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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试历年真题试卷汇编 9及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialo

2、gue ONLY ONCE. 1 Where are the speakers? ( A) At a party. ( B) At a cinema. ( C) At a restaurant. ( D) At a bus station. 2 What do we learn about the man? ( A) He wants to rent an apartment. ( B) He plans to leave his company. ( C) He has found a job in London. ( D) He will inquire for the woman. 3

3、What is the man going to do? ( A) Go out with Nick. ( B) Eat out with Linda. ( C) Meet with a client. ( D) Discuss work with Mary. 4 What are the speakers talking about? ( A) How to manage people. ( B) Their departmental work. ( C) How to avoid getting fired. ( D) Their incompetent manager. 5 What d

4、o we learn about Mary? ( A) She is not interested in shopping. ( B) She is not free for housework. ( C) She is too busy to go shopping. ( D) She is interested in office work. 6 What is the man? ( A) He is a judge. ( B) He is a lawyer. ( C) He is a teacher. ( D) He is a researcher. 7 Why does the wom

5、an eat out at noon? ( A) To keep fit. ( B) To save time. ( C) To save money. ( D) To make friends. 8 What do we learn about David? ( A) He lost his job last week. ( B) He is working with Mary. ( C) He has been ill for a year. ( D) He earns less than before. 9 What does the woman think of the texts?

6、( A) They are too long. ( B) They read poorly. ( C) They suit beginners. ( D) They are interesting. 10 What do we learn about the man? ( A) He prefers fact-based reports. ( B) He spends a lot of time online. ( C) He enjoys exciting things in life. ( D) He puts much blame on technology. Part B Direct

7、ions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. Y

8、ou will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 Where did the woman take her first job after college? ( A) In a film studio. ( B) In a talent agency. ( C) In a publishing firm. ( D) In a television station. 12 Why did the woman s mother put her in acting classes? ( A) To enrich her after-school life. ( B) To

9、develop her talent in acting. ( C) To make her know more people. ( D) To help her get over her shyness. 13 What is the woman s favorite sport? ( A) Table tennis. ( B) Swimming. ( C) Baseball. ( D) Skating. 14 What do we know about the woman? ( A) She dislikes a challenging job. ( B) She is tired of

10、her present job. ( C) She works in a big company. ( D) She is eager to get a pay rise. 15 What does the woman want the man to do? ( A) Give her some advice. ( B) Give her an interview. ( C) Help her write a resume. ( D) Help her find a good job. 16 What is the good start for an interview according t

11、o the man? ( A) Being confident. ( B) Being well-prepared. ( C) Showing proper manners. ( D) Doing a good self-introduction. 17 What should the woman avoid according to the man? ( A) Using the interviewers words. ( B) Anticipating possible questions. ( C) Talking too much about herself. ( D) Memoriz

12、ing answers beforehand. 18 Why does the woman ask the man for advice? ( A) He has a business in Athens. ( B) He spent a night in Athens. ( C) He is familiar with Athens. ( D) He used to study in Athens. 19 What does the man advise the woman to do? ( A) Take part in a bus tour. ( B) See as much as po

13、ssible. ( C) Go to the Phaliron coast. ( D) Stay in central Athens. 20 What does the man think the woman can enjoy at the Paralia? ( A) A peaceful walk. ( B) Historical sites. ( C) Greek food. ( D) Local music. 21 Which of the following impressed the man most? ( A) A harbor. ( B) A stadium. ( C) A n

14、ightclub. ( D) A performance. 22 Why did the man start the shoe-making company? ( A) To build his own shoe brand. ( B) To help children without shoes. ( C) To sell shoes to poor countries. ( D) To broaden his business scope. 23 What had the man done before he started the shoe-making company? ( A) He

15、 had started five companies. ( B) He had worked as a technician. ( C) He had worked in South America. ( D) He had taught five media courses. 24 When did the man come up with this new business model? ( A) Three years ago. ( B) Five years ago. ( C) Six years ago. ( D) Eight years ago. 25 What is the m

16、an s biggest focus in giving shoes to poor children? ( A) Giving them access to school. ( B) Cultivating their sense of wealth. ( C) Raising their sense of self-worth. ( D) Preventing horrible foot diseases. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the be

17、st word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 25 Whenever I hear a recording of John Denver singing “Sunshine on My Shoulders,“ I find myself smiling, drawn to a love of the sun and outdoors I ve had for decades as a Michigan native. Walking barefoot to the lake,

18、 playing shirtless in the sunlight, and breathing fresh air feel good. 【 C1】 _ Studies have found higher rates of high blood pressure among people with the lowest sun exposure. One reason may be due to nitric oxide, a gas whose production is stimulated when your skin is exposed to the sun s rays.【 C

19、2】 _Vitamin D, which sunlight helps your body produce, is also linked to better heart health. So walk outdoors for 15 to 30 minutes daily. 【 C3】 _Research on 280 volunteers there found that people had a reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure when they walked through a forest than when they spe

20、nt time in an urban area. One of the consequences of modern society is that rarely is our body in direct contact with the ground. The earth has an electrical current.【 C4】 _Although “earthing“ or “grounding“ is considered alternative by mainstream medicine, research shows that the practice seems to

21、be able to reduce heart disease risk. So, walk around barefoot whenever possible, let your backyard grass tickle your feet, and dig your toes into sandy beaches. 【 C5】 _A 2011 British review of 11 studies found that people who exercised outside generally reported more energy and less anger, tension,

22、 and depression all factors contributing to heart attack than those who worked out indoors. AExercising indoors is another option. BIt reduces both heart attack and stroke risks. CExercising outdoors may be more beneficial than working out indoors. DIn Japan, walking through forests for healing has

23、become a popular practice. EDirect contact with it may be a stabilizing force for good health. FAs a doctor, I can tell you they are also very good for your heart. GYoull get greater health benefits exercising where it s green. 26 【 C1】 27 【 C2】 28 【 C3】 29 【 C4】 30 【 C5】 30 Some of the greatest suc

24、cesses you can think of began with failure. What a big【 C6】 _a little continued effort and determination can make. Workplace expert Nan Russell, author of “The Titleless Leader: How to Get Things Done When You re Not in Charge,“ offers a number of【 C7】 _of people who were deemed failures and then tu

25、rned successful. Albert Einstein was【 C8】 _to be mentally challenged as a child and told he would never amount to anything. Need we say how that one turned out? Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star because the editor thought he lacked【 C9】 _. Chester Carlson s early Xerox machines were【 C

26、10】 _by 20 companies before he finally found a business partner. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before inventing the light bulb. There are many quotes from the great inventor that are worth【 C11】 _to memory. Here s just one:“ Many of life s failures are people who did not realize how【 C12】

27、_they were to success when they gave up. “ So, while failure may not feel good, it s often an essential part of success, the trial-and-error that can lead to greater things. If you spend all your time【 C13】 _about past mistakes, you might not notice when real opportunity arrives, so by all【 C14】_, l

28、earn from your mistakes then put them behind you, roll up your sleeves and get back to work. Here s one more quote from Edison for us to think about: “If we all did the things we are【 C15】 _of, we would astound ourselves. “ AcapableBcloseCcombination DcommittingEcontributingFcreativity GdifferenceHe

29、ncouragedIexamples JjudgedKmeansLrejected MtypicalNwaysOworrying 31 【 C6】 32 【 C7】 33 【 C8】 34 【 C9】 35 【 C10】 36 【 C11】 37 【 C12】 38 【 C13】 39 【 C14】 40 【 C15】 Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER

30、SHEET 1. 40 Passwords are everywhere in computer security. All too often, they are also ineffective. A good password has to be both easy to remember and hard to guess, but in practice people seem to pay attention to the former. Names of wives, husbands and children are popular. “ 123456“ or “12345“

31、are also common choices. That predictability lets security researchers(and hackers)create dictionaries which list common passwords, useful to those seeking to break in. But although researchers know that passwords are insecure, working out just how insecure has been difficult. Many studies have only

32、 small samples to work on. However, with the co-operation of Yahoo!, Joseph Bonneau of Cambridge University obtained the biggest sample to date 70 million passwords that came with useful data about their owners. Mr Bonneau found some interesting variations. Older users had better passwords than youn

33、g ones. People whose preferred language was Korean or German chose the most secure passwords: those who spoke Indonesian the least. Passwords designed to hide sensitive information such as credit-card numbers were only slightly more secure than those protecting less important things, like access to

34、games. “Nag screens“ that told users they had chosen a weak password made virtually no difference. And users whose accounts had been hacked in the past did not make more secure choices than those who had never been hacked. But it is the broader analysis of the sample that is of most interest to secu

35、rity researchers. For, despite their differences, the 70 million users were still predictable enough that a generic password dictionary was effective against both the entire sample and any slice of it. Mr Bonneau is blunt: “An attacker who can manage ten guesses per account will compromise around 1%

36、 of accounts. “ And that is a worthwhile outcome for a hacker. One obvious solution would be for sites to limit the number of guesses that can be made before access is blocked. Yet whereas the biggest sites, such as Google and Microsoft, do take such measures, many do not. The reasons of their not d

37、oing so are various. So it s time for users to consider the alternatives to traditional passwords. 41 People tend to use passwords that are_. ( A) easy to remember ( B) hard to figure out ( C) random numbers ( D) popular names 42 Researchers find it difficult to know how unsafe passwords are due to

38、_. ( A) lack of research tools ( B) lack of research funds ( C) limited time of studies ( D) limited size of samples 43 It is indicated in the text that_. ( A) Indonesians are sensitive to password security ( B) young people tend to have secure passwords ( C) nag screens help little in password secu

39、rity ( D) passwords for credit cards are usually safe 44 The underlined word “compromise“ in Para. 5 most probably means_. ( A) comprise ( B) compensate ( C) endanger ( D) encounter 45 The last paragraph of the text suggests that_. ( A) net users regulate their online behaviors ( B) net users rely o

40、n themselves for security ( C) big websites limit the number of guesses ( D) big websites offer users convenient access 45 John Lubbock, a British member of the Parliament, led to the first law to safeguard Britain s heritage the Ancient Monuments Bill. How did it happen? By the late 1800s more and

41、more people were visiting Stonehenge for a day out. Now a World Heritage Site owned by the Crown, it was, at the time, privately owned and neglected. But the visitors left behind rubbish and leftover food. It encouraged rats that made holes at the stones foundations, weakening them. One of the uprig

42、ht stones had already fallen over and one had broken in two. They also chipped pieces off the stones for souvenirs and carved pictures into them, says architectural critic Jonathan Glancey. It was the same for other pre-historic remains, which were disappearing fast. Threats also included farmers an

43、d landowners as the ancient stones got in the way of working on the fields and were a free source of building materials. Shocked and angry, Lubbock took up the fight. When he heard Britain s largest ancient stone circle at Avebury in Wiltshire was up for sale in 1871 he persuaded its owners to sell

44、it to him and the stone circle was saved. “Lubbock aroused national attention for ancient monuments,“says Glancey. “At the time places like Stonehenge were just seen as a collection of stones, ancient sites to get building materials. “ “Lubbock knew they were the roots of British identity. He did fo

45、r heritage what Darwin did for natural history. “ But Lubbock couldn t buy every threatened site. He knew laws were needed and tabled the Ancient Monuments Bill. It proposed government powers to take any pre-historic site under threat away from uncaring owners, a radical idea at the time. For eight

46、years he tried and failed to get the bill through parliament. Finally, in 1882, it was voted into law. It had, however, been watered down: people had to willingly give their ancient monuments to the government. But what it did do was plant the idea that the state could preserve Britain s heritage be

47、tter than private owners. Pressure started to be put on the owners of sites like Stonehenge to take better care of them. 46 According to the text, Stonehenge in the late 1800s was_. ( A) a royal property ( B) utterly neglected ( C) legally protected ( D) a public property 47 One stone in Stonehenge

48、fell over because_. ( A) rats weakened its foundation ( B) farmers cut it to build houses ( C) visitors carved pictures into it ( D) visitors chipped pieces off it 48 Lubbock proposed a bill to_. ( A) push people to learn history ( B) ensure government function ( C) enforce ancient site protection (

49、 D) push visitors to behave properly 49 When the bill was voted into law in 1882, it had been made less_. ( A) severe ( B) biased ( C) implicit ( D) complex 50 This text is mainly about_. ( A) a famous British Parliament member ( B) the value of ancient heritages in the UK ( C) the history and protection of Stonehenge ( D) the origin of the Ancient Monuments Bill Part B Directions: Read the


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