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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 245及答案与解析 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 0 Most of us are unaware of our own management style, let alone those of our colleagues. 26 a lead

2、ing psychologist, temperament places a signature or thumbprint on each of our actions. 27 temperament, managers can be divided into four groups. First is the Troubleshooter. His 28 are boldness, bravery, endurance, and cleverness. He is good at 29 fires and straightening things 30 . He loves to take

3、 risks and solve crises. But he resents 31 how to work and is not very good at following 32 agreements. The second is the Traditionalist. A stabilizer and consolidator, his abilities 33 establishing policies, schedules, regulations and hierarchy. He is 34 when he can plan his work. But he establishe

4、s a formal, impersonal style in dealing with colleagues until he is well 35 with them. The third is the Conceptualiser. He uses his intellect to 36 complexities, to get models onto paper. He is the architect of change and his focus is on possibility. Since he is more involved 37 the creative process

5、, he prefers others to take 38 execution. The last is the Catalyst. He is personal and 39 . He has the ability to draw out the best in people as he is 40 people-oriented. He excels at the head of democratically run organization. But he lets other peoples 41 eat up much of his time. He is liable 42 m

6、ake decisions 43 his personal likes and dislikes 44 what is best for the organization. To be aware of these temperaments is to 45 that differences are neither flaws nor afflictions. Understanding this can lead to avoiding much mutual aggravation and enhancing relationships with business associates a

7、nd colleagues. ( A) As to ( B) According to ( C) As for ( D) In terms of ( A) Based on ( B) Judged from ( C) Embedded in ( D) Rooted in ( A) attributes ( B) attitudes ( C) altitudes ( D) latitudes ( A) setting on ( B) turning on ( C) putting up ( D) putting out ( A) out ( B) away ( C) aside ( D) ove

8、r ( A) to tell ( B) telling ( C) being told ( D) having told ( A) through ( B) on ( C) with ( D) about ( A) rely on ( B) lie in ( C) compose of ( D) lie on ( A) on the top ( B) in his prime years ( C) at the bottom ( D) at his best ( A) identified ( B) distinguished ( C) recognized ( D) acquainted (

9、 A) embark on ( B) figure out ( C) work at ( D) figure on ( A) at ( B) into ( C) in ( D) by ( A) over ( B) up ( C) on ( D) for ( A) personable ( B) private ( C) personnel ( D) intimate ( A) partially ( B) primarily ( C) promptly ( D) uniquely ( A) privileges ( B) promotions ( C) priorities ( D) emot

10、ions ( A) for ( B) of ( C) to ( D) with ( A) with relation to ( B) in spite of ( C) to ( D) on the basis of ( A) more than ( B) rather than ( C) instead ( D) in place of ( A) appreciate ( B) maintain ( C) affirm ( D) assert Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on e

11、ach text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 Every body gets sick. Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives until, finally, some attack on the body brings our existence to an end. Fortunately, most of us in modern industrialized societies can take relative

12、ly good health for granted most of the time. In fact, we tend to fully realize the importance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriously ill. At such times we keenly appreciate the ancient truth that health is our most precious asset, one for which we might readily give up suc

13、h rewards as power, wealth, or fame (荣誉 ). Because ill health is a universal problem, affecting both the individual and society, the human response to sickness is always socially organized. No society leaves the responsibility for maintaining health and treating ill health entirely to the individual

14、. Each society develops its own concepts of health and sickness and authorizes certain people to decide who is sick and how the sick should be treated. Around this focus there arises, over time, a number of standards, values, groups, statuses, and roles: in other words, an institution (体系 ,机构 ). To

15、the sociologist (社会学家 ) , then, medicine is the institution concerned with the maintenance of health and treatment of disease. In the simplest pre-industrial societies, medicine is usually an aspect of religion. The social arrangements for dealing with sickness are very elementary, often involving o

16、nly two roles: the sick and the healer (治疗者 ). The latter is typically also the priest (牧师 ), who relies primarily on religious ceremonies, both to identify and to treat disease; for example, bones may be thrown to establish a cause, songs may be used to bring about a cure. In modern industrialized

17、societies, on the other hand, the institution has become highly complicated and specialized, including dozens of roles such as those of brain surgeon, druggist, hospital administrator, linked with various organizations such as nursing homes, insurance companies, and medical schools. Medicine, in fac

18、t, has become the subject of intense sociological interest precisely because it is now one of the most pervasive and costly institutions of modern society. 21 Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 1? ( A) Nowadays most people believe they can have fairly good health. ( B)

19、Human life involves a great deal of pain and suffering. ( C) Most of us are aware of the full value of health. ( D) Ancient people believed that health was more expensive than anything else. 22 The word “authorize“ in Paragraph 2 means “_“. ( A) make way for ( B) give power to ( C) write an order fo

20、r ( D) make it possible for 23 In Paragraph 2, we learn that the sociologist regards medicine as_. ( A) a system whose purpose is to treat disease and keep people healthy ( B) a universal problem that affects every society ( C) a social responsibility to treat ill health ( D) a science that focuses

21、on the treatment of disease 24 According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT true? ( A) In the past, bones might be used to decide why people fell ill. ( B) In pre-industrial societies priests sometimes treated patients by singing. ( C) Modern medicine is so complicated that sociology no l

22、onger has a place in it. ( D) There were only two roles in an elementary medical system, the patient and the one who tried to cure him. 25 The author of this passage is mainly concerned with_. ( A) sociological aspects in medicine ( B) medical treatment of diseases ( C) the development of medical sc

23、ience ( D) the role of religion in medicine Part A 26 Mr. MacDougal has been elected President of the Scotland-China Association. On behalf of Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and in your own name express your congratulations. Your name is Chen Haitao. About 100 word

24、s. 国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 245答案与解析 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 according to意为 “如 所说或显示,按照 ”,原文意为:根据一位著名心理学家的看法,故选项 BAccording to正确

25、。选项 AAs to和 CAsfor词义相近,意为 “至于 ”;选项 DIn terms of意为 “就 而言,谈到 ” 。全句可译为:根据一位著名心理学家的看法,人们的性情影响着人们的一切行为。 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 base on意为 “根据,基于 ”,此处用过去分词形式,说明性情是管理者被划分成四种类型的基础,故选项 ABased on正确。选项 BJudged from意为 “从 判断之 ”;选项 CEmbedded is和 DRooted in意思相近,意为 “根深蒂固 ”。全句可译为:根据性情,经理们可被 划分成以下四类。 3 【正确答案】 A

26、【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 attributes意为 “品格,品质 ”,根据句中的勇敢、忍耐、聪明等词可知它们都属于品格特征,因此选项 Aattributes正确。其他选项: Battitudes(态度 );Caltitudes(海拔高度 );Dlatitudes(纬度 ),均与题意不符。 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 put out意为 “熄灭 ”,引申为 “解决问题 ”,根据主语 He指代的是 Troubleshooter,可知这类人是善于解决问题的,因此选项Dputting out正确。选项 Asetting on意为 “攻击,教唆 ”;选项 Btur

27、ning on意为 “打开,袭击 ”;选项 Cputting up意为 “举起,提高 (价钱等 )”。 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于词语搭配题。 straighten out意为 “把 弄直,克服,解决困难 ”,根据原文意思,处理麻烦的能手善于解决问题,因此选项 Aout符合题意。其他选项: Baway, Caside和 Dover均不能与 straighten连用。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题属于语法题。 resent+名 doing意为 “愤恨,对 生气 ”,根据题意,此处需要被动形式的动名词,因此选项 Cbeing told(被告知 ),符合题意。其他选项:

28、 Ato tell, Btelling和 Dhaving told均与题意不符。全句可译为: Troubleshooter讨厌别人告诉他该如何工作。 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 follow through意为 “(把工作等 )贯彻到底,坚持到底 ”。原文意为:他不擅长于贯彻执行一致做出的决定,因此选项Athrough符合题意。选项 B(follow)on意为 “跟在 后面, (间歇后 )再继续 ”,如: Her illness followed on hermothers death她母亲死后她又病了。选项Cwith不与 follow连用;选项 D(follow

29、)about意为 “追随 (某人 )”,如: The child follows her mother about all day long 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 lie in意为 “在于 ”,例如: The causes of war lie in the greedand incompetence of politicians on both sides战争的原因在于双方国家的政客们的贪婪和无能。原文意为:传统主义者的能力在于制定政策、日程以及规章制度,因此选项 Blie in正确。选项 Arely on意为 “依靠 ”;选项Ccompose of意为

30、“由 组成 ”;选项 Dlie on意为 “躺在 ”。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 at ones best意为 “处于最佳状态 ”根据原文意思:他们在规划工作时状态最佳,因此选项 Dat his best符合题意。 Aon the top(在顶上 ) Binhis prime years错误搭配,应为: in his prime(他的青春年华 ); Cat the bottom(在底部 )。 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 be acquainted with意为 “熟悉,了解 ”,根据句意,此处指传统主义者与他的同事们的关系,因此选

31、项 Dacquainted符合题意。选项 A(be)identified(with)意为 “与 融为一体,认同 ”,如: Formerly he was identified with that party他从前与该政党过从甚密。选项 Bdistinguish常与介词 from between连用,意为 “区别,识别 ”;选项 Crecognized(认识 ),不与介词 with连用。全句可译为:只有当传 统主义者很好地了解了他的同事们后他才不再表现出公事公办、不近人情的处事风格。 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 figure out意为 “理解,领会到 ”,根据原

32、文的意思:概念主义者经常利用他们的聪明才智去解决复杂的问题,因此选项Bfigure out符合题意。选项 Aembark on意为 “着手,从事 ”,例: we are embarking on a new project this year选项 Cwork at意为 “在 上班,从事 ”;选项 Dfigure on意为 “期待,指望,依赖 ”。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题属于语法题。 be involved in意为 “牵涉在内,热衷于 ”,本句意为:当他更多地参与创新过程,因此选项 Cin符合题意。其他选项: Aat,Binto和 Dby均不与 involve连用。 13

33、【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 take over意为 “继承,接管 (工作等 )”,原文中提及他更希望别人接管执行工作,因此选项 Aover正确。选项 Bup与 take连用,意为 “占 (时间、 地方等 ),开始 (工作,产生兴趣等 )。 ”,例如: The table takes up too much space (这张桌太占地方了。 )选项 Con与 take连用,意为 “雇用,承担,呈现 ”,例如: Some animals take onthe color of their surroundings (有的动物会显现出与自己周围环境事物相近的颜色。 )选项

34、Dfor与 take连用,意为“把 当作,把 误认为 ”。全句可译为:由于他更多地参与创新过程,因此,他更希望别人接管执行工作。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 personable意为 “风度好的,有魅力的 ”,原文意为 Catalyst富有人情味且风度翩翩,因此选项 Apersonable正确。选项Bprivate意为 “私下的 ”;选项 Cpersonnel意为 “人事部分, (集合名词 )职员 ”;选项 Dintimate意为 “亲密的,个人的 ”。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 primarily意为 “主要地,根本地 ”,原

35、文中提及他能使人们展现出最好状态的主要原因,因此选项 Bprimarily符合题意。选项 Apartially意为 “部分地,不完全地 ”;选项 Cpromptly意为 “敏捷地,迅速地 ”;选项 Duniquely意为 “独特地,与众不同地 ”。全句可译为:他能使人们展现出最好状态的主要原因是:他能以人为本。 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 priorities意为 “优先权 ”,根据上下文的意思,因为这种民主化管理让别人优先发表意见,因此选项 Cpriorities符合题意。选项 Aprivileges意为 “特权 ”;选项 Bpromotions意为 “晋级,

36、促进 ”;选项Demotions意为 “情绪 ”。全句可译为:因为这种民主化管理让别人先发表意见,因而消耗了他的大部分时间。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题属于词语搭配题。 be liable to do sth意为 “易于 的,有 倾向的,有义务的 ”,例如: (1)we are all liable to make mistakes (2)People who walk on the grass areliable to a fine of $5故选项 Cto符合题意。选项 Afor与 liable连用, be liable forsth意为 “有义务的 ”,例如: If we

37、 lose the case we may be liable for(have to pay)thecosts of the whole trial选项Bof和选项 Dwith均不能与 liable连用。 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 on the basis of意为 “基于 ”,文中指做出决定的依据是他的个人喜好,因此选项 Don the basis of正确。选项 Awith relation to意为 “关于 ” ;选项 Bin spite of意为 “无视于;尽管 ”;选项 Cto与句意不符。 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语篇连接题。

38、 rather than意为 “而不是 ”,根据原句意思:这类人往往按照个人好恶而不是根据公司利益来做决定,故选项 Brather than正确。选项 Amore than意为 “多于,大于 ”;选项 Binstead副词,不能引导从句;选项 Din place of(代替 ),与句意不符 。全句可译为:他往往会根据个人的好恶而不是公司利益而做出决定。 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 appreciate意为 “欣赏,充分意识到,理解 ”,根据上下文,此处需一个动词与后面的宾语从句连用,从句中的内容是 “差异并不是缺点或折磨 ”,因此,只有了解这种差异,才能减少与别

39、人的冲突,符合逻辑,故选项 Aappreciate正确。选项 Bmaintain意为 “坚持认为 ”;选项Caffirm意为 “断言,声明 ”;选项 Dassert意为 “肯定地说,坚决维护 ”。这三项均不 符合题意。全句可译为:了解这些性情的目的是要充分意识到性情的差异既不是缺点也不是令人苦恼的事。 Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

40、21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据原文 Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives可知 B为正确。 A项中 fairly(相当地 )与原文 relatively(相对地 )矛盾。 C项与原文we tend to fullyrealize the importance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriouslyill(只有在我们自已或与自己亲近的人得了重病的时候我们才充分意识到健康的重要性 )相矛盾。 the ancient truth

41、 that health is our most precious asset意为 “那条古老的真理:健康是最宝贵的财富 ”,并不是说古代的人们认为健康比其他东西更花钱,因此 C错。 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据上下文可知 authorize意为 “授权 ”,即 give power to; A、C、 D项的意义与整个句意不符。 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据原文 To the sociologist, then, medicine is the institution concerned with themaintenance of health and treat

42、ment of disease可知, “对社会学家来说,医疗就是负责维护健康和治疗疾病的体系 (institution或 system)”,而不仅仅是一种社会责任 (social responsibility)或科学 (science),因此 A正确, C、D错误。原文中并没有说社会学家把 medicine看成是 ill health is universal problem,因此 B错误。 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解 析】 根据原文 bones may be thrown to establish a cause, songs may be used to bring about a

43、cure可知 A、 B陈述无误。又根据 The social arrangements for dealing withsickness are very elementary, often involving only two roles: the sick and the healer可知 D陈述无误。又根据 Medicine, in fact,has become the subject of intense sociologicalinterest(医疗已经成为社会学家深感兴趣的领域 )可知 C陈述有误。因此选 C。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本文第一段讲疾病的不可避免和健

44、康的重要性;第二段讲医疗的社会属性 (sociological aspects);第三段讲医疗的现代化,也提到了它与社会学(sociology)的联系,因此 A为最佳答案。 B、 C、 D项都过于片面。 Part A 26 【正确答案 】 Dear Mr. Macdougal, I was very happy to hear that you have been elected President of the Scotland China Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and in my own name, to exp

45、ress my warmest congratulations. I hope that during your tenure of office the relations of friendship and cooperation that already exist between our two organizations will be further developed. Let us join our efforts to make greater contributions to the promotion of mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and Scotland. With best wishes. Sincerely yours Chen Haitao

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  • ASTM B973-2010(2014) Standard Specification for Tin-Coated Braid and Ribbon Flat Copper Wire intended for use in Electronic Application《预用作电子设施的镀锡织带和缎带扁铜线的标准规格》.pdf ASTM B973-2010(2014) Standard Specification for Tin-Coated Braid and Ribbon Flat Copper Wire intended for use in Electronic Application《预用作电子设施的镀锡织带和缎带扁铜线的标准规格》.pdf
  • ASTM B974 B974M-2010 Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Bismuth Brass Rod Bar and Wire《易切削铋黄铜杆材 棒材及线材的标准规格》.pdf ASTM B974 B974M-2010 Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Bismuth Brass Rod Bar and Wire《易切削铋黄铜杆材 棒材及线材的标准规格》.pdf
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