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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 167及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogu

2、e ONLY ONCE. 1 Where does the conversation take place? ( A) At a restaurant. ( B) In the office. ( C) At the cinema. ( D) At a department store. 2 What do they think of Tom? ( A) He gets nervous very easily. ( B) He is an inexperienced speaker. ( C) He is an awful speaker. ( D) He hasnt prepared his

3、 speech well. 3 What might the result be if the woman doesnt take the mans advice? ( A) She might put on weight. ( B) She might be attacked by someone some day. ( C) She might go on a diet. ( D) Something might go wrong with her heart. 4 What can be inferred from the womans answer? ( A) Shed like to

4、 have the windows open. ( B) She likes to have the air conditioner on. ( C) The air is heavily polluted. ( D) The windows are already open. 5 Whats the man trying to do? ( A) Call a friend, ( B) Join the party. ( C) Write a check. ( D) Provide a service. 6 When will they probably discuss the plan? (

5、 A) Before dinner. ( B) After lunch. ( C) Over dinner. ( D) Before lunch. 7 How many people died in the accident? ( A) 2 men. ( B) 3 women. ( C) None. ( D) One child. 8 What are they talking about? ( A) A driving test. ( B) A police movie. ( C) A traffic accident. ( D) The best way to make signals.

6、9 How much is the yellow coat? ( A) 20. ( B) 45. ( C) 70. ( D) $90.00 10 What is the woman doing? ( A) Complaining. ( B) Apologizing. ( C) Explaining. ( D) Crying. Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the

7、 questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 How long did it take for a letter to get to the USA six years ago? ( A) Usually four

8、or five days. ( B) A week. ( C) More than a week. ( D) It depends. 12 Where does this conversation take place? ( A) A shop. ( B) A restaurant. ( C) A bookstore. ( D) A post office. 13 What is NOT mentioned in the conversation? ( A) An overseas mail. ( B) A registered letter. ( C) A post office box.

9、( D) A parcel. 14 When does this conversation most probably take place? ( A) At the beginning of the semester. ( B) At the middle of the semester. ( C) During vacation. ( D) At the end of the semester. 15 What does the woman suggest that the man do? ( A) Study hard. ( B) Take his mind off his test.

10、( C) Go to get his tennis bats. ( D) Try to take every exam. 16 What are both speakers planning? ( A) To play tennis. ( B) To discuss the test. ( C) To play table tennis. ( D) To go swimming. 17 What is the result of their last game? ( A) The man lost his ball. ( B) The woman won. ( C) The man won.

11、( D) The woman is a beginner. 18 Who is the woman? ( A) She is a teacher. ( B) She is a school registrar. ( C) She is a gardener. ( D) She is a student. 19 What does a student usually need to do before taking the advanced sketching course? ( A) Get familiar with some professors who teach the sketchi

12、ng course. ( B) Write a book about sketches. ( C) Master some knowledge about art. ( D) Complete the prerequisite sketching course. 20 What does the student give to Professor Weston? ( A) Some paintbrushes. ( B) A bouquet of flowers. ( C) Some drawings. ( D) A textbook. 21 How does the student feel

13、after talking with Professor Weston? ( A) Confused. ( B) Annoyed. ( C) Surprised. ( D) Encouraged. 22 What does “pull up your socks“ mean? ( A) Your socks arent decent enough. ( B) Make you look tidy. ( C) Improve your performance. ( D) Try hard to win the game. 23 What does “sock some money away“ m

14、ean? ( A) To hide money in safe. ( B) To save money. ( C) To spend money. ( D) To take care of money. 24 Which of the following statements about the passage is true? ( A) An example of a football team is used in talking about “pull up your socks“. ( B) Sock some money away probably came from people

15、hiding their savings in a sock instead of putting it in a bank. ( C) In talking about “pull up your socks“, the author uses an example of a girl planning to make a holiday trip, ( D) In talking about “sock some money away“, the author uses an example of a political leader. 25 What does the word “exp

16、ert“ mean? ( A) School. ( B) Teachers. ( C) Students. ( D) Linguists. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 25 Reading is very important in learning foreign langua

17、ges. Do some foreign language reading every day and try to finish one foreign language book at【 C1】 _every week. You are no doubt【 C2】 _, with little spare time, and this【 C3】_sound to a certain degree unrealistic.【 C4】 _if you read in the way described, it is perfectly possible. The【 C5】 _is to be

18、honest with yourself about【 C6】 _you really enjoy: thrillers, womens magazines, newspapers it really doesnt matter what you read as【 C7】 _as it genuinely attracts or【 C8】_.you, because that is the only certain way to make yourself read. It is【 C9】_to reach good speeds by practicing【 C10】 _material t

19、hat is difficult or dull. If you pursue this【 C11】 _for only a few months, you should achieve a very marked increase in your reading【 C12】 _. What you do with your foreign language reading skill【 C13】 _you have developed it is【 C14】 _to you: you may want to go back to the classics or use it to study

20、 for a further qualification. The【 C15】 _is that in order to develop the【 C16】 _,a great deal of practice on【 C17】 _interesting material is essential. If you can【 C18】 _this to yourself by developing your own reading skill【 C19】 _this method, your teaching will carry the certainty that comes only fr

21、om【 C20】 _. 26 【 C1】 ( A) most ( B) best ( C) least ( D) once 27 【 C2】 ( A) bored ( B) helpless ( C) free ( D) busy 28 【 C3】 ( A) may ( B) need ( C) can ( D) should 29 【 C4】 ( A) And ( B) But ( C) So ( D) As 30 【 C5】 ( A) key ( B) problem ( C) way ( D) job 31 【 C6】 ( A) which ( B) when ( C) who ( D)

22、 what 32 【 C7】 ( A) much ( B) good ( C) long ( D) well 33 【 C8】 ( A) bargains ( B) describes ( C) develops ( D) interests 34 【 C9】 ( A) impossible ( B) possible ( C) necessary ( D) easy 35 【 C10】 ( A) in ( B) on ( C) by ( D) for 36 【 C11】 ( A) work ( B) program ( C) project ( D) outline 37 【 C12】 (

23、A) efficiency ( B) effect ( C) method ( D) capacity 38 【 C13】 ( A) since ( B) although ( C) before ( D) when 39 【 C14】 ( A) across ( B) on ( C) down ( D) up 40 【 C15】 ( A) question ( B) point ( C) idea ( D) problem 41 【 C16】 ( A) habit ( B) idea ( C) skill ( D) task 42 【 C17】 ( A) difficult ( B) use

24、ful ( C) easy ( D) short 43 【 C18】 ( A) realize ( B) increase ( C) improve ( D) prove 44 【 C19】 ( A) by ( B) for ( C) with ( D) on 45 【 C20】 ( A) work ( B) experience ( C) theory ( D) reality Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or

25、D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 45 My father taught me a lot about life, especially its hard times. I remembered one of his lessons one night when I was ready to quit a political campaign I was losing, and wrote about it in my diary. Tired, feeling the many months of struggle, I went up to m

26、y study to make some notes. I was looking for a pencil in the back of my desk drawer, where things stored up for years, when I turned up one of fathers old business cards that he was so proud of: Andrea Cuomo, Italian-American Groceries-Fine Imported Products. Then I thought about how he dealt with

27、hard circumstances. A thousand pictures flashed through my mind, but one scene came sharply into view. We had just moved to Holliswood, New York, from our apartment behind the store. We had our own house for the first time; it had some land around it, even trees. One, in particular, was a great gree

28、n pine that must have been 40 feet tall. Less than a week after we moved in, there was a terrible storm. We came home from the store that night to find the pine pulled almost totally from the ground and leaned forward, its mighty nose bent into the ground. When my brother Frankie and I saw the pine,

29、 our heart sank. But not fathers. The rain was falling. Then he announced,“ OK, we are going to push him up!“ “What am you talking about, daddy? The roots are out of the ground !“ “Shut up, were going to push him up, hes going to grow again. “We couldnt say no to him. So we followed him into the hou

30、se and we got a rope and tied the rope around the tip of the tree that lay in the round, and he stood up by the house, with me pulling on the rope and Frankie in the street in the rain, helping to push up the great green pine. In no time at all, we had it standing up straight again! Father drove a w

31、ooden pole in the ground, tied rope from the trunk to the pole, and said,“ Dont worry, hes going to grow again.“ I looked at the card and wanted to cry 1 couldnt wait to get back into the campaign. 46 The word “quit“ ( Line 2, Para. 1 ) means _. ( A) to set to ( B) to give up ( C) to hold on ( D) to

32、 take part in 47 It is implied in the passage that the author was _. ( A) a politician ( B) a businessman ( C) a philosopher ( D) a social activist 48 The author mentioned his fathers card because _. ( A) as a child, he often played cards with his father ( B) his fathers teachings were written on th

33、e cards ( C) his father was very proud of the cards ( D) the cards reminded him of his father 49 According to the text we know that _. ( A) the tired and discouraged author went up to his study to look for his fathers card ( B) when the author was ready to quit the political campaign ,his father per

34、suaded him to hold on ( C) when Andrea Cuomo saw the fallen pine, his heart sank ( D) the author and his brother had hardly believed that the fallen tree could be set up and grow again 50 The text is mainly about _. ( A) how to face difficult time in life ( B) how the authors father taught him by th

35、e fathers own example ( C) how the author was discouraged in a political campaign ( D) how the authors father set up a great tree blown down in a storm 50 The Security Council has the greatest power in the UN. The main function of it is to maintain international peace and restore peace when conflict

36、s arise. Its decisions are binding on all UN members. The Security Council has the power to define what is a threat to security, to determine how the UN should respond, and to enforce its decisions by ordering UN members to take certain actions. The Security Council arranges conferences whenever the

37、re is a threat to peace. A representative from each member country who sits on the Council must be available at all times so that the Council Can meet at a moments notice. The Security Council also frequently meets at the request of a UN member often a nation with a grievance about another nations a

38、ctions. The Security Council has 15 members; five of which hold permanent seats. The Assembly elects the other ten members for two-year terms. The five permanent members ( the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China) have the most power. These nations were the winning powers at tile end of

39、 World War , and they still represent the bulk of the worlds military might. Decisions of the Council require nine votes. But any one of the permanent members can veto an important decision. This authority is known as the veto right of the great powers. As a result, the decision is effective only wh

40、en its permanent members can reach an agreement. The Council has a variety of ways it can try to resolve conflicts among countries. Usually the Councils first step is to encourage the countries to settle their disagreements without violence. The Council can mediate a dispute or recommend guidelines

41、for a settlement. It can send peacekeeping troops into a distressed area. If war breaks out ,the Council can call for a ceasefire. It can enforce its decisions by imposing economic sanctions on a country ,or through joint military action. 51 The Security Council is an organization that_. ( A) is mos

42、t powerful in the world ( B) is responsible for keeping peace in the world ( C) is under the control of the United States ( D) is a branch of US Congress 52 The Security Council has meetings _. ( A) every year ( B) when the permanent members suggest ( C) when peace is threatened ( D) at a fixed time

43、 53 The decision is effective only when its permanent members can reach an agreement because_. ( A) every permanent member has the right to refuse a decision ( B) all the permanent members won in the World War II ( C) the other members of the Security Council are controlled by the permanent members

44、( D) they represent the whole world 54 One motion is passed by the Security Council only if_. ( A) 14 of 15 members accept this motion ( B) all the members have no objection to the motion ( C) 9 members agree on it and all the permanent members approve of it ( D) all the permanent members pass it 55

45、 In the process of solving the conflicts between nations, the Security Council_. ( A) calls for ceasefire at the first place ( B) punishes one of the countries economically ( C) puts down the war by military force immediately ( D) asks the involved countries to settle down them peacefully 55 The pri

46、ncipal technique in current use for teaching reading at the intermediate stage, a stage occurring between a beginning stage and an advanced stage, is that of graded readers. It is generally accepted that the achievement of fluency and that of a wider coverage of the language are desirable aims, and

47、most teachers strive to obtain a large quantity of reading matter, often distinguishing between intensive and extensive reading. Two sources of difficulty exist: first, it is extremely difficult, in practice, for the teacher to meet the needs of each individual learner at the various different times

48、 that individuals actually become intermediate learners. Classwork presupposes that all learners progress from one stage to another at the same moment, which is not true. To try and get over this problem there is currently a wave of interest in individualization, that is, in providing within a commo

49、n framework the opportunity for each individual learner to learn at least partly at his own rate; In reading, this is promoted by the provision of numbers of separate materials lots of small books ,or leaflets, or cards - which become longer and more complex. (Reading kits are a case in point. ) This trend is certain to increase. The second difficulty is that the grading of reading material


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