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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 132及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Why was Dora late? ( A) She didnt know the time. ( B) She forgot her class. ( C) She didnt catch the bus. 2 What time is it now? ( A) 8:15. ( B) 8:45. ( C) 9:50. 3 Wh

2、ere does this conversation most probably take place? ( A) In a store. ( B) In the hospital. ( C) On a plane. 4 What did the man buy? ( A) Vegetables. ( B) Fruit. ( C) Clothes. 5 What can we learn from the womans words? ( A) Helen isnt at home right now. ( B) Helen doesnt want to answer the telephone

3、. ( C) The man has got the wrong number. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 Where does the dialogue take place? ( A) In the restaurant, ( B) At the theater. ( C) In the classroom. 7 What are the speakers goi

4、ng to do? ( A) To see a play. ( B) To eat something. ( C) To have their lessons. 8 What does the man want to do? ( A) To visit the womans house. ( B) To ask for a lift. ( C) To go out for a holiday. 9 When are they going to leave? ( A) At about 9:13. ( B) At about 9:00. ( C) At about 9:30. 10 When d

5、id the man order? ( A) 30 minutes ago. ( B) 20 minutes ago. ( C) 10 minutes ago. 11 How many kinds of food does the man order? ( A) 1. ( B) 2. ( C) 3. 12 How does the waitress deal with the situation? ( A) Shell take care of it right away. ( B) Its not her business. ( C) She gets the food for the gu

6、est immediately. 13 What did the woman do at first? ( A) She refused the mans request. ( B) She recommended the man an expensive apartment. ( C) She wanted to sell her apartment. 14 What do we know about the man? ( A) He is very smart. ( B) He is pretty clean. ( C) He is quiet. 15 How much will the

7、man pay the woman every month? ( A) $50. ( B) $100. ( C) $200. 16 What are they talking about? ( A) The greeting. ( B) The picnic. ( C) The weather. 17 How is it for this time of year? ( A) Windy. ( B) Mild. ( C) Rainy. 18 What does the forecast say? ( A) It is going to mm warmer soon. ( B) It is go

8、ing to be freezing. ( C) Snow is expected. 19 What is the conversation about? ( A) Seeing a doctor. ( B) Asking for a favor. ( C) Date-breaking. 20 What happened in the womans home? ( A) Her husband was going into the hospital for an operation. ( B) Her baby was going to have a regular check. ( C) S

9、he felt sick and wanted to have a check. 21 What did the woman realize when Mr. Smith said: “Hmm. I dont think so. “? ( A) She forgot to explain the reason. ( B) She would leave without permission. ( C) She had to work as usual tomorrow. 22 What does the speaker want to tell his listeners? ( A) How

10、to respond to compliments. ( B) How to get along well with others. ( C) How to express compliments on a persons appearance. 23 According to the speech, what should be avoided when praising a ladys appearance? ( A) You really have beautiful eyes Ive never seen such a gorgeous shade of blue. ( B) You

11、look really nice tonight. ( C) You look fatter than before. 24 To whom can a personal compliment be used? ( A) A stranger. ( B) A new friend. ( C) A close friend. 25 What is probably the time for the appointment? ( A) 7:40. ( B) 7:30. ( C) 7:00. 26 What will they probably do? ( A) To have a meeting,

12、 ( B) To have a party, ( C) To have dinner. 27 Why are Terry and Susan late according to the man? ( A) Perhaps because of the heavy roads. ( B) Perhaps because of the subway. ( C) Maybe they havent got the invitation. 28 What will the woman probably do in the end? ( A) Make a phone call. ( B) Check

13、the invitation. ( C) Talk to them later night. 29 What is true according to the passage? ( A) Helen was born blind and deaf. ( B) A sickness caused her to be blind and deaf. ( C) Helen lost her sight and hearing at the age of 19. 30 When did her teacher come to Helen Keller? ( A) When Helen was 7. (

14、 B) When Helen was 17. ( C) Immediately after Helen lost her sight and hearing. 31 What is true about Helens later life according to the passage? ( A) She could see and hear again. ( B) She became a writer and wrote a lot of books. ( C) She painted many drawings. 32 How did Helen reach others unders

15、tanding? ( A) She taught herself. ( B) With the help of her family. ( C) With the help of her teacher. 单项填空 33 The TV sets made by our factory sell best, but 10 years ago no one could have guessed the place in the market that they _. ( A) were having ( B) were to have ( C) had had ( D) had 34 Its to

16、o late to go out, _, its going to rain. ( A) otherwise ( B) besides ( C) however ( D) therefore 35 -How can I mend it? -Well, look at _, please. ( A) explanations ( B) expressions ( C) instructions ( D) introductions 36 Given these conditions, there will not be _ room left in ones brain for _ ration

17、al (理智的 ) thought. ( A) a; the ( B) /; a ( C) the; / ( D) /; / 37 I _ to catch the 2:00 plane, but no such luck. ( A) have hoped ( B) hope ( C) hoped ( D) had hoped 38 -Tom often has bread for breakfast, _ he? -Yes, he ( A) doesnt; has ( B) didnt; did ( C) hasnt; has ( D) doesnt; does 39 -I dont thi

18、nk the movie tickets are expensive, _? - _, I agree with you. ( A) are they; Yes ( B) are they; No ( C) do I; Yes ( D) wont they; No 40 - _ are you trying to prove to police? -Where I was last night. ( A) What ( B) Why ( C) How ( D) When 41 _ break the law should be punished. ( A) Someone ( B) Anyon

19、e ( C) Whoever ( D) Those who 42 _ second thoughts Im quite content to stay for the time being. ( A) At ( B) On ( C) In ( D) As 43 To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air. ( A) as ( B) to ( C) than ( D) while 44 Mr White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but h

20、e didnt show up. ( A) should have arrived ( B) should arrive ( C) should have had arrived ( D) should be arriving 45 The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days. ( A) of which ( B) during which ( C) from which ( D) for which 46 When we plan our vacat

21、ion, mother often offers _ suggestions. ( A) careful ( B) practical ( C) effective ( D) acceptable 47 I hope you dont mind me asking, _ where did you buy those shoes? ( A) so ( B) and ( C) yet ( D) but 完形填空 48 Yesterday evening I was watching the evening news on television. The news was about a 【 B1

22、】 for scientific discoveries. The announcer, whose name was Richard Todd 【 B2】 something that caught my 【 B3】 . “All great discoveries,“ he said “are made by people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty.“ Being a little over thirty myself, I wanted to 【 B4】 with him. Nobody wants to think that

23、he is past the age of making any 【 B5】 The next day I went to the public library, spending several hours, and 【 B6】 to find the ages of famous people and their discoveries. Richard was right. First I looked at some of the 【 B7】 discoveries. One of the earliest, one that 【 B8】 that bodies of differen

24、t weight 【 B9】 at the same speed, was made by Galileo when he was 26. Madam Curie started her research that led to a Nobel Prize when she was 28. Einstein was 26 when he 【 B10】 his world-changing theory of relativity. Well, 【 B11】 of that. Yet I wondered if those “best years“ were true in other 【 B1

25、2】 . Then how about 【 B13】 ? Surely it needs the wisdom of 【 B14】 to make a good leader. Perhaps it does, but look when these people 【 B15】 their careers. Winston Churchill was elected the House of Commons at the age of 26. Abraham Lincoln 【 B16】 the life of a country lawyer and was elected to the g

26、overnment at what age? Twenty-six! But why dont best years come after thirty? After thirty, I 【 B17】 , most people do not want to take risks or try new ways. Then I thought people 【 B18】 Shakespeare and Picasso. The former was writing wonderful 【 B19】 at the age of fifty, 【 B20】 the latter was still

27、 trying new ways of painting when he was ninety! Perhaps here is still hope for me. 48 【 B1】 ( A) program ( B) report ( C) prize ( D) conference 49 【 B2】 ( A) said ( B) announced ( C) explained ( D) studied 50 【 B3】 ( A) care ( B) mind ( C) attention ( D) surprise 51 【 B4】 ( A) disagree ( B) talk (

28、C) meet ( D) advise 52 【 B5】 ( A) chance ( B) discovery ( C) research ( D) fortune 53 【 B6】 ( A) succeeded ( B) wanted ( C) happened ( D) managed 54 【 B7】 ( A) last ( B) scientific ( C) oldest ( D) modem 55 【 B8】 ( A) found ( B) proved ( C) doubted ( D) showed 56 【 B9】 ( A) disappear ( B) move ( C)

29、meet ( D) fall 57 【 B10】 ( A) invented ( B) published ( C) developed ( D) made 58 【 B11】 ( A) plenty ( B) enough ( C) much ( D) all 59 【 B12】 ( A) fields ( B) science ( C) courses ( D) ages 60 【 B13】 ( A) leaders ( B) politics ( C) election ( D) society 61 【 B14】 ( A) age ( B) brain ( C) living ( D)

30、 leadership 62 【 B15】 ( A) finished ( B) won ( C) started ( D) defeated 63 【 B16】 ( A) led ( B) devoted ( C) began ( D) gave up 64 【 B17】 ( A) know ( B) guess ( C) believe ( D) agree 65 【 B18】 ( A) as ( B) to be ( C) like ( D) about 66 【 B19】 ( A) paintings ( B) idioms ( C) works ( D) poems 67 【 B20

31、】 ( A) when ( B) while ( C) who ( D) after 短文理解 68 Mr John has paid much attention to his weight reduction programs. Just last year, for example, when he was the main speaker at the company dinner, he said he had put on 30 pounds instead of losing the forty he had promised he would. The year before

32、that, he joined a health club. He exercised every day and ate less food. After three months however be began making excuses about why he couldnt go there more often. As the health club failed to work, he joined Weight Watchers but stopped going because he was the only man there. And he hates followi

33、ng any of the diet programs. Johns latest action is to join a walking club to “walk off“ the weight. 68 He was _ when he spoke at the company dinner last year. ( A) lighter than the year before ( B) heavier than the year before ( C) with the Weight Watchers ( D) planning to go on diet 69 He did not

34、stay with the Weight Watchers because _. ( A) he could not bear to feel unhappy ( B) he felt uncomfortable being watched ( C) he found that the walking club was better ( D) he would not like to be with lots of women 70 Mr John may succeed in losing weight if _. ( A) he goes back to the health club (

35、 B) he stops worrying too much ( C) he sticks to a program long enough ( D) he makes good excuses for his purposes 71 Now computer fiction is popular in more than 80 countries. To write computer fictions, the writers dont have to think hard to make any plot they just go to a lot of places and collec

36、t materials: what most women want, their idea about life and love, their happiness and sufferings and feelings. All these materials are fed into the computer to be dealt with. Then the writers just pick some materials from every part and fill in some details and a story is made up. The first compute

37、r fiction was completed by 13 “writers“ and published in Canada in 1976. It was a great success and 45 million copies were sold. Seeing this, a big American publishing company bought over the 13 Canadian “writers“ and soon a number of computer fictions were published in the United States. All the co

38、mputer fictions have very romantic titles. The pretty woman in the story is always in her twenties; while the man is 30 to 40, single, handsome, with money and power. The man and woman have a happy life after all kinds of misunderstandings. Computer fictions are popular among most woman readers of t

39、he west. But people doubt if they have any literary value. 71 When writing computer fictions, the writers _. ( A) think hard ( B) express what they want to ( C) collect materials and add details ( D) describe womens sufferings and emotions 72 The first computer fiction was published in Canada and no

40、w computer fictions have spread in _ countries. ( A) 13 ( B) 45 ( C) 20 ( D) 80 73 Computer fictions are all about _. ( A) love stories ( B) 20-year-old beautiful women ( C) rich, strong and handsome young men ( D) the happy lives of families 74 Which may be one of the reasons for the success of com

41、puter fictions? ( A) Computers are cleverer than human writers. ( B) People can easily read stories on computers. ( C) People are curious about the stories written by computers. ( D) Computer fictions have literary value. 75 Is teaching important? Well, of course it is. There was a time when the nec

42、essary knowledge could be taught to the young by family members. But as societies became more complex (复杂 ) and division of labor more common, it was impossible for family members to teach the information and skills young people needed to become useful members of the society. As the need for special

43、ists appeared, the job of teaching came into being in our country, and teaching as a job has been of increasing importance over the past hundred years. Today, we have strict roles for teachers. We hope all children can attend schools. Many things tell us that teaching is indeed an “important“ job. I

44、n recent years, there has been an increasing need for teachers to be “responsible“. This means that the public expects teachers to succeed in teaching important information to the young. Teachers salaries today, while not much, certainly are much higher than they were in years past. These increases

45、have come .about because people have realized that without enough salaries, people who have abilities will not become teachers. Today almost no one says that “anybody will do“ for a teacher. The public expects “quality people“ to teach the young, and progress is being made to raise teachers salaries

46、 so that it will make people who have abilities become teachers. 75 Before the job of teaching came into being, _. ( A) family members had been responsible for the education of the young ( B) specialists had been in charge of teaching young people ( C) young people had had to be self-educated ( D) t

47、he society had played an important role in educating young people 76 The job of teaching came into being mainly because of _. ( A) the development of the society ( B) the explosion of information ( C) the need for specialists ( D) the civilization of human beings 77 Teachers salaries are raised toda

48、y in order to_. ( A) show the importance of teaching as a job ( B) attract more qualified people to become teachers ( C) make teachers “responsible“ in their teaching ( D) improve the quality of public teaching 78 We know from the passage that_. ( A) it is important to be successful in teaching the

49、young ( B) enough salaries are necessary in making quality people become teachers ( C) greater progress has to be made in teaching ( D) teaching is a product of the societys division of labor 79 Advertisement can be thought of as “the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services“. Advertisement aims to increase peoples awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade


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