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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 258及答案与解析 Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds

2、to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 1 Who is the woman? ( A) A landscape artist. ( B) A teacher. ( C) A student. ( D) A school register. 2 What does a student usually have to do before taking the advanced sketching course? ( A) Write a book. ( B) Attend an afte

3、rnoon meeting. ( C) Enroll in another class. ( D) Go to the art museum. 3 What does the man give the woman? ( A) A texbook. ( B) Some paintbrushes. ( C) A bouquet of flowers. ( D) Some drawings. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or ph

4、rase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 3 Children learn almost nothing from television, and the more they watch the less they remember. They regard television purely 26 entertainment, resent programs that 27 on them and are surprised that anybody should 28 the medium s

5、eriously. Far from being over-excited by programs, they are mildly 29 with the whole thing. These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. The author Cardiac Cullingford 30 that the modern child is a 31 viewer. The study suggests that there is little 32 in the later hour

6、s. All 11-year-olds have watched programs after midnight. Apart from the obvious waste of time 33 , it seems that all this viewing has little effect. Cullingford says that children can recall few details. They can remember exactly which programs they have seen but they can 34 explain the elements of

7、 a particular plot. Recall was in “ 35 proportion to the amount they had watched. “ It is precisely because television, 36 a teacher, demands so little attention and response 37 children like it, argues Cullingford. Programs seeking to 38 serious messages are strongly disliked. 39 people who frequen

8、tly talk on screen. What children like most are the advertisements. They see them as short programs 40 their own right and particularly enjoy humorous presentation. But again, they 41 strongly against high-pressure advertisements that attempt openly to 42 them. On the other hand, they are not 43 inv

9、olved in the programs. If they admire the stars, it is because the actors lead glamorous lives and earn a lot of money, 44 their fictional skills with fast cars and shooting villains. They are perfectly 45 the functions of advertisements. And says Cullingford, educational television is probably leas

10、t successful of all in imparting attitudes or information. ( A) like ( B) as ( C) for ( D) at ( A) call ( B) comment ( C) work ( D) demand ( A) adjust ( B) restrict ( C) take ( D) select ( A) acquainted ( B) gratified ( C) infected ( D) bored ( A) conforms ( B) confirms ( C) refutes ( D) confesses (

11、 A) dedicated ( B) sincere ( C) preoccupied ( D) choosy ( A) intention ( B) faith ( C) perfection ( D) point ( A) revolved ( B) involved ( C) revived ( D) resolved ( A) rarely ( B) fully ( C) abundantly ( D) fairly ( A) diverse ( B) reverse ( C) immerse ( D) direct ( A) unlikely ( B) like ( C) unlik

12、e ( D) dislike ( A) whether ( B) that ( C) which ( D) why ( A) put over ( B) take over ( C) see over ( D) carry over ( A) There are ( B) So are ( C) They are ( D) Those are ( A) in ( B) among ( C) with ( D) through ( A) proceed ( B) react ( C) discriminate ( D) weigh ( A) influence ( B) influencing

13、( C) influenced ( D) have influenced ( A) facilely ( B) emotionally ( C) intellectually ( D) indifferently ( A) partly because ( B) mainly because ( C) not because ( D) not because of ( A) clear about ( B) clear of ( C) clear away ( D) clear up Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answ

14、er the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 23 Every body gets sick. Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives until, finally, some attack on the body brings our existence to an end. Fortunately, most of us in modern industrialized societ

15、ies can take relatively good health for granted most of the time. In fact, we tend to fully realize the importance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriously ill. At such times we keenly appreciate the ancient truth that health is our most precious asset, one for which we migh

16、t readily give up such rewards as power, wealth, or fame (荣誉 ). Because ill health is a universal problem, affecting both the individual and society, the human response to sickness is always socially organized. No society leaves the responsibility for maintaining health and treating ill health entir

17、ely to the individual. Each society develops its own concepts of health and sickness and authorizes certain people to decide who is sick and how the sick should be treated. Around this focus there arises, over time, a number of standards, values, groups, statuses, and roles: in other words, an insti

18、tution (体系 ,机构 ). To the sociologist (社会学家 ) , then, medicine is the institution concerned with the maintenance of health and treatment of disease. In the simplest pre-industrial societies, medicine is usually an aspect of religion. The social arrangements for dealing with sickness are very elementa

19、ry, often involving only two roles: the sick and the healer (治疗者 ). The latter is typically also the priest (牧师 ), who relies primarily on religious ceremonies, both to identify and to treat disease; for example, bones may be thrown to establish a cause, songs may be used to bring about a cure. In m

20、odern industrialized societies, on the other hand, the institution has become highly complicated and specialized, including dozens of roles such as those of brain surgeon, druggist, hospital administrator, linked with various organizations such as nursing homes, insurance companies, and medical scho

21、ols. Medicine, in fact, has become the subject of intense sociological interest precisely because it is now one of the most pervasive and costly institutions of modern society. 24 Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 1? ( A) Nowadays most people believe they can have fair

22、ly good health. ( B) Human life involves a great deal of pain and suffering. ( C) Most of us are aware of the full value of health. ( D) Ancient people believed that health was more expensive than anything else. 25 The word “authorize“ in Paragraph 2 means “_“. ( A) make way for ( B) give power to (

23、 C) write an order for ( D) make it possible for 26 In Paragraph 2, we learn that the sociologist regards medicine as_. ( A) a system whose purpose is to treat disease and keep people healthy ( B) a universal problem that affects every society ( C) a social responsibility to treat ill health ( D) a

24、science that focuses on the treatment of disease 27 According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT true? ( A) In the past, bones might be used to decide why people fell ill. ( B) In pre-industrial societies priests sometimes treated patients by singing. ( C) Modern medicine is so complicate

25、d that sociology no longer has a place in it. ( D) There were only two roles in an elementary medical system, the patient and the one who tried to cure him. 28 The author of this passage is mainly concerned with_. ( A) sociological aspects in medicine ( B) medical treatment of diseases ( C) the deve

26、lopment of medical science ( D) the role of religion in medicine Part B 29 Below is a picture showing that the community newspaper board is covered by advertisements. Look at the picture and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following two points: 1) what the problem is and wh

27、at causes the problem; 2) how to improve the situation. 国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 258答案与解析 Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A

28、, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 1 【听力原文】 M: Professor Webster, could I speak to you? W: Yes, but only for a few minutes. I have a meeting at 3 oclock. M: I think this will be quick. I need permission to

29、 register for your advanced sketching course. W: Have you taken the prerequisite, the beginning sketching course? M:No. And thats just why Im here. The catalogue says that the instructor can give permission to register without the prerequisite. W: Thats correct. Have you had any previous experience?

30、 M:Ive got lots of sketch books for my work, but Ive had no formal training. W: Did you bring any of your work with you? M: Certainly. Here are some examples, mostly flowers and landscapes. W:They look pretty good. But I really dont have time to make a decision now. Why dont you give them to me and

31、Ill review them this evening. Ill let you know tomorrow. M: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. See you tomorrow. 1 【正确答案】 B 2 【正确答案】 C 3 【正确答案】 D 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C

32、or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 regardas 意为 “把 看作 ”,其他选项:Alike, Cfor和 Dat均与题意不符。 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 demand意为 “要求 (出力等 )”,如: This is a demanding job根据上下文的意思:小孩讨厌那些要他们费神 的节目,故选项 D demand正确。其他选项都可与 on连用,但意思不符: Acall(on)意为 “号召 ”,call on sb for sth; Bcomment(on)意为 “评价,批评 ”;

33、 Cwork(on)意为 “工作 ”,强调一种持续的概念,如 work onsth等。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 take sth seriously意为 “对某事认真 ”,根据本句的意思,孩子们对有人会拿电视当真感到意外,此处用 take与 seriously连用,意为 “严肃地对 待某事 ”。选项 Aadjust意为 “调整,调节 ”;选项 Brestrict意为 “限制 ”;选项 Dselect意为 “精心选择 ”。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 be bored with 意为 “对 感到厌烦 ”,由句中的 Far fromb

34、eing overexcited可知,孩子们一点也不因为节目好而激动万分,反而是对所有的事情感到厌烦,故选项 Dbored正确。选项Aacquainted(with)意为 “知道 ”;选项 Bgratified(with)意为 “满意 ”;选项Cinfected(with)意为 “受到感染 ”,如: They are infectedwith his high spirits均不符合题意。全句可译为:他们一点也不因为节目好而激动万分,而是对所有的事情感到厌烦。 8 【正确答案】 B 【试 题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 confirm意为 “证实 ”,根据上下文,儿童与电视的关系是一项研究的内

35、容,其研究者发表的文章当然是证实其观点,故选项Bconfirms正确。选项 Aconforms to意为 “与 一致 ”,属形近词;选项Crefutes意为 “驳斥 ”;选项 Dconfesses意为 “承认 (罪行,失败,过错等 )”。 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 dedicated意为 “热忱的,投注全副精神的 ”,根据下文:儿童在午夜后都曾看过电视,更别提在白天了,故儿 童是热衷于看电视的,因此是 a dedicatedviewer,故选项 Adedicated正确。选项 Bsincere意为 “真诚的,言语行为表里如一的 ”;选项 Cpreoccupied

36、意为 “心不在焉的 ”;选项 Dchoosy意为 “挑剔的 ”。全句可译为:作者卡犹埃克 卡林福德证实了当今的小孩是电视的忠实观众。 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 point此处意为 “用处 ”,文中提到有人提出把儿童不宜的节目放到晚上九十点钟以后 (later hour),但孩子们是忠实观众, 所有的儿童都在午夜以后看过电视,因此这种做法没有什么意义,故选项 Dpoint正确。选项 Aintention(打算 );选项 Bfaith(忠诚 );选项 Cperfection(完美 ),均与句意不符。全句可译为:把一些儿童不宜的节目安排在晚上九十点钟以后的做法没多大

37、意义。 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 involved意为 “与 有密切关系的 ”,在此处作后置定语修饰 theobvious waste of time,意为 “看电视除了明显地浪费时间之外 ”,同时下文也 出现了 involved一词,故选项 Binvolved正确。选项 Arevolved为不及物动词,意为 “使旋转 ”;选项 Crevived意为 “复苏 ”;选项 Dresolved意为 “下定决心 ”。全句可译为:看电视除了明显地浪费时间之外,似乎所有这些观看活动都没什么用处。 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 rarely=n

38、ot often意为 “很少,难得 ”,如:Rarely have Iheard such a strange story根据原文句意:儿童看完电视后很 少能回想起细节内容,因此他们往往不能解释特定情节的要点,因此用选项 Ararely符合题意。其他选项: Bfully, Cabundantly和 Dfairly均与句意不符。全句可译为:卡福林德说。孩子们看完电视后很少能回想起什么细节内容。他们能记得看过的是什么节目,却不能解释特定情节的要点。 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 reverse(inverse)与 proportion连用,意为“反比关系 ”,根据句意

39、:儿童看电视多 (a dedicated viewer),但却记不起细节内容(recall few details),由此可见,记忆与看电视的时间成反比关系,故选项Breverse正确。选项 Adiverse意为 “多种多样的 ”;选项 Cimmerse动词,意为“沉浸在 ”,例如: immerse oneself in work;选项 Ddirect(proportion)意为 “正比(关系 )”。全句可译为:回忆与看电视的数量是成反比的。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题属于语篇连接题。 unlike是介词,意为 “不像 ”,文中需要一个介词与 teacher连用,根据句意:儿童

40、喜欢看电视是因为电视不像老师,它对小孩不做要求,故选项 Cunlike正确。 Aunlikely意为 “不太可能的 ”,不符合题意;Clike(像 ),与句意相反; Ddislike动词,意为 “不喜欢 ”,词性不符。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语法题。 demand so littlethat 意为 “要求得如此之少,以至于 ” ,属结果状语从句,选项 Awhether(是否 ),引导宾语从句;选项Cwhich引导定语从句;选项 Dwhy引导 原因状语从句。全句可译为:卡林福德说,正是因为电视不像老师,它对小孩是否集中注意力和做出反应没有要求,所以孩子们才喜欢它。 16

41、【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于词语搭配题。 put over=put across意为 “解释说明 ”,此处需一个短语动词与 messages连用,故选项 Aput over正确。选项 Btake over意为 “接管 ”;选项 Csee over=examine意为 “仔细检查 ”;选项 Dcarry over意为 “延期 ”,如: The committeeagreed to carry over its discussion to the next meeting全句可译为:试图传达严肃信息的节目特别不受欢迎。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语篇连接题。 so放

42、在句首,后面接 be, have, do等助动词,再接主语,意为 “同样地 ”,如: I enjoyed the book and so did my sister根据上下文,上文谈到儿童特讨厌严肃的节目 (Programsare strongly disliked ),此句仍然谈及儿童讨厌的内容 ,即那些在屏幕上喋喋不休的人们,故用选项 B So are连接,语篇完整。其他选项: AThereare, CThey are和 DThose are均不符题意。全句可译为:在屏幕上喋喋不休的人也同样不受欢迎。 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 in ones own ri

43、ght意为 “凭自己的权力,独立地 ”, in theirown right在此作状语,故选项 Ain正确。其他选项: Bamong,Cwith和 Dthrough搭配不当。全句可译为:孩子 们把广告看作独立短小的节目,尤其喜欢幽默的表演, 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 reactagainst 意为 “反对 ”,此处意为儿童们虽喜欢幽默的广告,但对于有些广告特别反感,故选项 Breact符合题意。选项Aproceed(against) 意为 “控诉 ”;选项 Cdiscriminate(against)意为 “歧视 ”;选项Dweigh(against)意为 “

44、对 不利 ”,如: The test will weigh against him (这次测试对他不利 。 ) 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于语法题。此处需动词原形与 attempt连用, attempt to do sth,因此选项 Ainfluence正确。其他选项: Binfluencing现在分词;Cinfluenced过去分词; Dhave influenced完成形式,均与题意不符。全句可译为:但是,他们对那些公开试图影响他们的广告特别反感。 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题属于语义搭配题。 emotionally意为 “感情上的 ”,原文中上文提到, 儿

45、童从电视中根本学不到东西,仅仅把它看作是一种娱乐,他们讨厌严肃的节目,可见孩子们并不喜欢投入自己的情感,下文提及他们对明星的态度,对广告功能的了解也证明了这一点。因此选项 Bemotionally符合题意。选项Afacilely意为 “轻易地,顺从地 ”;选项 Cintellectually意为 “理智上 ”;选项Dindifferently意为 “冷漠地 ”。 22 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题属于语法题。根据句意,谈及儿童们喜欢明星的原因,只有选项 Dnot because of符 合逻辑和语法,连接一个名词短语。其他选项: Apartly because, Bmainlybeca

46、use和 Cnot because均不符合句意及语法结构。全句可译为:儿童们喜欢明星仅仅是因为他们引领着潮流并能挣很多的钱,而不是因为他们高超的飞车技术和为民除害。 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题属于词语搭配题。 be clear about意为 “清楚的,明白的 ”,根据句意和结构,儿童对广告的用意有了完全清楚的认识,故选项 Aclear about与句中的 are连用,表示状态。选项 Bclear of意为 “无罪的,无愧的 ”;选项Cclear away动词短语,意为 “清除 ”;选项 Dclear up动词短语,意为 “寻找答案,整理完成 ”。全句可译为:他们完全清楚广告的

47、用意。 Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据原文 Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives可知 B为正确。 A项中 fairly(相当地 )与原文 relatively(相对地 )矛盾。 C项与原文we tend to fully

48、realize the importance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriouslyill(只有在我们自已或与自己亲近的人得了 重病的时候我们才充分意识到健康的重要性 )相矛盾。 the ancient truth that health is our most precious asset意为 “那条古老的真理:健康是最宝贵的财富 ”,并不是说古代的人们认为健康比其他东西更花钱,因此 C错。 25 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据上下文可知 authorize意为 “授权 ”,即 give pow

49、er to; A、C、 D项的意义与整个句意不符。 26 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据原文 To the sociologist, then, medicine is the institution concerned with themaintenance of health and treatment of disease可知, “对社会学家来说,医疗就是负责维护健康和治疗疾病的体系 (institution或 system)”,而不仅仅是一种社会责任 (social responsibility)或科学 (science),因此 A正确, C、D错误。原文中并没有说社会学家把 medicine看成是 ill health is universal problem,因此 B错误。 27


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