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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 68及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue

2、 ONLY ONCE. 1 What does the man propose to do first? ( A) Go downtown. ( B) See the movie. ( C) Get the tickets. ( D) Have a meal. 2 What does the woman want to know? ( A) The way to the college. ( B) The way to Kings Road. ( C) The name of the college. ( D) The address of the college. 3 Where are t

3、he speakers now? ( A) On the farm. ( B) In the restaurant. ( C) At the office. ( D) In the bookshop. 4 What does he usually do on Sunday evening? ( A) Go to church. ( B) Rest all day. ( C) Work in the garden. ( D) Read the paper. 5 What does the woman mean? ( A) Shes already visited the museum. ( B)

4、 Mary might be leaving earlier than she is. ( C) Mary will take him to the office. ( D) The man could probably go with Mary. 6 What do you know about Mike? ( A) He still cant write well. ( B) He can write very good English now. ( C) He finds it easy to write now. ( D) He can write better now. 7 What

5、 are the two speakers talking about? ( A) Strange colors. ( B) Different tastes of tea. ( C) Fashion. ( D) A painting. 8 What does the man mean? ( A) He went mountain climbing last year. ( B) He hasnt travelled around the world yet. ( C) He definitely does not want to go. ( D) He always wants to cli

6、mb that mountain. 9 Why did Hill lose his job? ( A) He got angry with his boss. ( B) He always got to work late. ( C) He was frequently sick and absent from work. ( D) He prepared a financial report incorrectly. 10 What can we infer from the conversation? ( A) The man wont have the meeting. ( B) The

7、 man will go to the meeting whether the time is changed or not. ( C) The man will go for a meeting any day. ( D) Any meeting is the same to the man. Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions whic

8、h accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 What does the telegram say ? ( A) Return immediately for his parents missed him badly. ( B) Return i

9、mmediately for his aunt is expecting him. ( C) Return immediately for something unusual happened at home. ( D) Return immediately for somebody was seriously ill at home. 12 Why was the man relieved at last? ( A) Because the telegram was a false one. ( B) Because this telegram was not addressed to hi

10、m. ( C) Because his uncle wasnt ill at all. ( D) Because it was somebody else that was ill. 13 What kind of person is Tom supposed to be? ( A) Warm-hearted but careless. ( B) Curious and mischievous. ( C) Helpful and tricky. ( D) Prudent but cautious. 14 Why did the mans children buy the pen? ( A) I

11、ts a present for the mans birthday. ( B) Its a birthday present for the mans wife. ( C) Its a birthday present for the mans son. ( D) Its a birthday present for the mans daughter. 15 Whats the color of the pen? ( A) Red. ( B) Black. ( C) Yellow. ( D) Purple. 16 How much is the pen? ( A) $11. ( B) $1

12、4. ( C) $9.00 ( D) $10.00 17 Why did the man want to exchange the pen? ( A) Because of the color. ( B) Because it is too expensive. ( C) Because it is too cheap. ( D) Because it doesnt work. 18 When does the conversation take place? ( A) In the middle of the semester. ( B) At the beginning of exams.

13、 ( C) At the end of the school year. ( D) In the middle of summer vacation. 19 Where do Bob and Ellen want to go? ( A) To a rock and mineral show. ( B) To an opera at the concert hall. ( C) To a movie at the student center. ( D) To a popular music concert. 20 Why is Ellen buying the tickets? ( A) Sh

14、e gets a student discount. ( B) Bob doesnt have much money. ( C) She lost a bet and owed Bob money. ( D) Bob left his wallet at home. 21 What is Bob going to pay for? ( A) His ticket only. ( B) Their vacation. ( C) His supper only. ( D) Their supper. 22 What is the woman looking for? ( A) The bookst

15、ore. ( B) The telephone company. ( C) A map of the town. ( D) A shoe repair shop. 23 What can be said about the way the man teaches the woman? ( A) He seems to be in a hurry to leave. ( B) He seems to be curious about her. ( C) He seems to be happy to assist her. ( D) He seems to be unfamiliar with

16、the town. 24 Which source of information about the town does the man recommend to the woman? ( A) A guidebook. ( B) A police report. ( C) The newspaper. ( D) The telephone company. 25 Where is the shoe shop? ( A) Right down the street. ( B) Next to a bookstore. ( C) About four blocks away. ( D) Acro

17、ss town. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 25 There are two aspects which determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the Drain be is born【 C1】 _Human

18、brains differ considerably,【 C2】 _being more able than others.【 C3】 _no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence【 C4】 _he has opportunities to learn. So the second aspect is what【 C5】 _to the individual-the environment in which he is brought【

19、C6】 _. If an individual is handicapped【 C7】 _, it is likely that his brain will【 C8】 _to develop and he will【 C9】 _attain the level of intelligence of which he is【 C10】 _. The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be【 C11】 _by the case history of the identical twin

20、s, Tom and Mike. When tile twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in【 C12】 _foster homes. Tom was mated by parents of low intelligence in an【 C13】 _community with poor educational【 C14】 _. Mike,【 C15】 _was educated in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to coll

21、ege, This environmental【 C16】 _continued until the twins were【 C17】_their late teens,【 C18】 _they were given tests to【 C19】 _their intelligence. Mikes IQ was 125, twenty-five points higher than the【 C20】 _and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. 26 【 C1】 ( A) for ( B) by ( C) with (

22、 D) in 27 【 C2】 ( A) most ( B) some ( C) many ( D) few 28 【 C3】 ( A) But ( B) For ( C) Still ( D) And 29 【 C4】 ( A) if ( B) though ( C) as ( D) unless 30 【 C5】 ( A) refers ( B) applies ( C) happens ( D) concerns 31 【 C6】 ( A) about ( B) up ( C) forward ( D) forth 32 【 C7】 ( A) relative ( B) intellig

23、ently ( C) regularly ( D) environmentally 33 【 C8】 ( A) fall ( B) help ( C) manage ( D) stop 34 【 C9】 ( A) ever ( B) never ( C) even ( D) nearly 35 【 C10】 ( A) able ( B) capable ( C) available ( D) acceptable 36 【 C11】 ( A) demonstrated ( B) denied ( C) neglected ( D) ignored 37 【 C12】 ( A) separate

24、 ( B) similar ( C) remote ( D) individual 38 【 C13】 ( A) omitted ( B) isolated ( C) enclosed ( D) occupied 39 【 C14】 ( A) possibilities ( B) opportunities ( C) capacities ( D) responsibilities 40 【 C15】 ( A) moreover ( B) consequently ( C) then ( D) however 41 【 C16】 ( A) exception ( B) division ( C

25、) difference ( D) alteration 42 【 C17】 ( A) in ( B) by ( C) at ( D) for 43 【 C18】 ( A) while ( B) since ( C) when ( D) because 44 【 C19】 ( A) estimate ( B) count ( C) decide ( D) measure 45 【 C20】 ( A) average ( B) common ( C) usual ( D) ordinary Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. An

26、swer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 45 As my train was not due to leave for another hour, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some magazines to read on the journey, I made my way to the luggage office to collect the heavy suitcase. I

27、 had left there three days before. There were only a few people waiting, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. The receipt did not seem to be where I had left it. I emptied the contents of the wallet, and railway tickets, money, scraps of paper, and photographs tumbled out of it;

28、 but no matter how hard I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found. When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. The man looked at me suspiciously as if to say that he had heard this type of story many times and asked me to describe the case. I told him that it was

29、 an old, brown-looking object not different from the many cases I could see on the shelves. The assistant then gave me a form and told me to make a list of the chief contents of the case. If they were correct, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the articles I had hurriedly

30、packed and wrote them down as they came to me. After I had done this, I went to look among the shelves. There were hundreds of cases there and for one dreadful moment, it occurred to me that if someone had picked the receipt up, he could have easily claimed the case already. This had not happened fo

31、rtunately. For after a time, I found the case lying on its side high up in a corner. After examining the articles inside, the assistant was soon satisfied that it was mine and told me I could take the case away. Again I took out my wallet: this time to pay. I pulled out a ten-shilling note and the “

32、lost”receipt slipped out with it. I could not help blushing and glanced up at the assistant. He was nodding his head knowingly, as if to say that he had often seen this happen before too! 46 The writer needed the receipt _. ( A) to claim his suitcase ( B) to pay at the luggage office ( C) to prove t

33、hat he had paid at the luggage office ( D) to prove that he had bought the suitcase 47 The writer felt foolish because _. ( A) he couldnt really lost his receipt ( B) he hadnt really lost his receipt at all ( C) he had to fill in a form ( D) the assistant was laughing at him 48 There werent _ people

34、 waiting at the luggage office. ( A) very much ( B) a lot ( C) lots ( D) very many 49 situation means _. ( A) incident ( B) event ( C) place ( D) position 50 wrote them down means _. ( A) copied them ( B) made a note of them ( C) signed them ( D) pointed at them 50 Water is necessary for life and go

35、od health. We often forget this fact when we think about the other building blocks of life, such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. We can live for many days without eating. However, only two or three days without water usually leads to death. The human body may look solid, but most of it is water.

36、 New-born babies are as much as eighty-five percent water. Women are about sixty five percent water, and men about seventy-five percent. Women usually have less water than men because women, in general, have more fat cells. Fat cells hold less water than other kinds of cells. Water is necessary for

37、cooling the body on hot days, and when we are working hard or exercising. Water carries body heat to the surface of the skin when the heat is lost through perspiration. Researchers note that fat cells block body heat from escaping quickly. Fat cells under the skin act like warm clothing to keep body

38、 heat inside. This is why over-weight people have a more difficult time staying cool than thin people. Researchers also note that cold liquids cool us faster than warm liquids. This is because cold liquids take up more heat inside the body and carry it away faster. They say, however, that cold sweet

39、 drinks do not work well. The sugar slows the liquid from getting into the bloodstream. The body loses water every day through perspiration and urine. If we lose too much, we will become sick. To replace what is lost, health experts say grown persons should drink about two liters of liquids each day

40、, and more in hot weather. They say we also can get some of the water we need in the foods we eat. Most fruits and vegetables have more than eighty percent water. Even bread has about thirty-three percent water. 51 From the passage we learn that among the following four groups of people _. ( A) fat

41、women are over eighty percent water ( B) thin men are never eighty percent water ( C) new-born infants are over eighty percent water ( D) elderly adults are over eighty percent water 52 Why do thin people usually feel better in hot days than fat people? ( A) Thin people perspire less. ( B) Fat peopl

42、e do not sweat as much as thin people do. ( C) Thin people have less heat inside their bodies. ( D) Fat people have more fat cells which keep the heat inside. 53 The author suggests that on hot summer days one should drink _. ( A) warm milk ( B) iced tea ( C) cold Coca-Cola ( D) hot coffee 54 What s

43、hould we do to keep enough water in the body? ( A) To take two liters of water daily all through the year. ( B) To eat everything that contains water. ( C) To take in as much as we have lost. ( D) To drink only when we feel very thirsty. 55 What can we conclude from this passage? ( A) Water is almos

44、t as important as food. ( B) Many people tend to neglect the importance of water. ( C) Water is the origin of life. ( D) Most fruits and vegetables contain much water. 55 Doctors, sixty years ago, could do little to help victims of polio. Serious cases usually ended in death. In 1955, a vaccine was

45、developed that prevented the disease. Today, polio is no longer a major health problem. Many of the most important drugs that doctors prescribe today have been developed in the last 30 years. Modern drugs are complex, specific and powerful. People need to know more about drugs in order to use them s

46、afely. Early people discovered by accident that some of the plants growing around them seemed useful to heal sores, relieve pain, or even cure diseases. These plants were the first drugs. Now plants are still the source of some drugs. Quinine, for example, is a bitter-tasting drug used to treat the

47、chills and fever of malaria and to reduce attacks of the disease. It is made from the bark of the cinchona tree, which grows in the Andes Mountains. The Indians of that region were the first to use the bark as a medicine. The Spanish people probably brought it to Europe in the early 1600s. Chemists

48、learned how to get the pure drug from the bark and in 1944;it was made artificially in the laboratory. Other important drugs, such as hormones and vaccines, are obtained from animals. But most of the modern drugs come from chemical combinations worked out by research scientists. Most people never se

49、e drugs in their simple form as chemicals. Instead, they are seen as tablets, capsules or liquids that contain the drug and other ingredients. People use drugs to get different results. Some drugs attack the organism that causes a disease. They cure by killing the organism. Other drugs relieve what we call the symptoms of the disease, the headache, pain, fever or chills, and make the patient more comfortable. Thes


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