends: 3)listen to music and read books at home: 4)go out on a picnic with family.Please talk to each other about losing weight according to the picture. It is not necessary to agree with each other. Remember you have only 3 minutes for this part, so don t worry if I stop

6、you then. Please speak loudly so that we can hear you. You may start now.Candidates:(Approximately 3 minutes.)Interlocutor: Thank you.(Receive the picture sheet.) 三、继续性问答 3 Interlocutor: Now, Im going to give each of you a different picture and Id like you to first describe it and men tell us what y

7、ou think about it.(Hand over the Picture Sheet 2 to Candidate A.) Candidate A, here is your picture: Hobby Kills People. Please let Candidate B have a look at it.Candidate B, please listen carefully while Candidate A is speaking. When he has finished, you may say something more about me picture.Cand

8、idate A, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so don t worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now?Candidates A:(Approximately one and a half minutes.)Interlocutor:Thank you.Candidate B, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? You may have half a

9、minute for this.Candidates B:(Approximately 30 seconds.)(Retrieve the picture sheet.)题目 2Interlocutor:(Hand over the Picture Sheet 3 to Candidate B.) Candidate B, here is your picture: Give the Seat to the Old. Please let Candidate A have a look at it.Candidate A, please listen carefully while Candi

10、date B is speaking. When he/she has finished, you may say something more about the picture.Candidate B, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so don t worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now?Candidates B:(Approximately one and a half minutes.)Interlocutor:Thank you.Ca

11、ndidate A, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? You may have half a minute for this.Candidates A:(Approximately 30 seconds.)(Retrieve the picture sheet.)Interlocutor: Thank you.(That is the end of the test.) 国家公共英语(三级)口试模拟试卷 11答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 【正确答案】 A + B: Yes, we are.

12、考生 A A: Yes, I live in Haidian District, it s near here. A: The transportation there is very convenient. A: I usually go to work by bus because it is cheap. A: I lived in countryside. 考生 B B: I study in Renmin University of China. B: Yes, I like my school very much because it is beautiful and I have

13、 learned a lot from this school. B: I get along with my classmates very well. I am extroverted and I like making friends. We also help each other with study. B: I borrow books from our library once a week. 二、考生相互问答 2 【正确答案】 A:What do you usually do on weekends? B: I usually go to play basketball wit

14、h my friends. We began to play together since middle school and we keep this habit. A: That sounds really interesting. You can get together with your old friends and take exercise at the same time. I often go shopping with my friends. I like shopping even if I don t buy anything. B: Oh, shopping is

15、the last thing I want to do in the world. I think it is tiring. And the shopping mall is always crowded. In addition, you will waste your money on something you dont need at all. A: Sometimes it is, but I just enjoy the process. What do you think of staying at home, reading and listening to some mus

16、ic? B: I think it s nice. After a week s tiring work, you can get relaxed in that way. But it is not good to keep fit. There is also another way to spend the weekend, i. e. going out on a picnic with your family. What s your o pinion on that? A: It is very good. You can not only enjoy the nature but

17、 also communicate with your family. It must be very happy. B: So different people spend their weekends in different ways. 三、继续性问答 3 【正确答案】 A: The title of this picture “Hobby Kills People“ may sound strange at first but after seeing the picture we can understand what it means. The young man in the p

18、icture is wearing a walkman and listening to some music. The music may be so loud and noisy that he even doesn t notice a car is driving towards him. It is really dangerous. Accidents are hiding everywhere in our life to hurt us when we are careless. The crowded road is where accidents frequently ha

19、ppen. Doing something else just like the young man in the picture or thinking about something is easy to put us in a dangerous position. Therefore, just remember what mom always tells us when we are little boys or girls: Look around before you cross the road. B: I think what Candidate A said is just

20、 a part of the meaning of the picture. Both the young man and the driver are responsible for the danger they are faced with. Some accidents happen because of the carelessness of the driver. They may be drunk or sleepy. So everybody on the road should pay much attention to the road condition. 题目 2 B:

21、 In tins picture we can see that in the bus, an old man is standing beside a young man who has a seat. Every one knows it is difficult for an old person to stand in a bus because the bus can t always run steadily and it is always very crowded. Although we are not ordered to give up our seats to the

22、old by law, it is our conscience that tells us to respect and help the old people. Every one will get old someday, and we will need others understanding and help. A person can not be too selfish: oth-erwise, he won t be welcomed anywhere. We should try to dunk about odiers and be considerate. A: I agree with Candidate B. We are not living alone, and every one is related to odiers in some way. We have our own old parents or grandparents. We should spread our respect for them to other old people and help them.


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