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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 150及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 Whats wrong with the man? ( A) A headache. ( B) A had cold. ( C) A fever. 2 What are they talking about? ( A) Something robbed. ( B) Something repaired. ( C) Somethin

2、g misplaced. 3 Who would go to the football match? ( A) Not all the three people. ( B) All the three people. ( C) Only Jack. 4 Whats the relationship (关系 ) between the two speakers? ( A) A secretary and a manager. ( B) A waitress and a customer. ( C) A shop assistant and a customer. 5 What do we lea

3、rn about the mans watch? ( A) Its five minutes slow. ( B) Its ten minutes slow. ( C) Its ten minutes fast. 6 How often does Susan go swimming? ( A) Twice a week. ( B) Every day. ( C) Once a week. 7 What exercise does Susan like most of all? ( A) Running. ( B) Swimming. ( C) Riding a bicycle. 8 What

4、is the man going to do tonight? ( A) Watching TV. ( B) Go swimming with the woman. ( C) Doing homework. 9 How are the two speakers traveling? ( A) By plane. ( B) By car. ( C) By train. 10 Where are the two travelers going? ( A) San Francisco. ( B) Sacramento. ( C) Los Angeles. 11 What are the man an

5、d woman mainly concerned about? ( A) They are mainly concerned about that it is getting dark. ( B) They are mainly concerned about that they cannot find a gas station. ( C) They are mainly concerned about that they may have taken a wrong road. 12 Why do the speakers decide to go to the gas station?

6、( A) Because they want to ask directions. ( B) Because they want to get fuel. ( C) Because they want to rest. 13 Where does this talk take place? ( A) on a bus. ( B) At a restaurant. ( C) At home. 14 What is the man waiting for? ( A) The bus. ( B) The train. ( C) His order. 15 Who is the second spea

7、ker? ( A) Clerk. ( B) Waitress. ( C) Customer. 16 Why did the man become worried? ( A) Because he had a train to catch. ( B) Because he was hungry. ( C) Because he was waiting for a friend. 17 When Shaw settled in New York, who did he first write for? ( A) Newspapers. ( B) A local magazine. ( C) The

8、 New York Times. 18 What was the result of his first writing? ( A) It attracted little notice. ( B) It became a great book. ( C) It made him famous and rich. 19 What are they discussing? ( A) Where to go for the summer holiday. ( B) Which place is more interesting. ( C) The countries they went to. 2

9、0 Where might they go at last? ( A) The island of Sicily. ( B) France. ( C) Some different place. 单项填空 21 Thats an unpleasant thing to say about your father after _ hes done for you. ( A) something ( B) anything ( C) all ( D) that 22 To get into the habit of smoking means _ ones own life short. ( A)

10、 make ( B) making ( C) to make ( D) made 23 The park, _ into two sections along a stream, will have a couple of small bridges built over the stream. ( A) divides ( B) to divide ( C) dividing ( D) divided 24 The teacher told Li Ming that he _ get up early tomorrow. ( A) need not ( B) dont need ( C) n

11、ot need to ( D) need not to 25 Something was wrong with the engine of the plane. The pilot had to make ( A) a forced land ( B) a forced landing ( C) forced land ( D) forced landing 26 He _ the bike to be cheap but found it expensive. ( A) think ( B) have thought ( C) had thought ( D) thought 27 The

12、policeman happened _ the traffic when the accident happened. ( A) to direct ( B) directing ( C) to be directing ( D) to have directed 28 _ the rides at the Headland, visitors can take a cable car to the Lowland. ( A) Enjoying ( B) Enjoyed ( C) To enjoy ( D) Having enjoyed 29 There is nothing _. ( A)

13、 worrying about ( B) worried about ( C) to worry about ( D) to being worried about 30 They were all very tired, but _ of them could stop to take a rest. ( A) any ( B) none ( C) some ( D) neither 31 If it had not been for the snow, we _ the mountain yesterday. ( A) can have climbed ( B) could climb (

14、 C) can climb ( D) could have climbed 32 This old building is _ in about two weeks. ( A) to be pulled down ( B) to have pulled down ( C) pull down ( D) pulling down 33 Oh dear ! Ive just broken a cup. ( A) Never mind ( B) All right ( C) Thats fine ( D) Not at all 34 John was made _ the truck for a w

15、eek as a punishment. ( A) to wash ( B) washing ( C) wash ( D) to be washing 35 The teacher gave me one of the best _ I had ever heard, ( A) piece of advice ( B) pieces of advices ( C) piece of advices ( D) pieces of advice 完形填空 36 It would be of great benefit to you remembering names. 【 B1】 no ones

16、ability to remember names is excellent. Yet this important skill 【 B2】 you the advantage in business and personal 【 B3】 “A persons own name is the sweetest and most important 【 B4】 . “Dale Carnegie 【 B5】 in How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is often the 【 B6】 to a friendship, a closed busi

17、ness or a new partner- ship. Peter Duper, the 【 B7】 of a Boston restaurant, also makes it a 【 B8】 to remember names. When one of his old customers 【 B9】 him to a friend named Connie recently, he made 【 B10】 to thank her by 【 B11】 as she left the restaurant. “From the pleasantly 【 B12】 look on her fa

18、ce, I could 【 B13】 not only that she would soon be 【 B14】 , but also that she would 【 B15】 in new customers,“ the owner said. “Remembering one persons name in 【 B16】 can get you 100 new customers.“ 【 B17】 someone s name, on the other hand, can bring about 【 B18】 feelings and make you feel unhappy an

19、d uncomfortable. Even 【 B19】 , it can make a negative first 【 B20】 on others against you long afterward. 36 【 B1】 ( A) So ( B) But ( C) And ( D) Or 37 【 B2】 ( A) makes ( B) keeps ( C) gives ( D) does 38 【 B3】 ( A) letters ( B) history ( C) affairs ( D) relations 39 【 B4】 ( A) skill ( B) sound ( C) s

20、ign ( D) sight 40 【 B5】 ( A) thought ( B) spoke ( C) wrote ( D) felt 41 【 B6】 ( A) secret ( B) result ( C) ticket ( D) knowledge 42 【 B7】 ( A) assistant ( B) owner ( C) customer ( D) friend 43 【 B8】 ( A) excuse ( B) trouble ( C) point ( D) promise 44 【 B9】 ( A) invited ( B) permitted ( C) brought (

21、D) introduced 45 【 B10】 ( A) sure ( B) kind ( C) clear ( D) friendly 46 【 B11】 ( A) word ( B) money ( C) name ( D) clear 47 【 B12】 ( A) satisfied ( B) disappointed ( C) frightened ( D) surprised 48 【 B13】 ( A) see ( B) find ( C) tell ( D) hear 49 【 B14】 ( A) away ( B) back ( C) happy ( D) sad 50 【 B

22、15】 ( A) carry ( B) take ( C) bring ( D) call 51 【 B16】 ( A) trade ( B) trouble ( C) time ( D) society 52 【 B17】 ( A) Forgetting ( B) Asking ( C) Remembering ( D) Knowing 53 【 B18】 ( A) good ( B) hurt ( C) strong ( D) comfortable 54 【 B19】 ( A) more ( B) better ( C) less ( D) worse 55 【 B20】 ( A) im

23、pression ( B) imagination ( C) expression ( D) experience 短文理解 56 Everyone gets headaches. Some people get them very often. Other people are lucky they only get them once in a while. There are some ways to prevent headaches. They dont work 100% of the time but they can reduce the number of the heada

24、ches you get. . Eat regular meals. Dont skip meals. . Get enough sleep. . Get fresh air and exercise. . Avoid drinking a lot of collie or alcohol. . Try to avoid stress. What should you do when you get a headache? How can you treat it? There are many different ways. There are some suggestions that m

25、ay help. Massage in a circular (循环的 ) motion (动作 ) behind your ear and across the back of your neck while relaxing in a warm bath. Massage your scalp (头皮 ) (as if you are washing your hair). Gently pull the hair all around your head. While sitting, breathe in and bend your head back gently, looking

26、up at the ceiling. Dont bend too far back. Breathe out and bring your head down so that your chin rests oft your chest. Repeat two times. Breathe out and turn your head to look over your right shoulder. Dont bend your chin to your shoulder. Keep your chin level. Breathe as you turn your head back, l

27、ooking straight ahead. Do the same thing over your left shoulder. Repeat two times on each side. Take medicine, such as aspirin. Why dont you try one of these the next time you get a headache? See what works for you. 56 This text mainly discusses _. ( A) causes of headaches ( B) symptoms of headache

28、s ( C) treatments of headaches ( D) effects of headaches 57 _ does NOT help to prevent headaches. ( A) Doing Exercises ( B) Drinking a lot of coffee ( C) Eating regularly ( D) Having enough sleep 58 Which of the following can be a good suggestion to treat headaches? ( A) Have a cold shower. ( B) Ben

29、d your head far back. ( C) Take aspirin. ( D) Bend your chin to your shoulder. 59 With 6,641 square kilometers of valleys, mountains, forests and rivers, Banff National Park in Canada is one of the worlds top choices for a visit. It is Canadas first national park and the worlds third. Banff has a ri

30、ch history going back to the creation of Canada as a nation. In 1883, three railroad workers came across a cave containing hot springs on the eastern parts of the Rocky Mountains. Two years later, the springs and surrounding area were set aside as Canadas first national park. In 1886, Canada complet

31、ed its first transcontinental (横贯大陆的 ) railroad. The Canadian Pacific Railway soon recognized the tourist value of the Canadian Rockies. In 1888, under the direction of William Cornelius Van Horne, the 250-room Banff Springs Hotel was completed. The railway connects Saint John on the Atlantic coast

32、to Vancouver on the. Pacific coast. A series of grand hotels was built along the main line and Banff was advertised as an international tourism stopover on the steel highway. The Rockies quickly became popular with the Victorian rich people. They came to enjoy the scenery and the pleasant springs. S

33、oon visitors were not just stopping over. They began to stay. Today, about 5 million people visit Banff every year, with most people going during June, July, and August. 59 When was Canadas first national park completed? ( A) 1883 ( B) 1885 ( C) 1886 ( D) 1888 60 The Banff Springs Hotel was built _.

34、 ( A) by William Cornelius Van Home ( B) because Banff was advertised as a national tourist stopover ( C) to connect Saint John on the Atlantic coast to Vancouver on the Pacific coast ( D) because the tourist value of the Canadian Rockies was recognized 61 Today, about 5 million people visit Banff _

35、. ( A) in spring ( B) to see the valleys, mountains, forests and rivers ( C) to stay in Banff Springs Hotel ( D) to show off their wealth 62 The underlined word “spring“ in paragraph 3 means _. ( A) the first season of the year ( B) the act of jumping up ( C) the water coming up naturally from the g

36、round ( D) the water from the sea 63 They may look like a couple of characters flown in from Disneyland, but the official mascots (吉祥物 ) of Athens 2004 actually say a lot about Greek culture. Through Phevos and Athena, two of the countrys most treasured mythological (神话的 ) characters, Athens plans t

37、o share its history with the world. Phevos is the Greek name for Apollo, god of light and music. His sister, Athena, is the goddess of wisdom and art. The city of Athens is named after her. Though their creation was inspired by ancient Greek dolls from the 7th century BC, Phevos and Athena are child

38、ren of modern times. They are simple and joyful, full of life and creativity, naughty and lovable. As brother and sister, boy and girl, they are also symbols of equality and brotherhood around the world. Whether they are rowing, diving or enjoying themselves on a trampoline (蹦床 ), Phevos and Athena

39、see sports as a game, as all children do. In this spirit, they represent the Olympic values: participation (参与 ), equality, co-operation and fair play. In everything they do there is life, laughter, freedom of movement and a will to cooperate and stay united. This summer Phevos and Athena will share

40、 the joy of the greatest celebration of humanity (人类 ): the Olympic Games. 63 Phevos and Athena _. ( A) live in Disneyland ( B) are names of god and goddess ( C) participate in the Olympic Games ( D) travel around the world 64 Why Athens chose Phevos and Athena as their official mascots? ( A) Becaus

41、e Phevos and Athena are bother and sister. ( B) Because Phevos and Athena shared the joy of the Olympic Games in 2004. ( C) Because Phevos and Athena see sports as a game. ( D) Because Phevos and Athena can say a lot about Greek culture and history to the whole world. 65 The official mascots of Athe

42、ns 2004 represent all the following EXCEPT _. ( A) light and music ( B) equality ( C) fair play ( D) brotherhood 66 The best title for the passage may be _. ( A) The Olympic Games ( B) The Olympic Values ( C) The Olympic Mascots ( D) The History o(Olympic Games 67 London Business Schools Master (硕士学

43、位 ) in Finance (金融 ) is a specialist program de- signed for people pursuing a successful career in finance. It can be completed in nine months of full-time study or in two years of part-time attendance at the school. The Master in Finance is practical and career-oriented (以职业为导向的 ) and is taught by

44、the schools internationally famous finance teachers. To find out more, come to one of the information sessions below: Milan Monday 16 February at 7:00 p. m. Melbourne Monday 16 February at 6:15 p. m. Sydney Wednesday 18 February at 9:00 a. m. London Monday 9 March at 8:00 a. m. Hong Kong Tuesday 17

45、March at 7:00 p. m. Singapore Friday 21 March at 1:30 p. m. . For further information contact: Telephone: 1717066840 Fax: 1717231788 . For information about our MBA and Master in Management contact: Telephone: 1717165483 Fax: 1717684256 67 If you hive in England, you can attend the class on _. ( A)

46、Tuesday 17 March at 7:00 p. m. ( B) Friday 21 March at 1:30 p. m. ( C) Monday 9 March at 8:00 a. m. ( D) Monday 16 February at 6:15 p. m. 68 Who is most likely to take this course? ( A) A policeman. ( B) A doctor. ( C) An artist. ( D) A bank clerk. 69 If you want to enquire about the course of Manag

47、ement, please call _. ( A) 1.71723e+009 ( B) 1.71717e+009 ( C) 1.71768e+009 ( D) 1.71707e+009 70 This passage may be a _. ( A) job advertisement ( B) film poster ( C) term paper ( D) school notice 第一节 短文改错 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个 勾 ();如有错误 (每行只有一个错误 ),则按下列情况改正: 多一个词:把多余的词用斜线 (

48、)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 71 Social customs and ways of behaving changes. Today, people can do 【 S1】 _ many things that “polite“ people didnt do many of years ago. 【 S2】 _ Customs also differ country to country. Do pe

49、ople in your 【 S3】 _ country mind table manners.? The important thing about social customs is not to do something that 【 S4】 _ could make other people to feel uncomfortable-especially if they are 【 S5】 _ your guests. There is a old story about a rich gentleman who had a 【 S6】 _ dinner party. When the food came, one of the guests start to eat his peas 【 S7】


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