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1、国家公共英语(二级)口试模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 二、考生相互问答 2 题目 1: 口试老师: Candidate B, you are going to apply for a job and you want to know something about it. Ask Candidate A to tell you. Use the words on the card to help you. (将 Card lb递给考生 B) Card lb 工 作 工作时间: 工作地点: 年 薪: 环 境: Candidate A, Candidate B wants t

2、o know something about his/her future job. Answer Candidate Bs questions using the information on this card. (将 Card la 递给考生 A) Card la 工 作 工作时间:每天早 9点至下午 5点 工作地点:西三环外公司分店 年 薪: 3万年 环境:每人一台电脑,一部电话,办公室内装有空调 题目 2 口 试老师: Candidate A, you will go to Yunnan for a trip, but you know little about Yunnan. As

3、k Candidate B to tell you. Use the words on the card to help you. (将 Card 2a 递给考生 A) Card 2a 云 南 位置: 气候: 旅游区: 特 色: Candidate B, heres something about Yunnan. Answer Candidate As question using the information on the card. (将 Card 2b递给考生 B) Card 2b 云 南 位置:祖国西南部 气候:省会昆明四季如春,有 “春城 ”之称 旅游区:丽江,西双版纳,大理等 特

4、色:有许多少数民族,许多地区还具有浓厚的民族特色,是我国的旅游大省之一 三、继续性问答 3 口试老师结合第二节的内容向考生提出 2 3个问题。 Related to Card la & b 1. Do you often go to parties? 2. What kind of parties do you prefer? 3. Have you ever held a party? 4. If you went to a party and you didnt like it, what would you do? Related to Card 2a & b 1. Is your sc

5、hool beautiful? 2. Whats your school environment like? 3. Do you like your school? Why? 国家公共英语(二级)口试模拟试卷 5答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 【正确答案】 (l)Good morning/afternoon. Good morning/afternoon. (2)Whats your name? My name is. (3)And whats your name? My name is . (4)What subjects do you study? I study English.

6、(5)What subjects do you like best? I like English very much. (6)What subjects are you good at? Im good at English. (7)What subjects arent you good at? Im not good at Chinese. (8)What subject is the most difficult? English. (9) Why do you like English? Its interesting. (10)Why dont you like it? Its h

7、ard. 二、考生相互问答 2 【正确答案】 Possible questions Could you tell me your working span? Where do you work? Would you like to tell me the salary? What about the working environment? Possible answers I work from 9 a. m to 5 p. m everyday. I work in a branch shop located outside West Third Ring. The salary is a

8、bout 30000 yuan per year. The working environment is good with a computer, airconditioner and a set of telephone. Possible questions Where is Yunnan located? What is Yunnans climate like? Could you tell me the tourist sites of Yunnan province? What is the special aspects of Yunnan province? Possible

9、 answers It locates in the Southwest of our country. The capital of Yunnan province, Kunmings climate is like spring all the year, so it is called “Spring City“. The tourist sites include Lijing, Xi Shuang Ban Na.and Da Li etc There are many minorities in Yunnan province which provides abundant folk

10、 characters, so Yunnan is one of the biggest touring province. 三、继续性问答 3 【正确答案】 1. Possible answers (l)No, I go to parties when my friends have a birthday party. You know, so I attend parties occasionally. (2)I like birthday parties, for only close friends attend the party, so I feel really relaxed.

11、 (3)Yes, I held my first party when I was 18. It is my birthday party, and we really had a good time. (4)I would like to ask for leave and go out, if I do not like the party. 2. Possible answers (1) Yes, my school is very beautiful. There is a lake inside which makes our school a paradise. (2)My school is peaceful and quiet, with a lot of trees and grass. You can feel the study atmosphere there. (3)I like my school for it provides an ideal for my studying and at the same time I made a lot of friends there. I love my school.


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